You are looking on the global site, there are products there that are not for the USA region. It is highly unlikely that there will be a USA version with a HD+ screen on a high end notebook.
[email protected] Company Representative
Asus, on the other hand, tends to sell cheaper gutted out versions of its models at bestbuy with lower resolution screens (at least they did, for their previous g53's and g73's.) Maybe, msi would do something similar. who knows.
Recently, the only "gaming" laptop that i saw even offering lower res screen as default was from alienware. -
I live in Finland.
In Europe there normally is a good mix of different variations of a single model, so I see no reason why there wouldn't be a 1600x900 model in the stores sooner or later (probably later, as demand fo FullHD models is bigger). It could take a few months, but I'm not in a hurry, since my Asus N71JV is still going strong...
So if anyone has any info (now or later) on the 1600x900 screen, I'd really like to hear about it! -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Hey Guys,
I am still updating and adding info ( HERE!) to the lead post of this thread. I have begun a list of 'stock' hardware items, which is subject to change with future shipments of the GT780R. If anyone receives a notebook with hardware other than listed, please PM me (with make, model, and P/N#) and I'll add it to the list.
For current owners, I still need info on the mem modules, webcam ( & hardware ID), touchpad, and PLL.
Also, for those interested in the specs of the optional 90% color gamut glossy screen, you will find this info here!
Thanks in advance......
Thanks -=$tr|k3Rz=- for maintaining the page
I hope some users post their reviews soon... I know you will once received! -
Ken Lee or any other reseller, exactly what screens are with the GT 780R? What is the name of the stock screen and what type do you offer as a upgrade (the name)?
I`d like to investigate them further. Thanks -
Looks like Striker just put up a link for the glossy upgrade. We should confirm that this model would be used by all resellers, or should note which reseller has confirmed that they are using that specific model. -
Awesome. Thanks to you both
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
I also listed the 'optional' 90% color gamut glossy screen, for those having preference over the matte finish. I have confirmed this information, and if a reseller is providing other than what is listed, please PM me and I will update the list.
Some resellers are also offering another 'optional' 72% color gamut matte screen, which I have not listed. This is because this panel is believed to be virtually the same as the stock screen, offering little to no value whatsoever. If I am incorrect in this information, again PM me (w/ make, model), and I'll add this information, accordingly.
To 'Matte' or to 'Glossy', that is the question! Both have their pros & cons. Some unfamiliar with matte screens, may initially be put-off..... but I think in time, most will find the stock panel wholly acceptable. Both screens listed have fair specs, and both have somewhat of a following.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Well I am a bit pushed towards the screen upgrade after reading this thread about the screen. There is even a V.5 out now that is a matte screen. Gentech and co, please get it asap!
Seems like XoticPC offer the V.5 matte screen because the website says 72% gamut which fit the specs. hmmmm
MSI GT780R-012US Gaming Laptop -
The screens on Xotic are the same ones offered on GenTech. Xotic still says pre-order. I don't know what to do about the screen. D:
EDIT: Nevermind, I remembered wrong. Lol. GenTech doesn't offer the same screens. They only offer the 90% glossy. I coulda swore I saw 72% matte though. I wish they had the 90% matte. It'd probably be a pretty penny though. ): -
No complaints with the stock matte screen here. I was very skeptical about getting a matte screen as I've been on a G71G for so long before this and the glossy screen on that was very nice on the eyes, but I was happily surprised how nice and accurate the colors are on this. Only by comparison did I see how warm and over saturated the colors on my Asus were.
Only complaint I have is the webcam is NOT doing 30 fps under any lighting and there isn't a driver for it. Bisoncam NB pro is all it's listed as and I can't really find anything online. I almost never webcam though, so it's no big deal, will update if I can get it figured out. -
Glad to hear someone's opinion on the stock screen, and glad to hear there's no complaints. I'm still confused though, about the screens. What version (V) is the stock screen? What color gamut is the V.5? And the V.4? I've read too much, and confused myself. >.<
Glad to here though that someone who has received their system, likes the stock panel! -
There is not enough information about CMO N173HGE-L11 and we will provide 72% color gamut screen for upgrade if we can confirmed the N173HGE-L11 is not 72% color gamut.
Alright, thanks Ken. That info helped out a lot. As Moho said, my brain was hurting. Haha. Sorry for the bombardment of questions about the screen. I think that that's the last thing I'm trying to decide on now. I'm prolly just gonna stick with the stock screen, especially if it's 72% gamut. I hope you are right in your assumption. Haha. But then... why would Xotic offer an upgrade to the 72% gamut matte screen? I don't know, I think as soon as my PayPal account clears, I'm gonna say screw it, and go with the stock screen, unless a better resolution is found.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
GUESS WHAT? If the lil' brown UPS truck hurries, I MAY get mine today! I'll have to check the UPS tracking again after 06:00am EST, but fingers are crossed!
As far as the BisonCam...... this would seem somewhat, an enigma. I understand the cam is produced by Acer Labs (ALi), so it 'should' be a decent one. Best I can tell, the cam is using WIN7...... and it really doesn't begin to shine, unless you are using cam software optimized for HD...... like the latest versions of Skype or YouCam. Have you tried either of these yet?
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
The webcam is as good as I have seen on a laptop. It is full 720P. The software for it is on your drivers disk under Utilities. Just install "Simple Camera" software...MSI does not install it at the factory.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
My understanding is that the 'Simple Camera' software is indeed installed by the factory, but the webcam is not performing at 720P quality. Don't we need to use software optimized for HD to see the 720P benefit, such as the software I mentioned above? Could you clarify this a bit?
