Jrey, thank you very much for not only the reply but also all the information you've been posting.
The new drivers just showed up in Geforce Experience tonight, so I was able to update. My clock speeds are jumping up and down like crazy. I did the LM paste, so my temps are pretty good maxing out at 79 degrees.
Just ran Firestrike again: 10,014 - lower than before!
I downloaded MSI Afterburner and it looked like my gpu was going in and out on the readings. Something is wrong with the GPU I presume.
JRey likes this.
JRey likes this.
Download the driver directly from Nvidia. Also, download the latest iGPU driver from intel.
Also, download CCleaner. It’s free.
This is what you do.
Use the driver slimmer to slim down the nvidia driver. Check mark everything in the first “folder”, and also the NGX and USB C boxes.
Now, put your laptop into airplane mode.
Uninstall the control panels first, then the dGPU then iGPU IN THAT ORDER.
Do not restart.
Run DDU, boot into safe mode, and uninstall the dGPU (clean but do not restart) then the iGPU with restart.
Run ccleaner and do the general and registry cleaning. (Note, all your temporary internet files and anything in the recycle bin will be deleted). Run both back and forth until nothing is cleaned on the registry side.
Install the intel driver.
Install the slimmed down nvidia driver.
Install the control panels from the Microsoft store
Note, if you’re using throttlestop and dragon center, I would disable dragon center in the task scheduler and reboot.
Let us know what happens. Personally, I see slight improvements in performance with a slimmed down driver.
Also, disable GEForce experience for now. Let’s remove all potential variables.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkLast edited: Feb 22, 2019Michael A. Saldana likes this. -
With my fan curve and laptop elevated, I went from 68/69c to ~73c. I have the thermal headroom to keep the bios BUT I’d rather keep fan RPM down as much as possible.
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Ran some more Time Spy tests, looks like the reason my temps are solid at 79 degrees is that I'm hitting a temperature limit. That's why my GPU is throttling up and down. How did the limit get set so low and how do I adjust it?
If you’re using dragon center or silent option, jack the fan up to 100
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If your scores don’t improve to within 5% of my stock scores with coolerboost on, try my driver install method a few posts back.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk -
custom90gt and Dannemand like this.
custom90gt and Dannemand like this.
To use Msi afterburner to OC the dGPU without breaking Optimus, you can set up 2 tasks in task scheduler, first one loads msi afterburner 45 seconds after an user is logged in (Not on start up), second one kills the MsiAfterburner.exe using the following command 1 minute after an user is logged in (Not on start up):
C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe /f /im "MSIAfterburner.exe"
This way you can still use your favorite V/F curve settings.
Check this post if you do not know how to adjust the voltage range visible to you in a V/F curve Editor:
May sure neither of the Launch only on AC / Stop the task on Battery are ticked otherwise if you boot up on battery msi afterburner will not load.Last edited: Feb 23, 2019 -
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https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/33867183 -
My CPU is running at a -160mV V(offset) and my GPU is at stock.
In my opinion, the graphics score can be improved by at least 10-15% by modifying the v/f graph. I'll get to that once nvidia drivers are able to install on this system. Can't afford to break optimus again. -
After my optimus broke I've reinstalled everything with stock GPU drivers and then simply installed 419.17 drivers from nvidia site.
Couldn't go further with 418 (no supported device problem) but 419 just installed without any tricks and with no problems.Last edited: Feb 23, 2019 -
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Firestrike 13,668
Timespy - 3,963
So something is still not working right. This is the 2080 Max Q with liquid metal repaste so I was expecting to get somewhere near your scores. -
Last edited: Feb 23, 2019
In PEG0 in BIOS disable ASPM, that adds another 300 to 400 to FS.
Some units come BIOS tweaked from the boutique.
Sent from my BLA-L09 using TapatalkMichael A. Saldana likes this. -
The GPU immediately jumps to 79C and hangs out there. I ran Company of Heroes 2 ( a 7 year old game) for 5 minutes at a locked 60fps, the GPU still heats up to 79C quickly, then thermal throttles the performance so that I cant even maintain 60fps...goes down to like 30fps.
