Yes it does with the ac-100 box to put them together
Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk
GTVEVO likes this.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
That GPU score... O_O -
Waiting for dual psu with maxed oced gpu and cpu benchmarks guys
Maybe in Ces 2016 Msi will have 18.4 inch 4k ips/pls panel for this ?-=$tR|k3r=- and hmscott like this. -
Its on newegg right now, get it while it lasts.4599 likes this. -
First awesome video and thank you for posting that!
Second I am watching this test and the GPU's at 74c & 84c with a firestrike test, doesn't that concern anyone or am I missing something?
My stock 3dMark11 score 18699 wonder if something was throttling possibly?Last edited: Dec 18, 2015 -
You beat me, you won. I was stuck in traffic and missed a 230pm PST drop off... Now I have to pick it up at the UPS hub.
Literally I drove straight to the hub which is only like 15 mins from my house, but I drove to it ON THE WAY going home lol. I had no chance!
I got lucky I could even pull this off for tonight, so I pick it up at 900pm PST at UPS.
I had no clue it would arrive so early!! They usually never drop off that early... -__-
To make matters worse I'm like 80% sure I drove past the UPS truck on my way home.
I screwed it up lol... Crap now you're having more fun than me-=$tR|k3r=- likes this. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Naw, I'm going through setup & updates right now. When you do your updates prepare for Windows to install a lengthy new build of WIN10.
I learned long ago..... quit trying to chase down the UPS guy! (..... but I still occasionally get the urge to do so.) LOL!
Last edited: Dec 19, 2015
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
GAWD, this thang is SWEET! Still working..... will post benchmarks in the next hour or two.
hmscott likes this. -
This Killer WiFi is pissing me off with its constant disconnect issue. I seem to always have this issue with these damn things... -_-
Not looking good for the monitor, it has a dead pixel in the center of the screen. Not sure if I should send it back ...
It's not terrible, but I don't want it to get worst.
Also, the fan on my unit has a squeel on the left hand side and it doesn't match the rpm of the other fan when spinning max.
Hrmmm things are off so far for me.Last edited: Dec 19, 2015 -
Don't forgot it's way quieter now due to MSI adjust fan speed at low on purpose so the laptop can run much quieter when it doesn't really need to be a max speed, I could just hit the Turbo Fan fan would go full speed just like other gaming laptops would automatically do during benchmark, now the SLI GTX980 GPU drop to 55C, that's about 7 degrees higher than Asus G752VY with GTX980M 4GB and 19 degrees lower than Gigabyte's P37X 74C with GTX980M 8GB fan at full speed :
The Turbo Fan button is there, you have choice if you want it on or off but some other laptops does not. -
MSI Silent Fan Option is software that will let you program the fan curves somewhat, I have only briefly checked it out - a few installs ago.
If you are sensitive to sound, and want more cooling when you need it without Full Fan Turbo Mode, Silent Fan option might be what you are looking for as a solution:
As GenTechPC pointed out MSI is trying to keep the noise down under load, and waits till the last degree before kicking up higher fan rates. The temps you are seeing are aok for normal running, so you don't really need to bump up the fan.
The Full Fan Turbo mode is only for when you are loading the CPU or GPU's 90%-100% and want to get that last little bit of performance out of a test run.
For every day and normal game use I run with the standard GT80 fan curves. -
Hey Ken, what should I about this dead pixel? It's noticeable really, only with a white background.
Also, I ran the Magic SSD Benchmarks with my 950 Pros and it appears my scores are higher than yours in Some areas, but lower in some too.
Think it may be due to capacity?
Also thanks for installing updates, or at least it appears they are installed.
Should I do the BIOS update?? -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
hmscott likes this. -
The latest version of the Killer Suite (Dec 14th) is working best for me on Windows 8.1, I am even able to use the Stream Priority and Network Manager after I set precise Upload and Download Mbps. I have been running on Wifi without disconnects, lag, or stutter.
And, don't forget to download and update the BT driver.
If you don't want to play with the Stream Priority or Network Manager parts, run the installer a 2nd time after the 2nd reboot (1st reboot is after uninstalling old driver), and uncheck the 2 items, reboot again and you are running without the packet filter / priority sections.
