oh dear....time to spend more money.......
any of you guys want to test first rather than a disabled guy on SSI and a fixed income? can't afford to be the tester.
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Maleko48, Papusan, ajc9988 and 1 other person like this.
We will soon remove any doubt, as I will have the 700w/mK stuff on Monday and we will see whether it is good or garbage for laptop cooling. -
http://docs-europe.electrocomponents.com/webdocs/1181/0900766b811810f2.pdfMaleko48, Papusan, bloodhawk and 1 other person like this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Please?Maleko48 likes this. -
1 EYGS1431ZLAA 140 308 12 6 126 290
2 EYGS0925ZLWA 85 246 14 6 73 234
3 EYGS1419ZLWB 136 186 8 7.5 124 171
4 EYGS0917ZLWC 85 168 10 6 73 156
5 EYGS1316ZLAC 125 163 8 6.1 110 150
6 EYGS1216ZLWD 120 160 8 6 110 150
7 EYGS1116ZLMA 108.8 158 8 6 92.75 144
8 EYGS1315ZLGA 129.5 150 8 7 118.5 137.5
9 EYGS1314ZLWE 126 136 6 7.5 114 124
10 EYGS1014ZLAD 97.8 138 4 6.8 86 127
11 EYGS0714ZLAE 70 138 4 5.7 57 128
12 EYGS0714ZLAF 69 136 4 7.2 57 124
13 EYGS1113ZLMB 106 132 4 5.7 95 121
14 EYGS1313ZLGB 128 128 4 6.7 110 110
15 EYGS0713ZLAG 66 126 4 5.7 50 116
16 EYGS0813ZLMD 71 123 2 4.7 Center 116
17 EYGS1212ZLGC 120 120 4 5.7 110 110
18 EYGS0912ZLGD 88 120 4 5.7 78 110
19 EYGS0612ZLWF 60 120 4 5.7 50 110
20 EYGS0512ZLGE 53 118 2 5.7 Center 106
21 EYGS0811ZLGH 80 113 4 5.7 70 103
22 EYGS0811ZLWG 78 108 4 6.7 62 93
23 EYGS0611ZLWH 60 106 4 6.7 48 93
24 EYGS0411ZLWJ 43 105.5 2 5.7 Center 93
25 EYGS0610ZLAH 59.4 104.4 4 6.7 48 93
26 EYGS0410ZLAJ 43 102.8 2 5.7 Center 93
27 EYGS1010ZLME 98 98 4 6.7 87 87
✽ This shape is an example, please contact us for detailed shape of each part no. 04 Mar. 2018 Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. “Soft-PGS (Compressible Type)” PGS with low thermal resistance No. Standard Part No. a : Lateral size (mm) b : Longitudinal size (mm) Hole number Hole diameter (0mm) d : Lateral hole pitch (mm) e : Longitudinal hole pitch (mm) 28 EYGS0409ZLGJ 44 93 2 6.7 Center 80
29 EYGS0509ZLGK 46 92 2 6.7 Center 80
30 EYGS0309ZLMF 32 92 2 6.7 Center 80
31 EYGS0409ZLMG 41 88 2 5.7 Center 80
32 EYGS0309ZLAK 29.5 89.5 2 6.6 Center 80
33 EYGS0509ZLMH 51 86 2 4.7 – 80
34 EYGS0508ZLMJ 46.2 83 2 4.7 – 77
35 EYGS0608ZLMK 55 78 2 4.5 Center 40
36 EYGS0607ZLGL 58 69.7 4 5.7 50 62
37 EYGS0507ZLML 45.3 66 2 4.7 – 60
https://industrial.panasonic.com/cdbs/www-data/pdf/AYA0000/AYA0000C50.pdf -
I think you're right on the liquid metal. I never really expected anything to beat it, but thought maybe this could take the middle ground between paste and liquid metal. And, that still might be true in spite of my skepticism. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
I looked at that PDF, and it DOES look like the Soft PGS is the 28 W/MK version, but it seems from what I'm reading, that the BASE W/MK is 28, but the higher numbers are on the X/Y plane, not the Z plane.
The other sheet you mentioned is STILL 13 W/MK. I read the PDF clearly. The T series that you linked is 13 W/MK.
That's the stuff that IC cooling sells.Maleko48 likes this. -
Lots of factors involved here. And mainly these tests are not controlled.
Desktop performance will always be better than Laptop performance.
And how well a paste fill in gaps and maintains its viscosity under high temperatures.Last edited: May 4, 2018 -
Update: Dud laptop must be sent back asap, new laptop is here, PGS pad also here. Wife at graduation ceremony with family, going to eat dinner with them and begin testing later tonight will post results on the dud 13r3 and will work on the other unit (15r3) once my traditional thermal pads arrive on Monday and after I inspect the unit itself. Not going to repaste the GPU because frankly I don't care so we'll focus on the CPU first.
Package - 93*
Cores: 91*, 86*, 93*, 79* -
EYS-S Pad Baseline:
Package - 77c*
Cores: 76*, 74*, 73*, 72*
Watching my core temps at idle is spooky - 48/47,47,46,47. Everything is pretty much within 2C* of each other, so I'd say this is an overwhelming success. Also keep in mind fans are off and its 80F* cuz the AC died today lol.