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
YIPEE! Oh Yeah! Ooo RAH!
UPS Tracking, 06:55am EST, 'Out For Delivery'!
(danc'in like a fool! Shak'in Dat @$$!)
Time to go prepare milk & cookies for Santa's brown-shirt elf! Ahhhh, Christmas in June..... Ain't it wonderful?
i still can't find any unboxing videos... i'm hoping that you'll be my santa after you get your beast. gl -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
" YES! BOW! Bow before the totum, that is MSI G-T-780R!" he said, in a triumphant and commanding voice.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
BTW, Duke Nukem Forever should be released today. Guess I'll run pick-up a copy while I wait on the UPS guy. Check out the media clips! Mayhem, Nudity, Cuss'in, Shoot'in, Kill'in, and blow'in stuff up! Does it get any better?
Duke Nukem Forever Review - Xbox 360 Review at IGN
5.5/10 -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
I have been waiting to see how the stock screen perform on some games, like World of Warcraft, Crisis or Prince of Persia, any games..looked all over youtube and the Web... I did not see one video game played on the MSI GT780R-012US posted...If anyone have a spare time, come on, lets us see, how does it look???I am still waiting for UPS to deliver my MSI GT780R-012US...Maybe is better if I do some begging to anyone...lmao
MSI GT780R-012US
i7-2720QM, GTX 560M, 2 x 500GB, 6X Blu-Ray, Intel 6230 -
Stock screen: N173HGE_L11_L21
Here it goes, please pretty please...
For God's sake, please Ken (GenTech) post some games on youtube so we can see how the stock screen fare on any game...
MSI GT780R-012US
i7-2720QM, GTX 560M, 2 x 500GB, 6X Blu-Ray, Intel 6230
NBC review:
Test MSI GT780R Notebook - Tests
150W PSU is too weak... -
They seem to be pretty harsh on quality issues. Still cheaper than the rest of the pack though...
how much do you think the keyboard is responsible for the lack of power? -
I fell in love with this laptop, was planning to get me a GX660/683 first.
However, it seems it might take a little while before we get it over here in The Netherlands. I emailed a few online shops about the releasedate and got told that they're not planning to sell it as long as the GX/GT 600 series keep selling well. Seems ridiculous to me. I hope it might depend on the shop though...
Shipping from the US might also be an option, however the shippingcosts are pretty high and I don't even want to think about international RMA procedures if it's needed. Guess I have to be patient... -
uh oh.. anyone experiencing this? (from translated German review)
"Our mandatory stress test (Furmark & Prime) carry out, unfortunately, is not reasonable. No matter whether the "turbo" mode and the Luftertaste enables or disables were: the CPU throttelte at lightning speed to 800 MHz shut down after a few minutes, shut off the notebook completely."
Test MSI GT780R Notebook - Tests -
Homer -
Anyway, I put the whole thing bit by bit through Google Translate, and they didn't seem to like much about the notebook. They did like the stock screen, though, lawl
Anyway, here's a list of what they didn't like...
-cover (too fragile)
-hinge (not optimal, too much movement)
-port positioning (too many convoluted wires)
-mega bloatware (50+ programs that required removal)
-loud keys, rough touchpad
-poor vertical viewing angles
-RAM overkill (they would have preferred an SSD drive instead, lol)
-noise (not particularly quiet)
-power supply issues (they couldn't run Furmark without the unit shutting down as it attempted to draw 195 watts from a 150 watt PSU)
-sound (they weren't particularly impressed)
A bit shocking to me that MSI would send them a machine that has so many issues. The only thing that really concerns me is the issue with the PSU -- I was actually surprised that it wasn't larger when word first came out about the laptop, considering the keyboard, 2 HDDs, GPU, etc. I think that many of the other negatives could possibly be a result of the pre-production build quality. Still just a bit odd -- they didn't seem to like any of the supposed strengths of the machine.
At this point, I'm really looking forward to reading some rigorous reviews from the folks in here who are just getting their machines! -
wonder how hard it would be to swap out the power brick??
mine's coming with a bd reader/writer... hoping I won't have probs. -
thanks moho for the summary...
another thing they mention in the cons is spongy keyboard... and they say their's is a "pre-final sample". They also repeat the 195 Watts info towards the end
"The energy requirement is typical for a gaming notebook in its class. While our meter is in idle mode until 24.9 34.8 Watt spent (with Turbo max. 58.9 watts), the consumption varied between 123.8 and 195.0 under load watts. By comparison, the 17-inch DevilTech Fragbook DTX (Core i7-2630QM & GeForce GTX 470M) approved in idle mode and under load a little more a little less power."
It's strange that they measure 195 Watts.. Sager notebooks with even Nvidia 485M or ATI 6970M run on 180 Watt PSU's...
Ken did run the 3DMark Vantage benchmark in his video review without problems.. However, could anyone with the laptop please run Furmark to check on NBC's claims... Thanks... -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Oh... My... Gawd! The sky is falling, the sky is falling! LOL!
I should be getting mine tomorrow or so and furmark will be one of the first programs Ill run on it.
I think that you can always get a Sager or an Alienware PSU, cut off the connector and just resolder the MSI one. The reason why I believe Ken doesn't want us to do so is that he doesn't want us to mess up our new lappies by trying to do so. He is just being protective. -
On my testing unit I can torture it and no matter what I did it'll never shutdown:
I just tested Furmark again for 20 minutes without using Turbo Fan and never have any problems.Attached Files:
I revised my original post...
Homer -
--->The Official MSI GT780/GT783 Owner's Lounge<---
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Jun 9, 2011.