Hello all,
Quick question: What the heck do I have to do to extend the C: partition? You'd think shrinking D: and using the unallocated space to extend C: would work but it doesnt! What are my options? What will happen if I just delete D:?
Hey guys new owner! I just got my 725-074 about 4 days ago and I was wondering how much overclock the turbo button gives you, and if it can be changed to a higher %?
Only complaints with this machine so far is that because it's a full keyboard, the right shift is super small, and the comma and period are half the size of a letter key
The fan on the right tends to make my hand toasty as well, but that's not a big deal. -
For bio level overclocking with more options, go into bios then press ALT + Insert . However I think if you OC'd over 15 %, you are responsible for any damage.
Hows the key travel? and comfort in your opinion, BTW -
To shrink:
First completely turn off hibernation.
Turn off system Restore,
Then Set paging file to no paging file,
Finally use PerfectDisk to defrag.
Try shrink again.
Good luck -
Sorry, I've had a few "pops" in celebration already, however wubi isn't really an option for someone who truly wants a linux install. It's something more like a try-it-before-you-buy-it sort of thing.
If people have problems with ubuntu install tomorrow, I'll try to be more available, but I have my own concerns as well. The q&d guide should help out in giving hints & clues and in conjunction with intelligent searching should be enough, but...
...and I really need to get my own linxu environment together to be useful...
Also if you're doing something really incredibly strange, I won't be able to help you at all, or at least through the forums...
[/EDIT] -
I'm not sure what you mean by key travel. I like the feel of the keys. They have a faint grain texture rather than the slick feel. I don't like the slippery feeling keyboards and touch pads.
The touch pad's scroll area will take some getting used to. My old laptop had two bars on the right of the touch pad, and it allowed for smoother scrolling than this one.
Area around the touch pad can get pretty warm. Considering a cooling pad. Also cause the warmth my palms tend to get a bit sticky when typing.
Biggest gripe is the small shift/period/comma. It's going to take some time to get used that that! -
OK, I'm not in an adequate condition to diagnose the condition, but earlier I had put the GT725/8.10 Ubuntu + 9.2 catalyst into suspend mode, and it failed to revive from that. (Admittedly I may have not waited long enough, but even as I am I think that I waited as long as any reasonable person would've waited before forcing a poweroff...)
This is VERY bad, and bears some experimentation...
Keyboard: feels less "flexy" to me than my GX620/GT627/MS-1651 keyboard felt... although I AM having a more difficult time adjusting to the various key sizings this time for some reason... No keyboard/hw key lockouts so... hmmm ... dunno...
I'm a bit concerned about the failure to wake from suspend... more later...
[/EDIT] -
and grew c: to use the whole drive -
Yep, wake from suspend under linux is definitely FUBARed, as I let ti got for about 5m this morning before giving up and forcing a powercycle.
Comes back up, partially re-draws the screen as in I get a grey rectangle with a smaller white rectangle around the middle w/the rest of the screen black. Mouse pointer (frozen) no text at which point it seems to stop. (Need to turn on ssh server to see if I can log in remotely, if nothing else it'll tell me that the entire machine has frozen if I cannot, or if I can login maybe I can get a better idea of what's going on.)
That grey rectangle is SUPPOSED to be the dialog box that you enter your password into. Suspend/resume works fine under Vista + default shipped catalyst. Or IOW if suspicious of catalyst as on my old 1651/GX620 suspend/resume worked fine and it had the same CPU and chipset (P45M + ICH9M) and a similar wireless card Intel 5300(1651) v. Intel 5100 (725) which I suspect are identical cards with the 5100 lacking the 3rd antenna connection point.
OK looking at the log files it looks like it crashed on wake from some possibly bad Embedded Controller activity. Log file mentions trying booting with irqpoll option.
Maybe I should go look at what BIOS + EC fw is available from the MSI page...
hmmm... log from another resume from suspend attempt shows no crash, but probably possibly good to look for an updated BIOS/EC fw. Just wish that MSI would put out some release notes with those things.
About the load_cycle_count "bug" in Ubuntu:
As of Nov/Dec '08 this bug was still present. I'm monitoring my current install to see what happens and if it has possibly been corrected in the distro now. (Well completely corrected because as of late last year there was a partial fix that did not completely do away with the problem.)
This may only show up under battery power. It's looking OK on AC for me right now...
Oh my! Just tried googleearth and it's rendering is awful. Any display changes and it flashes, which gets to be irritating quickly...
If the image render is static the flashes cease to occur. I wonder if that's the same thing as the video problems that other people have reported...
Also when you move opengl windows, the "contents" of the window get left at the original location until you "drop" the window...
I haven't even bothered to try anything under wine yet or any games...
Also to make Google Earth work with Ubuntu 8.10, you're going to have to go to the Google Earth install directory and either remove or rename libcrypto.so.0.9.8
According to a real AMD employee on the phoronix forums, legacy Windows drivers WILL continue to be updated, although he says at a "slower pace" whatever that means.
