Optane / Native TB
Z270 only?
Soooo something like "CM237" and "HM270"?
I am assuming the "HM270" will also get some of the goodies, just not as many as the "CM237".
It's funny, the cost of the current mobile MB chipsets is only $2 apart, why not just make one?
The MSI models below GT73/GT83 now all have the HM170, whereas some like the GT72 used to have the CM236, so now all those HM170 models only have 2 storage device ports, lame.
Thank goodness the MSI GT73/GT83 are still awesome -
As someone strongly considering purchase of a new GT73VR or GT83VR laptop, I am completely puzzled as to the 1080p60 monitor included with the GT83VR.
With respect to the GT83VR, a single 1080 is already more than enough GPU for a 1080p60 monitor. The only conclusion I've been able to come to is the GT83VR 1080 SLI version would only be beneficial for those specific users who will be using the laptop to power one or more external high resolution (4K, etc.) monitors.
I will be using only the laptop's native display, so based on my research I would be better suited with the GT83VR with a single 1080, or alternatively one of the GT73VR variants since it has a wider range of display options (120Hz or 4K).
For me, the big question is if and when additional 18" panel options will become available on the GT83VR. A 120Hz or 4K panel option would help to justify the additional 1080 in SLI.hmscott likes this. -
hmscott likes this.
In a way it's a good thing, seeing as you save a fair amount of money going with the 1070 SLI option of the GT83VR. You'd still be able to easily hit 120+Hz with this setup while running 1080p resolution on the laptop's native display.hmscott likes this. -
Miguel Pereira Notebook Consultant
There are almost no models using 18" screen. I guess the volution of the panels are faster in the more common choices (17,3", 15,6", etc...). Maybe that's why the top of the line GT83 sticks to a 1080p 60hz panel.
hmscott likes this. -
i bet they put in the 1080 60hz display so you could game at native rez on battery or with 1 power brick.
rescaling rez usually sucks and there is always some loss in quality imho, and the only other reasonable option would have been 1080p at 120hz which is likely a sourcing/availability issue as previously noted.
to anyone who disagrees that 1 1080 is a stretch for 4k gaming, try the link below. 1 1080 is either barely enough or not enough to hit 60fps ultra at 4k already, in games released in 2016..never mind games coming in 2017 or 2018.
imho even in sli version these laptops sweetspot will be 1440p or 1440 Ultrawide (3440*1440) or 1080p VR (dual 1080p) not 4k over the course of their prime lifetime (2016-2018)....120hz would have been nice, but msi did put in a faster cpu instead, unlike the ROG which got a higher rez display but weaker cpu....in a year or two i think we will appreciate that cpu improvement more than the display imho..be a pro- at the desk just get an external 1440p ultrawide or a 4k gsync.
yeah sorry on edit the proper link got eaten up. fixed.Last edited: Aug 19, 2016hmscott likes this. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Agree with DILLIGAF. I would buy a GT83VR with 1080 SLI if either a 4K display or 1440p display were available. A single 1080 isn't quite enough for 4K, so the SLI config would be justified.
hmscott likes this. -
i think you missed my point. there would be 2 problems with 4k native display sli or no sli. even with sli though the sweet spot is 1440p or 1440P-ultrawide or 1080P-VR. 4k is a temptation, but your expectations would not be met with current gen hardware at 4k- you would be below 60 fps the entire time at ultra or very high. desktoop or laptop 1080 even in sli cant do 4k/ultra/60fps. for that we will need sli 1080ti's due out next year (p1080ti should offer similar performance to pascal titan x at half price)
as far as why the 1080p display-
problem 1- 4k is definitely out of reach for 1 1080. its arguably out of reach for 2 1080's, unless you are ok dropping graphics quality or depending on gsync to keep gameplay smooth below 60fps.
problem 2- is gaming with either one power brick or only on the battery. in either situation 1 1080 will be disabled or both will be enabled but severely down clocked [automatically?]. so again no 4k possible even with gsync.
plugged in none of this should be an issue since the expectation is that you would have desktop monitor and both bricks plugged in.
on the go (one brick or only battery power, either 1 gtx disabled or both downclocked), possible solutions would be a 4k with gsync which would offer a questionable experience (way below 60 fps so heavy reliance on gsync the entire time you are gaming). or 120hz 1080p panel (this would have been the sweet spot), or just plain old 1080p panel. asus chose the 4k gsync route, msi chose the plain 1080p route. both choices indicate lack of availability of 18.4" 120hz 1080p panels.
as a joke i can say that for 5k price they might as well have included a vr headset with the laptop.... its only like 800 bux and not selling very well from what i can tell (there is a reason there are no reviews on steam) ...
i personally upgraded to 1440p ultrawide recently so i think 1080 sli is the perfect match -
ole!!! likes this.
