I hadn't even tried using the other two buttons until you mentioned this.
I seem to be in the same boat as you, the fans and lights buttons work but the screen one does nothing.
On my, all 3 buttons work.
The 1st button to the left is to control the max fans on and off, 2nd is to shut off the screen, and 3rd shuts off the keyboard lights.AngryScott likes this. -
Can all owners of the Eurocom version please post here your vBIOS version. I don't need you to upload your actual vbios just please let me know which version your gtx 1070 has on it.
If possible please also lost your device ID as read in the masters version of GPU-Z not from nvidia inspector.
Thanks in advance. -
Attached Files:
AngryScott and hmscott like this. -
There are a few that need to be tweaked for full performance, just like the CPU 100%/100% High Performance mode.
And, just like the CPU Balanced vs High Performance, the Nvidia "Power Mangement Mode => Adaptive" vs "Prefer Maximum Performance" will keep the clock high all the time, which heats up the GPU just like it does the CPU.
I also change "Multi-display/Mixed GPU acceleration" => "single display Performance mode"Diversion likes this. -
hmscott likes this.
hmscott likes this.
The hints for tuning game performance are nice, but with the Pascal laptops nailing everything on high should be a good place to start, so you don't really need the GFE game settings hints.
The background processes GFE services start are soul sucking daemons from Nvidia
I only install the Nvidia driver, HD Audio, and Physx.
Also, good to note that a DDU or Nvidia Clean install will reset all the 3d Global settings, and maybe the custom 3d program settings, along with custom resolutions.
A bit of a pain to re-enter all that customization every time we install a new driver update.
Did you try the 3d settings to see if any improvement in 3dmark scores happens? Those "performance" tweaks used to be good for 10% score improvements - maybe not for Pascal?
Can you please try?, that way I can stop recommending them, if they no longer help.Last edited: Nov 9, 2016AngryScott and Diversion like this. -
Since notebooks have low mounting pressure, I have been putting more paste than I usually would. I would even manually apply the paste with a card (which I wouldn't do on a desktop), because I can't trust the mounting pressure alone to be able to spread out the compound. Am I on the right track...? -
hmscott likes this.
<I recommend using the High Performance Windows profile no matter what operating system you are using. This is the best way to give ThrottleStop control of your CPU. If you are using the Balanced profile, both Windows and ThrottleStop are going to be writing different data to the same CPU register, both trying to take control of things. This wastes power and CPU cycles and the results will be unpredictable.>
There are several who have reported performance problems using balanced, self-made power profiles than if you use high performace in Win Crap X power plan. The same applies using power management software from various OEM's!!
You don't save much power or have much lower temp
Yup, same for my experience with GFE.
GFE not only enable DSR as a 3d app change for the game enabling DSR, GFE also made it a Global 3d change, you had to manually disable it in the Nvidia Global 3d settings and manually change the resolution back again.
A new GFE update caused it to do it again, and again, I finally just uninstalled GFE -
I only use CPU High Power Settings, and GPU High Performance when doing benchmarks, otherwise I run Balanaced power plan for CPU and Adaptive for GPU.
The small performance hit doesn't affect me, and the heat reduction, and resulting fan noise reduction is most enjoyable for day to day use.
Living with the High Performance CPU / GPU on all the time can be hot and noisyLast edited: Nov 10, 2016 -
hmscott likes this.
). Idle and light usage will net from 30-38C degrees. It depends on whether you've fixed the cooling on your laptop or not. The fan is not much in use anyway. I see no reason to put balanced or other useless power saving profiles
But that's me
And 4.5 GHz is my minimum processor clock speed!! Viva ThrottleStop
Almost 10 hours with web, email, fun and Youtube. Not the heavy task but temp ON MY BGA-KILLER laptop is still ok I thinkLast edited: Nov 9, 2016 -
And we love you for that.
I'll have to try that cross method sometime.. The copper plate on these Eurocom F5s are pretty scored up from the factory, so probably better to go heavier to fill in those score marks and pits. -
The main thing is that people choose notebook's with socket hardware. So this is said
Referring to the previous post.
<As I said. People have reported performance problems when they use balanced, self-made power profiles in Win Crap X power plan. The same appliers to those who use the shiiity power management software from their OEM's !!> But not all experience this ****y. But only as a note for people with performance problems. -
yotano21 likes this.
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I think at this rate I don't need to bother repasting for the moment, temps seem pretty good! -
hmscott likes this.
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Eurocom Support Company Representative
We added NVMe drivers to our website drivers. Our Product Marketing Team is preparing few videos to help you with future upgrades.
yotano21, Papusan, Diversion and 1 other person like this. -
I can't believe how quiet this system is. Playing WoW I can't even hear the fans. The palm rest areas do get warm though. I get more fan noise surfing using Pale Moon browser. Though I've had crashes/RAM issues with the browser on my Alienware 14. I think the program has some kinks.
I've set my keyboard lights to be all white. I've noticed though that some lights still light up green/blue mostly along the bottom keys. Does anyone else have this problem?Last edited: Nov 10, 2016 -
About a month ago I realized that Eurocom had shipped me my BRAND NEW laptop with a QS or Qualification Sample of the MSI GTX 1070. I've known this now for quite a while and kept my mouth shut in hopes that it was a simple mistake and that @Eurocom Support was going to fix the issue ASAP. At first that's exactly what I was told. I was told they would ship out my retail version (version 1.0) as notated on the card PCB, and the lack of Qualification Sample on the GPU Die. I was told that they were awaiting a large shipment (10 days quoted) and that when it arrived they would send me the card, and a prepaid shipping label to ship the card back. I was informed since I am capable I could install the card myself.
