Ok so your GT73VR uses battery like GT72VR... hum... ok
Does GT75VR also drains battery?
@streetunder since the EC seems tied to the motherboard rather than the specific model ( I checked all the links for latest EC on 7re, 6re, 6rd etc are identical files), then it is possible your laptop already came with the .106 or sth preinstalled. Or you never saw the other versions online before as the link obviously gets replaced with a new one. But changing the file number at the end in the link of the latest ec will let you download older ones. They should totally work with the laptop. But I never downgraded an ec firmware and obviously cannot guarantee there would be no issues. Don't think it would brick the laptop since they are the correct files for the motherboard.
For example:
http://download.msi.com/archive/frm_exe/nb/1785EMS1.107.zip - latest 7RE EC from website
You can see aside from last number (version) they are totally identical.Pedro69, streetunder and Falkentyne like this. -
Seeing the 6rd consumes a lot less power, I think it will be difficult for it to reach the point where the battery gets drained and the issue could show.
Pedro69 and streetunder like this. -
I will ask on our portuguese forum, what they say about this battery drain / nos system, if they have this or not, we have like 6 users with GT72VR 7RE.
And i will think about the rollback to previous EC.
@Falkentyne, @Kevin@GenTechPC, do you confirm if its 100% to rollback the EC?
And are these EC for the GT72VR 7RE model?
http://download.msi.com/archive/frm_exe/nb/1785EMS1.107.zip - latest 7RE EC from website
But are u sure you want do it? im waiting for feedback first, dont know if its 100% safe.
P.S 2
@Pedro69, @Falkentyne
Can you please lock the frame-rate at 60fps, and check if you have any flickering, on the right side of the screen, to the top of the corner, while playing your favorite games with G-Sync On and V-Sync OFF?
Please guys, i need to know if i have a problem with my screen
(answer on my thread about this issue)
Thank you -
@Pedro69 are you atm also on the .107 one? Just look in msi help desk (not sure if it shows right away or you have to export the info to see it). If yes then you can try to flash .106 which I linked earlier or even .105. They are totally the right files for this motherboard and are all EC firmwares (coded by the first part of the version before the dot). Considering the latest one is common for all models regardless of cpu version or gpu model, the previous ones should be that way too. But then again, I ain't the MSI employee to confirm. If you look here http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/answers/id-3476490/crashing-showing-random-color.html you see this guy runs the gt72vr 7re with .105 EC fw so it indeed also applies to your model. I think this guy had the gpu crash tho haha.
Pedro69 and streetunder like this. -
You sure the two system use same chipset? I don't think so. What Cpu Package Power + GPU Power is shown in Hwinfo64 with full load? And have some of you measured the wattage from the wall with a Kill-A-watt?
Maybe try run AIDA64 as the Guide and see what will happen (if it signaling BD Prochot or battery drain). Second run replace Stress GPU in Aida64 with Heaven.
If you want push for more wattage to trigger... Increase core voltage.Last edited: Feb 25, 2018streetunder likes this. -
streetunder likes this. -
Meanwhile if you can give some feedback about this: http://forum.notebookreview.com/thr...while-fullscreen-gaming.813831/#post-10686481
I would be grateful. -
@Papusan that photo is when BD-Prochot appears on gaming, you have the maximum values there.
Power limits(1 and 2) are 200w in bios, is enough right? -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Max power limit is TDP limit which is 45W for your processor.
Power limit 2 can go to 1.25x TDP (62W) and that is only for short time.
Your power limit is 45W. Can be 62W for "short" power limit 2, 28 seconds, then TDP to 45W (PL1). -
@Falkentyne im talking about Turbo power limits.
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
I'll say it again
You have a LOCKED PROCESSOR.Papusan likes this. -
Falkentyne likes this. -
KY_BULLET likes this.
@Papusan you have any ideas of what is trigger the BD-Prochot?
streetunder and Falkentyne like this.
