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    ** 1070 laptop: "bd prochot" causing cpu throttling to 800MHz and stuttering **

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by streetunder, Feb 13, 2018.

  1. Falkentyne

    Falkentyne Notebook Prophet

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    Oh, those are AMD platforms. I didn't follow those.
  2. heliada

    heliada Notebook Evangelist

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    Yeah ^^ It runs AMD Phenom II X6 1100T at 3.3GHz (6 core) and an AMD Radeon HD 6770 (if that's the correct full name) with 1GB memory clocked at 800MHz hehe. It rocks for such an old pc that was even cheap back then (like 600 euro lol).
  3. Falkentyne

    Falkentyne Notebook Prophet

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    Do you still have your laptop?

    I went through your EC RAM And there are other differences.
    When comparing Keith's GT 60 EC, not only were both of your NOS flags gone, but the value at EC register C2 is set to 00 on yours as well, when all other MSI laptops have either a 22, 23 or 24 there.
    Do you see the EC I posted on page 39, of the 16F4 (GT 60) EC? Notice there is a 01/24 in EC Registers C1 and C2 ?
    But on yours, it's just 01 and 00.

    What happens if you MANUALLY set EC RAM register C2 to 24 (you can also try "23" here too if 24 doesn't work), then set EC RAM register C5 to 9E and EC RAM register C6 to C0 ?
    Does this stop prochot? Then set EC RAM register E3 to 21 for good measure.

    Then try rebooting (do not power off, just reboot) the laptop. Do those registers still remain as 24, 9E and C1? (E3 will revert back to 20, that can be changed back to 21).

    Here is a picture of the GT60 EC for comparison.
    GT60 EC.JPG

    *Edit* probably won't even work but there's no loss in trying.
    I changed my "22" (which was in EC register C2) to 00, and it persisted at 00 through a windows reboot, but did NOT persist through a power off and changed back to 22. I think that's related to the some sort of system detection but someone would have to disassemble the EC and read the code. I'm just a gamer... :(
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2018
  4. heliada

    heliada Notebook Evangelist

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    Sent the laptop through reseller for another warranty service today with additional information about what you guys helped find out: that the laptop does not use battery as it probably should. Also with the gpu being limited with the vbios as a "new issue" that I would like to have solved. In your face msi technician who installed it. Anyway, the guy I talked to at the reseller's store was extremely understanding. Took my boyfriend with me to avoid any miscommunication as my Dutch is still not very advanced and I miss some vocabulary needed to talk technical stuff. I will see (again) in a few weeks.
    @Pedro69 does @streetunder have any news about his laptop yet?
  5. Falkentyne

    Falkentyne Notebook Prophet

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    This is going to get interesting.
    Someone is either going to get fired, or someone is going to have to come clean and explain why your laptop does not have the NOS flag.
    NOS flag is "9E". All msi laptops are supposed to have this since GT60. (EC Register C5).
    NOS status flag is at EC register C6. 40(idle) and 41(load) means you are being throttled. C0 (idle) and C1 (load) means you are getting full power up to AC system limit (AC limit is set in EC RAM register E3).

    But on the laptops with NOS working, EC register C6 is READ ONLY. It only has 4 values: throttle idle signal, throttle load signal, full power idle signal, full power load signal
    At least it's partially read only.

    For example, if you set EC register C6 manually to a value of C3 when the laptop is idle, it will change to C2 for idle and C3 for load. And so on. Same thing if you try to write a "D" or E" value into it. It flips between two adjacent numbers.

    The "throttled" flag (40/41) seems to flip between a certain range if you 'overwrite' it too. I forgot already. Either 00-4F or 40-7F. My point is there are only TWO values for each state (NOS enabled, and NOS disabled).

    EC RAM register C5 is not read only. But all MSI laptops default to 9E REGARDLESS if NOS is enabled or disabled. Unplugging the AC Adapter disables NOS (obviously) and sets EC RAM register C6 to 40. Being below 30% battery when on AC power sets EC RAM C6 to 40. Yet "9E" does not change at all. Just stays 9E.

