I will try, on stress test I noticed core 0 and 2 get to mid 90s while core 1 and 3 get to ""just" high 80s.
EDIT: I repasted using less paste and screwed it without horizontal/vertical movements. Now the temperatures are almost 10º down from the tiny stress test I did.
This is how it looked on my original repaste:
And this is the ghetto test:
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
You can help improve the core temp differentials by using 0.5mm thermal pads on the VRMs and chokes instead of 1mm (on the GT73VR, GT75VR, GT72VR and GT72S; do not know about your exact system)
But let's look at your problem.
This issue, with cores 0 and 2 being 10C hotter than cores 1 and 3, happen on ALL MSIBOOKS with the VRM's above the CPU like yours. The problem is caused by a "combination" of the thermal pad cooling on the VRM's (causing extra elevation on that side) AND combined with a CONVEX heatsink. This is a difficult problem to pinpoint since more than one factor causes it. Do you see the CPU paste in the first picture? Notice how it seems to be CONCENTRATED more on the side CLOSER to the VRMs?? That means there is LESS HEATSINK PRESSURE on the CPU CORE on that area, so the paste gets 'pushed' from the higher pressure area (bottom) to the lower pressure area (top). Despite there being "more" paste, the extreme lack of pressure causes high core temp differences! You can see the copied pattern on the heatsink itself. Unfortunately it's extremely difficult to fix this problem by only one method. Often using thinner thermal pads combined with careful sitting of the heatsink can fix things. But if the pressure is TOO low, even if it seems balanced for awhile, a 4C core temp difference can become 10C after 1 week due to paste dryout on the lower pressure sides
I fixed this problem on my GT73VR by using thinner thermal pads *AND* sanding the heatsink fully flat. -
Would those pads do the trick? What about those? -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
This means the BOTTOM LEFT core has weak contact OR no paste. Do you remember what i told you about a convex heatsink?
I used Arctic 0.5mm thermal pads. but i dont know about your system. It's different than a GT73VR, but the VRM layout is very similar. -
A bit too much paste in the ghetto test.
The screws are tight, and I used the inverse order of the screw numbers (12 to 1).
Should have took a pic of the mobo without the heatsink, but I think there are 4 VRMs on top of the CPU.
Also, how do you know the core#1 is at the bottom left? Is there any pic or document where I can see the core positions? Its useful to know. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Pedro69 likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
The "pea" method is only for testing pressure. You don't use your laptop like that. Because if the paste doesn't spread perfectly evenly, you have a pressure problem.
Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
MSI from Portugal told me that they fixed the laptop... Could this be true or i will recieve a new VBios? They not sent me a tracking code to see where is the laptop not even MSI center told what they did to fix the issue... -
Pedro69 likes this.
With this problem 2 times, but I also sent it before for other problems. And there were other issues with the laptop, the subwoofer cover popped off and it was vibrating loudly with loud music, it had a rather loud coil whine... And the time I spent troubleshooting their drivers made me quite mad (nahimic, dragon center, true color, realtek,...). It was unusable out of the box lets say.
Also the 2nd time it went with bd prochot they at first could not find the issue (because they installed the limiting vbios) and by that time I knew about the laptop more than the technician in the netherlands which probably impressed him. Also I had EXTRA warranty on it, you don't, right? I think the extra warranty I purchased also helped me in the end.
Don't forget it's been a while since they were troubleshooting my laptop, I am kinda sure they must have more info on it now. -
Hey guys!!!
I recieve my GT72VR-7RE back and i notice that the Vbios is 86.04.5B.00.8A...on paper that is inside of laptop box say that gpu was changed and MSI Portugal confirmed also that today.
I cant check now with mafia 3, but i will do some tests and see if the problem still the same. -
Where i can check the S/N of the gpu? i have some photos and need compare to check if the gpu was really changed...
@heliada @Falkentyne @Papusan @Phoenix @Mr. FoxLast edited: May 28, 2018 -
@Pedro69 the defect will not show up with that vbios even if it's still faulty and even if they exchanged the gpu. It limits it to 1645MHz and 0.88V or so and with that it will run.
This chinese .8A Vbios was the same when you recieve the laptop?
I know that can up the MHz in gpu with MSI AfterBurner even with 8A Vbios but i need check first in games. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
REMOVE THE HEATSINK and look at the revision of the GPU. Please stop being lazy and put in the work like everyone else here does.
@heliada put in the work, hard work, for many months, and she was finally rewarded with a fast laptop, faster than mine. But all you do is just complain and ask the same questions over and over. No offense, but people don't exactly like freeloaders who refuse to put in work they are capable of doing.
I can't even copy and paste this so its annoying.
But this is "my" GPU ID shown on GPU-Z:
10DE-1BE1-1462-11B7. revision 1.2 card.
If you want 100% proof of your revision, remove the heatsink and look.Last edited: May 28, 2018 -
Again where i asked for the revision? Dam Falkentyne you not changed anything...
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
That's such a....bizarre question to ask. No card revision is going to fix his laptop. The entire system firmware castrated directly from China.
Only the 6 core laptops have a different vbios because due to more cancer restrictions, the older vbioses used on kaby lake systems will cause NO DISPLAY/POST problems when used on 8700K, but I don't know at all if this applies to BGA versions of the 8700K and partially locked versions (8850H etc). It does apply on Clevo systems. All because of DRM by Ngreedia.
