I would say something was being executed in the backgroud, have you checked the task manager? By default, Windows install updates automatically, and usually that is the culprit.
Alright, crammed it open ( y510p, 8 gigs of RAM, single GT755m, that model. ), and noticed a slot for SSD.
Any aftermarket purchasable SSD I might grab to fill that slot ?
This might fit the bill ? http://www.links.hr/?naziv=ssd-60-0...-505-mb-s&option=artikl&id_artikl=051.400.194
Also, I saw you guys chatting about "SSD controllers" and which laptops in the series got them and which didn't. Mind explaining a bit ? -
I just tried ROME II and forced SLI (Force alternate frame rendering 2) which made me get decent fps on FullHD@Ultra settings, however I noticed graphical flickering on the ground and with some textures. Is this "normal" or the 2nd GPU is faulty ? No flickering when only 1 GPU is used.
I also run Vantage again and now only got 19500 points...I've lost ~1000 points compared to the first run of Vantage...whonder what is going on. -
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk -
Amazon.com: MyDigitalSSD SC2 Super Cache 2 42mm SATA III 6G M.2 NGFF M2 SSD Solid State Drive (128GB): Electronics -
I've been reading a lot about this laptop now and I'm really interested in buying one to upgrade from my Alienware M14x R1.
However, I'm really worried about the temperature issues I've read on some sites. It's confusing because some people don't seem to have the problems at all.
Can you all help me getting a better idea about the temperatures by telling me how your CPU/GPU temperatures are? Since there are different specs in this laptop please tell the GPU(s) and CPU you use. Also details like whether the CPU throttles and whether you use a cooling pad (how effective it is, which one, etc) would be really usefull.
Also I'm wondering if you think the laptop is noisy?
The laptop I want to buy is the 2x 755M SLI model with a 4700QM.
Thanks a lot! -
I have the 4700MQ with SLI 750m. I really love how quiet it is. I can barely hear the fans running, even while gaming. I've had zero issues with my CPU throttling, or the temps of GPU 1 (which share the CPU cooling). I had to repaste the ultrabay GPU because it was giving me 90+ temps. I'm a novice at pasting, and I could probably do a better job, because it only dropped maybe 5-8C. I now run with MSI Afterburner set to limit FPS to 60, which keeps everything extra cool. If the games I play can't do 60 FPS, I'll lower the detail. That way my GPUs never run at 100% and get too hot. My temps never go above 85 on the ultrabay, and max around 75 for GPU1
As for the cooling pad, I'm about to go out and get one myself. I'm just getting a generic one on sale for $25, but it has a USB hub, which is what I need more. The cooling pad is just a bonus. Once I have it running, I'll test to see how much (if at all) it reduces temps. -
That being said on my opinion, I would not buy one of this laptops when they just launch, I think the best time of the year to get this laptops is precisely Black Friday, because for that time most of the bugs fixing and posible improves has been probably implemented and the price also gets very good, for example this year the Y510p model with 16GB RAM, SLI, 8GB cache, 1080p matte, was $999 on Amazon on that day, that same model (without the 8GB cache and glossy screen) was $1300 some months after launch.
Currently I'm upgrading every year since my Dell XPS then Y500 and now Y510p (I just sell my current one on a good price while is still a very good specs and well cared laptop), and buy the next one for almost the same price (since I buy on Black Friday discount). I think is a good plan =P
Cheers! -
Any idea about why I can't get past 20k in 3DMark Vantage ? At first run I got 20400, but now I am getting 19500...single GPU score is fine, only lost score in SLI. What could be the problem? I am using the latest WHQL Nvidia driver and Win 8.1.
Most time I have A/C on but not always, I play with the max settings my GPU can deliver as long as its 50-60 FPS and the temps are always nice, and fan very quiet -
Good to hear there are no major temp problems and it's quiet too, you all seem to have the 750M though. I also asked someone on youtube with a 755M SLI and he said that one has no temperature problems either.
Limiting it to 60FPS is a good ideaDoesn't vsync do the same though?
Is it hard to repaste the ultrabay GPU / what steps have to be taken to do it? I never done something like that before. I also wonder if it voids the warranty... -
During my quest for a GT755M ultrabay, I've read dozen of opinons on both GT750M and 755 SLi users.
Basically, if your single card laptop is overheating, it'd be best to replace it while you still can, under warranty that is. If your SLI laptop misperforms, and the SLI card is the reason of overheating, you first reapply the thermal pasting, THEN you modify the ultrabay by cutting off a piece of it to allow better air flow, and that fixes the problem.
