Those scores are fine. They are on the same level of a heavy overclock 980m SLI. The main score is meaningless on its own, you need to see individual scores to get a proper idea.
Your GPU score is close to 23k which is the same as an overclocked 980m in SLI.
Your CPU score is inline with the 3.5-3.6ghz speeds reported At such speeds, you only get 10k physics scores or around that. at 4ghz or more, you get 12-13k or so, which does bump the main score quite a bit.
In the games you mentioned that you have issues, are you monitoring CPU/GPU clocks and % usage? This will help to get an idea of what's causing issues.
Any game aside from hitman, that you have issues? I don't have hitman to try it out.
Monitor usage while gaming with a program like intel XTU. Sometimes games push higher usage on some instances. For example, The Division runs on average at 60% load, but it has peaks of 90% usage.
Are you running full screen or borderless window?
What throttling are you experiencing? What component is throttling? -
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Last edited: Mar 22, 2016 -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
The EC limits the amount of power drawn through the 330 watt power supply, and add's power through the stored battery power for more performance, draining the battery while plugged in.
After the battery reaches 30% the power draw from the battery is stopped and performance drops.
You also cannot benefit from 2 x 330w power supplies, as the EC limits the maximum power drawn from AC to under 1 single 330w power supply.
For the Fangbook version, beware.
The provided power adapter is only 150 watts. And, you can't fit a larger power adapter because the Fangbook uses a different power connector than the MSI stock GT80(S) 4 prong power plug.
FANGBOOK 4 XTREME SX-L 500 Gaming Laptop
"Click on Expand All" and scroll through the options to see the 150w power supply listing.
And, the same goes for the rest of the SLI "GT80" Fangbooks, and 6700k using CyperPowerPC laptops.
IDK what they think they are accomplishing by doing this, but none of those 150w powered laptops are going to run anywhere near their potential. The 6700k models need 2 x 330w for the 980m SLI.
And, that's the crux of the problem with the GT80S, not enough power to fully utilize the SLI 980 to full potential.
Even so, the GT80S SLI 980 outperforms the GT80 SLI 980m.GTVEVO likes this. -
hmscott likes this.
For most people, they won't even notice this. It's not going to be a problem that stops it from running, but it does limit the top end OC and heavy usage.
If the battery were removeable, and you could swap another one in when the installed battery hit 30%, it would be a bit more manageable.
MSI was supposed to be working on an EC/Bios update that would moderate that limit and remove the problem, but I haven't seen any updates here.
Maybe one or more of the owners that filed reports / complaints with MSI have more info?
Update: I hadn't looked for a while, and there is a newer BIOS for the GT80S SLI 980 dated 3/2/2016, has anyone tried it? E1814IMS.110
The notes don't suggest a fix...
Modify watchdog timer to 15 sec.
The EC firmware from around release time: 2015-11-11 1814EMS1.103
vbios has a newish date: 2016-02-15
Thunderbolt has a newish date: 2016-02-24 no version number given. edited: Mar 23, 2016Porter likes this. -
If you are seeing battery drain from using GT80(S) SLI 980m model, why are you surprised it is also happening to the GT80S SLI 980?
You are the first person I have seen report battery drain while on AC for a GT80(S) model other than the GT80S SLI 980 version. Which model do you have?
My GT80 980m SLI model SLI-263 doesn't drain the battery while running 100% CPU and 100% GPU x 2 jobs for days.
And, no one else has reported battery drain while on AC, until the GT80S SLI 980 came out. -
hmscott likes this.
[Official] Questions for the MSI Rep!
check them out for the details.
As I recall it was happening at stock clocks during heavy gaming use. The "Battery Boost" was used and battery was depleted down to 30%, and then power was reduced as well as performance.
@Porter @Katiecat and others(?) tested at stock settings so they could make a case to MSI to change the behavior.Last edited: Mar 23, 2016 -
If there isn't enough power for performance and charging at the same time, that's not that unusual. It's not great, but not unusual.
The question is, is the battery charge increasing while you are gaming / benchmarking?
Does the battery level stay at 70%, or does it increase?
The GT80S 980 SLI owners see their battery charge decrease over time while gaming. It's not only not recharging, it's draining the battery.
What kind of performance differences do you see between a fully charged - not currently charging - test run and one where the battery is low enough to need charging - like at 70%?
Also, we should move this discussion to the GT80 thread, and out of this GT80S 980 SLI thread, as we are now talking at length about behavior with a different model GT80
If you want to continue 2 discussions, one here about the 980 SLI battery depletion under load, and one there about your GT80 AC performance with/without charging load, that would be fine, I will look for your posts in both places: edited: Mar 23, 2016 -
you said "battery was depleted down to 30%, and then power was reduced as well as performance." So I assume the performance won't be affected before 30%?
The GT80S 980 SLI battery level continues to go down, until it reaches 30%, and then performance drops because the Battery Boost can't be sustained, and only AC power is available.
