This GT62VR is built like a tank. I am leaving on a 4 day trip today and will be playing with it more this afternoon.
The vBIOS I discovered last night cannot be read from GPU-Z! I'm not sure the GTX 1060 is MXM!
both Clevo P650RS and MSI GT62 doesn't offer Thunderbolt port, so how important is TB port for you (if you indeed use it)? -
I'm thinking it'd be a choice for me between the GS73VR and the GT73VR.
Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2016 -
I've been looking for the GT62 for a while and glad to see MSI is back with a vengeance with this model.
Reviews look great so far:
I'm with most of you though it's pretty expensive especially the model I want to get with the GTX 1070 but CLEVO P650RS is also on my radar along with the MSI GS63 .
Whatever GTX 1070 laptops runs the quietest with the least obtrusive fan noise will be a big factor in my decision.
One thing I love is we finally get desktop cards in 15" laptops......amazing just thinking about it.hfm likes this. -
It's a shame that we can't get the MSi MS 16L1 with desktop CPU
only barebone can be acquired to get the 16L1 -
Support.2@XOTIC PC Company Representative
It would have been nice if they had a beefier GT63VR as well, similar to the differences in the GT72VR and GT73VR. I really like the idea of a 15" power house, but some of the things they skimped on had me scratching my head - especially as there isn't much in that segment. It seems like the focus is on big, beastly systems or tiny, with not much in between.
Bright and vibrant? Looking to get one with 1080p screen.
How loud does it get when gaming?
Would love to hear you're impressions on this little powerhouse.
Thanks! -
The laptop very much reminds me of a MSI GT60 styled laptop. Some what clunky and bulky but the build quality is much higher IMO. The chassis feels like a freaking tank and its fairly well thought out and fits together nicely (except for the USB ports more on that later).
Fans/Cooling and Temps:
The laptop is made out of that brushed aluminum and matte plastic on the screen bezel and the bottom. This means the laptop remains cool to the touch even after hours and hours of gaming. I have not noticed a single hot or even warm spot on the laptop palm area, keyboard or speaker grill. MSI did phenomenal job with cooling this beast and the GTX 1070 version will be great as well with the headroom I have remaining. The fans are much larger and there are 2 of the this time around. They run at a much lower RPM and on stock profile will allow the GPU to heat up to around 70C when OC. I run cooler boost while gaming and the CPU and GPU stay in the 50s while overclocked +200mhz on the GPU core and while you can hear the fans they're not those annoying high pitched ones. Its a very dull but audible fan noise. It's less of that annoying vacuum cleaner noise that some laptops have. I will say I could probably use max fans and game on the couch next to my wife and not get a beat down.
The screen is very high quality IMO and offers good to very good brightness. Its response times feel fairly low compared to many screens I've used in the past and G-Sync will help this out as well. G-sync is great and you won't get screen tearing. It helps reduce blurring and offers lower latency overall. I wish the screen was higher than 60hz and I was only able to overclock the screen to 63hz but YMMV. Maybe I got a lemon as I understand most guys can get 75hz out of their 15.6" screens. I will see with my next laptop as I am getting a GTX 1070 version on release. LITTLE TO NO backlight bleed from what I can see. No obvious bleed through locations like some IPS screens I've seen.
Typical Dynaudio quality here and you should know what to expect. However, with that said this laptop still does not hold a candle to my original Dynaudio system on my GX600R. Those systems were like carrying around a boom box. Its still fairly loud and clear, but just doesn't pack that original punch that blew me away. You won't be using it to entertain a party but would work for mood music in a bedroom.
Slightly "defective". This is one reason the laptop may be going back. While this issue will not present itself to all users, for anyone that types and hits the keyboard space bar on the far right or bottom far right with their thumbs will be seriously pissed. The problem is that its a defect and fails to register the space bar and this leads to seriously annoying typos. I've had a ton just typing this. I am trying to retrain my thumb or live with the issue, but for the price this should issue should not be present and all keys should register no matter where hit. This issue is widespread and on not only my system but also verified on the store floor model. I've been given an additional month return period for this issue. Fair warning to all buyers. Other than that issue the keyboard is great. Typical steel series goodness. But that one issue is seriously annoying and ruins an otherwise great typing and gaming experience.
I/O Ports:
WTF MSI. Why why why on a gaming laptop with the majority of users being RIGHT HANDED would you place not one, but ALL F***ing THREE USB 3.1 ports ON THE RIGHT SIDE? You do realize I will be plugging in my gaming mouse and my hand will be right there.. right? Me thinks you need to hire a few human factors engineers. Again another "issue" that can be remedied by using the usb 2.0 port on the left side, but its the only port on the left side. Using the right side led to issue with me hitting the sensitivity button on my mouse with the usb plug-in. Unreal they didn't think of this.