Uncheck the Network Manager and the Bandwidth Control Filter Driver
Did you try massaging the dead pixel? edited: Dec 19, 2015Frankzro likes this. -
Thank you for the help with this, we'll see what happens and so far the Killer wireless is still being a bastard...hmscott likes this. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
While doing a system audit, I got somewhat a surprise. Can you confirm the make and model of your SSD's? You can do this in bios, but the simplest way is through the Intel IRST. It appears Santa thought I was a very good boy this year, because I have more capacity than expected in my SLI-072. I'm wondering if you got the same.
hmscott likes this. -
Sent from my LG-H901 using TapatalkFrankzro likes this. -
I have Samsung VNAND in mine, although I have not confirmed they are the Samsung drives haha, I need hard proof and I'll open top and get a picture.
I SHOULD have two Samsung 950 Pros 512 GBs running in RAID 0, although they appear to run slower when they are in RAID. I'm new to how RAID works and these 950 Pros should be putting out higher Benchmarks than what Ken showed us, but mine appear to be about the same.... Which I find odd? Lol , its still fast, but I don't quite yet. ---give me a min. -
I'm glad MSI addressed the fan profile. That was one of my complaints regarding the GT80. Far too loud under normal usage.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Ahhhhh, Ok, I missed that you got optional SSD's.
Anyhow, I thought the -072 would come with x2 128GB (as the Spec page shows, HERE), for a total of 256GB primary RAID storage..... but I guess I was wrong. I got 512GB, and that must be right, because I notice Ken has the same capacity in his CrystalDiskMark image. Oh Well.... it's not the first time I've seen an error on the Spec page.
EDIT: Yep, I just read the sticker on the product box, and sure enough it list 512GB, so the website spec-list is in error..... and I got twice the capacity I was expecting.... Cool!
Ken, could you please run CrystalDiskMark again, but this time with version 5.1.0 x64?
Last edited: Dec 19, 2015 -
I ran the same version you suggest, but I don't fully understand if higher or lower is better outside of read/write speeds. -
I just got mine this morning. Can confirm stock raid ssd is in fact 512gb!
hmscott likes this. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Last edited: Dec 19, 2015 -
Newest Drivers too, I don't get it.. -_- -
hmscott likes this.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Can you please use the snipping tool when an entire screenshot is not needed?
Nice scores! Did yours come equipped with the Toshiba THNSN5256GPU7 SSD's?
Amudar may be on to something there. Your WiFi router may not be talking nice with the Killer card. Is your router fairly recent, perhaps dual band and wireless-AC? If you have had the router awhile, when was the last time you logged-on to it's I.P., and checked for a firmware update. Check your router's firmware, and update to the latest Killer Suite and BT drivers.
Latest Killer Suite and Bluetooth downloads for WIN 10
Last edited: Dec 19, 2015 -
post oced benchmarks guys
and power consumption and temps also
Ok, so here are my SSD Benchmark Scores using the latest version of Magician ( however it has no effect on Raided SSDs it seems).
Latest version of Crystal Disk Mark
Using two Samsung 950 Pros in Raid 0.
Meaker@Sager and hmscott like this. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Getting really close to the limits of the chipset there
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Nice CDM results...... those Samsung 950's are pretty sweet. If you have the time, could you post an HD Tune screenshot? For comparison, I've posted results for the stock Toshiba SSD's in post #2, HERE.
Anyone know if I can just buy the gtx 980 cards and SLI them on my GT80 with gtx 970m SLI? They did promise (2 generations at least) lol
Surely they are all the same generation, 970m, 980m, 980 dtgpu? So 2 x generation would be 1070m, 1080m, 1080dtgpu and then 1170m, 1180m, and 1180dtgpu or whatever the next naming systems is?
hmscott likes this. -
I have a question about the M.2 sata 3 port would this converter work in it to put my 1tb samsung msata ssd in? -
Ran firestrike against my other laptop and desktop.