Desktop cards don't care about this. -
panamaniacs2011 Notebook Evangelist
i recently got a tornado f5 (sig) and im noticing freezes , my guess is maybe because im using a mecanical hard drive , my temps are ok i get max 73c on the gpu and 80c on the cpu , i never had this issue with my previous gt60 2pe , but i dont have any other hard drive to test
panamaniacs2011 Notebook Evangelist
im having some freezing issues as well my temps are decent , ill try what op says
edit : sorry for double post
edit : im unable to lock voltage on this gpu ,i tried with msi afterburner but no luck (voltage slider is locked and i tried 4 diferent fixes with no luck , modify cfg file , profile cfg file , using beta , enabling voltage control from settings)Last edited: May 28, 2018 -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Last edited: May 28, 2018 -
panamaniacs2011 Notebook Evangelist
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
no such vbios mod exists.
The only person who would know how to allow voltage control on MXM Pascal is @bloodhawk
And Ngreedia has MXM Pasacal locked down so hard and so much that I don't even think he could overcome such cancer ! -
panamaniacs2011 Notebook Evangelist
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
You can LOCK an existing voltage.
By locking the graph in MSI afterburner, in the Control F graph, or combining locking with lowering the clock speed.
Note you are not going to have much success locking a voltage much higher than 0.875v because you're just going to run into power (PWR) limits, which will throttle the clocks and make the voltage keep dropping. The only way you will ever see 1.062v consistently or 1.050v is if you're playing a game which uses less than 100% of the GPU, like extremely old games. Then the GPU will just boost up as high as possible. Unreal Tournament 2004 (without Supersampling anti-aliasing forced in Nvidia profile inspector) is a good example of 20% GPU usage.
You can NOT exceed 1.062v. Ever. Unlocking the slider for +100mv does nothing even if you manage to move the slider.
Please don't mix them up.Last edited: May 29, 2018Papusan and panamaniacs2011 like this. -
panamaniacs2011 Notebook Evangelist
Edit: ill just read the entire thread to have better understanding of the issue
Edit 2: i can confirm i have 800mhz dips while gaming and my gpu max temp is 73C so im assuming cpu throttles down when my gpu hits 73C? still have to confirm that , ill do a throttlestop test with limit reasosn window open to see what it says as soon as i get home from work , i have a gut feeling its prochot issue , and i wonder if there are other tornado f5 users with the same problem?
edit 3 : i have rev 1.0 gtx 1070 but i havent had any crash or bsod , i get performance dips while playing the division and ac origins , i have a spare gtx 980m i could use for testing purposes but i dont have a the proper heatsink
edit 4 : im using a 330w adapter , brand new , also as i mentioned before i have assasins crees origins so i can test that game , i got the laptop second hand barebone from ebay for 430 bucks , it looks like new. ram , cpu and psu is brand new , second hand is gpu and laptop ,
edit 5 : i have unlocked bios
PD: im starting to regret selling my GT60Last edited: May 29, 2018Mr. Fox likes this. -
@heliada Same result with .44 Vbios :/ , will return again the laptop...
Last edited: May 29, 2018 -
panamaniacs2011 Notebook Evangelist
i was looking the bios and saw an option voltage optimization , i set up "disabled" and the drops where gone , i have an unlocked bios , ill put it on enabled again to see if i get the drops again . ill post any findings ,
edit i played like 40 min of assasins creed origins and 1 hour of the division
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
(pretty please?)
same perfect graphic and charts as this. -
panamaniacs2011 Notebook Evangelist
edit : forgot to mention when voltage optimization was disabled my gpu went beyond 73C (74 max temp on that session) with voltge optimization enabled my GPU only gets up to 73C no matter what ,and ive played quite a lot that way -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Post back with conclusive findings if you can though. I know it will take time to be sure.
Very possible this setting only affects systems with LGA CPU's. I'm testing it now on a BGA. Had it at auto. Just set it to disabled. My GTX 1070 is at 230W TDP. Going to see what happens. -
panamaniacs2011 Notebook Evangelist
Falkentyne likes this. -
panamaniacs2011 and heliada like this.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Number/letter are all the same...you can check in this photo http://forum.notebookreview.com/thr...z-and-stuttering.813644/page-29#post-10688978
Anyways you see a blue mark on "Ver: 1.2" ? Its the same mark when laptop arrived. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Last edited: May 31, 2018Kevin@GenTechPC likes this.
panamaniacs2011 Notebook Evangelist
both graphs have voltage optimization enabled but one has intel management driver and the second one i uninstalled intel management driver
NOTE: i did get suttering without intel drivers regardless voltage optimization setting
i did uninstalled management drivers but i still get smooth framerate still , cannot uninstall chipset driver to replicate stutter according to this link
apparently this was not a prochot issue (thank god) chipset driver fixed the issue
second graph has a dip because i had to switch windows to do something in chrome
both graphs are from assasins creed originsLast edited: May 31, 2018Papusan and Falkentyne like this. -
panamaniacs2011 Notebook Evangelist
Papusan and Falkentyne like this. -
Always try main forum who have exactly same hardware as yours. Not all visit other places like etc this thread.panamaniacs2011 and heliada like this. -
@Pedro69 don't just send the laptop back in. Call MSI and ask them politely but persistently for an explanation. Claiming they exchanged the gpu while this is not the case is unacceptable, imagine taking your car for service and they claim they changed the oil and oil filter while they did nothing. Did it go to Poland? I honestly think they should fire the people working there on spot.Pedro69, panamaniacs2011 and Falkentyne like this.
** 1070 laptop: "bd prochot" causing cpu throttling to 800MHz and stuttering **
Discussion in 'MSI' started by streetunder, Feb 13, 2018.