It's going to tax the GPU (CPU will get less load than on 1080p), and your fans might be noisier, but 4k should work fine.
I think I would prefer 1440p over 4k for apps/Windows due to the font scaling issues.
For gaming 1080/1070 SLI for games that scale with SLI should be awesome -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
MSI shows it as only 100 pts away from the desktop variant in firestrike...
Always have trouble scaling on my current gt80s to 4k external monitors... even with my screen off, the laptop gets pretty hot like as though it was playing a game and battery dies quickly too. It runs games better with dsr on the 1080p screen than with an external screen.
Always have driver issues to deal with as well when connecting to external screens.
wonder why MSI doesnt add some inexpensive stuff like nfc or fingerprint power button?
Battery doesn't last long enough to watch a movie as it is...hmscott likes this. -
Did you look at processes to see what else is running?
Why would you hookup your battery powered laptop to an external screen that is powered by AC, and not plug in your laptop???? -
It could be PEBKAC -
That extra crap just costs $ and increases weight and failure points
Forget that, don't give MSI any ideas -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
http://event.msicomputer.com/nbpascal/ -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
hmscott likes this. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
And, they have great results. What's the *specific* detail? Pick a frame timecode in a video, and explain yourself so I can find it and we can discuss.
All the desktop 1080/1070 and especially SLI gaming benchmarks for games that scale well in SLI are great.
The laptops should be the same, and so far all the gaming results I have seen are.
So, again, what *specific* game fps results for 4k in those videos, timecode please, shows differently? I haven't seen any. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
probably has to do with overclock and boostDILLIGAFF likes this. -
Make sure DSR is off, stop using that crap
You might be 2:1 scaling 4k to 8k
Go into the global Nvidia 3d settings and set it 1:1, or whatever the OFF setting is. -
If it's half the expected performance, something is set up wrong.
In the P870DM2/DM3 thread already people have been leaving on g-sync, v-sync limiting frame rates, and getting low 3dmark scores
Don't go by a single video, or even a few newbies, it's early days and you will see a lot of mis-information being slung.
Like what you are posting -
High performance laptops aren't designed to run high performance CPU/GPU stuff on battery - it's downclocked and the GPU has most of it's function disabled. -
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
the laptop always defaluts to 1080 on the 4k pc
I have to go into nvidia and set it ito 4k every time i do a driver update. Shouldn't it automatically set it to the higher res?hmscott likes this. -
mason2smart likes this.
mason2smart Notebook Virtuoso
isnt it off by default anyways?
If you are doing clean installs, and/or using DDU to clean out all the Nvidia files, your preferences are getting deleted every timemason2smart likes this. -
it will technically "work" but by the time 2018 rolls around expect 1080 sli to get 30-40fps high at 4k in newer games (2017-2018 games). 1 1080 will be 20fps at high at 4k in those same new games...overclock wont solve it
so then you have choice either lower resolution, or lower graphics settings significantly.
so while today 1 1080 is considered overkill for 1080p for yesterdays and todays games, i think thats going to be the sweetspot over next 2 years for that card...
2 1080 are probably ideal fit for 1440p or 1440p-ultrawide over next 2 years
pixel counts:
1080p - 2,073,600
1440p- 3,686,400
1440p Ultra wide- 4,953,600
4k - 8,294,400
i am not trying to argue for arguments sake, its just i made this mistake before and essentially felt like i wasted alot of money and did not get what i was hoping i would get ....so i want to help others avoid the same mistake and avoid the same crappy feeling i had to experience the hard way. ...i have owned many laptops over the years but this story is from my 2010 purchase ...