    However...if you CHANGE 9E manually, it also disables NOS or enables it.
    00-80 (these are 128 total decimal numbers btw) turns off NOS and sets EC RAM Register C6 to 40 (or 41).
    81-DE (I think) turns on NOS and sets EC RAM Register C6 to C0 or C1, unless another flag tells NOS to turn itself off.

    DF-FF causes NOS to turn on and off every second.

    But I still don't see the purpose or the 9E value. 9E is 158 in decimal. What is the significance of 158? I don't know.
    But a value of 0-128 (decimal, note that 80 is 128 in hexadecimal) turns off NOS, and 129-223 (81-DE) enables NOS, while 224-255 (DF-FF) makes NOS flip on and off repeatedly.

    So someone at MSI **MUST** answer directly why Heliada's laptop does not have the NOS flag!! is it something soldered on the motherboard? A closed circuit? A detected or non-detected component that USA models have or do not have? Because the BIOS and EC IS exactly the same as ours....
  6. heliada

    heliada Notebook Evangelist

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    @Falkentyne we will see. I wonder what is going to happen but msi as a company should sort their repair centers out and forbid them from limiting the GPU unless the customer agrees to it. It seems like a bad practice and could potentially damage their name. I even wrote on the damn desktop I did not agree to it and my own number next to it in case there were some questions. No one called, vbios that limits the gpu to 1645MHz and 0.881V was still installed regardless of my wish for it not to be. No good for me, that was not how I bought the laptop or what the laptop's max capability should be. If the GPU could not make it with the 230W adapter, why not include the 330W one? It makes no sense to me. PC's are normally powered with at least 650W power supply if they have the 1070 and an i7. I never expected full desktop 1070 performance, I was fine with some power throttling under full load, which was normal and within spec. Until CPU came into the equation and bd prochot came up.
    If I look back at what dragon center was reporting - mostly hovering around 140-150W usage despite only 30fps in city in assasins creed origins does not seem legit to me at all nor acceptable. Most likely due to the limiting vbios and old drivers and windows (since they just factory reset the thing, did not bother to check if it works with new drivers - also mentioned with new warranty claim as a complaint).
  7. Falkentyne

    Falkentyne Notebook Prophet

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    There is no manufactured SKU with the 330W power adapter for your model. That's the problem. They would have to admit that is how they coded the EC, giving away all of their trade secrets, then they would have to write you a custom EC that has the 330W power ID by default for your system, and then send you a 330W power adapter and enable the NOS flag, and hope you don't tell anyone how their system works. Otherwise you would get people like me everywhere, buying the 330W PSU, changing a register in the EC, and effectively disabling all battery drain under 230W power load completely (even though the Pascal bios editor didn't even exist at the time if you wanted to hardware TDP mod a 1070 to a higher TDP, and the GT62VR/GT72VR VRM's were also not designed for 195W video cards and might destroy something. But that's getting way off topic now.

    PLUS, if the 330W power ID disabled all battery drain lower than 230W system power load, they would have to come up with a REALLY REALLY big excuse why NOS is even REQUIRED in the first place (unless the rumors were true about it being a government regulation)....
    Vistar Shook likes this.
  8. heliada

    heliada Notebook Evangelist

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    Mmmm well I would just be happy for the laptop to work I guess? If they were to call me in a week that they can make it run perfect if I pay up 150 euro for bigger adapter, I would transfer the money within the next minute and be like: "kgo, do itttttt". And then I would just enjoy my laptop and praise their amazing service. Guess that is not what they want....? I mean, in that situation they would manufacture the laptop with regards to all the standards (hell they can even sell it with the limiting vbios and be transparent about it) but would offer an "aftermarket upgrade" which people would just happily accept and pay for imho. Why not? Don't people love upgrade options? I don't see a problem with it, maybe it would be a grey area but they would totally get people to buy their laptops (the more upgrade options the better).
    PS. Remember how some time ago people were gonna sue MSI for offering MXM upgradable gpu's only to find out MSI did not provide any upgrade options? I think whole lots of people back then bought those laptops just for the upgradability promises that were made/implied. Making it real would be an amazing selling point. Just as upgradability of power adapters and eventually CPU's. PC's can do it without too many problems, why couldn't laptops? I mean on a PC motherboard you can slam whatever CPU and it does not void warranty, you can repaste the CPU, take it apart, cuddle the components or make out with them if you wished to and you still have warranty. Why make such a fuss about laptops...?
  9. Falkentyne

    Falkentyne Notebook Prophet

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    Heliada, the problem is, it would be impossible for them to agree to that.
    The service center that has your laptop doesn't make the firmware.