Overall I really do like the laptop for a few reasons. It checks the box for me as far as screen, cooling and grunt. Those are the most important issues for me because this is a mobile gaming machine/DTR while I am on the road and can't be home to use my desktop. I care less about other little touches to laptops because if it can't fulfill those needs the laptop is worthless to me. That said for others the issues I've listed might be huge deal breakers and the keyboard should be. This needs to be fixed by MSI fast.ars92, IKAS V, hfm and 1 other person like this. -
Sent from a 128th Legion Stormtrooper 6P -
Does the GT62 have a ESS audio DAC like the GS series? I can't find any specs on it.. It seems like MSI treats the GT series on a lower tier than the GS.. The GS gets Thunderbolt, a DAC (if this one doesnt have it), and an extra USB 3.0 (for 4 total). I had the GS63 but it went back for a fan high pitched sound that I absolutely could not stand.
Supposedly the GT62 is as quiet as my G751 /w 980M (in my sig) according to the measured db's i've been reading about.. Which is incredible for a 15" laptop. That at least outweighs the cons of missing ports. -
I think the reason GS series got the thunderbolt because MSI cant put more powerful GPU in it.. GS stuck on 1060.
Lousy reason, i know.
On the other hand, GS73VR sd card reader only have USB2.0 speed, so the read/write speed is slow compared to GT62. -
I don't understand why they put the bulk of USB on the right side.. That's where my hand will be with a mouse.. I guess you can't plug anything in that sticks out (like my Corsair VOID wireless dongle) and game at the same time :/
Choice quote
Someone who bought one that has the time to care for the thread properly should start a GT62VR Owner's Lounge.
Ok, apparently the GT62VR models with 4K panels exist in the UK but not the US. That's just wrong... edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2016 -
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Sent from a 128th Legion Stormtrooper 6P -
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Question is will the 4K screens have G-Sync?
Sent from a 128th Legion Stormtrooper 6P -
Not sure if I'd choose a 4K screen without G-Sync over a 1080P with G-Sync.
As long as the 1080P screen is a good quality bright crisp screen I can live without 4K.
Seems like me and you have the same taste in laptops -
hmscott likes this.
Anyone here got this model?
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Figured I'd move this here...
I'm going to HOPE that the reason it's not in the US product line is that the 15.6" 4K panel isn't officially whitelisted for G-Sync, and that will happen at some point. As you see, the GT 17.3" line does support G-Sync at 4K, so that panel was probably approved. And the only 15.6" unit that has 4K doesn't support G-Sync with the native panel, the GS line which uses optimus. So we have the GT62 line as the only one that doesn't have a 4K panel out of their 4 lines in the US. I see no mention of G-Sync on any of the UK product pages, so maybe the UK product team made a concession there that the US product team were not willing to make.
So among the 4 GT/GS versions, the GT62 is the only one in the US that doesn't support 4K. And I have to think it's because the panel isn't G-Sync approved by nvidia.
Sent from a 128th Legion Stormtrooper 6Phmscott likes this. -
We need to make this the official MSI GT62VR thread. Title is misleading at this point lol. Honestly after seeing how the 6820HK is held back by the system board and or PSU provided with this laptop, you can't realistically hit the fabled 4.0ghz or higher on the 6820HK, I'm going to deem it not being worth the extra charge.. Especially when the 6820HK has the exact same tray cost as the 6700HQ.
The downside to this is the 6820HK at 4.2ghz is pretty much having the same speed as a full blown desktop with 6700K (stock) with 1070. So it's a tough one... I'm still holding out to see how the new Alienwares do with 6820HK and hoping they aren't power limit throttled. -
I never really cared about the 6820HK, I'm fine with running it at 6700HQ levels. I just want the 4K panel and hopefully G-Sync.
Sent from a 128th Legion Stormtrooper 6Phmscott likes this. -
I honestly would love to see the 6820hk as an offered option but that 6700hq so far for me has been great and hasn't held me back at all. I don't exactly need desktop level performance either. I have a desktop at home and this is simply a mobile gaming machine so if I'm missing out on a few percentage points I can't be bothered. I am not one of those hardcore benchmarking guys that losses my mind over a soldered CPU or GPU. Though we certainly have plenty of those guys around here. I think they should probably just go build a desktop and get a mobile laptop for all other situations. It would save them a lot of time, stress and money. But what do I know.
