How soon until the full review gets up?
P.S. Mine is on its way, drool, and I have the whole of Saturday with the wifey running a marathon (run walking really due to an injury) to play!
@Gentechpc : Your 3DMARK11 score is with GPU O/C at 966MHz ?? Because my little GTX 460M at 800MHz have a higher score !!
The review says that it shuts down when doing Prime+Furmark. Can you do the same, Kenshiro?
PS: and if it doesn't shut down can you see if the CPU throttles down to 800 MHz as the review says too?
Copy & paste from the review (google translation): Our mandatory stress test (Furmark & Prime) could unfortunately not perform properly. Whether it was activated the turbo mode and the fan button or disabled: the CPU throttelte quickly down to 800 MHz, after a few minutes, turned off the laptop completely.
PPS: oh, btw, great thread. + rep for the OP. -
I'm so scared now. I've read through the last few pages like "Noooo! D': I don't wanna go back to laptop shopping!" I really hope that the unit NBC was using to do their review was a sample or DOA or something. I was really excited about this laptop. And I spent so long looking through laptops, and I don't wanna do it again. >.< Hopefully Ken will run Furmark and the other test at the same time and there won't be any problems, and all of us can be relieved.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Homer -
NBC usually runs the two separately on laptops and post the scores.. In this case, they could not run either as their laptop crashed.. However, it looks like theirs was a bad prototype sample... -
PS: You can see it clearly in this review, for example: http://www.notebookcheck.net/Review-Dell-Vostro-3450-Notebook.55189.0.html . Take a look to the screenshot and you'll see Prime + Furmark at the same time.
Another example: http://www.notebookcheck.net/typo3temp/pics/7767e2ac28.gif -
I will wait for another review. That insane poor translation from babelfish (google translate says the website is too big lol) is driving me crazy.
But from what I could gather was that the screen was very good, the fan flucated from low to high with very little things going on and you should look for a Asus laptop if you wanted a quiet one. But will wait for more reviews (english ones lol) -
Prime + Furmark been running for 36 minutes:
Attached Files:
GPU temp of 69º? Wow, that's amazing!
What was the maximum CPU temp during the test? -
Here is an unboxing video for the GT780R
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtHFXD_RxS0 -
Thanks for the video, Cloudfire. Yay, it comes with the free games, too! Haha. And Ken, thanks again for testing Furmark and Prime at the same time. I'm glad to know that the real units don't have the problem like NBC ran into. Hopefully they go back and redo their review once they get a fully-functional unit, if that was the problem. I'd hate to see people read that review and not get this laptop because of it. I'm really looking forward to PayPal getting my transfer done so I can order mine. -.- They Take forever on everything.
This notebook is REALLY quiet, the only time the fan gets loud is when you turn the turbo on. Even then it has a lower pitched fan hum, not a whining sound. I literally can't hear it when I'm not running games which personally is the only time I'd even care. Otherwise I'll be listening to game sounds and or music. The speakers are excellent too, although I have high end headphones (V-moda Crossfade LP, which I HIGHLY recommend to anyone who loves audio), I find myself not immediately rushing to plug them in like I always did with my old G71
How much did you pay for the headphones? What're the higights of them? Like, do they make the bass deeper, or? Are they in-ear, or studio-style? Sorry for the off-topic questions. I'm a music lover, and it's pretty much the main thing I do, so I'm always looking for good headphones. This should be the only off-topic-ness. I'd PM, but I'm on my iPod, and it's aggravating.
Regarding noise can make no sweeping statement. At low system load, the fan varies from a relatively quiet and a noticeably audible level. The two hard disks perform from time to time with a slight clacking attention. During operation, the GT780R is then already quite obvious, the most gaming notebooks act but not quieter.
The Special button for fan control (increases the speed benefit of the temperatures) would have MSI can save confidently about 50 dB (A) go extremely fast on my nerves. Overall, we found the noise level as reasonably acceptable. Those looking for a possible peaceful gaming notebook should rather pick up the Asus G73SW." GT780R 35-45 db, vs 30-35 db for the Asus G73 (from googled notebookcheck review as well).
