Has anyone run Linux (Ubuntu specifically) on one of the Raiders? What works and doesn't work?
hmscott likes this.
these guy doing repasting on GE73VR (GTX1070) i think he's using thermal grizzly kryonaut, if i don't wrong, the result he got is increase the temperature compare to stock paste ? LOL anyone can translate from korea ?
Use your CPU / GPU repasted for 24 hours and check again before panicking and repasting againfiche likes this. -
hmscott likes this.
If you thermal throttle at first, the CPU / GPU will detune themselves, so it's not going to overheat. If the temps get too high the CPU / GPU will shutdown. That's unlikely to happen.
Again, don't waste time re-pasting unless you are still thermal throttling after undervolting the CPU.
Try -100mV first, that's usually enough. You can spend more time going -5mV at a time until unstable, then back off +10mV to get the CPU voltage tuned optimally.
A 10c drop in temps under load isn't unusual, and some see even more of a drop with better undervolting CPU's.fiche likes this. -
hmscott likes this. -
I was really happy with my -0.140v undervolt and didn't go above 89 degrees, up until a few days ago..
Since a few days I noticed my maximum core temp went up to 96 degrees! I only noticed after gaming and needed to go somewhere.
Will actively monitor it and stress test tonight with GTA V (can't now because at work)
Have also noticed that I had some throttling pop up in hwinfo :/
This is at work by the way. Some graphical programs open, nothing insane (photoshop, indesign, illustrator)hmscott likes this. -
Xtu will stop applying the Profile at boot if there was a crash or power off without shutdown.
You would need to open xtu and select the saved profile again, Apply and then xtu will apply that Profile at boot, until the next crash or improper shutdown.
Also, turn on hwinfo64 logging so you can see the temp of the core when it thermal throttles, it's supposed to be 93c, but I don't see a temp that high...odd.
You can also reset the readings. When starting a hard hitting CPU 100% on all cores benchmark, the fans may not spin up fast enough quick enough, and it will register thermal throttling for a few seconds, and then not again as the fans maintain higher speed.
I usually click the reset readings button in the dialog of hwinfo after the fans are ramped up, and then see if there is any thermal throttling. Or, even better, with some laptops there is a button / key combination to turn on 100% fans, I do that for a minute before starting the benchmark, same effect.
If your temps are back up, it's most likely the undervolt isn't getting applied at bootLast edited: Sep 27, 2017praetorianx likes this. -
MSI newbie question:
It is possible to "lock" the gpu into the intel 630 mode? And doing so would be possible to just plug the laptop with a smaller/lighter 120w psu? -
Stock paste, no undervolt playing Rocket League max settings, sometimes 92 C. Stock paste -0.115 undervolt, around 83-85 C.
Kryonaut paste with undervolt, only 1 core ever reaches 80-81 C. -
I picked up a few accessories for the new system and wanted to pass them along as working with the GE73VR. 2 take advantage of the USB 3.1 type-c connection and the other for passive cooling.
Steklo - X-Stand for MacBook and PC Laptop - a aluminium stand that is portable and insures the fans to have sufficient air flow from the bottom. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00VIZ60QY/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Belkin USB-IF Certified USB 3.0 Type-C to Type-A Adapter and Charger - allows you to use the USB 3.1 type-c port for type-a USB 2.0 and 3.0 devices. It has a short wire that moves things away from the USB 3.0 port that is right next to it. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B010NCX2WM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Belkin USB-IF Certified USB 3.0 4-Port Hub with 1-Meter USB Type C (USB-C) - you can never have too many available USB ports. If your devices do not need much power it is a "take with" hub. If connecting devices need additional power though .... the wall-wart size is rather large. I just keep it at my desk and use the cable above on the road.
There are many comparable items you may find that work better for you or are cheaper. Just thought it may benefit someone to know these work and are in use daily.
hmscott likes this. -
This new test is with the undervolt of -0.140 (I checked) and after playing GTA V for only 5 minutes. (was recording for 11 hours but these 11 hours before GTA V I never went over 86 or any throttling)
How do I proceed? :/ Don't want to fry this laptop so I'm holding of on gaming for now... which was the reason I bought this laptop in the first place.. FML
Last edited: Sep 28, 2017hmscott and Kevin@GenTechPC like this. -
I don't recommend you taking on the risk of re-pasting / re-padding / fixing it yourself, it's not your responsibility it's the seller / MSI's responsibility to deliver a working laptop.
It takes a while to get an MSI Repair RMA done, so if you are still within the return period to the seller it makes more sense to return for refund or new unit swap.
Sorry to hear about the trouble, please come back and let us know how it works out with the new unit -
Refund needs to happen within 30 days, now at 36 days...