Again, thanks for your help. Let me know if there's any other data you'd like to see. Do you think there's an issue with the LM paste on the GPU? -
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalkryzeki likes this. -
Seems like something might be wrong with the hardware. Perhaps it is best to send it back. You already have enough evidence it is not performing as it should no matter what you do. -
My fans work...very loud on cooler booster and the CPU levels seem to be okay. Yes, I don't think cooling is being applied to the GPU properly because I keep testing with old games and the same thing happens...temps jump and throttling begins, and down come frame rates. I've sent an email to GenTechPC, hopefully they make it right. Thank you for your help.
ryzeki likes this. -
@superstew24 Your CPU scores look about right. I really think your GPU isn't making good contact with the heatsink. I'd RMA it personally. -
Yup. This works!. Thanks.
Has anyone been able to play with v/f curves in msi afterburner? It is always blank for me. Even after updating to 419 nvidia drivers. -
So I finally got my GS65 with RTX 2060 from CyberPower UK. Below is a story with a few questions attached and benchmarks as promised
To be clear, there is no LM or any other additions to the standard laptop - they don't do this in the UK...
FYI I am not very experience user, but spending a few days over the web I realized sort of what needs to be done - if there are any other benchmark tests I should rung / other things to do to improve my performance - please let me know!
First thing I did was run a few test right form the box - installed Steam, 3DMark & a couple of other programs, but nothing major. Here are the results (fans @ auto):
- Firestrike - 12954 - CPU / GPU temperatures reaching 90 degrees a few times
- Graphics - 14761
- Physics - 13051
- Combined - 6715
- Timespy - 5454 - CPU / GPU temperatures reaching 90 degrees a few times
- Graphics - 5581
- CPU - 4836
- Cinebench - scores around 800-900 which were quite low compared to what I have expected...
Third thing I did was to download a few games and try this beast out. I got Far Cry 5, Metro Exodus, and Anthem. To be honest the performance was not satisfactory in any of them (probably due to single channel RAM and thermal throttling - CPU was hitting 90-93 degrees quite often). All games nowhere near the benchmarks I saw online (e.g. Far Cry 5 should have had 100+ average FPS), Anthem should be running 60-70+ FPS on Ultra.
- FarCry 5 (Ultra, 1080) - Mostly 50-60 FPS, but quite a few consistent dips to 40-50 FPS
- Anthem (Ultra, 1080) - dips to 25-30 FPS in some areas, average around 35-40 FPS
- Anthem (High/Ultra, 1080) - dips to 25-30 FPS in some areas, average around 40-60 FPS
- Metro Exodus (Ultra, 1080) - 50-60 FPS
- SpeedShift - enabled, value of 63 for gaming
- BD Prochot - unchecked
- Turbo Ratio Limits - untouched from standard
- CPU Core - undervolted to -150V (it BSODs on me at -160 on TimeSpy stress test)
- CPU Cache - undervolted to -150V (it BSODs on me at -160 on TimeSpy stress test)
Final thing I did was re-do the benchmarks (fans @ auto) They have improved across the board as you can see below:
- Firestrike - 13351 (+400 vs base)
- Graphics - 14765 (+4 vs base)
- Physics - 15430 (+2400 vs base) - CPU & GPU reached 90 degrees on this test
- Combined - 6954 (+230 vs base)
- Timespy - 5574 (+120 vs base)
- Graphics - 5644 (+60 vs base)
- CPU - 4836 (+380 vs base)
- Cinebench - scores fluctuating from 1050 to 1215 (+150-300 vs base), not sure what causes such a range... but much better scores nonetheless
In-game performance has also somewhat improved, but not significantly:
- FarCry 5 (Ultra, 1080) - Mostly 60-80 FPS, but quite a few consistent dips to 50 FPS
- Anthem (Ultra, 1080) - dips to 30-40 FPS in some areas, average around 40-50 FPS
- Anthem (High/Ultra, 1080) - dips to 30-40 FPS in some areas, average around 40-60 FPS
- Could lackluster game performance and throttling be somehow connected to the fact that I have only single-channel RAM now?