They even went so much to recommend the older Asus G73SW.
I'm kinda confused -
-little no to GPU activity it's damn near silent, even with a cpu load.
-gaming, the fan picks up a BIT depending on the stress, I used Dirt 3 at max resolution to test
-obviously if turbo fan is active, it sounds like a laptop cooler
So basically, when I'm doing tasks where I want silence such as typing a paper, it's silent, when I'm doing things where I'm listening to music or noise anyway, it's entirely unnoticeable. Again, The fan on this makes a low pitched "whooshing" sound rather than the typical laptop fan whine. it seems to be a bigger fan or something I'd imagine. I highly doubt any gaming laptop would be truly silent anyway -
Test setup:
- Stock thermal paste MX-2
- Turbo Fan off (all I can hear is the air not the fan).
- 120W AC Adapter
- Prime + Furmark running at the same time
NBC mentioned 150W is not efficient, therefore, I use 120W AC adapter this time for test and it's been running 3 hours and 34 minutes without any issue.
CPU did dropped to 800MHz twice but all I have to do is just move the mouse cursor and it want back up to 2.2GHz.
MSI did have some kind of power management that it will set the laptop to hibernate mode after 20 minutes and it override Windows power management settings. Not sure if that's why NBC mentioned the laptop shuts off.
Conclusion: 150W is sufficient even 120W works (maybe not for the long run after 3 moths) . NBC's statement about 150W not sufficient is completely inaccurate.
NBC should request new testing unit if they found there are problems with the unit they were testing for more accurate result. Possible their testing unit is just a sample unit or ODA or Monday system.
Any GT780R owner can perform same test and will get same result.Attached Files:
Simply amazing Ken. Thanks for that comprehensive tests. If I could i'd give you +10 or +12 rep!
Maybe you should shoot them your findings? That way, they might be motivated to address the issue with MSI directly.
Homer -
Hey guys,
More review videos on youtube... finally...
YouTube - MSI GT780R unboxing + first look!‏
YouTube - MSI GT780R First Boot + Initial Thoughts!‏
I'm still waiting on a non-professional review on this product
[edit] video's not mine. i just happen to find it this morning on youtube. thank gumballtech, the reviewer on the video ^.^
Well... i did search for "gt780r" on youtube everyday for the past month or so... sigh -
The thing about noise, is that it is highly subjective and varies between people. A guy can say that his notebook is nearly silent, while it is noisy to other.
Thanks for the videos btw desktop. I am also looking forward to reviews from people -
Thanks for the videos.
Honestly I'm not all that worried about noise right now, because my current laptop sounds like a rocket ship when it's just sitting there, so pretty much anything that's functioning properly is going to be quieter than that. But, in other good news, I just got off the phone with Ken a little earlier doing all my stuff for my order. So I now have my MSI GT780R ordered.
I got a 120 GB OCZ Vertex 3 SSD, the Bigfoot Network Killer, 4x Blu-ray player (because I never use Blu-ray), and I think that's all the upgrades I got. Haha. I'm excited.
Also the unit was still running this morning with 120W adapter till I shut it off, 10 hours and 42 minutes, like I said earlier it will go to 800Mhz just need to move the mouse cursor.Attached Files:
Really? I read some really good reviews on the Vertex 3. I'll have to take a look. Though, I'm not sure how I'd go about changing an order with GenTech, since I did eCheck. And the person I talked to at GenTech (I think it was Ken, but my phone broke up as soon as he answered) said that it would ship Monday, and I did 3rd Day Air, so I'd assume next Thursday.
EDIT: I looked at some more stuff on the Intel 510 series, and the OCZ Vertex 3 series. Benchmarks say that OCZ is a good bit faster, but reviews and such say that the Intel 510 is worth the lower speed for the reliability. I don't have the money for the Crucial M4, as they don't offer a 120 GB version. So now I guess if I can figure out how to edit an order that I made with an eCheck (since I believe the Intel 510 is cheaper than the OCZ Vertex 3), I'll switch to the Intel 510 120 GB. Any help here Ken? If you'd prefer, I'll email you later tonight, I just don't have time right now.
