So apparently I got one of the last models from Newegg (SLI, 24gb cache, 12gb Ram) before they ran out this morning. It's being shipped and should arrive at my house today or tomorrow. I will do some tests first thing and try to answer concretely, questions that people are having in regards to this beast. The dedicated 4600 and it's utilization is on my list, so are some benchmarks for you guys. let me know what you guys want answered apart from Optimus and benchmark scores.
New model coming soon:|Lenovo
Lacks Cache SSD and only has 8 GB of RAM. - | Lenovo -
do you guys think i can talk a rep into giving me a 100$ off the the y510p?
Has anyone benchmarked the speeds of the SSD itself? You would probably have to enable it as a legacy drive in the bios.
Adobe's suit of software can do much more than what Apple calls a video editor.
Not to mention Adobe After Effects and Adobe Photoshop are standard software for their respective industries and both work seamlessly in real time with Premiere Pro means Apple is behind on so many fronts. And Adobe works the same on both Mac and PC.
The MBP has good externals (body and battery life) but its the same internals you pay for in a higher price bracket...and they overheat like you wouldn't believe man.
IDK about you but I don't want some slim sleek body that is horrible at cooling the components I paid for.
Render times are important for editors so overheating and throttling is something you want to avoid at all costs.
The Y500/Y510P (and other PC options) actually have decent cooling for the internals, allowing the CPU and GPU to run for hours on a render with no problems. -
If you're wanting to use the NGFF slot of the Y510p to have a bootable SSD, read on, otherwise don't worry about what I'm posting here.
The more I research, the more I'm doubtful that there will be much support for the NGFF slot to be used for a higher capacity SSD. It looks like most companies are choosing the longer stick routes (>42mm which is the size the Y510p supports) for capacities of 128GB and more. I've contacted 3 companies so far. Only one company(Sandisk) is claiming to make a 128GB 42mm card, but I can't get them to confirm the size when I asked for a quote. The other two eventually said they have no plans on making a 42mm card that is over 64GB yet(although they could have been wrong). Then there's still the benchmarking issue, which makes me even more doubtful. While the longer NGFF sticks are benchmarking at sequential read seeds of 400-500Mb/s, the 42mm sticks are only getting speeds of 200-250MB/s. It's still a decent speed, but coming from a Crucial 256GB msata, it's a step down. The drop could be due to the size difference, considering it's thinner and shorter than the current mSata form factor.
In the coming years, I'm sure the sizes and speeds will increase, but some may not be willing to wait that long. I think the biggest downfall of Lenovo's new form factor is they only left us room for the smallest NGFF form factor(42mm). My thoughts are, 2 of the 4 lengths will eventually disappear and there will eventually be a long version to be used for high capacity and high performance drives, and a smaller version for caching purposes like the drive currently in the Y510p. To make things worse for NGFF, sata express is also coming out - I'm sure NGFF won't go away, but it won't grow as quick because of Sata express coming out at the same time...
To me, this is almost a deal breaker because I want to have a high speed SSD, but also have a large capacity drive for all my media. My options are to replace the main drive with a 256GB SSD(or 512GB if I want to break my bank), leaving me without a high capacity drive or wait out the highest capacity NGFF I can get my hands on in the next couple months and deal with whatever speeds they offer. The option of keeping my Y500 has also occured to me now because it obviously has an mSata I am happy with. This issue also makes the GE60 2OE look much more attractive due to the fact they have dual mSata slots that you can set up in RAID 0 for 2X SSD speeds. Decisions decisions - Just wanted to put my thoughts up though in case anyone was on the fence or unaware of the changes in the new form factor. If anyone has any thoughts on this, I'd like to hear them. -
I didn't know it has TWO mSata slot however. Where is the link to that piece of info?
I always thought the Super Raid was done via a 2.5" adapter that replaced the main hard drive. -
The GE70 line has 3 mSata ports. The only problem with Raid 0 is if 1 of the 2 drives goes, you lose everything. I've never seen or heard of anyone with a MSI laptop, so I'm a little wary of buying something from them . I don't like that red stripe either. -
I have also been considering buying the GE60 over the Y510p, but the Y510p's graphics card seems a lot better than the GE60's...
Y510p: GTX675m = GT750m SLI NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675M - Tech
GE60: GTX765m NVIDIA GeForce GTX 765M - Tech -
Just got confirmation from Crucial.
Three capacities of M.2(NGFF) will be available however the length is 80mm so they won't fit in the slot. I did learn that the "code" for the form factor we are looking for is M.2 "2242-D2-B-M" SSD Where the "42" is interchangeable to be the length NGFF card you are looking for. Crucial only has 2280-D2-B-M SSD -
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD -
So has no one tested if optimus exists?