My single card 4700MQ with GT755M has no issues with heat outside of the ordinary, goes up to 80-85 celsius under full load and that's it. I have other issues with it though ( GFX card misperforming in some places while it's clearly showing superiority in other places to my old PC, whereas it should perform better in all situations ). Weird stuff. -
Hmm I'd probably get it with a nice laptop cooler like the cooler master notepal A200. Cutting off stuff doesn't sound nice to me.
What do you guys think about the 750M SLI vs 755M SLI btw?
The 750 version seems to have an anti-glare screen while 755 has glare
750 has 8GB SSD cache and 755 24GB SSD cache
and ofcourse the slightly performance difference in 750M SLI vs 755M SLI
I heard anti-glare screens are better, but is it worth the downgrade? -
Hey i was reading all thread. I need a laptop for video editing (Adobe premire, after effects, photoshop, avid, davinci resolve...) it gonna be my pc when im out of the house, because i have a desktop workstation. Im looking the 59405667, the highest specs whit SLI. I have some questions:
1. Do i need SLI? because i know at the moment any program works whit SLI. Its posible put one GPU to do some stuff and other GPU other?Like one for GUI and other for renders.
2. Is too heavy to walk around?
3. The people how have time whit the laptop. What duration of battery do you have?
Sorry for my English. Thanks -
Adobe's Engine cannot use SLI, however it does not mean both your cards will be gone to waste, as the other one can be used for display scaling, color space conversion, etc.
SLI will also kill your battery life, but you can always remove the ultrabay and insert this:
Y500 Removable DVD Burner DB36 | Lenovo | (US)
Also i recommend using Premiere CS5.5 over CS6 due to the former supporting CUDA, which will give you much better performance with Nvidia cards. -
Hello all,
I bought the Lenovo Y510P. It's the one with a single GT 755M and a the 1080p display. It has the ELAN touch pad. I have one huge complaint. The track pad absolutely sucks! It double clicks when I single click. And then when I click on something, sometimes it jumps and clicks on something else. Is there any driver fix that you have found? Do you experience these same issues? I might be returning it. -
Its possible disable one of the GPUs? -
So I've been playing my game for several hours now with the new laptop cooler. It does make a difference; my max temps are now 4-5C cooler. GPU1 is at about 65C and GPU2 (in the bay) is at about 76C. Plus, it has the USB hub (AC powered, even) to free up my USB 3.0 ports. The cooler is quiet except on turbo mode, and turbo only seems to make a 1C difference, so I'll leave it off. It cost me $25 (10% off for open box, too):
Canada Computers | Accessories | iCan Gaming Laptop Cooler with big fan -
Hi Guys,
I bought my y510p on Tuesday, with this configuration:
8gb Ram
1 Tb hard disk + 24gb ssd
gt 755m (single)
dvd r/w
So, I searched the whole week for an GT 755m Ultrabay and well, I found out the same like u guys did.
At the moment I am thinking about returning my y510p and ordering the GT 755m Sli model (+150 €.
What do u guys thinck about that?
Is the SLI GT 755m worthy?
Also I read a lot about the SLI system and though about buying an Gt750m Ultrabay and give it a try... Is it even possible to run the GT 750m and the GT755m in SLi mode? -
Anyone know the best program for monitoring frame rate and temperature? Thanks!
Ever since upgrading to 8.1 I'm having huge connection issues. What drivers am I suppose to be on? And whats the step this time. Last time it was just uninstalling proset bluetoothand uninstalling the centrino card and bam you're on 14.8. How do I do that on 8.1 I'm stuck on unstable 15.10. Is there any better drivers?
gomess023 likes this.
Still looking at this laptop... When do you guys think Lenovo will have their next sale? Or was Black Friday the best one? :/
Can't seem to get anything working since the 8.1 update. My network card (2230) still says I tried downloading proset wireless version 16.5.1 from lenovo website and 16.5.3 from intros website and nothing works, I even tired letting proset handle my internet connection and that seemed to work for 2 minutes and then immediately a drop off. On windows 8 I used 14.8 drivers flawlessly with no issues for 2-3 months. What gives with 8.1? Is there any way to go back to 14.8 anymore? The old trick doesn't work
I just bought mine. 1300 $ the high specs: SLI and 16gb ram whit two years warranty. I hope is good purchase
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk -
hey guys...
just about to buy mine.. but would just like some clarification on the SSD situation... i am buying the top of the line model, that comes with the 1TB 5400 RPM drive and the seperate 24GB SSD.
Now it seems that from this forum, this is a good replacement for the SSD:
Amazon.com: MyDigitalSSD SC2 Super Cache 2 42mm SATA III 6G M.2 NGFF M2 SSD Solid State Drive (128GB): Electronics
Now, i have no problem purchasing that, but just have a few questions... are there any alternate solutions that provide more space than 128GB?