    Everything has to come from Taiwan. Taiwan has the unlocked EC (that has NOS disabled AND allows FULL unlimited power). Their engineers can do that for you IF they cared. But you are just a..."random" to MSI. They would never do this to you unless you had some power or influence in the company or in another company which MSI needed or required your continued relationship.

    It would take any competent programmer probably just 1 day to find your laptop's EC, find the issue and recode a custom EC, test it and then send it to you. I mean it's 128K bytes of a file...But it just won't happen.

    They won't even allow me to "borrow" the unlocked EC for "testing purposes", that has the crappy Zener diode overcurrent protection disabled. They don't care that I have liquid metal and have validated a 5 ghz Super PM 1M and CPU-Z screenshot. Companies don't care. People are nothing but sheep and cash cows to them. They aren't real people. That's how the world works these days.

    You see this code??

    CPU_CrtT = 1.CPU_ThtlT = 1.CPU_ThtlT = 0.SYS_CrtT = 1.SYS_ThtlT = 1.SYS_ThtlT = 0

    What do you think "Thtl" stands for?
    What do you think Crt stands for?
    Why do you think there is both a 1 and 0 next to Thtl, but there is ONLY a "1" next to Crt ?

    Hint: Hex editing a 0 there and trying to flash would result in a complete brick. There are checksums present. That's PLURAL. CHECKSUMS.
    The EC would have to be disassembled, strings changed (like CPU_CrtT = 0 and SYS_CrtT = 0), code recompiled and checksums recalculated.

    MSI isn't stupid.
    They're just completely incompetent. "hey let's DISABLE NOS For your region because your government doesn't allow it, but let's FORGET THAT OUR CODE WILL MAKE YOU BD PROCHOT THROTTLE !!! Customer bends over and gets kicked in the butthole."

    @Papusan @Mr. Fox @bennyg @Mobius 1

    BTW *edit* remember what i said about a certain value in register C5, being higher than DF, making NOS turn itself on and off again repeatedly, right (causing the throttle flag in EC Registesr C6 to be set to 40 and C0 repeatedly?).

    Seems like now, a value of DE is making it toggle, while a value of DD is not.
    What changed from the last time I tested it?
    Battery went down by 1%...

    More cancer firmware.
    Seems like the 'cutoff' for the value in register C5 making NOS turn on and off repeatedly is based on the current battery level (or voltage, as lower battery level=lower voltage).
    Of course this is completely utterly stupid and useless anyway, unless someone knew how to disassemble the EC and get at the code.

    @senso knows a little about it but its' complicated. He was asking for Svet's help. I asked for Svet's help a long time ago with unlocking power limits and EC restrictions and his response was basically "I could try, but do you have a hardware programmer available, because you're going to have mulitple bricks...." :) :)
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2018
    bennyg and Mr. Fox like this.
  10. heliada

    heliada Notebook Evangelist

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    @Falkentyne that sucks. Well I guess if they cannot or don't want to make it run, I will eventually (few months from now after some back and forth) hopefully get my money back. Cause they cannot bother figuring out how to make 1 model work (I guess that would also make another few thousands of people happy and be cheaper for them than have to pay me the money back or pay for people to go back and forth with me and possibly others). See where I am going? Even 1 person can be costly to them, I don't see how it would cost them even close to 2000 euro that they would have to pay back for the laptop instead of making it run well as well as their entire lineup (lots more people than just me). See how it makes no sense? I am not no one, I am one of many who are potentially affected. Making me happy = making thousands of people happy. One dissatisfied customer can make another 100 or more people go buy something else instead. That is not no one and is a lot more expensive that just fixing their models up or giving paid options for the fix. But that is just my opinion I guess.
    Based on what @Pedro69 said about the bd prochot being known to MSI, it is possible my laptop was actually in repair before they had proper information on it. So there is still a chance this time it will come back in a fully working state.
    Mr. Fox likes this.
  11. Falkentyne

    Falkentyne Notebook Prophet

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    The only way that's going to happen is if they give you a USA motherboard (which whatever part 'makes' NOS work), a missing component or removing a component (which would make NOS work), or they put an unlocked EC on your laptop. And I'll drink 1 gram of Liquid metal Gallatin if they actually "leak" the unlocked EC.