that year i bought a laptop (msi gx640 with mobility 5850, and 1680*1050 display) thinking " gee this is almost enough to play my favorite games at high at 1080p when plugged into my desktop monitor. it overclocks well so it should be a slam dunk, and the price is right." so i bought it, upgraded to i7, arctic silvered cpu/gpu, and overclocked it something like 20% and it ran those favorite games well on my 1080p desktop monitor for about 6 months. within 6-12 months new games got released, and i really liked some of those new games...that old game stopped being my favorite and i moved on....but within 6 months of purchase i had to lower graphics to medium to play those newer games at 1080p and within 18 months i was at low/medium which is when it stopped being fun and i felt i was really missing out on some of those pretty new visuals..but i felt bad because i spent all this money on a machine that effectively lasted me 6 months..so i was pissed at myself...i spent the money without exercising any foresight....and even though i initially questioned why the laptop came with 1680*1050 screen, 6 months later i understood why.......my lessons were several... i learned that overclocking looks epic when you gain 10 fps and go from 100 to 110, but overclocking means very little when you go from 30 fps to 33 fps (both are based on 10% overclock). lesson number two was that when a rig or vid card looks "barely fast enough but should last a year or two with some upgrades and tweaks" that rig/vid card will suddenly become "definitely not fast enough" probably within 6-12 months, regardless of tweaks/mods/overclocks. i also learned the easy formula is look at stock performance, and cut the benchmarks in half- thats what you will get in new games released 6-18 months from now. so based on that- 1 1080 is good fit for 1080p over next 2 years. sli 1080 is definitely good for 1440p probably good enough for 1440p ultrawide over next 2 years...only way to make it work at 4k is to really be mentally ok with getting less than 60 fps and rely on gsync 100% of the time to get smooth experience, which is essentially the route asus chose..i personally have not owned a gsync monitor so i cant comment how well those work, and how nice the experience is, when generating 30 or 20 fps, but my experience has taught me "there is no replacement for displacement", so "more cowbell" might be brute, but its effective way to insure some headroom and that you will be happy with performance not just today but in 18 months from now.Last edited: Aug 20, 2016 -
on the subject of laptop sli slower than desktop sli...i am not sure BUT
on the desktop there is a newer "High Bandwidth Sli Bridge" which is targeted at 4k, 5k and higher scenarios.
depending on whose benchmarks you read and what games/apps are tested, the new sli bridge appears to offer 0-50% speed improvement in those scenarios:
you tube vid with high bandwith bridge comparison
maybe the laptops dont use this new bridge?Last edited: Aug 20, 2016 -
if its not the bridge....another other possible reason for laptop sli running slower than desktop sli is that a few publications ran the 1080 sli laptop benches on the asus "liquid cooled dock" prototype using only 1 power brick, without the cooling dock. (may even have been a 1, 230 watt brick).
this resulted in both gtx cards being power starved, and those same publications concluded when using 1 power brick its was actually more fps when you only run 1 gtx and turn off the other gtx.
same publications confirmed sli performance was equivalent to desktop sli once appropriate power was delivered via dock in the scenario of the asus prototype.
i expect something similar with the gt83vr- max perf on 2 power bricks and much much lower performance on 1 brick or only on battery. this is why i commented a 1080p display may not be a bad idea for "mobile" mode..much better performance and probably much longer battery life...we will see once it gets here....whats the estimated shipping/release date again?
It's still gonna play 4k games just fine.
The new stuff will just do better in 8k games. -
The reason why laptop performance is lower than desktop performance even with the same silicon is compacting all that heat into an enclosed environment with much worse cooling. That plus any power limitations imposed by the manufacturers.
hmscott likes this.
I haven't seen any Clevo gaming runs yet. -
Ah, okay, the only benches I've seen are the 3DM scores for Clevo. I think Prema posted one sitting at 44K GPU at stock on FS 1080p. Any idea where the MSI/Asus variants stand?
hmscott likes this. -
There have been 48k graphics for the GX800, but I want to see them in the field first. Sorry I don't have a link... -
maybe..but i was "wildly optimistic" about 980m two years ago being able to run future games at 1080p 60 fps, at very high or ultra (since it seemed to run games back in 2014 at 60fps 1080p ultra with 4xaa)..yet today i am getting 30 fps at high with only fxaa in 2015 and 2016 games... so what seemed " slightly excessive" in 2014, falls way short in 2016....so this time i figured might as well go for "way overkill" so in 2 years it will be "barely enough".
1080 /1070 SLI will give the same boost to longevity over a single 1080 / 1070.Last edited: Aug 21, 2016 -
i mean how can they be same silicon quality when 6700k can do 4.8ghz at 1.37v when 6820hk 4.3ghz needs at least 1.4v+ -
ole!!! likes this.
***The Official MSI GT83VR Titan SLI Owner's Lounge (NVIDIA GTX-1080's)***
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Aug 13, 2016.