Maybe use TS and let it start up when you login to windows. + TS use less processor cycles than XTU. A win win![]()
@Talon, @Papusan @Diversion - can check this screen and ttell what can be wrong? its at idle but clocks maxing for no reason. also i cannot improve the score no matter the clocks.
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cinebench r15
edit: Wprime 1024Attached Files:
Last edited: Dec 11, 2016 -
An unlocked BIOS in the Christmas update would be nice. However, the long-term limiting factor will be the GPU in this notebook. A slight increase in the TDP/Power cap would do wonders. -
UsmanKhan likes this.
Ps. Test also without undervoltage.UsmanKhan likes this. -
edit: check screen plz. its stock everything no undervolt.Attached Files:
UsmanKhan likes this. -
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UsmanKhan likes this.
edit: isnt 4ghz support to pull 95watt? mine doesnt seems to making more thn 75 even after max turbo boast to 120watt in xtuLast edited: Dec 11, 2016 -
Why is there flickering!?
Nvr mind I turned off gsync and that also brought my fps up from 30? Lol why was it there if the screen is 60hz
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkLast edited: Dec 11, 2016 -
Maybe maximum currents ("Processor Core IccMax") is set too low. Same as other power related limits. Download and consider learning to use TS. There are videos on the use of TS in ThrottleStop guide / Youtube.
UsmanKhan likes this. -
I expect you have put your ram correct for dual performance. Maybe check your ram because for ok XTU bench score is ram important. You can as well test XTU bench with stock voltage or lower your undervoltage and see if this can correct your score.UsmanKhan likes this. -
Papusan likes this.
Putting together a list for January. New toolset, screws, thermal paste, and thermal pads. Which thickness should I use 1.0 or 1.5 for the thermal pads?
UsmanKhan likes this. -
UsmanKhan likes this. -
Seems I found a sure fire way to fix overheating of the M2s! My second set of heatsinks were slightly shorter and actually fit under the lid! I also picked up some high quality copper tape and copper-foiled the underside of the lid where the m2's are. Seems my temperatures are now 18-20c COLDER than even when the bottom lid was REMOVED.. That's quite a feat.. the hot Samsung PM951 is now idling at 54-56c and only seems to get up to 71c under 3 passes on ATTO... that's an extreme amount of load that nobody would ever actually stress. And before with thermal pads + copper shims it would IDLE at 75c (already at the throttle point). The best part is that the M2s finally cool off pretty quickly insteading of heatsoaking themselves. I didn't even turn on my cooler pad's fans, it's no longer needed to keep the M2s under control.
One of the heatsinks actually touches the bottom of the lid (where the foot is) but that's probably a good thing as that will allow the copper tape to now help dissipate some heat.FrozenLord, mizerab1e, Mr. Fox and 3 others like this. -
Papusan likes this.
- likes this. -
Papusan likes this.
Hey, is there any way to get temps of M.2s in a RAID?
@Diversion Where did you buy the M.2 heatsinks? -
And these are the heatsinks you want:
Worth the $5 it seems. But I mean it's like 72c, maybe colder in this room so it's possible the temps will be worse when it gets warm again.. I'm idling at 62c right now so things aren't as great as I suspected but way better than it was even with bottom lid off. It's a tight fit and I recommend you carefully put the bottom lid back on after you put these heatsinks on.. they do touch or atleast one of them touches.
The copper tape I used is here:
$15 but it's quality stuff and you get quite a bit of it.Papusan likes this. -
So when you start gaming and because the GPU/CPU fans start ramping up, it actually further cools down the M2s (with heatsinks applied) by drawing out the stagnant air so double win in this regard.. Who would have thought idling is a bad thing? But airflow is king for M2s.
Your firestrike graphics score is a tad low, you should be getting around ~17.5k at stock. I would definitely redo the thermal paste on the GPU. I've had good results with both IC Diamond and Kryonaut on this laptop.
Not sure how much of a difference it will make, but turning off "Game DVR" can improve performance if you've got the Xbox app installed.Any_Key likes this. -
If anyone is having trouble with flickering, I've found a post on Reddit that says changing from optimal to maximum performance in the nvidia control panel under "manage 3D settings" should allow gsync to work correctly
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Artic Silver on this laptop is no bueno my friend. Your temps are not good with it. I would use something thicker like ICD7, PK3, GLE, or Thermal Grizzly Kyronaut
Part 4 will consist of some GTA V, Fallout 4, Witcher 3, Titanfall 2, and BF1... maybe Doom if it appears during the Steam Winter Sale. That vid will take awhile.
Part 5 will be the 2nd tear down, repaste.
Part 6 will be benchmarks after the repaste.
That is what I have planned for the series thus far. -
Papusan, Robbo99999 and Talon like this.
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
As you can see from the pictures.., I can actually run approximately idle temp equal to ambient temperature with my U3 mod. This with a good thermal paste, lapping the heatsink for better finish and I also have basically a good heatsink (not everyone wins in the Clevo heatsink lottery, LOL). And of course a bigger 17,3 inches laptop have better hardware temp than a smaller one like 15" with same hardware. The top of the cake... Homemade fan filter from worn nylon stockings received by my dear lovely wife
Edit. Had to censoring the whole name of my P870 BGA-KILLERAnd please don't look you completely blind on +1.4V. Load voltage is 1.323v with 4.8GHz
Edit. More pict
Liquid Metal is...
Last edited: Dec 12, 2016FredSRichardson, Robbo99999 and UsmanKhan like this. -
+rep, thanks for sharing! -
Be happy you dont't bought a JokeBook with this... And I dont know what to call such garbage anymore. + the chips is probably one of the lowest possible binned trash from Intel. Maybe the worst low entry i7 in history!! Fully locked and not a single extra turbo bins possibility like it's predecessors!! Can this be any worse? You have at least the ability to walk miles over low level tragic 3.1GHz on all 4 cores if you want
Maybe you later find that you want Delide and bring out the potential of your silicon.
Edit. Read also bro @Mr. Fox nice decription of BGA edited: Dec 12, 2016FredSRichardson, TBoneSan and UsmanKhan like this. -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
birdyhands, TBoneSan, Papusan and 1 other person like this.
win32asmguy Moderator Moderator
Looks like Eurocom has a GTX 1080 pre-order for Tornado F5 now! Its $700 more than the GTX 1070 though, so probably not worth it from a pure price / performance point of view. Then again, this probably will make this machine the best 15.6 inch gaming notebook for quite some time!
edit: 7700k seems intresting tho. 4.2 base with 4.5 if it can maintain similar temps with 6700k's 4.0ghz @4.5 will be great investment!
also there is no eta/preorder on 7700k, seems like we can order it now and since it will need bios update for the new cpu. can we expect the bios update soon?Last edited: Dec 12, 2016 -
I currently have one of these but having problems,
Specs as follows:
I5 6600k
16gb ram
I have an opportunity to swap it for another laptop with 6700hq and 1070 16gb for no extra Cost. Should I go for the 1070 I'm honestly not worried about having the most powerful processorbirdyhands likes this. -
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkPapusan likes this. -
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*** MSI 16L13 (Eurocom Tornado F5)/EVOC 16L-G-1080 15.6" Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Diversion, Oct 14, 2016.