    That's like Nvidia releasing a mandatory recall of all 970 GTX 3.5MB cards and paying shipping on it. BEFORE they got sued.

    Won't happen.
    Mr. Fox likes this.
  12. Papusan

    Papusan Jokebook's Sucks! Dont waste your $$$ on Filthy

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    Maybe you all should be happy with same $30 refunds for this ****y?:rolleyes: NOS and crippled Power is well known topic. Even people who have never owned MSI know how MSI cripple their Jokebooks. Same for older Msibooks with socketed hardware
    Mr. Fox and Falkentyne like this.
  13. heliada

    heliada Notebook Evangelist

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    Well idk, all I could find was that there was an EC (european commission) compliance thing in all the manuals (even Japanese one has the part in the manual, but I guess it would actually not have to comply with it if it's not an EU model)
    I could however not make anything out of the only half decent website I found. Just plenty of crap about energy saving and preventing pollution and waste, but nothing specific to laptops/PC's.
    Either way I will not be happy till I get some real solution :x I never knew this would happen when I bought it, nowhere did it say that the GPU would need to be severely limited in case I ever decided to play new demanding games. ^^ Putting a limiting VBIOS on it is like changing the specs of the laptop after the purchase which is clear violation of my rights in my opinion as well as the contract that was made by the purchase of the laptop. It is just not correct and honestly seems quite severe, from 1.05V limit to 0.881V and from 1848 max to 1645MHz.
    Thanks for talking to me about it though, it does not solve anything but totally makes me feel better that there is someone out there who takes the time to listen and care for others. Faith in humanity restored. :)
    Vistar Shook and Falkentyne like this.
  14. Falkentyne

    Falkentyne Notebook Prophet

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    This is not going to help anyone unless they disassemble the EC, but here are some text variable strings. Probably all the good old NOS crap and CPU current amp shutoff BS here too.

    Look, if I had linux and coding experience, I'd look at this myself and see what I could do. But I don't. All I have is a hex editor which would brick the system, and a SPI skypro programmer. games for life...

    @Papusan hey man I tried to help..... :(

    1) GT73VR EC 17A1EMS1.109 (Note: 17a1ems1.108 has the same except batt_off is not there).

    EmSD=1.EmSD=0.AC_Out.AC_In.SusOn=H.Batt_Out.Batt_In.BATT_OFF.BattThrottleST = 1.BattThrottleST = 0.BattCurrThlFlag = 1.BattCurrThlFlag = 0.BattCurrentCrtFlag = 1


    CPU_CrtT = 1.CPU_ThtlT = 1.CPU_ThtlT = 0.SYS_CrtT = 1.SYS_ThtlT = 1.SYS_ThtlT = 0


    2) GT72VR (?) 1785EMS1.107 ; dont know if this is GT62VR or GT72VR.

    EmSD=1.EmSD=0.AC_Out.AC_In.SusOn=H.Batt_Out.Batt_In.BattThrottleST = 1.BattThrottleST = 0.BattCurrThlFlag = 1.BattCurrThlFlag = 0.BattCurrentCrtFlag = 1.(ID,STS).Btn_ID_Over


    CPU_CrtT = 1.CPU_ThtlT = 1.CPU_ThtlT = 0.SYS_CrtT = 1.SYS_ThtlT = 1.SYS_ThtlT = 0

    I've attached the EC's to this post. Not like anyone here is going to know what to do with them. Or even care to work with it in the first place. the only person who knows enough is Prema, and the Great God can't help us with this, unfortunately :(

    Attached Files:

