Please can somebody tell me about temps mine is getting so hot and i dont know if is normal or not... full performance 85-95c. I need to know if i must change it or not.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
Do you have it sitting on a hard surface when you play?
What is the temp in your house/apt?
That is pretty hot, answer those top two and we can get down to business. -
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk -
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk -
You can find the key in the bios.
Main issue I am having right now is the ultrabay temps. I repasted as soon as I got it yesterday. Playing BF4 it is going to 97C and then it crashes the game.
The CPU and main GPU are running perfectly fine at 80C. I have a very nice cooling pad and used the best paste on the market, the IC Diamond. -
conscriptvirus Notebook Evangelist
Yea, I am thinking of calling them and telling them to send me a new ultrabay gpu.
I ran BF4, for an hour just a minute ago with single GPU and temps are great on the cpu and gpu. Just the ultrabay is terribly hot. I did add more paste than normal when I did it and it still didn't help. I mean, I could open it back up and add more, but I don't think it would help it any. -
You still did not let us know how hot your CPU runs with ThrottleStop.
I am not familiar with throttle stop, so explain to me why it would help? Or is it just a stressing tool so you can check the temp?
Oh, and where is the latest download? All I see is old ones for core 2. -
ThrottleStop is a tool to remove the CPU performance throttling that laptop manufacturers often set. In the case of the Y510p, Turbo Boost is disengaged as soon as more than one core is loaded. This drops clock speed from what should be 3.2-3.4 GHz down to 2.4 GHz and lowers voltage, reducing performance and also reducing heat drastically. Without ThrottleStop, your CPU isn't working at its rated speed, and it's also not running as hot as it could be.
Here are the ThrottleStop settings I use so that Turbo Boost works correctly. Make sure you click "Turn On" in the bottom-right corner.
You can read in-depth about ThrottleStop here, this is the thread visited by the author himself:
Download of latest version is here: Downloads - The Digital HQ -
I don't have a turbo option, it is 34T. -
I am having really bad issues with my keyboard / track pad. When I type, even when I make sure to hit only the keys I intend to, my cursor will decide to start typing elsewhere on the screen or move the page entirely.
Any ideas on a fix? -
anybody running ArmA 3 on their y510p? How is it running?
Laptopnoob, try updating the drivers off of Lenovo's site. I did that earlier and it helped a ton. It is very easy to hit the trackpad as you are typing, so I know exactly what you mean.
CliffB, it will run Arma 3 with 0 issues at all. There is a Youtube video of someone running Arma 3 with the 750 single version. I ran BF4 earlier with just one 755, sli disabled and it ran smooth as butter.cliffB likes this. -
Thanks -
Anytime friend
Ok, I am wondering if anyone has tried swapping in the 3k IPS panel from the t540p into the y510p. I suspect it would be fine. the part number is FRU 04X4064. :/ I don't have alot of extra cash and can't gamble on an attempt. Anyone have any idea? Running at 2880x1620 would be pretty nice and sli'd 755m's should be enough horsepower for basic gaming (can always run a scaled resolution at 1440x810 in more demanding titles).
Edit: wasn't dupe after all
And turbo throttling has nothing to do with how many cores loaded. When gpu reaches 65C, EC turns off turbo.
Since heatsink is common, even with just cpu load, vga will reach 65C eventually. -
Y410p Removable Graphics GT750M4P is a proprietary product for IdeaPad Y410p which the highest GPU performance should be about 1.5 times than a single GPU, which users can much enjoy games.
Is it for 410 or 510?
Luckily they dont mix up 4 and 5 when it is about gpu, and we dont get accidental gt740m. -
They used to say good jokes don't need explanation....i let you figure it out. -
The FHD screen on my 510 is outstanding. It is as good as my IPS Alienware 18, which I never thought I would see in a sub 3k laptop. It is also, easily as good as my Retina display Macbook Pro.
I like everything about it, except that horrid ultrabay temperature. -
Where did you get this info about the thermal throttling behavior? Did you look inside the EC? -
34 multi@ 4core load IS overclocking, period.
Yes, if you set 32 on throttlestop, it will disabe 1 and 2 core over 32, but set it on 34, and it will allow 3 and 4 core load at that speed, that is overclock.
(you can set 36, maybe just with unlocked bios, which will allow 3,6Ghz 1core and 3,5Ghz 2 core load)
SImple, try and learn.
Load the cpu, monitor cpu and gpu temp, clock speed, when gpu reaches 65C, cpu will throttle down. -
Fine, show me. Set multiplier 34T and run the TS Bench on all 8 threads and provide a screenshot of the CPU load and clock speed.
My screen is average, not amazing but not terrible. Slightly better colors than my desktop monitors, but somewhat reflective.
Jpowell, i heard Lenovo likes to toss their parts around, it might be possible you got the W530 FHD panel, which is downright amazing, and has been seen a few Y510p's. Care to share which screen model you have? -
Do you want proof of 3,6Ghz single core load too?
FYI, 4800MQ has 4 overclock bins, do the math. :thumbsup:octiceps likes this. -
(Overusing of smileys just make your comments childish, good approach.)
Dont know. Yes it should faster by a few percent, but memory is crappy 1600Mhz, CL11, probably that's why. Did some runs, this is the best i got:
However, with linpack current limit is kicking in, then speed is down to 3.0. But that can be seen on every monitoring program. So in this case, TS says 3.4, then it is 3.4
The missing advantage is a mistery. Will look into it tomorrow. -
Editing post, I do have a FHD panel, but that was part of the package I bought. It is matte, but man, it is incredible. The id says LGD0416
That help? -
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk - Said FHD screen
has anyone had blue screen problems with the Y510p? had to reset to factory settings twice after installing some windows updates, found out later that it could have been due to the pre-installed mcafee on it, but now im scared to update anything on it and having to install all my games on it again
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD -
Ideapad Y510P
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by MJG1492, Jun 2, 2013.