The Lenovo Y410 / Y510 does not have Optimus. -
Has there been any confirmation of the increase in benchmark performance from the y500? I saw some of the screen shots but I don't think anyone confirmed that it was without overclock or I may be wrong. Mine doesn't ship till the 19th so I guess I'm just anxious and want to know everything about it before I get it ha
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk 2 -
I can confirm it has the 24GB SSD caching drive instead of 8GB it says on the newegg site.
2013 3D Mark score:
NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-4700MQ,LENOVO 20217
3D Mark 11 score:
NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-4700MQ,LENOVO 20217 score: P5145 3DMarks
No sign of the Intel Graphics in the device manager whether plugged in or unplugged. -
I heard the intel only shows up when you remove one of the graphics cards. Remove the ultrabay and check again?
TrueG -
It never exceeded that max temp. You can tell heat dispersal is done well in this model, but it def will generate some heat.
I was getting around 25 - 30 fps on "very high". Lowered it to "high" specs and was getting 35 - 40 fps range. It does look incredible even on just "high" spec. I will try removing the ultrabay tomorrow and see if the Intel shows up.
EDIT: Temp record after running Crysis 3 at "high" for around 20 min (about as hot as it got):
Let us know your results! -
CPUID only reads the max temp so if it hit 91 for a split second it would read as the highest temp that why i use hwmonitor it gives the average temp on the cores which is more important and gives a better reading on the cpu.
i'm hoping the y510p on newegg will come back into stock soon since 1150 is a good deal for this laptop.
I'm getting mine later today, will post benchmarks, temps, and see if I can get the damn 4800 to show it's face. Let's all remember though that Nvidia still hasn't released drivers for this baby. It's only gonna get better! The thing I don't get though is why optimus can't work for sli rigs, isn't it just a software job to switch gpu?
Can some1 test 3dmark 11 with the new nvidia drivers 320.18 for the sli model, Then do another test with a overclock using nvidia inspector say 135mhz on core and 300-350 on memory.
I'm receiving mine today and will run some tests on it (benchmarks, temps, optimus ect....) We should take into consideration that this beast will only get better once NVidia releases drivers for this and their 700m series. Optimus is there and was proven by Campy888 withough changing Bios FW. Third party software will appear I'm pretty sure to activate the 4600 when needed, we just need to wait a bit till this machine get's more attention and in more hands. -
Hi can someone comment on the screen, brightness, clarity, and for you guys who have both the 500 and 510, can you give us some details on the comparisons and strengths and weaknesses of both, thanks.
Y500 : Glossy, gives out a more vivid image (shiny surface) can't survive under sunlight or outdoors.
Y510p : Mix Gloss with matte coating, lower contrast outside with no reflection of light (pale surface) visible when out and abound. Search forum for comparison pictures.
Other Differences:
Y500 : 3rd Gen i7 2.4Ghz, Cheaper
y510p : 4th Gen i7 (Haswell) around 7% faster but slight increase in temp. Bios is unlocked and this model will more likely get for support by hobbyists like me
Am I missing anything guys? -
Hey guys, a question here.
Do you think this baby would be up for the next gen console games? Lets say Battlefield 4. How do you think 750M SLI on this laptop would handle it on 1080p? Will it run on mid? high? ultra? Any ideas about fps?
If this laptop can run the first next gen console games I suppose it will run any of them on the future as well.
Thanks a lot. -
I just wanted to comment on the Intel situation. I was messing around with my laptop last night and noticed when I went to the graphics card options, under the second card for physx or whatever its called, you have 3 options, and this is with my second 750m in the laptop at the same time, you can choose auto, intel or nvidia for the second card, even when my second 750m is in the laptop. I will get some screen shots when I get home tonight. It's definitely there as an option. I have a Y510p sli config from frys, got it the first day they were selling them.
is there any difference really from a 8gb cashe and a 24gb cashe?
OK! Just got mine in and installed windows 8 for the first time which was a pain but whatever. First KEYBOARD !! Soo RED which is awesome.
Audio is sublime! But one small thing that you may also notice is that the front edge of the PC is kinda sharp across the wrist ( get my sander ready!)
I just got mine today and I don't have a serial# sticker on the bottom. is it located some where else?
Does it still only come in a glossy screen?
Installing some games here on my end. Runs my library on max settings which is awesome.
Any questions that you may have just shoot. I'll do my best to test and answer -
Hi all,
Im new here...
I broth IdeaPad Y510p Laptop - Dual Graphics - 59370006 1 week ago direct from lenovo I'm going to get him only next week
i just want to share with you all the price i got from lenovo (web asking price $1,299.00)
ok so the price i got from lenovo is $1,184.90... how i did it ? Lenovo chat support just click on it and ask for discount and after you get one ask for more and after that when the seller going to say i cant get you more ask for 3YR In-Home + Accidental Damage Protect now you need to say i can pay only 1400 for all and i will buy the laptop now in that point he is going to go to his supervisor and you will get 3yr+damage for $215.10
that all now i hop that the laptop will be ok
Ideapad Y510P
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by MJG1492, Jun 2, 2013.