weskycn, you should read the rest of the thread, the 6555 plays gta4 flawlessly on the highest possible settings it allows (1400x900, textures med, everything else high/very high)
according to fraps, it runs happily at 40 fps, dropping down to around 27 with explosions/guns etc.
crysis runs happily at 25-30fps on the highest settings with 2xaa aswell.
i believe that the hdd is 5400rpm to keep costs down. the model hard drive is: toshiba mk2555gsx.
the only difference between the 5400 and 7200 in games is the load speed, and there isnt too much difference.
your best off doing this: buy the laptop, burn the recovery disks, buy another hard drive thats 7200rpm, then restore everything off the disk.
I think the HDD is more likely to be 5400rpm, and i think the vantage mark is quite low to be honest, the MSI GT 725 with duo core is pretty much the same with a higher duo core clock and it achive's 5600+ on its vantage tests, prehaps because of the slower HD but i may be wrong.
sorry about that, seen that post seconds after i posted.
yea,wanna get it. so attractive 2 me. but i also want 2 wait 4 the 4870 or 4870 cf in the end of mar. ahhhhhh. going mad now.
ps is it difficult 2 change hdd by myself? coz i never change a hardware on laptop b4.(memory not incl.)
thx mate. -
Why not just image the hard drive partitions first off prior to the initial power on with something like Ghost or other application.
This way when the time comes to sell it and move on, you can always restore that image onto the hard drive and then the buyer can re-create the restore DVDs.
Or does the restore DVDs also rebuild the image files to create disc's again?
Just thinking that burned dvd media gets scratched or lost. -
Wes, im pretty sure the hard drive is one of the easiest things to change to be honest
Picture courtesy of blakers (Y)
Underneath the battery you can see a pannel, im guessing this is the hard drive so its just a case of popping off the case and swapping it out for something a bit faster or bigger, up to you really, but dont void the warrenty if you do decide to get one.
My Advent 6555 comes tomorrow or Wednesday so i cant wait, the 4850 drivers aren't matured yet fully either which to be honest, i think is quite great, because theres a possibility that even more performance can be pushed outa this card
And the Overdrive page on catalyst controls, i love the idea of safe oc'ing and there is an automatic throttle down if it gets to hot
Not to sure to be honest cyber, but yeah would be nice, i have a habbit of scratching or misplacing things. -
Right so I'm gonna go to the PC World in Sheffield tonight, hopefully they'll have one left because the store I was originally going to go to is sold out.
thx catacylsm. nice n clear.
I haven't seen any pc advantage marks of MSI GT725 yet. -
I got one from Nottingham PCW today. They should have 1 stock left. However that unit has a dead pixel near the centre on the monitor.
Am i clearly the only fool here who has put a 64bit version of Vista on this machine and is unable to initialise the webcam at all ??
No sign of a driver anywhere on the recovery partition or MSI site either for the MSI notebook.
Does anyone have a clue ??? Am I missing something? :-( -
Hi new on here and searching in vain for the elusive 6555! Sounds just what i need but there are none in Manchester or Greater Manchester for that matter! So I'm jealous of the guys who have managed to get one!
I'm upgrading from a MSI Megabook M655 which is on its last legs..any news for us Northerners! -
Hey waxlight
The Benchmarks for the 725 are indeed fantastic my friend, take a look.
Results courtesy of faisalhero, he also has a few youtube videos, as well as Crysis warhead running in very high detail, which ofcourse runs smooth =)
I think people have had issues with the camera Murphman, prehaps soon there will be driver releases, bear in mind that Advent released, not sure if the camera model is the same as MSI 725.
Also wax, is the pixel dead or stuck, there are some tools available that can unstick them by flashing colours over the pixel, for hours but its worth it if it unjams it =) -
Anyone got the 3Dmark advantage marks for advent 6555?
I'm not sure it's dead pixel or stuck pixel, I just used a monitor check software to check the monitor, and with the red, blue or green background, I always saw that bad pixel. So I ask the customer service exchange another one, and the new one is good. Forgive my poor english, please. I'm a chinese. -
i made a new video playing Crysis warhead on my GT725 here is the link enjoy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws6SwwI1rJU&feature=email -
Yeah the 725 is a powerhouse and im hoping the Advent 6555 performs equally as well, prehaps better if oc'd =)
And your English is fine Wax, are you refering to the Advents 3D/PC score?