Back on topic I am considering keeping the GTX 1060 version of the GT62 for a few reasons, but in short mainly because the 1060 is a absolute beast and maxing out BF1 at around 70-100FPS average with higher than native resolution. Since I only have a 64hz display I am wondering why I need more. Since this is one of my main games and all other games I play perform similarly or better I am satisfied. I will most likely sell this laptop and upgrade when Volta arrives anyways so why waste the cash. I have a GTX 1080 desktop so won't be using this as a main rig at home anyways. At the same time I could get a Clevo system with 6820hk and 1070 for around $1700. I've also tossed around the idea of the GS73 with the 120hz display but Optimus pisses me off and I think it could hurt the performance of the 1060.Last edited: Sep 6, 2016 -
What do you know? You know what you want and what you don't want. You know what you choose to get enraged about an what doesn't matter. That's good enough for you, and if others don't like it it's their problem, not yours.The set of people that love saying "BGA filth" and "BGA garbage" are hardcore benchmarkers. If you like that, that's fine. I just want to play my games and have fun with a laptop I feel good about owning and using on my lapdesk. I know not everyone agrees, that's just fine. Some people just go on rants and rages, that's their perogative. I admit it's amusing to me, but they care about stuff I could really give two about.
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk -
well... after reading their comments they do have a point in somethings.
i mean, i really want to buy a GT62vr with a 1070, but i can't bring myself to dish out 1800usd for a product that will last me around two years and it has a lot of performance compromises that could've been solved if the OEM wanted... for example, in such a thick chassis they could've put the i7 6820hk so the performance gains of the 1070 over the 1060 wouldn't be only in gpu intensive games...hmscott likes this. -
Corrected CPU model
Sent from a 128th Legion Stormtrooper 6PLast edited: Sep 6, 2016 -
Do you have the website so I can check it out?
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Had it wrong it's the 6820HK
Sent from a 128th Legion Stormtrooper 6P -
If not then Msi won't get my money and I will go for a clevo p771dm3, similar bulk and price but much better performance.
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Sent from a 128th Legion Stormtrooper 6P -
My bad. Any pain with import duties into the US?
6820HK 4K version coming soon it seems. Already up on MSI US webpage and has a BIOS update for 6820HK overclocking.MiSJAH likes this. -
Sent from a 128th Legion Stormtrooper 6Phmscott likes this. - -
Sent from a 128th Legion Stormtrooper 6P -
Sent from a 128th Legion Stormtrooper 6Phmscott likes this. -
Still haven't been able to locate the GT62VR 073 with 1070 either. I was debating about keeping the 1060 up until this afternoon. Decided the 1070 will give me longevity and I hope to keep this laptop for at least 2 years. Newegg was supposed to have them on Sep 5, but it seems they either didn't get them or they sold out immediately.
The 4k version unless priced aggressively isn't something I am considering as I want FPS and don't care to game at non-native. -
If you want to game at 1080p with no compromises then the 1070 it's the way to go imo, but since you have it... Could you benchmark the cpu performance when the Gpu is also on load?
Saw a lot of models that are throttling back to base clocks on the cpu when it's above 65c while Gpu is also on heavy load. If that's true then the 1070 model it's kinda pointless haha.
BTW, any specific complain against the notebook? Is the OS full of bloatware? Have you done any tweaking to the notebook or out of the box is ready to go?
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Is the 6820HK that much better than the stock 6700HQ?
I know you can OC it but I have yet to run into any problems running "stock" CPUs, the most intensive thing I use my laptop is for gaming so how much better performance do you get when you magically OC to 4Ghz + and how does it affect temps?
I'm OK with gaming on ULTRA settings at 60FPS for 2-3 years.
@Talon can you link the videos? I would love to see this laptop in action.
ThanksLast edited: Sep 8, 2016hmscott likes this. -
yeah I want one too. EH bud tell me what model comes with the 6820 cpu model? and is the screen upgreadable to 120hz? or just 4k screen?
I think I'll end up buying this notebook from HIDevolution instead of the clevo p650rs.
At this point I'm not too sure about BGA overclockable cpus... If you really want performance the only way is to go with a LGA socket notebook. But they seem to be a bit of an overkill if you can't upgrade the Gpu further on
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hmscott likes this.
I guess that with a 40mm thick laptop msi should be able to keep the beast under control. But I'm not gonna take the plunge until I see detailed reviews of the 1070 version haha
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The Official MSI GT62VR Owners and Discussions Lounge
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Talon, Jul 14, 2016.