I waited those 10 days and even then some and contacted them for an update. I was told they were expecting a large shipment and that they would get back in a few days. Another week and I emailed them again for a follow up. It was at this point their story and stance changed dramatically. Now I was told that they needed a $1500 charge via a PayPal invoice to "secure" the card. $1500! Infuriated I called up PayPal and asked about my options and whether this was practical and whether I was opening myself up to any liabilities. Knowing it wasn't right and I wouldn't do it, I wanted to hear what PayPal thought. They informed me to immediately open a dispute against them and not to ship anything or pay anything until advised by them.
I emailed Eurocom back and informed them that it was ridiculous to have me pay $1500 to secure the card when I paid about the same for the entire laptop! Essentially Eurocom wanted me to insure them and now trust that I would just get that $1500 back on their own good will. Excuse me but isn't Eurocom the business here? Shouldn't they be the one accepting the liability and risks for being a business? They responded and said they were confused even though this was all one single email thread with a single guy. I was then asked to return my laptop for the GPU replacement which I again refused. This is a brand new laptop, I refuse to take risks of damage during shipment and or installation. We've all seen how technicians have returned laptops to owners after RMA. Scratches, bent hinges, etc. Not acceptable for a brand new laptop. Either full replacement or ship me the card and I will do it myself.
I was then offered to simply ship the card back and then they would ship the new card out. I am agreeable to this, however after I called PayPal I was told DO NOT do this as I would again be opening myself up to liability for the card. I was told again that either they will send me the card or the laptop will be going back for a full refund including shipping fees. I've emailed Eurocom and told them to simply send me the card and I will send mine back same after installation.
I kept quite on this issue because I truly believed it was a small mistake and wanted to give Eurocom the chance to correct this issue. I can't keep quite anymore after they have cutoff email communication with me yesterday. If anyone is looking to buy from them I have to share this story as a word of caution. Additionally please check your GPUs. The deviceID is different, the vBIOS is different, the PCB says Version 0.B, it has the green wire mod, and the GPU die will be very scratched most liklely in an attempt to hide the QS label. On their eBay sales of the GTX 1070 the QS label on the die itself has been photo shopped out.
@Eurocom Support @Eurocom Support @Eurocom SupportFrozenLord, unclewebb, hmscott and 2 others like this. -
Attention All:
CyperPowerPC is having a Vets Day Sale! I am configured with my new 16L13 with 6700k, 1070, 16gb DDR4, 256GB Intel® SSD 600p Series PCIe NVMe M.2 SSD, 480gb Kingston SSD, Win10 for $1843 out the door shipped. At this point if I hear nothing back I'm pulling the trigger and they are getting this laptop back. I'll deal with the small label.
I also get GearsOfWar for free, a free HyperX Cloud gaming headset, and a $100 Amex gift card.
At that point I am only paying a little over $200 more than I paid for my Eurocom with zero hard drives, less ram, no OS, no freebies etc.Papusan, hmscott, Any_Key and 1 other person like this. -
Could you take a picture of the lid with the logo and post it here? And give us an update if you manage to remove it.hmscott likes this. -
CyberPowerPC is a much larger company from the looks of their website, they sell in normal retail stores, and after seeing their deal that ends this weekend I'll be rebuying my barebones from them. I'm ordering now to minimize time without a laptop and I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to ship this unit back for my full refund including shipment costs.Papusan, hmscott and AngryScott like this. -
Seems like a strange law to me - but regardless of this, they should show the logo on the images of the product on their site if this is the case, or at least mention it clearly somewhere. To sell something so expensive and have it look different than is advertised seems really unfair...and just pretty ****ty of them.
I asked if I should be able to remove it myself and they said with a heat gun / hair dryer you should be able to heat the logo up to melt the glue and it should come off, haven't tried it yet. So I think they are basically metallic type stickers.
KasperA likes this. -
hmscott and AngryScott like this.
hmscott, Diversion and AngryScott like this.
hmscott likes this.
...i sent my unit to MSI Poland service center yesterday due to the core temp offsets that i was not able to mitigate.
If they return it damaged then i will close the notebook chapter forever, will stay with company books only and personal SFF desktops.
Is there some thread which documents such insensitive service repairs? -
Well, sounds like I'm going to be ordering my laptop today from CyberPowerPC... shame, not going to get the 4K panel, but I think I can manage. I've got plans/options down the line.
Diversion likes this. -
I opted for the "no logo" option, but it looks like they only remove the logo on the back panel of the laptop. On the front panel underneath the screen you still get the Eurocom logo as pictured here. I thought my order was made early enough to get one without the logo, but i guess not. I believe they had chimed in on this this earlier in the thread but I had assumed this was only for newer orders.hmscott and AngryScott like this. -
I don't care where you get this notebook, we are still family here.
I'm going to probably get a mod to add Cyberpower Fangbook 4 Xtreme to the title.hmscott and AngryScott like this. -
I have the keyboard color set to green.hmscott likes this. -
Shipping things out really depends on if the company already has units or supplies in hand. I know about shipping because I ship about 30-60 packages a day, monday-saturday, for my ebay business. You think I get a day off from angry a$$ ebay customers, hellz no. But I love it and I am my own boss and plus I make a nice living out of it.hmscott likes this. -
*** MSI 16L13 (Eurocom Tornado F5)/EVOC 16L-G-1080 15.6" Owner's Lounge ***
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by Diversion, Oct 14, 2016.