Dont think im familliar with pc mark. -
I picked one up tonight at the Sheffield PC World. Not really ran anything on it yet just installing all my necessary programs and then I'll fun with it tomorrow!
Grats man, hows it running, fast, responsive?
So eager to get mine, cant wait! XD -
I'm going to run some test, but I don't know should I or how to install new GPU driver such as 9.2
I believe you can use the ones listed in the MSI GT725 owners forum, the 9.2 cata drivers should run sweeeeeet
3Dmark06 with stock driver, stock setting, 1280X768
run all the tests:
SM2.0: 3945
HDR/SM3.0: 4795
CPU: 2986
I think it's unnormal
Maybe the reason is that I can't choose 1280X1024 option to run the test
And now I can't run 3dmark vantage. Also I can not choose 1280X1024 option in the software. 1440X900, 1280X768 1152X864 etc are ok, but I can not run the test. The promption is "Minimum required resolution is not supported". Who knows how to solve it? thanks -
wow that's a really nice stock 3dm06 mark, as for vantage did you install the 9.2 modded drivers? other then that im quite unsure.
no, it's not caused by driver.
I remove the feature tests, and only test the GPU and CPU. Because feature tests require at least 1280X1024. The marks won't be affected.
vantage Results(no total result) with stock driver and 1280X768:
GPU: 6661
CPU: 8077
not bad -
Cinebench R10 test:
Open GL: 2314
Single core: 2353
Multiple core: 7533
During the test, the highest temp is 71 degree -
Right then so far i've transferred 25gig of music 8gig of video, loaded on the essentials and I've played the Crysis demo, which I managed to get running on High settings with 2x AA and very high textures at native res!, ran smooth as you like. Hopefully the full game will be able to run a little higher.
Initially I did have some reservations about the Keyboard, but once you start to use it I find it actually feels very natural, even with the small keys. The only problem I have with it so far is the placement of the left Ctrl key. I keep hitting the fn key instead, but I suppose I'll get used to that over time. So far I'm very impressed with it and I'll be putting it through it's paces a little later this week, well gaming wise anyway.
Oh and I picked up the starter pack thing from PC world with it which is quite handy actually, especially for £30. The bag is a bit small but the laptop fits, just. So along with the bag you get a mouse, all be it a very small one (think the size of your little finger), 10 DV-R's and a 2gig HP memory stick. So all in all a good little package for £30! -
Oh and I figured out the Webcam. You have to press one of the touch buttons to activate the drivers i think. Anyway after I pressed the touch button to the right of the mute button the light stayed on and I could use the webcam... hope that helps with people who are having problems with it!
some very nice results there wax
very impressive if I may say so and it good go know that the cam works hehe, and that crysis runs quite smooth in high/v high very settings
When you say you got the starter pack which included a bag do you have a link for this bag or starter pack? -
For anyone still wanting any specs from this laptop.
CPU__________________ Intel® Core2 Quad Mobile Processor Q9000 (2GHz)
Chipset_______________ Mobile Intel® PM45 Express Chipset
Memory_______________ 4GB (2x2GB) PC2-6400 800MHz DDR2 SODIMM
Hard Drive_____________ 250GB, 5400RPM Serial ATA 2.5"
CD / DVD Drive_________ Blu-Ray Super Multi Double Layer DVD±RW drive
Monitor_______________ 17" WXGA+ TFT (native resolution 1440x900)
Video / Graphics Card ___ ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4850 512MB DDR3
Sound Card____________ Realtek ALC888 integrated sound (7.1)
Network Card__________ Realtek RTL8168 / 8111 Gigabit network adapter
Firewire Card___________ OHCI compliant IEEE 1394 host controller (onboard)
Network Card__________ Bluetooth RFCOMM from Toshiba
Modem_______________ Motorola UbiSurf SM56 Software Modem
Battery_______________ BTY-M68 Lithium Ion Battery -
Cheers for that Aj, didnt realise the Advent had bluetooth
And now if the battery goes, i know what to look for. -
i like how a lot of the points i made have been re-itterated including 3dmark06 score haha!
anyways, no i dont have a link to it atm, im at college.
@solidpython: did you end up getting the 15.4" bag for the laptop? i did, it fits snuggly and i have to put the charger in the front. but, because of this, i got the first month free on the additional warentee, just because the bag is smaller lol. -
well i just rung up pc world and as stated before there is none in stock, when asked when there will be the reply was its been discontinued. Maybe they realised at that price there were making a loss.
