I'll try it again. i just had a driver failure. and i cant complete 3dmark vantage either.
my temps for my gpu's maxed is 82c/87c. so i think both gpu's were used.
dondadah88 Notebook Nobel Laureate
Nothing personal but I think the benchmarking portion should have its own thread as I've been following this thread for a while and last 10-15 pages have been nothing but benchmark results, page after page. I've seen people post valid general questions regarding the 725 ONLY to have the post disappear cos another person posted their benchmarking results consuming the entire page!
Why cant we simply have another thread called "725-Post your Benchmarks", etc and carry on the specific gaming discussions in that thread while allowing general discussion to be continued in this thread.
Just my 2 pennies. -
just my dollar fifty. -
Looks like ATI's new 9.2 Catalysts are a big help in DX10:
Run #1- DX10 1680x1050 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Overall Average FPS: 43.16
That's a nearly 4 FPS boost (8%) over the Catalyst 9.1's.
Faisal, see if you can get the Catalyst 9.2's to install on your system and re-run your DX10 Crysis benchmarks to see what you get. -
The benchmarks with the new catalyst 9.2 would be very interesting! Crysis is up to 20 percent faster with this driver. There was a review on a german hardware page about this driver. It seems to be the best ATI driver at the moment.
I posted these earlier, but here's the direct comparison:
Catalyst 9.1 Windows 7 - DX10 1680x1050 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Overall Average FPS: 39.965
Min FPS: 20.32 at frame 144, Max FPS: 48.99
Catalyst 9.2 Windows 7 - DX10 1680x1050 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Overall Average FPS: 43.16
Min FPS: 19.84 at frame 153, Max FPS: 53.08
It's not 20%, but I'm also running it on a very unsupported early beta operating system. -
this is your desktop right bii?
how can we help you?
seriously though...what question didn't get answered?? so we can get that answered for ya!! -
Yes, the desktop. I haven't seen anybody post Mobility benches with it yet.
To the current 725 owners...
i) What model Wi-Fi card does the 725 use?
ii) Whose the screen manufacturer (LG, Samsung, etc)?
SS -
Anyone know if GT725 directly based on 1722? if so it ought to support quad using 1.0R bios?
Maybe someone here could help me...I would like to know if the M4870 in the Asus W90 are exactly the same of a M4850 OCed to 550 850 ??
Can anyone attach vbios of M4850 ?? -
So, OOC here, has anyone installed linux on their GT725 that ha sone yet? How are the latest X11 catalyst drivers? Any problems running native 3D apps/games? Windows games under wine?
(Also really applies to anyone who has any ATI 4XXX series in another notebook or desktop...) -
Faisalhero, One last small favor. Can you post a pic of the bottom of the laptop. so i can see where the intake vents are? I need to know which notebook cooler to purchase. Would like to get the Zalman nc2000 or NZXT. just thier placement of cooling will decide on which one to get.
You can see the bottom of the whole machine in his review video here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VjeSEv1xV4 -
i just pre-ordered an 075 version
Question - Does the GT725 have the Vista discs in the box?
I notice a lot of laptops don't supply these any more and it really pisses me off. Does this one have the discs? -
Does the GT725 have single fan to cool the CPU and GPU or does these components have their own dedicated fan?
I'm confused - xoticpc has the 725 on its site with no mention of pre-order. However Amazon mentions pre-order. Has this actually been released yet? I was wavering between this and an m15x for the longest time, and after some hard thinking I decided to go with the better value. But if I won't get it for another few weeks anyway, I'd rather hold off.
EDIT: Nevermind, they say preorder when you add it to your cart, and I read elsewhere that it should be shipping next week. -
http://jyreb.club.fr/inside-gx620.jpg -
As I understand it the retail MSI's ship with a hidden partition containing Vista Home Premium, and come with 2 blank DVD-R disks to back up the partition to. (Probably sort of like Sony, but w/Sony you have to buy your own media assuming that you have none...)
well, from the pictures, it's a heatsink on the GPU heatpiped to the CPU heatsink w/the fan on it, I think. Fan may be on the GPU, but I admit to having not looked closely to see which is the MXM card. As to whether or not it has other fans besides that one... dunno.
Amazon still says pre-order on the GT627-218US and -216US too, but they've been shipping from everywhere else for quite some weeks now. newegg even got them in the other week. Maybe Amazon had more pre-orders than they've received in units so far.
Also, IIRC it was one of the small vendor reps that said something about the GT725-074US model being available 2/23/09, with a delay for the -075US model. Xoticpc and Frostycomputers appaear to have them already, but I can't verify that.
Dilemma: Wait for Nehalem Clarksfield (quad core/8 thread) notebooks this summer, or order me one GT725-074US from xoticpc... Think that it's worth waiting for summer to see what MSI does with Nehalem mobiles? (My old backup nb is beginning to get to me...) -
Has Anyone Managed To Try A Quad In This System Yet?
Just got an update email from frostycomputers, that both models gt725-074us and gt725-075us are available, but the qty limited. So fire at will. I decided to wait for the HD4870 version, but i know some of you have waited this for long time, so i tought i'll pass the word
pardon my ignorance but what are the temps at full load running the latest drivers? interested in both stock and OCed memory to 550.
tried to skip thru the 18 pages but didnt find any solid info
thanks in advance -
if i buy gt725-075, can i upgrade the CPU with a quad?
While awaiting delivery of my 725-074 (XoticPC), I wonder if we should split up the thread now based on the 2 models since one has the BR drive? Or continue to use this main one?
I already have my loaded up BR/HD HTPC (with my 720p projector) so didn't have the need for BR on a laptop.
Can't wait.....I just borrowed my friends new XPS16 for a day and decided the widescreen screen didn't really do it for me ....its okay for people watching movies, etc but for regular PC usage, u do lose quite a bit of screen estate. Glad I'm going with a full 17" laptop. -
I was wondering about that. I am glad I decided against the sXPS16 now too. Thanks! -
^ Though the LED screen on the XPS16 is REALLLLLLLY nice! But for me, a full desktop replacement such as a 17" (with higher resolution) was more important.
For movies/gaming, I already have a 720p projector with a 120" screen -
For games and movies I have a Cannon RealiS SX-6 1080i/720p 3500lms and also a 12' 16:9 screen
Sounds like you have the same electornic passions as I do.
How good is the display of the GT725? Some displays of MSI Notebooks were to dark according to some reviews... so I hope that the display of the GT725 is OK
I've ordered a GT725 and will receive it this week... -
i m gonna try answer some question will quickly go throw the ffew pages see if i can answer them
but i will post the rest in a couple of days
ok guys this is everything if there is more questions u need to bare with me i ll reply if i got the answer but it in a day or two -
Thanks viilutaja - Have been waiting for a while and the wait is over. Ordered from Frosty and will have it on Thursday. Other vendors are still quoting Mid-March! Appreciate the heads up...
its up and orderable on newegg
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152102 -
My 075us is shipping today!!! Should have it by Friday.
Get to edit the sig soon and pop in the SSD!
I plan on opening the lappy up and give everyone some naked internal pics! -
How can I mod the catalyst 9.2 driver for my GT725? The driver in the Alienware forum does not work...
Please helppp -
Thank you very much!
when is xotic pc supposed to ship mine?!?!? rawr
-->*OFFICIAL: MSI GT725 Owner's Lounge*<--
Discussion in 'MSI' started by faisalhero, Feb 4, 2009.