The 980 SLI GT80 should probably come out next month (in a few weeks). Just give it some time.
I would definitely not recommend ordering the current 980M SLI model with the 980 (desktop) SLI model coming soon.
It doesn't seem like a lot of improvement for the extra $$$.
Maybe it's better to get a cheaper 980m SLI instead? Save money and put it in to the add-on's.
Run Windows 8.1 that comes with the current GT80's, which is more stable than Windows 10 is and will be for quite a while. Enjoy a stable gaming environment with the latest Nvidia drivers now and for quite a while longer until Windows 10 catches up.
You aren't going to notice 16% improvement, and if you OC your 980m SLI you can reach near the same speeds as the 980 SLI stock speed.
The 980m vs 980 SLI might be much like the 780m vs 880m - the 880m had no more headroom to OC.
The headroom enjoyed with OC'ing the 980m SLI might not be there for the 980 SLI, not enough power to OC the 980 SLI + CPU. There is also only so much heat the design can eliminate, that might be a limiting factor for OC'ing the 980 SLI.
MSI lists the 3dmark11 score of 20,000 for the SLI 980, I get 18,281 without a vbios flash, that's 9% improvement, hardly worth the pain of living with Windows 10 problems at the least, and not noticeable in game performance.
I don't think it is at all a clear cut decision to wait. Why wait?Last edited: Oct 27, 2015 -
No, the 980 has 2048 cuda cores, and the minimum clock speed nVidia requires of 980 (desktop) is 1064Mhz:
The 980 (desktop) cards should be at least 25% faster, even if they're using the same 5Ghz vram from the 980M. Unless they're not following the 1064Mhz rule and downclock the card to like 950Mhz.
I wouldn't trust those numbers. It should be made clear when actual users test out the cards. Also keep in mind the 980 (desktop) can also be overclocked and nVidia is actually endorsing overclocking with the 980 as opposed to the 980M where they even had disabled overclocking for a few driver releases in the past.
You're free to buy the 980M sli model now but don't be disappointed when the 980 SLI version comes out and turns out to be much faster.
The numbers you guys are seeing on the MSI website is the TOTAL score, NOT gpu score. You need to keep that in mind, the quad core processor is bringing the TOTAL score down. -
Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
I can't fully speak for the MSI model that will sport dual 120W 980 (desktop) cards, but I can tell you that you cannot make up for CUDA cores.
Even your highly overclocked 980M will still be 5-6% slower most likely than the 980 and then overclock the 980 a bit and that gap will widen.
In games that don't support SLI, a single 980 will also give you better FPS than a single 980M.
I will be going the Clevo P870DM route, but from what I've seen so far, the 980 is looking good. -
Is the 980m SLI going to be fast enough in all games so as to not need the additional performance of the 980 SLI?, probably.
I doubt there will be games that will run on the 980 SLI that won't run fast enough on the 980m SLI to enjoy them just as well.
If I was going to buy a new GT80 today, and both were available, given the data available right now I don't know that I would stretch for the 980 SLI over the 980m SLI - it will depend on performance and cost, and that is a question that may not be answerable for a while.
The Clevo's P870DM 980 SLI isn't on the drawing boards yet, it's way out there. That must be why you are rallying yourself for the long haul waiting
I suppose when the GT80 980 SLI is shipping, you will recommend waiting until the P870DM 980 SLI ships to decide on whether to buy a GT80 SLI 980 or a P870DM SLI 980?Last edited: Oct 27, 2015 -
He can't wait that long lol, one is limited edition while the other is not. In the "LONG RUN" the Clevo P870DM may be the better route because it will be more accessible to a bigger audience vs. the 980 SLI. -
And, there might be a "regular" GT80 SLI 980, why not? If people ask for it, MSI will be happy to sell them what they want. It's going to be a long dry spell between now and Pascal.
The single 980 P870DM is slower than the 980m SLI, except when SLI gives way to a game that only responds to 1 GPU, then the 980 will be faster.
I got the impression @ssj92 wants the 980 SLI P870DM... no? -
He can't wait that long lol, one is limited edition while the other is not. In the "LONG RUN" the Clevo P870DM may be the better route because it will be more accessible to a bigger audience vs. the 980 SLI
He can't wait that long lol, one is limited edition while the other is not. In the "LONG RUN" the Clevo P870DM may be the better route because it will be more accessible to a bigger audience vs. the 980 SLI.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
hmscott likes this. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Uh-Oh, 'Frankzro' is glitching..... is this similar to twerking?
hmscott likes this. -
I estimate my SLI-263 Broadwell 980m SLI is so close in performance to the SLI-002 Skylake 980m SLI so as to not matter, so for me that won't be worth an upgrade.