785EMS1.105 and 1785EMS1.106 tried, same thing....BD-Prochot still there
streetunder likes this. -
@Pedro69 thank you so much for trying. At least now it appears it really could be something wrong with the hardware. I also had the bd prochot issue on .114 and .118 bios so I think installing older one won't help. Guess we are stuck relying on MSI to fix this. >.<
KY_BULLET and streetunder like this. -
Same SPECS laptop from MSI, 7770HQ + 1070 GTX.
This cool guy, yes its a cool guy, did what i´ve asked of him: to PLAY AC ORIGINS GAME.
Yes for once, one person actually listened to me.
As you can see, according to TS, is using the battery, you can see that yellow warnings, and yes he have the laptop connected to AC and its using the battery by the looks of it.
So the theory of @Falkentyne and @Papusan, seems to make sense.
He only ran the benchmark, but is going to play for a bit in the most stressing areas of the game, the bench doesnt do a thing (no bd prochot running the bench on my laptop)
With this said, now is up to MSI to fix this issue.
Im still waiting for @Pedro69 feedback regarding AC Origins, do you have bd prochot while playing the game? do you have flickering at 60fps locked with g-sync? rigth side of the screen?
And @heliada, i hope MSI fix your problem, and if your laptop comes back, test the g-sync at 60fps locked on AC Origins, please, to see if screen flickers on the right side.
As soon you have news regarding your laptop, lets us know here or msi forum, i´ve sent you contact details as well.
Thank you alll, and i wish you all a good week.
Thanks for all the help, discussion, talk, whatever, lol, provided, im currently backup my docs, my laptop is going to RMA tomorrow.
Cheers! -
@streetunder good to see that this was really the problem. I would still not be mad if they could not fix it at this point. Sadly I cannot just return the laptop though and don't want to lose money on it when attempting to sell it just to buy another msi laptop with the same specs that is even more expensive (the gt73vr 7re is now 2500-2700 euro here). I would totally buy it if I could get a refund for the gt72vr though. It seems to have a lot more options to mod (for the future) and also has better cooling. I regret not waiting and going with it in the first place. Oh well. If they fix my gt72vr it's also ok. They will likely exchange the motherboard or something. No idea. I also experienced some electrical noise from the laptop (not the power supply) which may indicate there was sth really wrong with the motherboard.
For now, I will wait and see. Just gonna call tomorrow for an update. Hope it all somehow works out.
@Falkentyne, do you think the gt72vr can be modded to use the power supply till its capacity instead of the battery in case they end up fixing it? I would not hate anything more than have the battery die on me within a year or two just because of the intense drain during gaming. Also I am capable of gaming for hours at a time during holidays and tbh... if it drains up to 10% battery per hour, would I like... not run out? Haha. I am ofc willing to pay you sth reasonable if you were willing to make it run well for me (cause I don't understand stuff and I admit it). A little side job? -
@streetunder I believe need for speed I played was locked to 60fps by default. Well, it was done so by the game and not the drivers but I never saw any flickering. Also many games I played would not reach high fps (witcher 3 for example) would be 50-70 fps with hairworks on, never had any flickering issues. ><
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
@streetunder @Pedro69
Please use RW Everything, go to the EC RAM
And in EC Register C5, change the 00 to a 9E and then tell me what happens.
and, i am still angry about something.
Why would you ask me to download a game when GT73VR is NOT AFFECTED BY THIS BUG?
Not only would nothing happen, the GT73VR has an UNLOCKED Processor so i would get battery drain WITHOUT any power limit warnings since I can draw over 100W of power.Last edited: Feb 25, 2018heliada likes this. -
@Falkentyne, I guess streetunder did not really understand you did not have the same laptop. Not even speaking of the fact yours does not even use the 230W annoying power supply that I always found insufficient for this setup. On the side note, my laptop also has unlocked CPU which is why I think it suffers from it even more (even on stock settings as it seems it just pulls more power). Oh well. I think we are all just relieved and happy you are so helpful as you are. There are not many like you and papusan (I also always try to respond on msi forums to people but it rarely gets appreciated even by a stupid vote as best answer). I will call msi tomorrow to see where is my laptop stuck. It will have been 20 days since I sent it off and I heard nothing. Nothing about delays, nothing about problems, just nothing.
