Actually, you can be either anonymous or have them create a ticket, but they will always create a ticket even if you don't request for it (ticket#) but the name might just be john doe.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Or you can tell them you don't wish to ask on the record, and you can call and ask without buying a laptop, or having yet registered your laptop. One of the advantages of using a phone call; to file a ticket online you need a registered product as a starting point.
In the end it's all unnecessary preamble subterfuge, just register your new laptop, and ask the question online, it's much quicker and you won't be holding a phone while on "hold"Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
I'm perfirming a memtest86 actually. How long I must wait? 1 pass is enough? Should I wait for 4 pass?
0 errors at the moment. -
24 hours is a good rule of thumb, but I've had situations where qualification tests are run in ovens for 72 hours, with a 24 hour cool down test, followed by a repeat of the thermal environment test again.
If it's a RAM seating issue the error might not show up without moving the laptop, flexing it, or giving it a solid "whack" to generate an error or wiggling the memory in the socket to generate an error isn't optimally recommended.
In desperate debugging cases where you can't find the failure - but know it has to be "there" - inducing a failure with kinetic actions can produce results.
If you want to rule out the memory as the issue, time and environment changes that replicate the extremes of your use are helpful.Last edited: Oct 20, 2017J4ck974 likes this. -
I don't think this is a RAM seatting error, I mean since the laptop is'nt working properly I did'nt move it from my desk for about a week. But I will wait and we'll see what happens. -
When unpacking hardware you'd ideally run through a physical and visual inspection.
Potentially re-seating removable components that "don't look right", wiggling them and then finally removing and carefully and "with deliberation" re-seating them - for all socketed parts and socketed cables to make sure they are solidly in place.
IDK how many times that has been the fix for random computer problems, but it's a surprisingly large number.
It's called "waving the magic wand" over the component to fix it, at least that's how it appears to the uninitiated observerJ4ck974 likes this. -
By openning the laptop I only have access to 2 empty slots.hmscott likes this. -
Is the AC adapter of the 75VR a 230W or 330W? How does it affect the overclocking headroom and overall performance?
hmscott likes this. -
Picking up the laptop and flexing it - corner to corner may also induce it.
You don't want to bring out the hammer, but a light tap graduating to a solid whack on the side of the bottom / frame should be enough to satisfy the possibility of a slightly out of firm socket RAM stick.
It's just another item to test for, out of many, try it and if you don't get an error, move on.
Let it run over night and see what you see in the error count.
If you have no errors, then move on to another diagnosis possibility.
Is the RAM stock RAM that came from MSI, or is it upgraded add-on memory. Given where it is installed it sounds like it's stock memory.J4ck974 likes this. -
The 1080 gets the 330w, the 1070 and below get the 230w, and the 1070 SLI gets dual 230w + a power combiner box to that is welded to the power tip end of both PSU's, you can *only* run with both 230w PSU's with the 1070 SLI.
The GT83VR 1080 SLI has 2 x 330w PSU's, and the GT83VR 1070 SLI has 2 x 230w PSU's.Beemo likes this. -
When copy / pasting info from one model to another it's easy to get distracted and forget / miss making changes to all the differences between models, especially when so many more use 230w than 330w.
The GT75 1080 specifications on the MSI web site lists 330w likes this. -
I received my shiny new GT75VR today. The moment i started it i got a random 'cheep cheep cheep' noise like a high pitched cricket that continued randomly through into windows. Im not certain that it was coil whine it could have been a fan issue. I spoke to MSI and they said return it to the retailer. Very annoying.
Do you all think its worth persevering or should i pick up a gt73vr with the same spec?Kevin@GenTechPC and hmscott like this. - edited: Oct 20, 2017J4ck974 likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
evilcorp likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
It is normal but perhaps your hearing perception is great, however some people can get annoyed by it and some can just ignore it.evilcorp likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
evilcorp likes this. -
I am going to return it and get another one I think. Do you think its too early and maybe wait until the early issues are ironed out? I was impressed with the quality and the keyboard was excellent. The fan at max volume wasnt too loud either.Kevin@GenTechPC and hmscott like this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Otherwise, just do exchange with your point of purchase. It is not a common issue but it does happen from time to time, from one model to another. -
Still having my Network issue.