What you are seeing is that the AC power is being used for charging and performance at same the time. You get different performance results if the battery is being charged vs when the battery is charged and all the AC power can be put toward performance, but on your GT80 the battery isn't being used to boost performance.
The GT80S SLI 980 while plugged in to AC and under heavy load is continually applying all power toward performance, including drawing additional power from the battery.
The GT80S SLI 980 might charge the battery while under light load, but their tests were all under heavy load showing constant battery discharge while on AC. Typical gaming load is what they were using to test the continual battery discharge while plugged in to AC.
It's not a fine point. It's clearly different. Your laptop is using some power for charging at any time the battery needs charging, which decreases performance slightly. Once your battery is charged, your performance remains constant, as does your battery level, it's not being discharged.
The GT80S SLI 980 is continually discharging the battery by drawing power from it to boost performance, until the battery level reaches 30%, and then it stops using the battery for performance boost - but it also doesn't charge it - the AC power is all used for performance.
So you can't ask the same question about the two different laptops. You can't ask if the performance is the same all the way down to 30% because it never charges the battery and only discharges it. That is completely different behavior than your laptop.
Your laptop is constantly allowing some power to be drawn from AC to charge the laptop battery, it doesn't discharge the battery for additional performance, and once your battery is fully charged the laptop will use only / all AC power toward performance.
Do you see the difference now?Last edited: Mar 23, 2016 -
GT80S with SLI 980 desktop GPUs drain the battery when pushing the system. The battery drains to 30% and then starts charging. To allow chargning, GPUs are limited in performance, so the desktop 980 SLI performs roughtly similar to a pair of 980m's.
GT80S with 980 SLI can inform better but they have already performed tests with battery drain, performance with and without battery etc. I believe even overclocking works when battery is drained, so you get higher performance than 980m, but lower than full 980 stock.Kevin@GenTechPC and hmscott like this. -
Vbios: even though the date was long after I bought mine, I already had the same vbios so I didn't update.
BIOS: I was on .102 and the latest is .110. I noticed no changes after the update with respect to stock or overclocked performance.
EC: I neglected to look what version I had before the update so I don't know if it was newer or not. It was dated 11/11/15 but I noticed in the bios the EC date says 12/29/15 so I have no idea if it was newer than what I had. I noticed no changes in performance stock or overclocked here either.
I will try to watch the battery run down in games and see if it's any different but that is very hard to get a good clean measurement. If it's +/- 100% of the original drain could easily be within the error of margin since I don't have a standard test. Basically unless it's noticeably less drain or zero drain I would not even notice the difference.hmscott likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
2015/12/29 - 1814EMS1.103 - Modified several things including fan speeds. Nothing performance-related on this release.Last edited: Mar 23, 2016hmscott likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
I believe they did made some adjustments to increase more power flow -
[Official] Questions for the MSI Rep! everyone can see it - I missed his new thread...
Update: So not great news. MSI modded firmware that allowed a slightly higher limit, but the battery was still draining during heavy usage. MSI has refused to mod further according to @Q937 - and the test firmware wasn't uploaded.Last edited: Mar 23, 2016Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
They would not send me the updated BIOS/EC to test.
It is very unfortunate, but if emailing me a picture is really all they are going to do to fix the issue, which they already admitted was an issue, I have lost all faith in MSI and can no longer recommend them to anyone.Last edited: Mar 24, 2016 -
Did you ask to escalate to an engineer?
It's dated March 24th, I would continue the interaction. What was your response?
You have to remember you are getting a translation, they may not be conversing in English as a native tongue, or someone else they are talking with isn't getting it.
Is there a phone number you can call to talk interactively?
I wouldn't give up quite yet. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Have you checked with Q937 directly?
I will make one more attempt to contact MSI and resolve this but I will not waste any more time past that, my time is extremely valuable. If unresolved I will just move on to another brand without these crazy made up power limits, and battery drain issues. -
Reminds me of my crusade along with other users vs intel, for their CPUs being also power limited. We lost the war vs intel, but thanks to very talented and smart users, we overcame the power issue. Infact, I believe it can be solved in a similar matter.
The system monitors the power draw right? I assume it does it based on a number and that's how it decides to draw from the battery. If we trick the system to incorrectly read the number, it should draw more from the AC adapter right?
I suppose such a reading might be on the EC? -
I'm getting ready to replace my M18X and this MSI GT80S titan with SLI seems to be the best choice. Is there anything else I should consider or is this simply the best gaming laptop money can buy?
hmscott likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
hmscott likes this. -
The GT80 and GT80S 980m/970m/965m SLI models work just fine with 1 330w power supply, even OC'd. Check my signature for benchmarks. I get 100fps+ in SLI games.