X.org will only have the OSS drivers, which is what that guy is supposed to be working on.
[/EDIT4] -
It's strange, because the alt-insert at the BIOS has the lowest OC setting as 16%, which mine was at.
Also, the latest Synaptics drivers worked like a charm. I can now type and use my mouse without having the pointer randomly jump around and minimize windows because of my palms. -
whats the highest overclocking allowed? 25%?
And whats the highest stable overclock you've done? -
There are three options, 16%, 20%, and 24%.
I found it strange that when alt-insert was pressed, the RAM speed was set at 667 MHz (from options Auto, 667, and 800). I didn't bother to check before if my RAM was running at 667, but I know its not now.
For me, I'm not an overclock-laptops kinda guy. Desktops are fine, but I'm not gonna touch the turbo button. It performs great as it is. So I have no useful information regarding that, I'm sorry to say. -
You have a good point, P9500 is a pretty strong processor, most can just leave it to be.
Thanks for the info; 20% OC to 3 Ghz is very decent for a laptop...
Apparetly this laptop already ought to support quadcore, as a model in Singapore is released with Q9000; the CPU is said to be able to clocked at 2.3Ghz when pressed OC button.
* Ati Radeon HD4850 512MB DDR3
* Intel Q9000 Processor (2GHZ)
* WSXGA screen
* 4GB Ram
* 500GB SATA
* 2 Years +year international Warranty
* 9 cells
Apparently GT727 model will come later, with WUXGA and DDR3, and will cost only 32 USD extra over 725, which is why there is likely to be a hefty wait; if this is true, then MSI's marketing would differentiate 725 and 727 with more than a mere RAM upgrade, giving people more of a reason to get higher end model.
http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=2184449 -
For the owners:
Did you let ATI Overdrive change your default clock settings in 4850?
Or did you just leave it as it is?
Or did you test any other different clocks?
What temperature do you reach in testing overclocking? Mine is 70°. Is correct? or too high?
Sorry but i'm a complete newbie when it comes in overclock?
tks a lot. -
i made a new video playing Crysis warhead on my GT725 UK VERSION
here is the link enjoy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws6SwwI1rJU&feature=email -
watching it now...you better go find some people to shoot up buddy....lol
edit: standing around looking at the water getting shot up...lol
on your next one, can you add the fps counter so we can see the frame rate as well? -
Thanks for video.
Would have been a bit better with a visible FPS counter (such as FRAPS), youtube makes it hard to tell how smooth it is. But anyway, it is better than nothing, thanks. -
I was wondering, has anyone been successfully able to install windows XP on the 725?
The Drivers on the website look like they are only for Vista, too. -
Long time reader, first time posting.
First I'd like to say thanks to everyone for everything they've contributed to this forum. I've learned a lot. The reason I'm posting is that I ordered my 725 on Amazon and they shipped me one with a 32 bit version of Vista. I complained and they refunded me $160 so check your laptop if you ordered from there and make some noise if you got the 32 bit version. -
Did you get a 9-cell with your order from Amazon?
Yep, nice litlle rebate via Amazon, although they are under obligation to give you any money back unless you paid additional money for a 64b copy of Vista. Most companies have a clause wrt advertised "features".
Also ALL MSI computers ship with 32b Vista, but various vendors can and do sell 64b at an extra cost.
ALL US models of the GT725 come with 9cell batts... Not sure about ROW though...
Not had much time to look further into suspend/resume problems under 64b Ubuntu 8.10. So far I'm at it froze AFAIK(didn't have sshd installed these two times), and worked OK once.
The difference being the two times that it froze it had been in suspend mode overnight, while the time that worked was at most a couple of hours. So when I have more time and patience I will do some additional investigation to see if maybe I accidentally fixed it some other way, perhaps to do with hdd killer bug. (Supposedly COMPLETELY fixed for jaunty 9.04 now...) -
To all GT725 owners: Is it just me or does the CD drive seem incredibly slow? Like when I copied a 30 MB file from a CD to my desktop, it took like 5 minutes! When I expanded Vista's little copy dialog box, it said something ridiculous like 300 k/sec? It took me longer to copy a 3 GB file off a DVD than it did to burn it onto the CD at 2x speed! Anyone know what might be going on?
Not a clue as to why your system was only copying at 300kbps...
I installed Ubuntu 8.10 64b from a CD-R that I burned at 4X and it seemed to install as quickly as it does on any other machine.... or IOW no I've not noticed any low speed problems with my CD/DVD drive. -
sometimes windows copy is gay like that. it will do that nonsense from time to time. also when your expanding files as well. 99.9 percent of the time i will use winrar for that.
i think it may be with that superfetch or indexing and the copy thing goes around trying to count and gather info on the files..(speculation) -
that's one of the reason i'm reverting back to XP SP3 x86 from Vista SP1 x64.
the indexing make accessing files in the storage longer. especially if there is lots of little files in there.
the indexing feature can only be turned-off temporarily (about 10min or so). so good luck with that.
