They seem to do different things, but the majority still use Throttlestop. New stable version (9.2) just came out this month as well.
Hello guys and thanks for this thorough tutorial.
I own an msi ge63 8sg and followed all bios modifications.
I am facing a scary issue though.
I have a dual boot with grub mint + w10 on 2 separated nvme drives.
Unfortunately my work linux system drive isn't found in the bios since the modification which sounds quite weird I admit.
I will check whether the drive itself is faulty but just to make sure, nobody experienced anything like that by tweaking cpu features? -
Wow i found the problem but still don't know how this liquid metal ended up there, there's no traces anywhere else on the laptop...
Last edited: Sep 13, 2020 -
thanks i finally managed to unlock my 10875h to use with throttle stop, i didnt find this info anywhere except this great thread !
but do you mind explaining what does this mean and WHERE TO SET IT ?!...
As to set a limit how many cores are allowed to parked:
For 8 cores CPU it should be 13%, 25%, 38%, 50%, 63%, 75%, 88%, 100%.
How to do that ??!...
and finally cant i undervolt my cores and cache (just like we do in Throttle Stop) but do it from the bios to get rid of 3rd party app use everytime ?...
thanks, -
If its an MSI laptop, you can undervolt on the BIOS, but TS uses less than 0.1% CPU and around 3MB of RAM, allows for multiple profiles for example high performance and extended battery with different max clocks, and different PL levels, and the handy temp monitoring.
My GS73 6RF is power throttled and I wanna use the IMON tweak to bypass the power limit. I have IMON slope and offset option in the bios but there is no IMON prefix. Does that mean I need to mod my BIOS to unlock that option? Thanks.
so can anyone explain to me how the bclk overclocking works on msi laptops? what settings should i touch and what not to touch in bios, i know it sounds like a noob question to you but bclk is something that i am just not that familiar with yet (i was in s775 era), my goal is to get at least 100-101mhz right now i am hovering around 98-99
xtu inference ENABLED - bios OC domain
XTU reinstalled for repair connection + installed ME drivers
and BCLK is in XTU
or F4 + 17hz steps sometimes bios save
different 99.5-99-9 MSI defaults + spread --normal
ICC in bios - BCLK pre-setup
disable SPREAD - 100mhz -example
............but it doesn't make sense at all
use RATIOs / remove power limits -
i have already removed power limits, done ac/dc loadline, imon slope, sys agent, undervolt, ram @3467mhz, etc, i just need to get that core clock little bit higher -
get sometimes longer boot + reset
BCLK does not work well on MSI "ICC - -WARM reset recommended" + test bios only or XTU "native" XTU inference -enabled for faster setup "XTU BCLK change"
but this mode
.,,.sometimes uses absurd numbers for the RING bus "emulation works better / bios settings" XTU inference-disabled
own research .,,good luck
edit .,,.,. here guide "20h2" + xtu ?? buggy version or windows compatibility
how to repair XTU / BIOS access ,., CREATE RESTORE POINT BEFORELast edited: Dec 29, 2020 -
you just get more problems ,,and performance gain 0.001./. up
or own research -
it's hard for me to explain everything
,..,all is already written it
ideally wait for someone local for a complete translation
edit ,,bios options .,.,what you need
OC TAB "when exist"
XTU inference
BCLK saving type - WARM RESET -recommended
,,,..,possible use XTU "when xtu inference works normally"
,,translation is OK ??Last edited: Dec 29, 2020 -
i check your bios
edit ,,some ME FW is locked "BCLK not works"
..........ICC tab
ICC Locks after EOP - all unlocked
Bclk Change Type - permanent + warm reset
,,,and possitible get boot loop "BCLK is risk" !!!
