So how do you remove warranty sticker without breaking it?
I've seen posts elsewhere that breaking the seal doesn't void the warranty UNLESS you break something.
Are there any MSI reps on the board that can confirm this? -
It's been confirmed dozens of times across multiple MSI releases that, at least in the US of A, breaking the sticker doesn't void the warranty. Feel free to contact support yourself to have it confirmed. I did back with my GT70. They just said that if I ever sent it in for service, they'd make sure the issue wasn't caused by me. I later RMA'd my laptop and they were cool.
It's even evident in the trade in program, where they say to return the laptop to the factory configuration before sending it back.
Does anyone has a factory image that I can download? I did a clean Windows 10 Installation and I forgot to make one.
hmscott, mp_ts101, Atma and 1 other person like this.
Can I ask for a advise ? I Had the Msi gt83 laptop but I have returned it. Now I am torn betwin Msi GT73VR gtx 1080 and 6700hq or the Asus ROG G701VI 1080 and 6700hq.
which laptop should i buy ??mp_ts101 likes this. -
GT73VR GT1080 with 6700HQ, are you sure, I see it on amazon with 6700HQ but just confirming.
only difference I found is that GT73 keyboard has multi color keyboard where G701 keyboard has only red color, rest of the specs are same more or less.
You are asking from GT73VR Owners and I can bet no one here will say to not to buy GT73VR.....
so far no other laptop (in reviews & views & videos) can beat GT73VR Cooler Boast Titan. so if a laptop runs cooler means more performance.... -
Yeah, In Norway I can only find the GT73VR with 6700HQ that have a 120hz sceen. The only one I can find that have the 6820hk is a 4k display... I realy dont whant a 4k display. Return the gt83 because i only had money for the 1080p 60hz screen and no g sync.
is the 6700hq bad ? Or is it still a good laptop.mp_ts101 likes this. -
Don't know much about 6700 vs 6820 but there are people here with more experience and knowledge can give you better idea and suggestion.mp_ts101 likes this. -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
mp_ts101 likes this. -
I just received my GT73VR and I want to create a restore drive right away but when I select "Create a Recovery Drive" I get a message "We can't create a recovery drive on this PC" "Some required files are missing To troubleshoot problems when your PC can't start use your Windows installation disc or media"
Is there a different method I should be using?mp_ts101 likes this. -
Last edited: Dec 13, 2016mp_ts101 likes this.
kennyman likes this.
Can check mb connection to display cable? -
Wondering if this laptop was a mistake... I can see the pixel pitch (space between pixels) and it is starting to drive me nuts, I don't have super sensitive eyes so this surprises me and I mainly use a 23" 1080P monitor at work that is 5 years old without issue. Does anyway else see this (like a screen door effect?)
Also the surface my laptop sits on is fairly elevated and the keyboard of this laptop sits much farther back that the other laptops I own meaning I have to reach forward farther and due the the angle applies strain to my wrists. I know this is a unique problem just something else I am noticing and couldn't tell buying sight unseen. -
mp_ts101 likes this.
SideNote: I'm uploading full recovery backup to my hosting account and will be available to download in couple of days but not sure in your case it will work or not. -
I just filled out a ticket, I will ask to talk to a supervisor if I have to, the sticker is ridiculous.
Last edited: Dec 13, 2016mp_ts101 likes this.
That was quick!
EDIT: First Imgur attempt., mp_ts101 and Atma like this. -
I'm dealing with UK/Europe support.
So I received my replacement gt73vr 1070 just now and it is noticeably runs more quiet....a.k.a no fan pitch.
Although looking at them side by side, there is slight bezel separation on the the replacement. Unfortunate but I can live with it. =/
What matters thought is no pitch!
Some minor differences;
The screen on the first one has a red tinge to it whereas the new one has a blue tinge, different factory calibrations I suppose.
I'll compare with HWinfo later tonight when I have time and post if there are any differences in model numbers. (Which I doubt)
The first one I received had no clear sticker covering the msi logo on the lid whereas the new one does.
The first one I received also came in an extra sealed-box that was shipped from Ma Labs INC. in San Jose CA - i'm assuming one of the MSI distributors for the U.S.
Also the the power supply on the first one has -REV.: 02-, whereas the new one has -REV.: 01-. Same output ratings though.
Hopefully when I put the new one through its paces later today it'll remain without pitch.
Fingers crossed...Last edited: Dec 13, 2016DukeCLR likes this. -
You already experienced the MSI build style with the GT83VR, why not try out the G701VI?
Why did you decide to return the GT83VR and not get another one - was there something wrong with your unit or something about the model in general you didn't like? Which GPU config did you have? -
The Asus G701VI has the 1080p 120hz G-sync 17.3" screen, but Asus also has the Asus G801VI with a 4k 60hz G-sync 18.4" screen!!
Asus G801VI
The odd thing about the G801VI, it looks like it has the Water Cooling fittings on the back, but comes without the cooling radiator. It's likely a single 1080 GPU doesn't require the water cooling option to run - the water-cooled Asus laptops run on air cooling too. Something worth researching before buying this model
Asus G701VI
There are forum threads for both here on NBR
Asus ROG G701VI - Air-cooled single GTX 1080 laptop
Asus G800 18'.4 monster -
The G700VI's have just started showing up, owners posting they finally got theirs in the last week, so hopefully the other Asus Unicorn laptops will start showing up too -
Hey everyone I'm back. I couldn't get an apple. Every time I went to pull the trigger I'd get mad a the 16gb cap on memory. So I went back and forth with building a Clevo but after configuring it the way I would have wanted it was almost five grand. So I decided to give the MSI another shot. This time I purchased through Microsoft and got their signature edition (supposedly less bloat ware). Hopefully this one works great.
So the 701VI shows up, I saw one at walmart.
800 single and 800 sli next year maybe?hmscott likes this. -
We can only hope.
Maybe Asus has decided to Kaby Lake it before producing in quantity?
I don't know if you remember, but there were a bunch of GX700's 980 SLI still being sold when the GX800 980 SLI was shown... Asus just keeps making'em, and sloooowly producing them.
Hopefully Asus will get the water-cooled models optimized to the point they are satisfied they can produce them in quantity for sale.Atma likes this. -
@hmscott The gt83 was realy nice. But I cant live with the 60hz screen and no g sync. And the prices in Norway are ****ing crazy. So I returned it. realy like the look of the Asus G701VI. But I am afraid the cooling is not as good or quiet as the msi. The Asus G701VI is much thinner. what do you think ?
The GX800 980 isn't a retail version though? Only tech demo.Atma likes this.
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