It's still in warranty of course, but I don't want them to send the laptop to MSI so I can wait for 5 weeks until it gets back..
Gonna call the reseller in a bit.hmscott likes this. -
IDK how long your regional MSI service center takes for an RMA, but usually it's 2 weeks or less here in the US. It can take longer if there is a part involved, but just repasting should be about the quickest turn around.
If you do RMA to MSI for repasting, when you file the ticket be sure and attach the thermal throttling test logs at stock that show the large overtemps, and if you briefly describe the test with links to the tests MSI might just do the same tests after repastingfiche likes this. -
So it is there a BIOS gpu/reboot switch? Like I believe there was in the past with some MSI notebooks? Please everybody who already have a GE63/GE73 with the 1070 gpu, I would like to go on exploring this subject; so please confirm if that's possible.
Many thanks!hmscott likes this. -
For the GE73 I do not know of a BIOS setting and the system does not have a manual switch like previous GT systems. I understand your not wanting to carry "the brick" but that is the trade off for having the 1070 gpu. Your options as I see them and previously mentioned by Silerwolfo:
Option 1
Change the nvidia control panel "Manage 3D Settings" under the "Global" tab to "integrated graphics". You should then go to the "Program Settings" and modify or add any program you may use to "integrated graphics". This would insure the nvidia is not auto-selected by the system. Under-volt both your CPU and GPU per instructions already provided in this thread. You then " might" be able to get by with a more portable 90w adapter. The 90w adapter combined with the laptops battery may work for you.
Option 2
Combine all the the above with a 1060 or 1050 gpu in the system. Not ideal but would make it easier to get by with the lower power. -
hmscott likes this.
Nomad likes this.
I just got this comp. I am getting 84c in cpu after 15min in bf1 which is much better than the p670hs and about the same as the ge72vr. The left side of the keyboard does get a bit warm.
I'm used to my old clevo having a screen off/on function button. I noticed msi's have a function button for different screen setups but does it have a similar option of turning off the screen and awaking it with any keystroke or mouse movement?
I will try an undervolt and gaming for extended period of time.praetorianx, fayth and hmscott like this. -
First of all, thanks to everyone. This thread convinced me to buy a GE63VR 7RE.
I really like the laptop but i have found a little problem. When I change the shift mode to "sport" from the Dragon Centre, the resource monitor of the windows task manager shows 100% CPU ussage while Dragon Center shows 5% CPU usage.
If I return to comfort shift the problem dissapear. Did anyone noticed something similar? -
One small thing on my side though, is that my CPU fan is always pulsing between 2360 and 2412 RPM which I don't get why. I already tried different gear modes but does not really change anything. Does someone observe a similar behavior? -
I start the computer, task mánager and Dragon Center. If comfort shift mode, cpu ussage from Dragon Center and task mánager are the same (4-8%). If I Change to sport shift mode, cpu ussage in dragon Center shows 4-8% while windows task mánager shows 100% -
CPU usage is not related to Shift mode. What shift mode does is actually allow Windows services and apps to maximize CPU usage while running tasks. Stuff like Windows defender scan or Windows updates can easily maximize the CPU usage if you're using an SSD (which I'm 100% sure everyone with a GE63 does). I've had these "little" issues as well before returning my unit. Use o&o shutup10 and disable Defender, updates and telemetry after updating everything.
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk -
Well my GE63VR is coming in the mail this weekend. Ended up getting mine from HIDevolution from Donald because of all the help he's given me with helping decide which laptop best suited me. I have less than 2 weeks to test and sort out any problems before I head overseas for work and cannot RMA.
Anyone have any decent guides handy on clean install, which drivers to reinstall, calibrations, and stress test for this laptop. I want to put it through all the hoops as soon as I can. Thanks!
=Jason-JeffR1975 likes this. -
You can use built-in Windows 10 reset, but I made a USB bootable Windows 10 and use that. It's easy to make/prepare, Microsoft has a program you can install called Media Creation Tool. Need like 4 GB USB.
After clean install, I let Windows Update run before I install any drivers or programs, and restart it a few times to make sure all updates up-to-date. Some drivers will be pre-installed for you and more up-to-date than the MSI Driver Support page.
Then I updated my BIOS and EC Firmware. When you download these files, they have PDF instructions how to do them. Your BIOS and EC Firmware might already be up-to-date, you can check in BIOS settings when you boot up.
Then under the Utility tab, I installed everything except: TriDef SmartCam, Nahimic VR, TriDef VR, Battery Calibration, Sizing Options, Help Desk (the Nahimic with Audio Driver was listed already under the Drivers tab). I didn't install those things because I wouldn't use them.