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
@heliada can you please do what i said in my last post, please? Just above.
It takes 10 seconds to do.
and tell me if there is a 9E or an 00 in EC register C5. -
PS. It is there specifically for this bd prochot issue.
@streetunder and @Pedro69 you should try the ec thing falkentyne mentioned. Maybe it will work?streetunder likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Ok, then the others need to try it
Because I've checked the EC RAM of literally every single MSI laptop.
They all have "9E" there, even MSI 16L13 barebones.
And I got bored and changed it to 00 just now.
Instantly the very NEXT Register (register C6) changed from C0 to 40.
I know from experience that this value is a 40 or 41 when hybrid power is completely disabled and there is an EC enforced AC cutoff of 160W (the beginning point where battery power begins to be used with AC power in small increments (not a 1:1 setting). Because if you disconnect the battery and check the EC, register C5 has 9E but C6 has 40, and the EC will power throttle the CPU to 45W, then 25W, then start cutting its frequency by force WITHOUT BD prochot.
I even had my CPU being throttled to 1000 mhz (!!!) when I set my Video card to 195W TDP, because the power cutoff was 160W. But it did not signal BD Prochot even though I had BD prochot checked.
When I set register C6 back to 91 (WITH BATTERY CONNECTED), register C7 changed back to C0/C1.
If the battery is disconnected, register C6 remains at 40/41, unless you trick the EC Into thinking the battery is connected (change register 31 to "09", then change register 42 to "64") will trick the EC. (Register C6 changes to c0/c1, battery "charge"light turns on even with the battery disconnected, and I can draw over 320W of power to the system with no throttling).
Here is a picture of Ryzeki's EC when he disconnected the battery on his GT73VR 6RF.
Power limited in this case to 245W (not 160W) because he has a GTX 1080, and the "NOS" cutoff point is 245W if a 1080 is installed. Note: this cutoff is set at POWER ON TIME and IGNORES the value in EC register E3 (E3 is the power ID, this can be changed from 230W to 330W for overall system limits, but the NOS cutoff is not affected by this).
streetunder likes this.
Something is not right here, i was able to add more stats with HWInfo64 as @Papusan asked to check the power in gaming.....well, im thinking that the problem is when the graphic uses the boost clock, always that i have the BD-Prochot the gpu start to stuttering when have the clock speed +/- at 1700MHz...check this picture at same time that activate the BD-Prochot:
streetunder likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Can you guys PLEASE TRY what i said and stop ignoring me?
@Pedro69 read my last message and try it
you already have RWE installed.
@streetunder you too.
just TRY IT.Last edited: Feb 25, 2018streetunder likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
already told you last 2 posts. Did you even read it?
I wrote 2 posts.
Please read. -
@Pedro69, gpu clock is irrelevant. Clock depends on voltage which is tied to power. Lowering voltage but increasing clock = still a perfectly functioning overclocked laptop I could run at .875V with 1800MHz and it was all good and amazing without bd prochot (could probably clock it higher but did not try). As then you simply don't reach the power limit (since the voltage is lower). Now it makes perfect sense why limiting gpu voltage helped avoid the problem. It is likely that undervolting the cpu severely would also help (but gpu seems easier to undervolt by larger amounts).
PS. was not sure what the relationship was exactly, but looking at the power equation it is current times voltage. Thus higher voltage -> a lot higher power consumption. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
It seems some people REALLY have trouble understanding basic english.
it's really annoying when you take time to TEST things and WRITE out perfect explanations and they go "UH.....WHAT? HUH?". MY GOD. do you people need a DIAGRAM??????????
** 1070 laptop: "bd prochot" causing cpu throttling to 800MHz and stuttering **
Discussion in 'MSI' started by streetunder, Feb 13, 2018.