I estimate the SLI-XXX Skylake 980 SLI will be faster, and more expensive, but not really worth an upgrade - it won't materially improve my gaming experience.
The GPU upgradeability of the GT80 is only realized if you wait for the GPU upgrades.
If new data comes in and the GT80 980 SLI performance notches up a lot higher, then I might change my mind.
If you must have the fastest GT80 available, you can't pass up the GT80 980 SLI, it's going to be awesome.Last edited: Oct 27, 2015-=$tR|k3r=- likes this. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
But, you didn't answer my question.......
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
K...... so you have not committed to the new 6th-Gen GT80....... just enjoying talking about it. But, if you enjoy the benchmark results I post, you MAY change your mind, right? LOL!
hmscott likes this. -
Whether I end up only enjoying talking about the GT80 SLI 980, or I end up getting one, will be determined by the performance / cost of the visible shipping hardware, I'm not gonna order based on hope.
It's a long time to Pascal...and I have a really nice GT80 SLI-263 that runs stable without crashing on all the games / apps I throw at it, I'm in no rush to change.Last edited: Oct 27, 2015 -
Well it's something good that I can look forward to early 2016 with all the holiday season coming up.
When did MSI post the 6920HQ at their website? Only last week (if I recall and read correctly), the MSI site only had 6820HK. -
So was I. That link now shows 6920HQ and 6820HK, whereas last week I think it only showed the latter.
Hey guys, thought i might chime in here. The model being linked is on our Global website, so i am unsure about that exact sku with 29th anniversary edition. However, we WILL have the GT80S in a 980 SLI (Non-M) for the US.
Onur Aktop, GTVEVO, hmscott and 3 others like this. -
Do you know/can you say whether or not it should be released in time to be ordered and arrive by Christmas? I'll be going out of the country around then and it'll be really nice having it to work on! -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Chime Away Geno..... I Love It When You Chime!
unfortunately, i cant give any time frames.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
What will be the predicted price for a single 980 and 980 SLI if this is going to come out in the market?
5700hq 5th gen 3099
5950hq 6th gen 3199 (Open Box)
Or I would sell you my 009 / 4980hq (mint condition) if you are seriously interested as I plan to upgrade as soon as the new models are released of GT80s or P870DM. -
i'm really interested by the GT80S 29th Anniversary but in my country (France), he costs 5999 ! =>
This version has 6th gen 6920HK, 64 Go DDR4 and SLI GTX 980..
Anybody has an idea of air cooling in this GT80S ? The two GPU GTX 980 are not hotter than two GPU GTX 980M ???Onur Aktop and hmscott like this. -
Saw that same listing today and that price doesn't even make SENSE! Converted into Dollars it doesn't make sense!
The Monitor is what? 150? The Processor ? What about 400-480 (MAX) , the Ram ? Hmm Cheap ram it comes with so... what? that's like 170-200 (Max) The Hard Drives are a total of maybe 500-600 combined price ... if not lower... the CD rom... cheap as crap 50-70 at the most. Ok the two cards.... the price for those are not even justified. Why ? because they do NOT contain the same exact warranty as a Desktop card , so why the hell would they be worth more than the desktop version ? On Ebay... 700-800 dollars... So lets say they are 800 each. Keyboard is about 130.
Theres NO WAY!! Its worth that much..... Combined total with the Highest prices selected is 3230..... That price makes ZERO sense. I am having doubts.
I'm not even entirely sure laptop will be released this year at all... Info on it is very VAGUE! -
Beemo likes this.
You may consider johnnyairplus or usa2everywhere. PM me if you have questions as we might be out of topic already.
Beemo likes this. -
OK OK Fellas back on Subject/Topic! Lets keeps on Eye Out on the Laptop at hand here.
GT80S 6QF Titan SLI Anyone else see anything pop up? Also, can the MSI REP verify the price from that French site that was posted? I'm assuming that price is that high because the E-Tailer does not sell custom laptops like XOTIC PC does.
One more thing... This laptop has been posted on Canada and other Countries on the MSI site. But, I have not seen it on the US website....Troubling ... -__-Last edited: Nov 5, 2015 -
I am afraid we won't be able to get much info from Geno with NDA stuff hahaha. The good thing is, there WILL be a model with SLI 980, but the bad thing is, we don't know anything else!
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I'm starting to not even wanna wait for the SLI GTX 980 version.... Uhhg its such a tease to even announce it BEFORE the end of the year plus I need another gaming laptop since both my 7970Ms went out on my Sager. This is the longest wait ever lol! But yeah, that announcement was way too soon!
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Damned if you do and damned if you don't on that. The 980M is still a very valid option even with the 980 there.
Be A God of War - The new MSI GT80S 6QF Titan SLI!
Discussion in 'MSI' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Oct 25, 2015.