  15. Mobius 1

    Mobius 1 Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    This is why I wouldn't buy a gaming laptop if it doesn't have prema bios or advertised as truly unlocked or doesn't have any kind of write protection built in (doubt it).
    Vistar Shook, Papusan and Mr. Fox like this.
  16. Papusan

    Papusan Jokebook's Sucks! Dont waste your $$$ on Filthy

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    Exactly. And Clevo offer socketed hardware!! A must. Or go with a homebuild desktop. There ain't other choices. None!!
    Vistar Shook, Mr. Fox and Falkentyne like this.
  17. Falkentyne

    Falkentyne Notebook Prophet

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    I noticed a few of you got 17A1EMS1.109.
    This firmware is safe to flash in both GT73VR SKYLAKE and KABYLAKE systems. Just use the ECflashwin program and rename the file in the BAT file if you want it automated. Or you can just run it, flash it and shut off the system from windows shutdown.
    THIS has been UNTESTED on HM175 "GT73EVR". While it uses the same Bios, it uses .112 EC, and while .112 EC works on the kaby lake CM238 GT73VR (but removes the SLI power allowance and limits you to 330W maximum power draw or CPU -->800 mhz throttle), no idea if either .108 or .109 EC works on the "EVR" model the other way.

    Yes i'm fully aware MSI didn't release this EC. More incompetence. Probably they forgot they even made it. The EC Is embedded in every bios file starting with E17A1IMS.313, and can be extracted with UEFItool from the correct header when opening the main bios file from MSI, not the FPTW64 backup dump (some recent post by someone said that, but I don't know which header), or with a hex editor (carefully) by cutting and deleting the data above and below the EC, but that requires you knowing where the EC begins and ends exactly (isn't hard).
    heliada likes this.
  18. heliada

    heliada Notebook Evangelist

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    @Papusan not an option if you are from EU. Laptops with socketed cpu's are non-existent in modern HW here and US warranty usually does not reach here. My old asus k55vj (as we only found out upon disassembly to repaste) had removable gpu and cpu. It was not even advertised with it. Was a cheap laptop back in 2012/13 (600 euro) and came with a weak i5 3rd gen and an nvidia gt635m. I sold it few months ago for 150 euro (after 4 years of ownership) and regret it ever since. It was the best laptop I ever had though the single fan design resulted in some heat issues even after repasting :( - talking playing dragon age origins on slightly higher than low settings caused it to go over 90 degrees but it did achieve decent fps xD. And you had to disassemble it down to the motherboard to even clean the fans and repaste. I miss it though. Had no idea it was impossible to get such a laptop for such price now. If I want even 1050 in a laptop, it's min. 900 euro, just insane. And lower gpu laptops are not being sold here >.>
    I mean look at this amazingly simple motherboard... simple yet reliable! (and yep, it only has 1 heatpipe for cpu and 1 for gpu lol):
    So ye, with modern hw the only option I have is to build a pc atm or live with all this grossness of a soldered on cpu and severe power limits.
  19. Papusan

    Papusan Jokebook's Sucks! Dont waste your $$$ on Filthy

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    I’m from near the North Pole. AKA North of EU :D Hardware is in my sig

    You can get a Proper LGA+MXM laptop from HID. They offer worldwide warranty. I wouldn’t touch other notebooks. Period!! @Falkentyne :rolleyes:
  20. Falkentyne

    Falkentyne Notebook Prophet

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    Yes please.
    You can buy full complete desktop replacement P870 TM-G with 6 core LGA CPU, GTX 1080 and NON THROTTLING EC AND PREMA BIOS, and get your CPU delidded with liquid metal, then IHS reassembled then choose which thermal paste you want between heatsink and IHS. Same for GPU. Full desktop replacement. Not for traveling with, but imagine that. No more throttling. And 6 core CPU. If you buy a pre-binned CPU (costs more), you can even compete with high end 8700K desktops. In fact then the only difference is the desktops will run cooler because of the much larger heatsinks.

    Buy this and Master Papusan would forgive you for your transgressions and would stop vomiting and would be a very, very happy Papusan
    Right ? @Papusan

    But you must buy it from HIDevolution and explain your living situation and location so they know what to offer you.