Yeah I did end up getting the 15.4", tbh I just couldn't argue with the price. Plus I have a backpack style bag that i used for my old laptop, it's a bit old and worn now but it'll come in handy when it's needed. I used to put clothes in that bag as well as the laptop when I went home for the weekend but now it'll be just as easy to take another bag. -
Wouldnt be suprised if it is going to be discontinued, its a bargain!
Itl be quite awesome if it is xD
I also was wondering why it had been removed from dixons website. -
awesome for you, lol. i suppose that will teach me for being so indecisive. Well it looks like the rest of us will have to pay hundreds more to get similar spec. I wonder if it was just a test batch, advent and high performance arent usualy in the same sentance. Im sure it will return but at that price i doubt it.
If it has been discontinued, I wonder what will happen if you needed a replacement.
hey ppl the advent 6555 is at the top of my list.
those of you that have bought it (solidpython)
what do you think of it?
i took a look at it at pcworld and seemed pretty good
what do u think of the resolution
when i went to pcworld, the girl said she could show me a demo of how it handles games and she put on something called terran x3 or something and a video came on and i asked if it was real time or just pre rendered. she didnt know and then i saw the video stutter a bit so i thought it would be real time
it looked good but i dont know like which mainstream game the graphics stack up to
basically can someone tell me how it handles crysis
if it can handle it well 30fps on high settings its a great laptop
also i hear that alot of advents break down. i was wondering coz this is a rebadged msi does that mean that it would have msi build quality
sorry for the wall of text but i need as much info on this laptop as possible
also what ports does it have??
thx -
Hey fresh
The Advent 6555
Ive heard awesome results about laptop
Res is low people think for 17 in, i wldnt know really, but the screen is brilliant contrast and vibrant
It should handle most games,
As for it being discontinued, dont cancel all options out yet, MSI have there eyes glowing for even better
The new 727 should sport 4870hd radeon mobility, ddr 3 ram, and im sure they will look into quad core soon enough, just a case of waiting to be honest, but even the MSI GT 725 works fantastically.
i wonder how much the gt727 would cost coz i dont want to be going over a grand (£)
should have it by the end of the month if all goes well
i doubt the msi would cost £1000
even if it did where would i find one in the uk? -
those folks that have the advent i would love for you to make a couple of videos and sticking em on youtube.
please if you got the time show how it performs on crysis and things as such
and just review it -
Fresh, MSI do release models to the UK, the MSI GT725-087UK is quite nice, 1650x res, blue ray, 500gig drive, 4 gig ram, 4850mobility radeon, p9500 duo core, thats £1100, which is quite nice to be honest =). And it sports overclockability
i got one from guildford...last one there. the guy told me that there wont be any advent 6555 produced in uk anymore...if u see this anywhere. buy it.
Sounds about right, mine apparently wasn't ready for transfer so i'l be waiting till thursday, they are good laptops and i'm hopefully going to get hold of one. If not ill probably build a PC but i do in all honesty prefer laptops.
Well satisfied if its been discontinued i believe i have a bargain ! Walked away with it for £899 with staff discount :-D
To those whom want - try PC World stevenage, Milton Keynes and WATFORD - there were 4 others besides mine in PCW Watford when I got mine on Friday evening.
Well done to whomever it was on page 23 who commented about the webcam button - all working now
Now... about overclocking the Q9000 ? ;-D -
Did not even get a chance to get within 30 miles. PC World said there was 5 in Livepool but done would be coming to Manchester. Hate PC world/ hate Curry's
Advent 6555 to be discontinued?! I was going to get one after I finish uni! Does anyone think Advent will release one with the 4870?
Why would they discontinue the 6555, I thought it was selling well. -
This shop seem to list it as in stock, though ever bought from them in the past, so could be they didn't update availability yet. I highly doubt that advent would pull this model off, probably just short of supply atm. -
i would hold fire on the pixmania, i orderd one today on there as it said instock, and apparently im waiting for my payment to be "validated" so then i started looking up about them and it doesnt look good. ive emailed them no answer yet.
Yeah be careful agr, not much is known about them to be honest mate, maybe you can contact them via phone?
well ive emailed, if worse comes to worse i used credit card so i may have to contact them, but its early days yet it may work out alrite, Lol
GT725 with Quad core, the Advent 6555?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by platypusbob, Feb 18, 2009.