Some Thai reviewer got the first unit,
Hes leggitt it seems.
Fair enough.
Linkage please! -
yah.. Linkagggeeee
, Cata!
It was posted some days ago in this forum mates -
Hehe, saved me the find, cheers Arioch.
What the fell is with the Friji anyway cat?
I honestly don't have anything to put up there, need to replace sig too, so i've been taking pictures of random stuff haha,
Well I think its cool.
You can't beat a thick and smooth chocolate milkshake!!! -
Agreed, infact, i would have changed my name to "In search for the perfect chocolate milkshake"
But it doesn't fit lol, my alternative pictures i could use are mainly pieces of hardware, or the drivers of speakers, i don't know haha,
If only i could find something else to snap. (I Hate this forums diddy file size requirements lol.)
Need to find an MSI GX740 somewhere, randomly, across my travels, to take pictures of... -
That is HOTTTT
Yep lol, Which is what makes me think they will drop down to GDDR3 for the little book, shame though
For me the little book is not that much of a problem, mostly because I'm not that interested in buying one; however I am quite worried about any inherent heat issues with it's 17 inch brother.
Why oh why? -
On the GX640, since the chipset is HM55, does that mean we will most likely be able to enable switchable graphics via BIOS?
Yep it does hopefully L3vi, if its an I5 with the GPU on die, should be switchable very easily,
I think the big brother will be fine eriand, but only time will tell bud, the suspence is killing me, i want a review model haha. -
by bencheis I assume you mean the ones that really stress out the whole thing? And not just futuremark, cause that's about as stressfull as a demanding game.
That's right. Most games I play doesn't really stresses my 4850 as furmark do. Temps are always @ 50+ and some rare cases go above 60 .. not over 70 as furmark and others do.
Dead, what TDP is that 4850?
About 65 or 75w I think. Will need confirmation regarding this.
Under 60w isn't it? No he tab and the MSI machines would downclock if there is too much power wanting to be sucked out.
*Dam, forgot where the info was lol* -
I mean, how does the 4850 compare to the 5870?
Roughly the same speccs innit? Cept for the 4850 being GDDR3... -
Not really haha, new arcitecture, i believe based on 5750/70? the 5870 utterly kills the 4850
ATI have anounced driver support for mobile sector cards, wooohoo! -
Cata, I only mean the TDP
Power demands. What I mean is, if the 5870/4850 use about the same amount of power, and the cooler for the 4850 was good then.. Shouldn't be much of a problem
/Eri -
Make up your mind , you want the TDP or a comparison between the 2 ?
Like cata said , different architecture .. 256bus vs 128bus , 55nm vs 40nm etc etc ...
So performance won't be same and so does the power requirements.
But cooling should be efficient when it come to MSI's machine.
Oops sorry haha, hmm the insides of the GT740 may be more helpful here, i believe it will use 60w, i think the 4850 is slightly less but i am unsure, i'd need someone with more information on the 5870 itself before i can speculate haha.
The 5000 series is a completely different card to the 4000 series. We're not talking nvidia here, this is ati ftw!
The 5870 is one of the best video cards in the world. If you look on the net, ther are hundreds of comparisons between the 4850/5850, and 4870/5870. -
Did we all jump over to the desktop side of things now?
(just curious)
Nah man, was just curious as to how similar they are
Haha yep, we got that report slightly earlier in the 640 memory forum
Good to have it referenced here though, good post! -
on it has the GX740 listed standard with the i7-720QM. most of the sites you guys have links to say it has an i5... is this an error on xoticpc's part??
Nope i dont believe its an error, msi had a tendacy to release both dual and quad core models.
does the 5850 have gddr5 too??? And can someone give a ranking for the 5850, 5870, 4850, and 4870? im interested in the gx740 but I wouldn't want to buy it if the 5850s performance beats the 4850
5870 gddr5 5850gddr3 4870gddr3 4850gddr3 5850gddr3 we have no info on 5850 from msi yet, info points at both gddr3 and 5 for now so no clue
So as far as we know, is this MSI's flagship single card laptop? 5870 seems to be as good at it can get for the next several months.
I'm not sure if they even plan on releasing SLi/xfire solutions but it seems like they have a lot of wiggle room in terms of model numbers lol. GX750, 60, 70, 80, etc etc. (saying this since the GT660 was recently announced) -
Waiting for GT770 lol, and a 9 series with sli
Has a release date been set for the GX740?
I've been lurking a lot around the Asus G73JH threads lately since I'm looking to change my old university laptop for something much.. much more potent but the G73JH-A1's price is a little over my budget and the GX740 price listed on NCIX is much more appealing. -
supposed to be sometime mid to late march.
Oh, btw, I emailed xotic and they said no switchable graphics on the GX640.
(sad face) -
I knew it , I personally don't want that implemented in a gaming series. (pretty sure i'm the only one)
Switchable graphics is more suitable to something ultra portable. M11x comes to mind.
Well , personal choice
That feature Will be good for students I presume -
Saying you don't mind the system not having switchable graphics is one thing but saying you don't "want" switchable graphics is, for lack of a less insulting word, just dumb.
Even if you're not going to use it you're not giving anything up by the computer having it. It doesn't cost extra, the chipset doesn't restrict which CPU you can use, and there's no performance decrease so what reason do you have to be against it.
So you don't care if your battery lasts longer but maybe one day your GPU dies or you screw up a VBIOS flash...then you'll think it's nice to have that IGP as a back-up.
It's like saying you want a hot wife (or husband) but saying you don't want one that's hot and rich. -
If it dies that pretty much straight forward , buy another one if it's available. Do you really needs switchable graphics if you screw up your GPU ? How about now ? Do you have one ? And like you said IF it dies .. what will you do ? you not gonna replace it and will stick with your tiny IGP ? You will have to change it one way or another ...
So what you saying is just irrelevant.
And if that's your perspective of a wife , then that "D" word represents more you than myself as it's a recipe for disaster. -
If a GPU fails the obvious difference between a laptop with switchable graphics and one without is one's still usable while you wait for a new part and the other is a brick.
The switchable IGP is a rainy day insurance policy. It's a bonus that you don't give up anything for. There's no valid reason to reject it. -
Let me ask a thing, is the fullHD screen a HUGE difference to the 1680 x 1050 screen?Is it going to kill me if i see someone with a g73 playing with his fullHD screen?
I used 1440x900 on my 17 inch, that looks great and performs like an sli machine, don't need to spend money on power that i don't need!
As for the IGP, its hard to say, i rarely drain my full 3 hours in maximum power saving mode on my machine, and i know i don't tend to mess around with flashing, i suppose for a raw gaming machine, i don't think i'd really need it, unless it can perform phsyx ops haha,
Single GPU, quad, decentish speakers, average screen, thats all im use to, and i'd like to stay that way haha.
And fps wise, it should eat the G73. The GDDR5 with the 128mb bus will make life much easier at that res.
I think this way and MSI seems to think this way too , no IGP in the GX series. Good move on their part.
And , most people as of now , who have an IGP in their notebook , don't even bothers switching when "not" needed.
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
Anything in 1080P is available in 720P. Couple that with the fact that many 720P videos aren't available in 1080P and you end up with bars anyhow (which drives me nuts on my 60" Sony).
Then you get much better native gaming performance.
1680x1050 /1600x900 is the sweet spot for 17" screens IMHO.
MSI GX740 with 5870 1gb ddr5
Discussion in 'MSI' started by smanne, Feb 6, 2010.