    If you can afford it, you would be happy for a long time.
    Mr. Fox, Papusan and Donald@Paladin44 like this.
  21. heliada

    heliada Notebook Evangelist

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    @Papusan @Falkentyne I looked at their website and well... pretty unaffordable for me. Think if msi does not make the laptop run as it should I will build a gaming pc. Just gonna wait a bit till the new gen gpu's come out I think and the 1080's drop a bit in price. Then I will go with that.
  22. Falkentyne

    Falkentyne Notebook Prophet

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    Keep in mind that there are cheaper options as well.
    There is a 15" option (I believe) and you can also choose a GTX 1070 instead of a GTX 1080. That cuts down on the price as well.
    One thing to keep in mind that if you do get a GTX 1070 version, you can buy a 1.8v adapter and a Skypro SPI programmer and TDP mod it to 190W TDP, the same TDP as the GTX 1080, and gain 95% of the performance of a 1080, while saving quite a bit of money. You would need to make sure you have the 330W PSU however.
    I actually went this way on my GT73VR throttlebook.

    Make sure you look at what they offer. Just make sure that the options include a Prema Bios, because Prema Bios= no throttling. Which I know by now would make you very happy.

    I don't know if all of the TM1 versions (there's 775, 870 and I think another) have the Prema bios available or not.
    I also don't know your budget.
  23. Pedro69

    Pedro69 Notebook Evangelist

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  24. Mr. Fox

    Mr. Fox BGA Filth-Hating Elitist

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    Now you're talking super smart. :vbbiggrin: Just say no to the mobile garbage. Let the children throw away their money on broken trash.
  25. Papusan

    Papusan Jokebook's Sucks! Dont waste your $$$ on Filthy

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    I have learned @Falkentyne how to swim. And I know there are people out there who have learned the same, from the same teacher, but won’t talk about it in open fora :D
    As bro @Phoenix use to say... Be smart as Papusan :p
    Pedro69, Vistar Shook and Mr. Fox like this.
  26. Pedro69

    Pedro69 Notebook Evangelist

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    The laptop of @streetunder not arrive to center yet but the guys from MSI Portugal said that if the issue not solved, they will give a solution...but what it will be? Since GT72VR not sold anymore, perhaps GT73VR will be the next even if i need put more money on it...any suggestions?
  27. Vistar Shook

    Vistar Shook Notebook Deity

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    I am convinced, after getting a taste for overclocking with a HK chip and a severely limited BIOS/EC. My next upgrade, likely next year, either prema bios or desktop, nothing less.

    Enviado de meu Pixel 2 usando Tapatalk
    Dr. AMK, Falkentyne and Papusan like this.
  28. Papusan

    Papusan Jokebook's Sucks! Dont waste your $$$ on Filthy

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    It's called Land grid array (LGA) and can be found in some Clevo laptops. And yeah, you can get it with Prema firmware:D Welcome to the bright side of life:p
    Pedro69, Mr. Fox, Dr. AMK and 2 others like this.
  29. Pedro69

    Pedro69 Notebook Evangelist

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  30. Papusan

    Papusan Jokebook's Sucks! Dont waste your $$$ on Filthy

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    Nice machine but still some nasty in firmware. I'ts an ok 15,6 inch machine (socket hardware). But not on 100% level with Clevo P870 series. And only 7700K
    Pedro69 likes this.
  31. Pedro69

    Pedro69 Notebook Evangelist

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    Since you have a clevo, please be honest ... a lot of people talk about the noise of fans in clevo, how does yours behave? I love MSI because the cooling and the silence of fans.
    What model you recommend for 8700K and GTX1070? And 17 inch.
  32. Papusan

    Papusan Jokebook's Sucks! Dont waste your $$$ on Filthy

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    You have to expect some noise when you put in the most powerful hardware aviable for notebooks. Take a look on the noise comparisason. Clevo vs. Msi

    Gtx1080 SLI

    Single Gtx1080
    Vasudev and Falkentyne like this.
  33. Pedro69

    Pedro69 Notebook Evangelist

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    And what cpu you recommend? 8700k or 7700k...i asked about noise because i checked many issues about that even in models with 7700 hq.
  34. Papusan

    Papusan Jokebook's Sucks! Dont waste your $$$ on Filthy

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    8700K (50% more cores).
    Vasudev and Falkentyne like this.
  35. senso

    senso Notebook Deity

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    And if you dont get the Clevo from one of the few stores that have partnership with Prema it will have as ****ty or even worse firmware than MSI....

