I have a question about booting XP with this product.
It turns out that, whenever I try to boot XP with this machine, it says that the HDD isn't recognized. Now, from what I hear, there is a BIOS driver that does the trick.
If this is so, is there an official one. Also, how do you upload a BIOS driver at the BIOS screen? Is it as simple as loading the driver to a USB flash driver?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I just reformatted and reinstalled again with no luck. It crashes pretty much every program that is running. Do you think this is a driver error or hardware. Im not to concerned about it but i would like to use this feature and if i have to send it back then i will.
Edit. Windows vista also said that when it crashes it is because of DEP. Is this just a generic error or something else? -
strange i use turbo all the time unless the notebook is on my bed. be careful to give it good airflow if youre going to use turbo elevate the back (i use a dvd movie case to prop the back up) and i make special care to make sure nothing obstructs the airflow.
if the notebook is on my bed i have turbo off and im very careful not to let my sheets crumple near the fans blocking it off.
@ the guy asking about grid
runs perfect for me even at 1650x1050 -
In this page it tells you about the DEP error and how to fix it:
http://www.troublefixers.com/fixed-data-execution-prevention-error-in-windows/ -
Does anybody know were I can buy a 9 cell battery for my laptop?
Any other place there around $134.00 -
When I go to open a screen shot or something like that a RunDLL comes up and says:
Error loading D:\Program Files\Windows Gallery\PhotoViewer.dll
The system cannot find message text for message number 0x%1 in the message file for%2.
Does anybody know how to fix this problem?? -
insanechinaman Notebook Evangelist
So supposedly ATI recommends 580/750, and this comp comes with 480/600. Anyone think it's actually safe to clock it to 750 for the memory speed? I haven't seen anyone do it yet... -
My ECO button wont work, Does anybody know how to fix this problem?
Hi eveyone,
I just received a MXM HD 3850 mobility and the vbios seems to be corrupted or wrong.
Could someone post here a 3850 vbios coming from his MSI GT735 so I can try to blind flash my card.
Thanks a lot -
Does anybody know if MSI laptops can switch out graphics cards?
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
Will the 3870 work with the GT735 series' power supply?
Do you think there will be any difference between 3850 and 3870??
Alright, and one more quick question. Do I have to pay somebody to do switch out or I can do it myself? And if I do have to pay who can do it for me?
For some reason my ECO button will not work. And it hasn't been working for a while. Does anybody know how to fix it?
can someone upload a video bios of his GT735 radeon HD3850?
The easiest way is via GPUZ, click on the green arrow and that's it, you've backed up your video bios.
Thanks -
hi guys!
I've got a question:
I send My notebook to RMA service to get a replacement of the touch sensitive panel, they also cleaned the fan, heatsink and others... the notebook looks like new at arrival. well, by now I'm running on Windows 7 ultimate (everythings are working great, also better than vista). But, when I activate "turbo mode" and run the "performance test" (Windows experience evalation on Computer Propierties) the Turion cores increase their temperature to quickly to >100°C ... and when reach the ~108°C the notebook shut down (ok, this last is normal).
My point is, when I was running vista, the notebook NEVER shut down by overheat, even when runing the performance test and even with dusk in the fan. Then I can't understand why now my turion is hotter than before... must I wait to get dust in the fan and heatsink? hehehe.
On stock mode, the processor goes to ~90°C. So, I want to know how hotter are going your processors... Anyone is running W7 ultimate??
Thanks guys! -
I have heard that the GT735 does overheat on turbo mode. If you go into the bios and under advance hit ALT + Insert more options will come up. See what overclock percentage its set to. If it's set to 24% lower it to 16% and see if that helps. If it does not try to invest in a good notebook cooler http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=304671 You can also take the back cover off and check the fan and vents to make sure there is no dust build up. You can even re apply thermal paste if needed.
I'm tried it... but under advanced tag, ALT+Insert, nothing happens, Another combination works?; Also, my GT735 has an warranty sticker, and I have 3 warranty months more so I can't Void the sticker.The notebook has not dust, I checked it; I think Thermal paste could help... but... what can I do?
thanks a lot!! -
What do you think I must do? I'm thinking I need apply thermal Paste, My notebook is getting hot quickly since I send it to RMA service; maybe they forget apply thermal Paste when they cleaned the processor heatsink and fan... but I don't want void the warranty... what can I do?
Automatikjack Notebook Evangelist
quick question guys, anyone here have a spare gpu heatsink for the 735? i need one pretty badly. if one of you guys has a warranty through msi or a contact number and can order one, that would be amazing. I have a 4850 sitting here dead in the water, waiting for a compatible heatsink.
as for your overclocking problem, what is your standard temp for your processor? and you said something about a sticker? does that mean you cant pop the bottom panel and take a look inside? if thats the case send it back to msi to have em look at it again, clearly either the heatsink isnt seated properly, or theres an issue with the thermal paste, or the fan.
can you hear your fan spin up at least? hopefully they remembered to plug it back in. -
Hi guys i have selected the model of my new notebook.
I am going for Dell inspirion 1525 but i also want some nice and solid MSI wind skin covers on it, So could anyone here please suggest me some websites providing MSI wind U100 skin covers?
MSI wind U100 skin covers -
Since you are OBVIOUSLY an employee ((atleast USED2B); such "PRAISE" is ALWAYS a "SALES-PITCH"): What's up with the sound-card BS??? HD Audio my Hind-side!!! My old-lady & I both have this Laptop, side-spkrs DO NOT WORK!!!--->>> NEVER have (apparently NEVER WILL!!!) on either unit. Many others online have complained of the same problem...NO HELP W.S.E. from MSI, MS, or Realtek...what BS....A worthless POS Hunka'-Junk!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't waste your$$$!!!((Also had issue (on both units) with internal Optical-Drive "suddenly" not being recognized: I resolved this one with NOTTA help from MSI). Want migraines and high blood-pressure...buy a GT-735!!! Else, Don't!!! TOTAL "NO SUPPORT- ZILCH" can't get to work GARBAGE (Straight-from-box)!!! -
I'm having an issue with 1080P Playback with HDMI. My laptop shudders and pixelates when playing movies back from HD. (I'm no newbie either so comments like Defrag are worthless.)
To my knowledge it's never played them well as I just got a full 65" 1080p TV, plays 720P fine, but on 1080P CPU is running around 60-90%. Anyone else seen this? (FYI Turbo does not help)
And before you say it can't handle it Google FITPC2I I have one of those and it works just fine on a Atom 600. -
hi insanechinaman, can you tell me what have you done to obtain 7520 pts score in 3dmarks06 please because i have the same notebook and my score is 6496. thanks (sorry for my english i'm french)
insanechinaman Notebook Evangelist
I don't know why yours is so low. Maybe you forgot to update the drivers or maybe you have something somewhat taxing on your computer running while you're running the 3dMark? I'm not sure, but try the turbo and the drivers. Also, in case you didn't do so already, set your computer's power plan to "high performance." It makes a huge difference.
MSI GT735 w/ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3850
Discussion in 'MSI' started by make 7 up yours, Sep 12, 2008.