It's certainly a potent setupOS operations are mostly reads which the 2x128GB drives wont struggle with compared to higher capacity SSDs.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
I know i may ask some dumb questions on here... but here's another
In relation to observed frame dips (135-85) in bf4 for example, literally from just turning my head...
Should I install games on my ssd? I read that it only matters for load times. Then recently I read that it can cure fps dips. What do u guys do? -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Games that are optimized usually preload data into memory as buffer. -
Hello. I'm planning to buy the GT80 Titan from the PROSTAR website ( since XOTIC PC has it in backorder. Does anyone here have experience buying from this website? I really need your help by pointing me to a trustworthy website to purchase my GT80 Titan. Thank you.
Has someone made a review for the Titan-047 with the single 980m? It is one of my considerations and would like to see and read about the entire laptop (look and feel, build etc). The GPU and CPU performance is pretty convincing but a general review would be great.
Hello guys,
I've read this entire forum and I'm excited to say I decided to pull the trigger on a 009. I've never had a system quite this powerful, and I'm looking to see what I can do with the SSDs. Could someone please run me through the RAID options that I have? I will probably add in the last two SSDs as well as the last ram DIMM.
While on this topic, could an owner please tell me the specific models/brands of the SDDs and ram DIMMs already in place? I'd prefer get identical ones. -
and made all as single raid to gain max Performance. Then after recovering the default OS image shrinked the OS Partition of 2gb into 2 parts, so far so good
Hey guys! I've been using my GT80 for a month and everything is great until a few days ago. I updated my NVIDIA driver and started playing Witcher 3 and it runs really good, The problem is since then the booting time seems to be a lot slower than before, increasing from 7 seconds to about 20. However rebooting time seems to be normal. Also when I disable SLI, the booting time is just as fast as before. I don't know if it has anything to do with the new Nvidia driver or my computer. Could someone please tell me what could've happened? I'm so confused. THANK YOU!!!
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
EMERGENCY HERE!!!!!!PLEASE HELP!!!!! Guys I was playing GTA OL and it suddenly crashed and my GT80 rebooted itself. After that I found out that the SLI option DISAPPEARED!!! There is not this option inNvidia control panel. Reinstalling driver doesn't help. Please help me, I'd really appreciate it!!!!!!
Hello guys, is anyone experienced that when put to sleep some times, screen doesn't wake up but keyboard backlight or fans working. Another problem is that I guess it is happened after Witcher 3 game ready driver, booting time dramatically increased. Is there any solution of these problems?
This has happened to me before with new notebooks. And recently with a psu. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Can you confirm the GPU failure in the device manager to make sure that there's only one in DM but not both?
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Is it within their DOA exchange period? If it is then contact XoticPC.
If not, you can still contact XoticPC, or MSI directly. -
While it's not within DOA exchange period.... Do you think maybe i should go to some computer repair center and ask them to take a look? Or should I contact XoticPC and MSI directly? Cuz I'm not sure if it's a software or hardware problem
Also I found this website "Thumbtack" which says they can send technicians to my place and fix this type of issues for me. I guess the problem may be solved faster this way. Do you guys think I should trust them?
I recently RMA'd my GT80 through MSI and it was a relatively painless process, I was quite satisfied with the results. -
New member to the GT80 Titan (SLI-009US) lounge. I have to say that I am thoroughly impressed. After playing Elder Scrolls Online (PVP & PVE) for over a year with 20-30 FPS on medium quality, I log in with the Titan and bam...100 FPS consistent on ultra quality. (not sure why it doesn't go above 100 though??, not complaining at all though) It's like a new game for me.
Started playing Archeage this weekend and I noticed that the fans were cranking considerably more than they were on ESO. I used the MSI Gaming App and noticed that the CPU temps were high 80's-low 90's, with everything set to ultra. I used fan boost just because I was thinking those #'s a bit high. I also have a cheap cooling pad ( that I'd like to upgrade but don't know which to pick.
So I did some digging, found this forum, and followed the advice of turning on the v-sync, installed afterburner to monitor temps whilst in-game, and it looks like that helped in dropping the temps to mid 70's, and maybe some low 80's every once and a while. The fans definitely aren't cranking as high as before. I also tried switching from sport mode to comfort mode. Looks like those tweaks calmed things down a bit and I'm still getting amazing graphics without any lag or stuttering.
Thanks for all the tips and info.mybrotherischad likes this. -
They received my package on 4/29, replaced the motherboard and shipped back on 5/5, and I got it back on 5/12. -
The titan packs enough performance that unless you have a high refresh monitor, it is best to keep things with vsync and at 60fps. Many games hardly stress the system enough to make the fans go, but some do
For example Witcher 3 on 4K, max settings, makes my system cry haha -
Could an owner please tell me the specific model/brand of the RAM and the SSDs the system comes with?
Is the warranty voided if I open the top, or only the bottom?
Are all four SSDs accessible from the top? How about the RAM, is the empty socket of the 4 on the top or the bottom? Sorry for the dumb questions. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It's 1600mhz CL11 1.35V as standard.
Contact MSI in your region to be sure. UK/US then not if there is no physical damage or obvious user negligence inside.
Yes, ram split top and bottom. There are plenty of pictures out there of the internals if you want to take a look.Zeroblue likes this. -
Warranty isn't voided if you open either side, despite what the sticker on the bottom says. MSI KB states you can open it without hurting your warranty, you are just responsible for any damage that you cause. I sent my GT80 in for RMA with a broken sticker and it wasn't a problem.
All four SSDs are accessible from the top, as well as the two open RAM slots.Zeroblue likes this. -
You are saying there are two out of four RAM slots open? I thought it was only 1 open. -
Which of the two would be most appropriate for this laptop? What is the difference between the two?
#2: -
Is this what the SSDs are? -
Could you guys please post your MSI GTX9x0M ASIC scores (GPU-Z, right click on top bar)...
From what I have seen MSI cherry picked chips in order to auto-undervolt. -
I was thinking it was in the 70s when I read it a few months ago so it looks to have changed? I usually don't pay to much attention to this indicator as it seems to stir the kettle easily when brought up.Prema likes this. -
The ASIC value is used to automatically pick voltage in Maxwell cards. The higher the ASIC the lower the default 3D voltage the vBIOS picks. -
Has anybody used the MSI Burnrecovery to create a backup? I've read the instructions already so I'm comfortable with using it, just wondering about some of your experiences. I've already got got some games installed, will it format the drive when I run it? It wasn't clear to me in the instructions I read. And, will a 64GB flash drive be big enough? Thanks
GT80 SLI009-US -
Prema likes this.
Between this laptop and gr72 for 1080p gaming what you recommend me guys? Gt80 and gt72 screen can be OC ?
My opinion is that if you want to play over 60 fps then the gt80 is the one to pick. If you only want 60 fps..the gt72 would probably be fine.
I know the gt80 screen is very overclockable and amazing. Gt72 screen i've never seen.
I think one of the superusers on here has both, but I can't remember who that is
***The Official MSI GT80 Titan Owner's Lounge***
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Jan 13, 2015.