    Only Clevo Center in Portugal has partnership and its a scummy store, there is Obsidian PC doing their mods and so far seems to be working out ok.

    Then, there is not much else in Europe..
  36. Pedro69

    Pedro69 Notebook Evangelist

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    Senso, you are from Portugal? Yeah, i know clevo center but the prices not are the thinking in a buy with 17 inch, 120hz without discs,ram and cpu...i can buy this things more cheaper than in clevo center.

    If i need a Bios, @Prema can sell one to me?
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2018
  37. Pedro69

    Pedro69 Notebook Evangelist

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  38. heliada

    heliada Notebook Evangelist

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    @Pedro69 have you tested it yet? Does it fix the bd prochot?
  39. Pedro69

    Pedro69 Notebook Evangelist

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    Will test right now.
  40. Falkentyne

    Falkentyne Notebook Prophet

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    It can't fix BD prochot. This is controlled by the EC. Bios has no control. EC can override anything the Bios can set.
    Order of priority is 1) PECI, 2) MMIO, 3) MSR.

    Referring to power limits and throttling.

    PECI is controlled by the EC
    MMIO is memory mapped IO. Has a higher priority than MSR's
    MSR are CPU registers. Bios has access to those.
    Vistar Shook, heliada and Pedro69 like this.
  41. Pedro69

    Pedro69 Notebook Evangelist

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    Any luck with that thing of "MSIHIDDENFUN"?
  42. heliada

    heliada Notebook Evangelist

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    @Falkentyne, well I don't know how EC firmware detects hardware (you talked about that a lot), but I was wondering if bios could not influence it somehow. But then again, it was just me hoping for a miracle.
  43. Pedro69

    Pedro69 Notebook Evangelist

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    All the same, even with the new Bios, Bd Prochot still appears at very low temps...55ºC CPUe 65º GPU.

    There is a issue that i forgot to mention and not happen only with this new Bios, if i not undervolt the 7700HQ, when i got the BD Prochot first the frequency goes to 2.7GHz and only in rare cases i get 800Mhz...if i undervolt with 140mv(core and cache), never see the value 2.7GHz...with undervolt when i got the BD Prochot go always to 800MHz, strange :tears: :tears: :tears:
  44. Falkentyne

    Falkentyne Notebook Prophet

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    A specific Bios can't. Because all of our laptops use the exact same Bios version, and same EC version.

    Bios detects the hardware and sends it to the EC. They communicate with each other.
    Anything can signal NOS to be deactivated. Even a particular wifi card COULD cause an EC register change (whether it does or not is anyone's guess. I've only been able to verify VIDEO CARD Detection which causes EC RAM register E3 to be set to a certain "Power draw limit").

    @heliada if i may ask, which WIFI card did your laptop have?
    I know you don't have it anymore, but do you remember?

    EC detects hardware by the PCI ID.
    for example, the hard coded AC power limits (exceeding power draw rating will cause CPU throttling) is done by video card detection on POST (Power on). Done by the card's PCI ID.

    For example, your 1070 card causes your EC to show a "20" hex value in EC RAM register E3 (remember your screenshot?). That is the code telling the EC to set a 230W AC power limit for your system.
    A 21 code "exists", but is unimplemented because there is no GTX 1080 SKU for your system. I am still not 100% sure of this (i can't debug code), but I believe the NOS cutoff is hard coded at POST and stored in CODE, not an EC register, and is based on the starting power ID. However the EC power ID register is exposed in EC RAM and CAN Be changed. Unfortunately this only changes the NOS cutoff when NOS is enabled (the point where battery boost starts being used). But when NOS is disabled, the cutoff is either 1) hard coded at 160W regardless of 230W or 330W starting power ID, or 2) uses the "NOS start point" based on the power ID originally set at POST. But again, I dont program. I don't have linux and I don't know how to disassemble stuff. This is beyond my skill.