- err_connection_timed_out with the Killer WiFi (might be linked to driver issue)
Here is an example - Mind you, it does this with ANY browser. I also posted this at the Netgear forums for my C3700-100NAS, since that could likely be at fault, too. I am actually thinking the laptop is NOT the issue.
Aside from this 1 issue, laptop is working great. I have not had any rebooting issues.Last edited: Oct 20, 2017 -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Do you think its still to early to pick one up with all the early issues or should i exchange for the older model?hmscott likes this. -
So I did'nt get a single reboot in 24h and now I just got 1. The funny part is the laptop experienced the very first issue I had: booting with a black screen but nothing more right after rebooting.
I did what I did the first time: POWER ON, POWER OFF 3 times on a row. Not sure if this is how you refresh your BIOS but that's the only way I found to go into a boot cycling. I tried everything
Falkentyne told me but it did'nt worked.Last edited: Oct 21, 2017hmscott likes this. -
I’ve reinstalled XTU and OCed to 4.2 as per Phoenix’s GT73VR thread. Cinebench scores 842 at 4.2ghz. No weird reboots yet. Will continue to monitor. Might actually be a problem with the XTU and Windows.
I also noticed after updating to the lastest Windows Fall Creators ? I think that’s what it’s called, messed up my Bitdefender and didn’t want to turn on the firewall. Fixed the problem after reinstalling Bitdefender.
SSE button on the MSI is working as long as you don’t change the names or create any new profiles. Just edit the existing profiles.
I also wanted to mention, previously the automatic reboots affected my computer during sleep. When I flipped opened the lid the next day, I could tell that it had rebooted. With the reinstall of XTU and the new Windows Fall Creators edition, I haven’t had the auto reboot/ crash yet. Reopening the lid, woke my computer up and resumed its previous state instead of a very obvious reboot.
Will continue to monitor to see how a reinstalled XTU and the latest Windows Fall Creator’s edition fixes the crash or automatic reboots during gaming and sleep.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkLast edited: Oct 21, 2017hmscott likes this. -
Last edited: Oct 21, 2017 -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
4.2 ghz should score between 909-939.
Hi, I made i clean install of Windows 10, no reboot till now but it's way too soon to be sure.What I'm sure about is that the clean install fixed a FPS issue on PlayerUnknown's Battleground. Maybe too many crapware I don't know but it runs a lot better now.
When I boot my laptop a strange thing occurs, I press the POWER ON button, it immediatly shut down and reboot normally right after. I had this issue on my GT73VR, I fixed it by unninstalling XTU but since I did'nt reinstalled XTU.... It's not the first time it happens but I thought it was because all thoses reboots.
I'll put a video of another issue since I've re-installed a clean W10. Starting to think it's an hardware issue... or maybe a faulty BIOS or a bad BIOS setting? Is that possible?
EDIT: So the laptop just rebooted... Strange because in advanced settings, i've unchecked "automatically reastart" and no bump file are created when reboots occurs, for BSOD yes but not for my rebooting issue. So it may be BIOS or faulty battery?
Last edited: Oct 22, 2017 -
Well, I was gaming on this pretty hard last night in Tom Clancy's The Division. I ran it for about 5 hours and it ran flawless - no reboots, no slowdowns, etc. It does get a bit loud under full load, but its about as bad as my GT80 was.
I feel like this was a worthwhile upgrade over my old system - I'm satisfied. I wish I could figure out that oddball network issue, but I have a feeling that is my router or ISP.hmscott likes this. -
"I have confirmed, GT75VR LCD screen is not HDR. GT75VR is only able to OUTPUT HDR to another HDR-Ready device." a response from one of the MSI rep.
MSI is offering the GT75VR in their trade in program but with a conditions:
- 1 year warranty only
- No longer qualified for the 2nd gen. GPU upgradeLast edited: Oct 23, 2017hmscott likes this. -
I don't think anything except a Volta laptop upgrade right now would make me give up that future Volta laptop upgrade... -
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hmscott likes this.
Beemo likes this.
I have 2 year warranty in writing from him. I have nothing stating I am not eligible for any future upgrades from MSI, nor is my name signed to anything stating I forfeit my right to an upgrade. I am not going to worry about it at this time. I doubt I will want to upgrade, so this is a non-issue for me, especially at this point.
hmscott likes this. -
Hi guys,
Ordered and received GT75VR from GentechPC last week.
