If only you could get it with a matte finish...sigh
Also what kind of power jack do we expect in these MSIs? It is a common one?
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
http://www.screencountry.com/index.php?section=Home -
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
LED is not compatible with CCFL screens.
If you want to get the best screen possible for your MSI, I'd track down a LG WUXGA+ Panel. Very nice IMHO. -
Thx. That means additional few hundred ;p right?
P.S. What would you recommend matte or glossy? which one would U get? -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
matte for sure, problem is I don`t know how comfortable I am replacing the screen on a new laptop. Seem like a quick way to screw up ur machine if you dont dont exactly what you`re doing
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
there`s no "right" answer -
Matte gets my voteand hopefully a 16:10
have you considered a much cheaper option such as this one?
Spending $200+ for a screen change does not seem worth it to me, especially when it wasn't designed specifically for the laptop. Glare screens can be a little annoying, but come on! -
I know, why don't we wait for the laptop to be released before we decide to buy screens.
I love the subwoofer on our machines (Y).
/END Random. -
Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
haha, with our small little MSI community here on NBR it kinda has turned to OUR huh? We're all rooting it for it to be awesome
hope so, no disappointments
i fixed it -
So what's the ETA?
I keep on hearing different dates. -
supposed to be late april to may now.
No worries,
Ah. I was quoting the zealots. haha.
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
haha looks like perhaps we'll have to play a lil SC when we finally get our hands on theses machines
1000% guaranteed the GX740 will be able to run starcraft 1 on max settings -
I think 1000% is too low
heaehaehaehaeh rofl
Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015 -
Yeah, now your 3310 will run it garanteed, its closer to the age period too haha!
lol so what's the ETA for this now?
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
boooooooo, I heard from a reseller recently that it could come as soon as March 18th
xoticpc.com rep told me mid to late April even though their website says mid to late March.
Delays,delays why do they do this to us.
They better come out pretty soon or I'm going CLEVO for sure. -
having some serious issues deciding on laptops. it seems as though everyone has their downsides, just gotta pick which one I hate the least. MSi's seem mainly cosmetic and keyboard. sigh... -
Easy choice for me , Not gonna stick with MSI .. going CLEVO/SAGER for my next purchase.
Why maaaaaaaaan, you have a nice machine
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
Well my hope is still that the MSI can be the most portable of the gaming laptops (aside from alienware)
alienware is portable?
EDIT: oh duh. that m11x. *facepalm* -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
haha well that and the fact that the m15x has switchable graphics
I want 3 hdd , SLI/Xfire , and so on ... MSI built quality and prices can be good , but that's not enough to keep me.
Does the GX740 has that useless turbo crap which doesn't work ? -
so you just want more features? nothings pushing you away, it's just nothing is keeping you?
Turbo is gone, Cinema function is added.
Model name is MS-1726 IDx (x=unknown)
Well the future isn't predictable, but i doubt if MSI is getting something with 3x HDD SLI support and others on the market.
The designs are all more then just power, MSI sticks to portability and weight.
The have my love, but a new design with the same spec and or up like the MS-1726 will be welcome with open arms. -
If it had dual drive bays I'd be sold. It's already a nice laptop, but a 17" with a single drive bay it's hard to justify. Granted it is lighter than a lot of other 15" laptops, but I'd like the option of a small bootable SSD for OS.
Nothing is keeping me , it's just a 725 with i7 and a 5series card , nothing much. MSI machine aren't that attractive to me anymore. The 660 got my attention but the design is a no no.
I'm not into portability either , my 725 never once left my house since I bought it 9 months+ ago and never will , when going out and in needs a notebook , I will either take my Samsung or my dell ..
3 HDD's , the ability to use Raid0 , SLI etc is something very much more attractive to me and much more useful as a whole ..
Cinema feature ? no thanksthat's another thing that i'm not gonna use .. I've seen only 1 Bluray movie since i bought my machine.
EDIT : Htwingnut seems to share my views in one way or another. -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
Well I guess that makes sense if you've got the money to be using more than one laptop on a daily basis
I'm looking for an all-in-one so the portability of an MSI appeals to me. And it by no means is a pushover when it comes to performance when plugged in -
You will be happy with it + they seems to have fixed the stupid keyboard.
I love the stupid keyboard as it is,
Dual bays would be nice, but i'm quite happy with ESATA,
love the build of the stock device, single fan quite thing ftw,
5 series would be a win if we could get it for our OLD machines!
Cinema feature?? lol wth....haha.
Which means internal cooling wouldn't have been revamped...., this is not boading well.
You love the directional keys ? the size of the right shift key etc ?
I can't stand it .. I kept on hitting the wrong key ..
Cooling-wise i can't complain , heck no one can .. as it's very efficient. But there's other things that I need .. I don't see myself getting the a clone with a 5series. -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
Come to think of it... never in my life have I ever even considered the right shift key... huh
EDIT: Side note, would you guys recommend 6GB of 1333Mhz RAM or 8GB at 1066MHz? Performance-wise and power consumption/saving wise? I know it's prob a better saved for the hardware forum but I value the opinions in the MSI forum since I have more background on people based on past posts -
Yeah man, the direction keys are great lmao, but its always down to w-a-s-d keys for gaming these days, i love especially the position of forward and back slash keys, perfect for my exchange login!
Some old games needs bigger directional keys
right shift when typing .. well for me anyway.
If it was that good , they wouldn't have change it would they.
I would go for 6gb 1333mhz.
MSI GX740 with 5870 1gb ddr5
Discussion in 'MSI' started by smanne, Feb 6, 2010.