    *IF* NOS were actually working on your system (you had a 9E at EC RAM Register C5, and a C0 at EC Ram register C6), then you would be able to put a "21" in EC RAM register E3 yourself, and then you could draw up to 330W of total system power (hope you have the 330W power supply for that), and you would get NO battery drain below 220W system usage. But the NOS registers are not even there, so the EC code caps the power limit at 160W, which is where NOS would start being used normally. That is the code used for when you "disable" NOS manually on systems with NOS actually working.

    (e.g. if you program a value from 00 to 80 in EC RAM register C5, this disables NOS and caps the power draw).

    I really hope you understand what I'm saying clearly here.

    Back to EC RAM register E3:

    On the GT73VR, 90 = 230W power ID for GTX 1070 (10 for 6820Hk systems) and 91=330W power ID for GTX 1080 (11 for 6820hk systems).

    Changing this value live in windows from 90 to 91 changes the power ID, immediately (pretty amazing this is actually exposed to EC RAM and allowed), and also changes the NOS cutoff from 160W to somewhere between 220W to 240W. However the NOS *DISABLED* cutoff remains at 160W, and I don't know if a 1080 is installed, if it would be 220W for the cutoff or not. Or if its hard locked at 160W regardless of video card. Someone would have to look at the code. But who here knows how to do this besides Prema? And he won't do it for us. He's too busy.

    What I can tell you is, if a HIGHER power ID is 'set' (like if you set the 230W one to a 330W one to prevent "NOS" battery drain below 230W usage, and to allow the system to use up to 330W without throttling the CPU), then if you try setting a lower power ID, the higher power ID remains in effect, even if you reboot the system. In fact it remains persistent though SEVERAL power on and off cycles before it fully resets back to the original power ID. So this seems locked in code to the higher power ID. This is assuming you have a CPU that is allowed to bypass TDP (HK etc).

    However if you use an "invalid" power ID in EC RAM register E3, the CPU gets locked to TDP rating instead of being allowed to use the BIOS TDP override setting (this does not apply to HQ CPU's obviously which are locked hard).

    WHY is NOS disabled on your system? I do not know. I asked USA users with GT72VR's to post their EC RAM screenshots in the GT62VR thread. Yet not a single reply. Literally. People just don't care. Maybe they're too lazy to help. Or too selfish. Or maybe none of them are reading this forum anymore. I don't know.
    Pedro69 likes this.
  45. Pedro69

    Pedro69 Notebook Evangelist

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    Well, if laptop of @streetunder not can be fixed, i need check with my eyes how is the noise and cooling on clevo p775...with bd prochot disable in bios, my laptop runs fine...and i love the silence and cooling in msi even in gaming.

    Anyways thanks for trying help us with issue.
  46. Pedro69

    Pedro69 Notebook Evangelist

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    @heliada @Falkentyne

    Another update, i disable the function Thermal Monitor in Bios and the issue is also fixed like disable BDProchot.

    Papusan and Mr. Fox like this.
  47. senso

    senso Notebook Deity

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    What options does the AC power brick has besides 90watts?
  48. Falkentyne

    Falkentyne Notebook Prophet

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    Depreciated option. Not even available on any current laptops. Seems to be unavailable in APTIO even if set to supervisor. This setting is even in the clevo and alienware aptio too but won't appear.

    BTW how are you? :) Any luck with debugging that 17a1ems1.109?
    Vistar Shook likes this.
  49. Mr. Fox

    Mr. Fox BGA Filth-Hating Elitist

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    It was also in the Insyde H2O BIOS for older Alienware systems like the M18xR1 and M18xR2. It is irrelevant, but changing the setting from default caused undesirable behavior. I don't remember what it did now because it was such a long time ago that I tinkered with it. I can only remember that it wasn't good and I had to set it back to the BIOS default.
    Pedro69, Vistar Shook and Falkentyne like this.
  50. Falkentyne

    Falkentyne Notebook Prophet

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    Going to guess, extreme throttling? Or the laptop just turned off by itself when you gave it a Papusan look? :)
    Papusan likes this.
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