- Are my benchmarks in expected range? If not, can you point which one exactly and give your hypothesis as to why this could be the case?
- Is 90 degrees expected after undervolting as much as -150V? Seems pretty hot for me...
- Which 16GB RAM stick should I use? Mine came with Kingston DDR 2666 Mhz, but I don't know the exact model (suprisingly nither does CyberPower UK...) - should i try to identify it precisely or would any DDR4 2666 Mhz stick do? Any pointers are hugely appreciated - e.g. if you upgraded it yourself, what did you use?
- Anything else you recommend to change / test in throttlestop to improve CPU performance / heat issues? Maybe check anything else?
Mikhailovich Liovsky and ryzeki like this. - Firestrike - 12954 - CPU / GPU temperatures reaching 90 degrees a few times
Mikhailovich Liovsky likes this.
JRey likes this.
it says the following for the RAM - "DDR4-2666 / PC4-21300 DDR4 SDRAM SO-DIMM" So I guess I should be looking for "DDR4-2666 / PC4-21300" type of module? I put it in amazon and immediately got a few results like corsair, crucial, etc. Should i aim to find same Kingston module or they can be from 2 different manufacturers?
Also, it says that the clock is 1333 MHz, shouldn't it be 2666 MHz? (might be a stupid question, but see here for details) -
The ram is dual channel and reports one channel speed. The clock speed will always report half it’s actual speed. It is running at 2666mhz. -
Update - I think I identified the right one - here. It also looks exactly the same as the one inside the laptop.Last edited: Feb 24, 2019 -
Edit update : the ram stick is https://www.kingstonmemoryshop.co.uk/laptop/msi/gs-series/msi-gs65-stealth-thin-8re-laptopSvyatoi likes this. -
Do you know if the Kingston ram is using hynix micron or Samsung dies?
I'm going to be taking apart my laptop soon to add another 16gb dimm > while I have it apart, considering repasting I don't really want to go liquid metal, I have some Noctua NT-H1 that came with my cooler, I've not really had an concerns with heat, if the issue with stock compound that it can be poorly applied, lower quality, both? it would be worth changing?
1) With respect to your ram, just look up the CAS Latency timings from HWinfo and match that along with ram frequency with your new ram. It will work fine.
2) Your cinebench score is jumping around because of thermal throttling. Try using cooler boost. I used XTU to undervolt my cpu by 160mV. I also limited my turbo boost short max power to 55W from 90W. With this I'm able to achieve stable 3.9GHz across all cores. I get 1207 approx in my first cinebench and then it stabilizes at 1136 odd. Despite the undervolt, I still face 90 degrees on the CPU while gaming. For normal loads, I get under 80.
I plan on messing with the v/f curve next in order to improve the GPU and CPU temps.
Also, I'm not a big fan of temps or using cooler boost as I'm afraid it will increase the wear and tear of the same. I disable my turbo clocks for most games and I'm able to game with an avg of 66 degrees on both GPU and CPU while comfortably getting 80 odd FPS in BF V, NFS Payback and DotA
PS: I found that limiting the turbo short power max to have the greatest effect on my temps and clock stability. -
On Cinebench, i'm able to hit 1240+ consistently with back to back runs on my custom fan curve (0, 50, 65, 75, 85, 100) and hit temps on 88c -
I will be opening my laptop again anyway to add another RAM module, but if I see that my thermal issues during gaming session have become better (as seen below), I will most like not repaste at all.
I also made a few additional tweaks:
- FIVR - Limited my Turbo Ratio Limits to 3.9 MHz for first 4 cores and 3.8 for the last 2
- TPL - Turbo Boost short max power - limited it from 90 to 60
My Cinebench scores are 1120-1200, but I've also played Metro Exodus on all Ultra + Nvidia hairworks and was able to get 60-90 FPS, with some areas dipping to 50 FPS. What's more important CPU temperatures stayed at 60-80 degrees with very rare spikes to 87 degrees max.
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Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by JRey, Jan 25, 2019.