DOUBLE EDIT: Woah, Nevermind Ken. Haha. You seem to have already contacted me. Thanks! -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Our testing completely agrees with Ken's. Either NBC got a bad pre-production model, or they were paid off by the competition...or they were smoking something
Does anyone know what resolution notebookcheck uses to test fps in games.
But why will MSI send them as faulty unit to test? Usually, we'll send the best unit for testing... -
I already asked MSI how to get webcam to perform 720p quality like it says on the outside of the box. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
My opinion..... NoteBookCheck is seriously over rated, and some folks place far too much weight in their reviews. Though reviews are a good base-camp, reviews are just reviews! Often times they lack objectivity, are seeded in bias, or are subject to the finanicial or political motivations of the reviewer. I mean, heck, right here in these forums, there are countless post where readers have disagreed with NBC's findings..... AND I feel the GT780R will prove to be another 'case-in-point'!
Early Tuesday morning, I posted a reminder here on the retail release of Duke Nukem Forever. Shortly thereafter, someone polices my post and negatively replies, justifying this with an IGN review. GUESS WHAT? Bought it anyway, and I have been on a DukeNuke, veggie pizza (topped with burger & x2 anchovies) binge, and ROFLMAO ever since!
My preliminary findings of the GT780R are for the most part, VERY positive. Build quality is good, looks good, fan sound levels are minimal, trackpad works, speakers (for a notebook) & keyboard are wonderful, and performance & temps are GREAT!
I have yet to find the 'perfect' notebook, so I can't say the GT780R is 100%..... BUT GETTING CLOSE! If i were to complain, I'd have to say MSI could have made the lid stiff'er (less flex), and with a heavier hinge design. AND, WHATZ-UP with this 720P HD webcam? KEN, since MSI is just down the street, PLEASE get with them on this! Get us some info, a driver, software, SOMETHING, LOL!
As to the GT780R stock matte screen, remember, it's a MATTE screen! As such, you will not find it as color 'eye-popping' as you may have seen with some high quality glossy screens, but the color is very good. Contrast is good, viewing angles are good (satisfactory), and as a 300 nit screen, it's BRIGHT! So much so, at the native resolution, it was causing eye-strain and gave me a headache..... so I had to tone things down a bit. 'Out of the box', the brightness levels were set at 100%, LOL! Overall, I am satisfied enough with the screen, that I will NOT be sending the notebook back for a screen swap, BUT, I am sending it back to Ken tomorrow.........
As a whole I am very pleased with the GT780R, and now that I have had personal 'hands-on', and in light of Ken's testing below, I feel it's a worthy candidate for more upgrading. Not that the notebook NEEDs it, but as a personal choice, it's going back for more juice...... more power! The 120 GB Vertex is awesome and FAST, but now I want bigger! While I am at it, I am gonna bump up to the 2820QM, for the added extra 2 mb of L3.
Sooooo, KENshiro! Prepare to work your magic, yet again! (But keep your destructive paws OFF my keyboard this time, WILL YA?) Kenshiro MSI GT780R Typing Test
Ya gotta love Ken! Who else does as exhibited below, making a notebook a C.T.D. (crash test dummy)..... and ALL for our amusement and pleasure? LOL!
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Sorry, our testing was completed over a week ago and we did not have reason to take screen shots. This review was not known at the time of our testing.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
http://gentechpcforums.com/Images/MSI/Striker-GT780R.JPG -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Ken, I am so tickled by that pic, I'm changing your name to 'Handyman KENshiro'!
And BTW, you keep those thangs away from my ' unit', ya here?
NBC gets a new testing unit soon, so they'll test it again.
P.S. Thanks for all you do!
My lappy is "Out for Delivery"! I'd say I feel a cough coming on, but our UPS delivery is never before 5:30PM, it was about 6:30PM yesterday. Got the Momentus XT to swap in after making sure it boots and making images. -
--->The Official MSI GT780/GT783 Owner's Lounge<---
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Jun 9, 2011.