PS: Does Windows 7 still have this "unremoveable" indexing feature? -
nah, you can turn it off permanently. both of them rather.
but it's not so much the indexing as the superfetch. this kicks in after every single reboot. about 2 minutes in to the os being up and running -
But I read in Windows Help that Indexing can only disabled for 10 minutes.
I tried it. The setting still OFF, but the indexing continue anyway.
How do you make it off permanently? -
XoticPC just lowered their price I think Im going to have to order one next week now.
disable superfetch
both under computer management/ services -
i did nt see them coming i forget how to play now i played the crysis 2 days straight finished it and now only made that video since so was hard
ok i ll make an other one soon with crysis i ll try to put the counter on where is it anyway? -
it is the thought and time you put in that really matters..i was only funin' with ya...
other news, found another benchmarking tool along with a bunch of demos you can download and try...
if that link doesn't fully work, then use these for the games
for the fps counter/benchmark tool
for the games
listed under the download section.
# Crysis DEMO (около 1,8 ГбCrysis DEMO (about 1,8 GB)
# Crysis Warhead (полная версияCrysis Warhead (Full Version)
# Call Of Duty 2 DEMO (около 655 МбCall Of Duty 2 DEMO (about 655 MB)
# Battlefield 2 DEMO (около 557 МбBattlefield 2 DEMO (about 557 MB)
# Serious Sam 2 DEMO (около 379 МбSerious Sam 2 DEMO (about 379 MB)
# Call Of Juarez (полная версияCall Of Juarez (full version)
# Unreal Tournament 3 DEMO (около 758 МбUnreal Tournament 3 DEMO (about 758 MB)
# Quake 4 DEMO (около 324,5 Мб+ Quake 4 Patch 1.3 (около 234,8 Мб
Quake 4 DEMO (about 324.5 MB) + Quake 4 Patch 1.3 (about 234.8 MB)
# Prey DEMO (около 449 МбPrey DEMO (about 449 MB)
# The Chronicles of Riddick: EFBB DEMO (около 204 МбThe Chronicles of Riddick: EFBB DEMO (about 204 MB)
# Enemy Territory: Quake Wars DEMO (около 728 МбEnemy Territory: Quake Wars DEMO (about 728 MB)
# WinRAR TRIAL (около 1 МбWinRAR TRIAL (about 1 MB)
you already know ill help you in what ever way possible!
i just did some bmarking i made it public could you plz have a look
and how can i compare mine to other to check if mine is any good ?
3dmark06 = 10558
3DmarkVantge = P5918
can other owner of GT725 post there mark plz
http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm06=10296851 -
I will post again, once everthing is installed and runs fine. -
guys, if anyone has the quad core version, please let us know if the screen is WUXGA? heheh thanks!
It is free to download and gives an easily visible framecounter for any game. It also allows easy benchmarks while playing (you press a button and it will record the max/min/average framerate). -
I look through this entire thread and I would still like more feedback on the keyboard. I want to be sure that it is indeed better than the 627 model.
http://www.play.com/PC/PCs/4-/9267543/MSI-GT725-Core-2-Quad-Q9000-2GHz-4GB-500GB-BD-ROM-17-Vista-Home-Premium-Laptop-Notebook/Product.html -
Its not cheap, but still well worth it imo
looks official now. he has a 5900 score for gpu. so that looks like top dog to me.
here ya go!
and a bit short on cash at the moment buddy..lol
reason why?
because to many people would get to complaining about the situations are to different or you had 3 trees more than me and the list goes on. you use this and he used that and they did this and she did that. yes, it's good for showing your fps,taking snap shots and even benching if everyone benched 100 percent exactly the same.(but not good for comparing to other people) to many easy ways out to complain about why ones score isn't this and that. -
Ok i installed windows XP.
Everything went fine, got drivers for everything. (used network drivers for the GX720 from MSI site)
Just scored 10.050 3DMarks, so not really that mutch more, compared to vista. -
He asked for a way to show a frame counter on the screen. I suggested Fraps, it will be more visible in a youtube video than the Crysis r_displayinfo command.
As for the rest - 'it allows easy benchmarks'. Which it does. I never said it was a super-accurate benchmarking tool. Please read the comment before, ummmmmmm, making a reply. -
ummmmm, yes. <---umm no!
He asked for a way to show a frame counter on the screen. I suggested Fraps, it will be more visible in a youtube video than the Crysis r_displayinfo command.
that he did and fraps is a great way to go
As for the rest - 'it allows easy benchmarks'. Which it does. I never said it was a super-accurate benchmarking tool. Please read the comment before, ummmmmmm, making a reply.
who ask you if it was accurate? no one correct?
i was speaking on benchmarking only. said nothing about using for a screen counter. i think you better quit jumping the gun buddy
-->*OFFICIAL: MSI GT725 Owner's Lounge*<--
Discussion in 'MSI' started by faisalhero, Feb 4, 2009.