Haven't had a chance to test much, but so far so good, no problems in operations at all. No BSODs, WiFi problems etc that others have reported.
Temps (with liquid metal) are okay'ish. CPU reaches 82C under gaming load and GPU hovers around 79-80C.
Somehow I was expecting a little less.
Two questions:
1. Is there a timeout setting for RGB-LEDs? Like in Alienware I could set them to turn off after X minutes of inactivity.
2. How can I setup Dragon Center to dynamically adjust CPU core clock multipliers? Currently in Turbo mode I've set clocks to 4.2Ghz and they stay at 4.2GHz even at idle, requiring more voltage (1.4V). Temperature stays higher too. I want clocks to decrease to ~800Mhz when idle and increase appropriately depending on activity. Alienware did this on its own.Falkentyne likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
use Cooler boost at 100% and then report the CPU temps. Also report what you are using to load the CPU, games, stress tests, AVX or non AVX/FMA3 loads, etc, and if possible, CPU speed and vcore (HWinfo64 screenshot will work). Please get rid of and uninstall Dragon Center.
I recommend HIGHLY using Throttlestop 8.48. Do not use TS and Intel XTU at the same time.
Are you using static voltage or adaptive voltage in the Bios? Is VCore set manually? (e.g. 1200mv?)
And your vcore should NOT be 1.4v, period. Under any circumstances.
Please post a HWinfo64 screenshot of the VID shown. Thank you -
Could someone be so kind as to teach me how to do a clean install of Win10 with one of Phoenix's clean Win10 ROM on my Raid0 SSDs?
I've never done a reformat on a RAID0 drive and I don't want to mess up any settings, also because I can't see my RAID0 SSDs in the Win10 installation partition selection thing.
Thank you.
I understand you have to enable Legacy boot and something else to be able to boot into something to enable you to format or something along those lines. Hehehe.
Also... to RAID0 or not to RAID0?Last edited: Oct 27, 2017 -
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk -
hi guys
Please anybody share their professionally calibrated MSI True Color profile.
My screen looks worst when am use their default profile. -
My apologies I was busy with new job so today checked temps with your recommendations from Owner's Lounge.
Here they are:
With cooler boost: (60mins of Prime95 and Furmark)
CPU: 65C (stock voltage)
GPU: 71C
Without cooler boost: (60mins of Prime95 and Furmark)
CPU: 82C (stock voltage)
GPU: 85C (until fans kick in and temp drops to 78, then it starts rising again, goes up 85, fans kick in, drop to 78.... so on).
What are your observations?
You're right Vcore is around 1.2v stock (at 41x multiplier on all cores)
I'm now experimenting with ThrottleStop (uninstalled Dragon Center etc.) and so far achieved a stable system with -100mv undervolt. Haven't stressed it with Prime95 though.
Normal usage seems good!Attached Files:
Kevin@GenTechPC and hmscott like this. -
I used to unpack the True Color package to extract the icc profile and use Windows to install directly - often that alone is good, it's the other processing that True Color adds that screws up the color.
I actually usually like the raw screen colors without True Color installed, but I do prefer a properly tuned display without True Color processing. -
Helo Guys !!
I ran into serious problem, I dont know what caused this because am new to Msi EcoSystem.In out of the box my msi laptop allow me to overclock Cpu upto 4.2ghz and Gpu upto Core clockoffset-200Mhz/Vram clockoffset-350Mhz.
After I clean format the system and installed the windows 10 pro and installed the dragon center and every other necessary utility and drivers that mentioned in MSI support site after that my dragon doesn't allow my Cpu to overclock above Cpu- 4.1 Ghz and my Gpu above Core clockoffset-150Mhz/Vram clockoffset-250Mhz
anybody please give any solution to this problem. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
The new dragon center capped it at 4.1 ghz.
Use the Bios and overclock manually instead. Uninstall dragon center and do it manually. -
so its not an system problem,thank god.....Is there any option get an old dragon center...and suggest any post that related MSI bios overclocking...!!!
*** The Official MSI GT75 Owners and Discussions Lounge ***
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Jun 23, 2017.