Also, can the 1TB drive be replaced with any 2.5 inch laptop drive? so if i want to go with a 7200RPM drive or even a 2.5 inch SSD, such as the ones available and apparently compatible on crucial' website?
Can the OS be installed on the NGFF drive, and be used as the primary drive, and then have the 2.5 drive act as a secondary/storage drive?
Thanks any help would be much appreciated. -
Yes, you can use the M.2 as a boot drive for the OS, and the 2.5" HDD for anything else. You can replace the 2.5" with practically any other 2.5" SATA drive -
I bought a y510p version with hybrid hdd.. It come's without m2?
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Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk -
After i change the SSD, Is the 1TB 5400 RPM drive worth changing to a 1 TB 7200RPM drive? The drive will be used for storage... i will install games from steam there, my music, videos, etc....
What are your thoughts? -
Games that load levels and access large amounts of data in-game will be slower on the 5400 rpm drive. Whether you would notice the difference is debatable. I say this with a drawer full of 5400 rpm OEM drives that have never been used other than to clone them to something better (SSD or Hitachi 7200rpm 1TB). I load all the Steam games onto the SSD and only install the ones I play the most. On occasion I might add one I haven't played in awhile but once I'm through I remove the cached install. Best thing to do is try it on some of the less used games. Just install them onto the 5400pm drive and see if the performance is acceptable to you.
Cheers, -
thanks for all your help guys..
two more questions:
1. i hear alot of bad things on the wireless card that is included. I understand we need to hack the bios if we ever want to upgrade?
any instructions on how to do that, and how to revert if needed?
2. Does the ram max out at 16GB? if not, what is the max
Much appreciated! -
Also, Lenovo now sells models that come with the better Intel 7260 wifi card so if you can get one of those with the 1TB/24GB SSD config to make sure you get the M.2 connector.
Cheers, -
Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk -
If you got the model with 24GB SSD, then you have the connector. If you got the 1TB+8GB, or just 1TB, then you probably don't have the connector. You'd have to open the back and see. If you don't have the connector, you're SOL, because you can't add it later.
hey guys!
Does anyone else have flickering issue ? Today I noticed some flickering. First in 3DMark Vantage in the 2nd graphics test at some points the backgroung was flickering and in Crysis 3 rarely the UI (more precisely just the 2 square boxes on the bottom) flickered and more rarely the whole screen flicker once (saw that 2 times during a 1,5 hour gameplay)
There is no flickering when SLI is disabled.
Is this driver issue? Should I try Win7 instead of Win8.1? Or should I send it back for an RMA because the 2nd VGA is faulty ?
also, is there a way to test the vga cards individualy? -
Cheers, -
At the end of last week I finally received both the laptops I ordered (one going back). Both are single GPU.
Laptop 1 (will be returned):
-CPU i7-4700MQ (as advertised)
-Wireless N-2230 (as advertised)
-Matte screen
-Single GT750M (as advertised)
-This one was ordered with no SSD
-win8 installed (as advertised)
Ordered Nov 22 - received Dec 11 (China to Toronto Canada)
Laptop 2 (Keeping this one - $30 more):
-CPU i7-4700MQ (as advertised)
-Wireless-N 7260 (as advertised)
-Glossy screen (Matte is SOOO much better)
-Single GT755M (750M was advertised - I have no issue with this upgrade)
-24GB cache drive
-win8.1 already installed (as advertised) and completely updated with windows updates (If there have been any since the 8.1 upgrade)
Ordered Nov 28 - received Dec 13 (USA to Toronto Canada)
Optimus is working just fine on laptop 2. The only time the Nvidia card kicks in is for Bioshock Infinite. I installed this game specifically to test the card. Played for a bit while connected to an outlet. Put all setting on Ultra and the game ran smoothly. I had the laptop on a table but you could tell the bottom got a little hot (which I think is normal) and the left vent was blowing hot air from the GPU.
First impressions of the laptop are very good. Transferred some large files through the network at a rate of 10MBPS which is WAY faster than my old laptop. I tried testing all pieces of the hardware and everything seems solid.
-In windows8.1 I have the startup set to not as for a password and go straight to desktop natively. This works fine. But when i shut the lid and open it up again, it asks for a password. How do I get rid of the password at this point?
-Many have said the Wireless-N 7260 is actually a Wireless-AC 7260. Why do people believe that this is true? When looking this up, it looks like there are 2 separate cards available and I just assume that Lenovo purchased the N version for these machines. But I do have an AC wireless router at home (AC66U) and if this card is capable of AC wireless speeds I would love to take adv of that. -
Cheers, -
Where the prices vary a lot is at other sites like Amazon, Newegg, Frys. XoticPC, etc. I recomend you to check this everyday and eventually you will find a good deal. -
Ideapad Y510P
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by MJG1492, Jun 2, 2013.