30s power button when nb run - full bios reset
..but this remove all your custom setting --windows not must works
RAID0 --possible lost DATA
hw STUCK or other problem
don't risk ,,,there is a better chance that you will damage the system or hw
,.,.BCLK no needLast edited: Dec 29, 2020 -
msi ge75 raider 8se
aptio 2.20.1271
and believe mei dont care risking
i am running pretty high overclock on gpu aswell and ram and i have done it since i got the laptop, will buy new one next month anyways, its what enthusiasts do mate, the want every litle 0.5% of performance they can get out of their systems, i will shunt mod my gpu aswell next time i do a new lm repaste
I got my bclk at 103 no issues
4.0ghz no issues
greninga, DimitriosMSI, Papusan and 1 other person like this. -
I searched the bios with advanced combo but did not find anything. Can u pls explain? Tnx in advance -
yeah explanation would be nice, i know how to use unlocked bios, but i cant seem to figure out where or how to change bclk to 103
Can I use this guide to tune 10870h?
Sure, the same basic concepts apply to almost any Intel CPU in fact.
So if I set Uncore to +125mV offset in BIOS, I can't use Intel XTU for overclocking then, right? Because whenever you set a Core Voltage offset, it copies that to Cache Voltage, which is also the Uncore voltage? Overriding the value you entered in BIOS...
I have similar Samsung RAM (same model number but different three letters after hyphen) and I can't seem to get it to boot past 2933MHz (133x11). Tried raising voltage, loosening timings, increasing Uncore, etc.
Here is a picture of my advanced BIOS, with the default values boxed in green. I have changed only the IMON parts and that works perfect to prevent all PL related throttles. But because the default TDC and VR current values are different from the values you gave (which is more than 2 years ago for a different laptop), I was hesitant to change them. Any advice regarding the appropriate values for this CPU?
I should also mention that Dragon Center is no more, now replaced with MSI Center, though that probably doesn't affect what we can adjust in the BIOS settings.
VR - EDP limit "iccmax" - 420VR- 105A top usage
TDC - heat signal + VR - 61A
,,,info above
AC /DC loadline "1" - works best "but need set custom voltage .,,this removals all over-voltage boost - get static voltage + 0.045mV kick in load
for speedshift / adaptive scale -- must add OFFSET for repair "around 50-65mV"
full vcore calculation"AC/DC 0.01"
vcore / offset + 0.045 - top end voltage
/// or use only power bypass -- IMON
best HWINFO + read sensor
cpu zone
CPU LIMIT REASON -- here verify problems
and for this notebook 11800H impossible remove all limits ! heat is problem
recommended check ParkControl or similar app for better results
you try overdrive PL1,.2 ,in bios ? this not works ??
CPU power/performance domain .,,.this notebook need working PL limits
good luckLast edited: Aug 6, 2021 -
,after this verification ? .,,remove problem
or use only defaults setup ,.,if you don't know what it is
TDC - turned off to avoid further limits "VR heat / long stress stability"
but is possitible VR defect or shutdown
TDC - thermal design current "1/8 setup - amperes " // VR current- iccmax top current "EDP limit -1/4 setup - amperes"
editLast edited: Aug 8, 2021 -
Finally figured out how to make my GS73 6RF to enter package c-state higher than c3. Enable every ASPM related settings in the unlocked BIOS allow mine to enter package c8.
I had bricked my factory BIOS playing around and flashed with a slightly newer version (actually from a different reseller but provided by Clevo so...)
New BIOS working great and laptop running smooth other than 1 change. I had previously achieved -190 mV undervolt with rock solid stability and a load voltage of ~0.945 V @ 3.9GHz. This was repeatable for hours and hours and hours.
Well new BIOS I was able to only get about -0.165mV undervolt before errors and lots of instability. The chip ran closer to ~0.965mV @ 3.9GHz and I felt a good ~5C hotter than my previous BIOS.
Miffed, I got to digging and reading. The knowledgeable will know right off the bat to check things like IA Core AC/DC Loadline and compare to my previous BIOS but it took me a lot of time to find that solution.
As it turns out my previous value was "180" and my new BIOS had it set to....130.
I am now back to running 180 and have a very cool running 8750H again!Last edited: Sep 18, 2021DimitriosMSI likes this.
[Guide] How to take full control of the i7-8750H (Advanced version)
Discussion in 'MSI' started by hackness, Sep 19, 2018.