System 1 is a desktop running 1 evga 980 TI classified and 6700k overclocked to 4.5
System 2 is the new gt80s 6qf with dual gtx 980 (stock)
System 3 is the new gt72s 6qf dragon with 1 gtx 980 (stock)hmscott, Zero989, Frankzro and 1 other person like this. -
I guess everything is normal considering the size of the raid. Stock 512 GB vs 1TB+ (x2 512GBs)-=$tR|k3r=- likes this. -
Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
All of the reward and none of the risk Overclocking there is always a risk even if its safe. For laptops no matter what, the components degrade faster than desktops and if you have to Overclock your laptop it will just degrade much faster.
Although you save money with the 980m setup, but not everyone will have stable Overclocks which sucks. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
@amudar, thanks for your benchmark comparison above.
I've posted my 'stock' benchmark results in the second post of this thread ( HERE), if anyone is interested.
I think to get a better picture of comparisons, it's best to compare 'apples to apples', rather than 'apples to oranges'.
I've already seen some folks ranting that their GT80 w/ 970M SLI or 980M SLI have greater performance, yet they make these claims from different playing fields, rather than equal playing fields.
Not to belittle your contribution, as an example, you are comparing firestrike performance from the perspective of a GT72, to GT80S, to a desktop with an OC'ed GTX-980 Ti. Others do so, presenting benchmark results wherein OC has been applied to both CPU and GPU's, and their systems are at different states of optimization. (competing for bragging rights)
Regarding the new GT80S w/desktop GPU's, an important point is...... Did everyone really expect true desktop performance? Really? After all, a desktop 980 card and a mobile MXM card with a 980 GPU are two entirely different animals. Furthermore, it's a no-brainer that in any mobile application, power and thermal constraints are a definite challenge..... and this can severely limit the end product. Though power and cooling are definite considerations for desktop systems, desktops are not nearly so constrained, and solutions to these problems are generally readily available. This is why with gaming notebooks, the questions always abound..... Is it adequately powered, will it throttle, does headroom exist for OC, were GPU's down-clocked, will temps be manageable, and are the bios locked? Etc., etc., etc., and all of this is especially true with SLI notebooks.
This is why I generally present benchmarks from the 'stock' perspective, to best represent what the user can expect 'out-of-the-box'..... and this state, is generally all the manufacturer's prescribe for usage. How many times have we seen manufacturer's limiting bios, and giving clear warranty warnings about exceeding the products designed usage? To this, one has to acknowledge that MSI is attempting to give enthusiast what they demand..... at the cost of confronting very real engineering challenges. As an enthusiast, consumer, gamer, and somewhat a perfectionist, what do I want? Simple, a true DT replacement, that will game with the best, truly mobile, and runs cool & quiet. I have been waiting on this for years now, and still uncertain the technology has arrived to meet this challenge. Again, I have to commend MSI for trying to deliver.
All of this said, here are some benchmarks representing what MSI has delivered in the SLI market..... and the 'out-of-the-box' stock state best places comparisons on an equal field:
GT80 w/ 970M: 3DMark11 = 15300 | Firestrike = 11358 (NotebookCheck)
GT80 w/ 980M: 3DMark11 = 17081 | Firestrike = 13703 (NotebookCheck)
GT80S w/ 980: 3DMark11 = 18827 | Firestrike = 16000 (My preliminary results (19 Dec 2015), stock, and system only optimized w/ latest Windows and driver updates)
Last edited: Dec 20, 2015CaerCadarn and GenTechPC like this. -
Who said the 980M SLI systems have greater performance?
I'm seeing lower overall scores in the CPU area with the systems that are 980 SLI enabled, however, overall gaming performance will not be matched, ever.-=$tR|k3r=- likes this. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
LOL! I did not want to point fingers, but yes, herein there are those who have boasted their 970M & 980M GT80's have achieved higher benchmark scores. I was just trying to provide perspective, without stepping on toes. Also, I get tickled with those who really expect, and make comparisons with desktop gaming systems.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
***The Official MSI GT80S Titan (w/desktop 980 GPU's) Owner's Lounge***
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Dec 15, 2015.