The new GT80S 980 SLI model could benefit from more than one 330w power supply to reach full OC, but even that model squeezes out more performance than the GT80(S) SLI 980m stock vs stock settings on one 330w power adapter.
The laptops that need more than 1 330w power supply for SLI 980m's are the Clevo laptops, like the P870DM.
The MSI GT80(S) use a 45w CPU, while the P870DM uses a 91w CPU, leaving much less headroom for the 980m's, that's why it needs 2 x 330w power supplies to reach full potential.
Please don't start posting GT80(S) FUD here, OK?Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
Unless I'm misunderstanding you need 2 x 330 power supplies for the laptop to get full performance? It comes with two of these?
hmscott likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
324Whmscott likes this. -
You posted a recommendation that's only valid for a Clevo laptop, in a non-Clevo thread, and confused @sticky
The GT80S 980 SLI model does fine with 1 330w power supply + battery boost. It won't support 2 x 330w power supplies, so no need to get 2.
If you want a SLI 980 laptop that supports 2 x 330w power supplies for extreme overclocking, ask Clevo.
Oh, wait, Clevo doesn't make an SLI 980 model...Last edited: Mar 28, 2016 -
It also doesn't offer any perceptible boost in performance. Which is why MSI isn't releasing it, or continuing development on EC updates for the GT80S 980 SLI model. The battery boost feature is remaining to help boost performance.
Unless something has changed and there is a new publicly available EC to download? Link?Last edited: Mar 29, 2016 -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Scott, yes you are right, but sticky was talking about GT80S Titan which comes with 980 SLI which has capped performance and this is why MSI provided the revised EC per customer's request recently. If this system employs the same design as Clevo's dual power supply system then it will gain more performance than the single power supply version. Ideally, it's desired not to use the battery for additional power because of frequent wear and tear, plus the limited amount of time of high performance gameplay once the battery hits 30% of battery capacity.
Hopefully, this will improve in the near future on next generation.
Feel free to correct me, thanks.hmscott likes this. -
That was the error I was pointing out. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
hmscott likes this. -
You won't find another 980 SLI model, this is the only one.
It's got limitations, but all laptops have limitations.
The GT80S 980 SLI model will outperform the GT80(S) 980m SLI model, even OC'd the GT80(S) 980m SLI will be close, but not surpass a similarly tuned 980 SLI GT80S.Last edited: Mar 29, 2016Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
Somehow I feel like you're speaking to me like I'm a child
I understand your point though. For overclocking dual 980's I'll need more power.
I don't need to overclock so I'm cool. Pun intended. -
I also write for other readers now and in the future. Even if you catch on quickly, someone else might not be able to follow if I shorten things up and slang it locale.
That's a good point, with 2 x 980 SLI, who needs to OC?
As it turns out, just about everyone likes free performance.
Once people see how easy and safe it is to tune for more performance; by seeing others do it and get better results, they want to do it too.
More FPS really isn't a problem with the GT80S 980 SLI, or even the GT80(S) 980m SLI, but with the awesome GT80(S) cooling systems, either way it's coolProstar Computer likes this. -
That is not the issue at all for me. The issue is that the EC limits the total draw to about 1 power supply so it doesn't buy you anything except maybe extending the life of a supply, and keeping them cooler. Nothing else.
I did get a "trial" update but honestly it made zero difference in anything. If it's drawing more power you sure can't tell because it performs the same, and in benchmarks it made no difference at all. Stock or overclocked.
I didn't expect any huge gains, but something measurable was expected. -
SO still nothing on the power draw issue. I think I am getting a bit disappointed in this laptop. I love it and hate it at the same time. I love the performance. I hate the power draw issue. It is almost like MSI added the power draw part to have you destroy your battery faster with all the charge and recharging of it. So you have to replace it more often. :/
hmscott likes this. -
*What I call extreme limit, is about 10% below the rated adapter output, while many other notebook don't set ANY limit at all, you can pull 400w from a 330w for periods of time with no problems. They don't need to fully support dual adapters, but they sure should not block it by limiting overall power to less than one adapters worth!hmscott likes this. -
hmscott likes this. -
Many times SLI GPUs and high end CPUs plus overclocking will take a system way past what the power bricks are rated for (and dual adapter setups have been around forever too, which works fine BTW for even the GT80S, unfortunately with the 300w limit you can't really get any good out of it). None of that could have been possible if they limited it before, so obviously they are not limited, why the sudden need for this extra "limit". Not sure why MSI chose to do that on a couple of their models, since there are plenty of other ways users can screw up their system, no need to put additional, and such tight constraints that really only affect the enthusiast crowd which these machines are designed for.
There are plenty of built in power limitations inside the CPU already, and the GPUs already, no need for yet ANOTHER limiting factor, especially when its well below the factory output of the adapter.CaerCadarn and hmscott like this. -
***The Official MSI GT80S Titan (w/desktop 980 GPU's) Owner's Lounge***
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Dec 15, 2015.