Nah, I ordered from PNB and it only has a 160GB drive. It also has 2 gigs of Turbo memory. I'm guessing its someone else's, so someone else will be pretty upset too.
My order was screwy too...from PNB, it came with a 250GB Seagate Momentus 7200.3 which I have decided to keep since I couldn't find a reason why the 320GB @ 5400rpm (my original order) would be any much better...(I already own a 160GB external HDD)....
otherwise...everything else is great, the screen is the best it, matte, clear and bright! -
Ohh!! thanks for the photo.
It looks beautiful! I'm going to have to take what I said about the GX620 looking better back. I thought the GX620's panel thiny lights up (the lines), but apparently, it's just some normal old red lines ._. (Sorta lame IMO).
Because the 250gb exceeds the speed of the 320gb 7200.3, it would no doubt own that 320gb 5400rpm
Lucky you. Heh.. maybe I get a X9100 instead of the P9500 I ordered, can't stop hoping
If you have time, can you take a picture with it open (nice clear shot at the screen, but leme see the keyboard etc. as well)! -
still haven't heard, where on that site do you downloaded the drivers with the INF modified for the msi 1651? (that third party site)
hey sxusteven LOL. Seems like with all these orders confusion you COULD get lucky...*cross fingers*
Here are the pics....
the keyboard is very nice, I was worried, I wanted the numeric pad and feared it might be cramped, but it really is very useable and no noticeable flex!! -
That you so much for the pictures. That computer just looks like WIN. +1 rep
Do you mind if I use one of those pics for my avatar? -
you're most welcome! Oh btw, is the 250gb 7200.3 really faster than a 320gb 7200.3? Any reports on this? I didn't know this...
Here's link 1: -
Shane@DARK. Company Representative
Shane@DARK. Company Representative
I'll stop interrupting this thread now. -
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Guts and Magic...the Quad Cores are not available yet
I'm having a few problems, mostly the fact that I'm using someone else's laptop and I don't want to mess it up, but I'll have some pictures up for you tomorrow. Card reader and HDMI aren't working particularly well, but I haven't had much time to mess with drivers and the like. I'll mess with it a little more when it's my own. I should have mine by Friday, and I'll spend a while this weekend doing a real review.
My initial impressions:
3dMark06 Std.-5202 3dMarks
Fans get fairly loud on boot, but not unbearable
During normal operation fans were nearly silent
No noticeable fan speed increase during load from tests
Entire chassis was cool to the touch even after a few hours of normal use
Sturdy construction. Slight flexing of chassis under strain
Solid keyboard and responsive touchpad, both take time to get used to
Strong Speakers, very little bass, but excellent higher tones, No tinny sounds
Bright and clear screen, very nice resolution
HDMI connection takes a lot of prodding, but looks excellent when working
Card reader has yet to work, but haven't put alot of time in to it
Brushed Aluminum looks very nice, but fingerprints are hard to remove
A little heavier than I expected, but could be much worse
Looking forward to playing some games and seeing some results
-Tyler -
[email protected] Company Representative -
You are 15 year old boy selling computers from your basment?
Then i find this link post in same forum, this is you?
I hope stanly kubrick did not help you with this
I think i look at exotic and powernoobook site now. -
I've updated the drivers, but I don't want to do any modding until it's my own laptop I'm messing with. I'll try to run one more time tomorrow, but I think I'll have to RMA it soon after that.
SplinteredVision Notebook Consultant
IDOXLR8, was there really any point to that post other than to slander Shane's company based solely on the fact that he's 15 years old? Judging by the horrendous grammatical condition of your post, you're in no position to judge somebody's maturity or competence. This is a pretty civil forum...posts like that don't really fly around here.
Thanks for the link sxusteven! You are welcome to use the picture for your avatar if you crop out my living room coffeetable, etc ehehe
Finally! Found the better link:
Actual results
And OMG my laptop STILL hasn't shipped -_-. Getting a bit annoyed here... It is taking longer than it should to install a processor and a wifi >_> today marks a full week from that date.
Someguy, any luck with yours?
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
When they say "ship", take that term loosely. They "shipped" my laptop on friday, though as of mid tuesday UPS still hasn't received it.....
Cheers. -
I've been looking at this laptop for a while and looking between resellers as well, Rkcomputers,xoticpc,avadirect. Has anyone tryed ordering from rkcomputers yet i agree with the shipping it abit to expensive us->canada
but the overall computer price is very good. Not sure where to order from any suggestions? Not really in a rush but also do not want to wait pass the shipping date. Had msi gx620 in mind too and found frosty computers listed as 1 of the site that have it in stock.
Shane@DARK. Company Representative
That's why there's an ETA on the site; those are in pre-order.
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
What time does Xotic typically make their UPS shipments? I need them to do it today so I can get it by Friday...
Shane@DARK. Company Representative
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
Hey guys, we are shipping items out as fast as we can. We have another large batch of orders shipping today. Tracking #'s are updated at the end of the day. Allot of you will see tracking #'s updated shortly.
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
Mine just shipped. Status = "Billing information received"
Mines shipped as well
Thanks Justin
Wonder who will get it first. Someguy or me
-_- UPS status moved to
Did someone forget something ?! -
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
Mine too. Whats going on...
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
I just fired off an email to Xotic and a PM to Justin. I really don't want any more delays. This is getting ridiculous.
Got mine today. It is very nice so far and the keyboard is great, one of my main worries. I will run more test when/if I get the time.
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
We attach invoices to all Canadian shipments going out. If they became detached for whatever reason, we can easily fax UPS a copy of the invoice that was on the box.
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
All that matters to me is whether this will cause a delay. I'm guessing it certainly has that potential...
Certainly does have the potential (if not already causing delays)
Justin, I sent you a PM with order number and shipping number in case you need it. I think it somehow got detached. Please try to get the package by the end of today. Not really in the mood for more delays
Thanks -
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
It's past normal business hours. The damage may already be done. If UPS was going to move it today but didn't because of this, that means one day lost, which makes the difference between me getting it on Friday or next Monday...which matters.
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
Justin says the missing forms are being faxed now.
I'm probably never going to pre-order anything again. -
Hopefully they'll still load it and get the packages moving
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
I just want to see that exception cleared today.
I re-ran 3dMark06 with the updated drivers and got about 4 points less so I'm assuming I updated with the same drivers, which just means PNB put the latest ones on before it shipped. I'm currently installing Call of Duty 4, and I'll have some pictures posted a little while later, sorry for the delay I'm having some camera difficulties. Hopefully I'll have something a little while later this evening.
To you guys having trouble with shipping, I hope everything gets sorted out today. I know how it feels to wait that extra 2 days, it's infuriating. Good luck, though.
-Tyler -
Mines still sitting at the same stage -
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
I'm going to head home soon, I'll be offline for about an hour.
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
We faxed a copy of the forms to the local UPS hub within a hour of them picking them up. We have been informed by UPS they will attach these forms to the package and move them along.
Thank you. I hope to see my package as well as someguyoverthere's change status sometime today
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
Justin@XoticPC Company Representative
It may be after business hours but our staff is still communicating with UPS to ensure they continue along. We are doing our best guys
someguyoverthere Notebook Evangelist
If anything major happens, please keep us updated
MSI MS-1651 Montevina BTO Notebook Barebone
Discussion in 'MSI' started by masterbw, Jun 30, 2008.