Then under the Drivers tab: I installed the Killer Wifi/Ethernet and Bluetooth packages from the website directly, and I've been having no issues.
My Realtek audio drivers were already installed through Windows update. The Nahimic drivers allows some extra sound profile modification, so it's kind of cool to play around with that. This is where it was listed before in addition to the Utility tab. So yea I installed it.
Intel Management Engine, I don't think most users need or use this. You can google it, it's to check your system or whatever.
Bluetooth I installed from the Killer website, since I'm using a Killer card, but maybe drivers from Windows update is good enough? You can check.
I installed Card reader drivers.
For graphics drivers, I installed Nvidia Geforce Experience. It's a desktop program that just handles driver updates. For actually managing your graphics settings and preferences, go to Control Panel, Hardware, then Nvidia Control Panel.
Wireless LAN, went to Killer website for their drivers. I think I saw in this thread people not even using any Killer drivers and still doing okay.
Intel Rapid Storage Tech, I don't think you need this.
I installed TouchPad drivers, Chipset drivers, and I didn't bother with Radio Switch.
Some of the drivers from above were actually already up-to-date, I checked in device manager and the component settings, I just don't remember which ones. This is just what I did, and it's been working fine. -
fiche likes this.
Papusan likes this.
Do you have slightly pulsing fans on your GE63VR? -
for those who complaining about the speaker sound, i hope MSI will add more speakers in next year model, they've wasted too many space left empty
sory for bad editing LOL, just doing it in paint.
what do you think @hmscott i know they will hear u guys from @Donald@HIDevolution , @GenTechPC give them some feedback to improve that sound experience.Last edited: Sep 30, 2017hmscott likes this. -
The Nahimic tuning can't help enough to correct the limits of the laptop "box" holding the speakers and make them liveable?
I use headphones, and rarely rely on laptop speakers.
Desk speakers or room speakers are easy to setup when desk bound, and for mobile the headphones can't be beat - it helps to stop interfering with other peoples space.
A nice Marantz NR1605 under the desk to control various inputs and output to external speakers worked best for me.
There are newer models now:
A cheap low budget receiver can do well too, but they are full sized and a little bulky, the low profile Marantz NR boxes fit easily under the desk, and I can use the hand remote or software app remote to control everything sight unseen.
Like bad TV speakers, laptop speakers are even worse, and it's not their fault, they just don't have the physical space, volume, or layout to promote good sound. Some are better than others, but even the best of them sound anemic next to real speakers. -
The issue is not the volume. Its pretty loud with the help of nahimic software. What we were complaining was the bass. Its not good enough even though the laptop has two woofers(2x3W). Like i said i have this old samsung laptop with jbl speaker and 1x5W woofer and sounds exactly the same. Raider speaker is pretty loud though.
hmscott likes this. -
But really, a subwoofer in a laptop?, that's the height of folly.
There's no way a thin cabinet is going to have the resonant cavity needed to support bass, it's just not possible.
It's a thin and light laptop, it's not a speaker cabinet, and certainly not a bass speaker capable box.
For a few bux you can get an external 2.1 or 3.1 desk system and get some real sound speakers, L/R (+ Center) + Sub.fiche likes this. -
I just tried plugging in my external speakers into the raider and I get a ton of static, hissing feedback when any sound is played. I've downloaded and installed the latest sound drivers. What could be causing this?
hmscott likes this. -
It could also be a "wrong" spacing plug / connector mating for stereo / mono / mic. You should have a stereo plug / connector but if the laptop combines the mic in the same connector, you need a different plug.
Check the other end too... what is the cable connecting to on the other end? If there is a volume control on the amp / speaker, make sure it's clean too - run it up / down a few times to clean out the carbon - is it new or aged?
Is there a built-in or otherwise connected mic causing feedback? Disable the mic and see if that helps. -
I got my new replacement today. Will start the tests today and spend a whole week fine-tuning the laptop. I'm really hoping the previous panel issue isn't widespread and is just a rare flaw. Will let y'all know how it goes.
Sent from my SM-N900 using Tapatalk -
hmscott likes this.
Just pulled the trigger on a GE63VR 1070, with lots of help from @Donald@HIDevolution, and this thread has a helped me quite a bit.
Quick question though - does anyone know what panel is used on the 15.6'' version? Assuming it's like the 17.3'', it should be a Chi Mei panel, and the 17'' inch version of the Chi Mei is also used on other laptops with gsync - so you'd think there might be a mod/way to make it work with gsync.hmscott, Donald@Paladin44 and fayth like this.
MSI GE63VR / GE73VR Raider Laptops
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by hmscott, Jul 11, 2017.