I think we have a winner! This is almost on par with my LM temps also this was taken at 80F*Last edited: May 5, 2018 -
I was fully expecting this to be a dud with the low pressure but no this is within 5C* of LM I've used. -
For those who don't understand what I mean by spooky I'm talking about this. Granted the current temp doesn't match because of load varience but as I watch my machine the core temps are all mirroring each other in ways I've never seen before, ie all cores and package all read 55C* at the same time. For example look at the idle temp. I've never seen that before, not even with Conductonaut so the Z-axis cooling is definitely the real deal.
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Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
I only tested on a r9 290x, and my results were abysmal, probably because the mounting pressure is simply nonexistant. I mean, when LM just hardens up and gets ALL Absorbed because there is literally no pressure at all on a reference sapphire (old original reference) 290X, with wimpy tiny springs and that X bracket....
And with the metal bar in my spine, i can't test the 2600K desktop CPU, and I'm not removing LM from my laptop with this pain either......Maleko48 likes this. -
Last edited: May 5, 2018
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Maleko48 likes this. -
Interesting footnote, there appears to be a break in period for PGS. As I'm browsing around the temps have further stabilized. Take a look, if this isn't the cleanest spread on a BGA Alienware it's damn close especially since this is with a already aknowledged defective unit/heatsink
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Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
I bought this one.
Seems to be the same type as yours but different size
but it's horrible on a sapphire r9 290x reference card! -
All I can say is that I am happy with what I got result wise and intend on doing the same on the 15r3 once I get it booted, updated and the parts arrive. -
Maleko48 likes this.
Mine came earlier than expected. Got it today.
And, it was a waste of money. Abject failure, LOL. Back to liquid metal and regular thermal paste. Wish I could get my money back from Digikey.
Before I throw it away, I will test the piece I cut on my desktop CPU and see if it fails as hard as it does on the P870DM-G.
Edit: Put it back together with Phobya NanoGrease Extreme. Added third screen shot to compare with XSPC K3.Attached Files:
Last edited: May 5, 2018 -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
How the HELL is @Sentential getting "Almost LM" temps on his then?
I don't understand?
I really don't.
Thank you for the test, brother @Mr. FoxVasudev, Maleko48, Papusan and 1 other person like this. -
Proof will be when I try it on my desktop with flawless contact and extreme pressure. If it is not as good or better than thermal paste there, then it's a waste of time and not worth messing with. I'll be back with those results in a little while. -
Probably a reason the BGA model had better results. And all I have seen until now is as expected
Vasudev, Maleko48, Mr. Fox and 1 other person like this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
So let's get this straight before everyone wastes their money here??????????????????????
https://www.digikey.com/product-det...ronic-components/EYG-S091210/P12726-ND/678309 <------this is REGULAR PGS?
https://www.digikey.com/product-det...c-components/EYG-S0909ZLX2/P122034-ND/6575964 <---this is SOFT PGS????????????
So Mr Fox ordered the wrong one and it's my fault
Sigh, jesus people.
I really dislike it when people just post pdfs and things expecting everyone to understand everything before money is spent.
Can we make this CLEAR instead of just people saying OMG THIS WORK THIS WORKS IDGAF??
https://www.digikey.com/product-det...c-components/EYG-S0909ZLX2/P122034-ND/6575964 <----this is the right one to order? SOFT PGS?
or is there a DIFFERENT ONE?
*I* ordered this one: https://www.digikey.com/product-det...c-components/EYG-S0909ZLX2/P122034-ND/6575964
was this the CORRECT PART ??????????????????????
But on my r9 290x, I see slightly worse temps than Coolermaster Gel Maker Nano, about 4C higher. Thus I'm not using it.
And I have a metal bar in my spine with extreme swelling so I can't test my desktop right now. I can barely walk. I barely can use my right leg because of nerve damage because of the scoliosis (i have marfan syndrome).
Sorry for being handicapped but its not my damn fault. I *INJURE* myself just trying to re-LM my own damn laptop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! while all of you guys just 'OH LOOK HOW EASY IT IS !!'
please dONT FREAKING POST PDFS. Post LINKS. DIRECT LINKS. Don't confuse people. Some of us may not catch on as quickly as others. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
That's what i ordered.
https://www.digikey.com/product-det...c-components/EYG-S0909ZLX2/P122034-ND/6575964 -
I was reviewing some of the earlier posts in this thread for comparison. It seems that these pads are useful, especially if doing no or light OCing. Once you head into heavy workloads and heavy clocks, it gives way to high quality pastes and LM. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
The IC pads are the 13 W/MK regular pads, not the soft PGS. Someone posted this several pages back. But now I made @Mr. Fox waste his money because i failed to notice that what I linked was not soft PGS(I THOUGHT IT WAS) and its all my goddamn fault. I'm sorry.
jaybee83, Vasudev, Maleko48 and 1 other person like this. -
Vasudev, Maleko48 and Falkentyne like this.
I look forward to seeing your results with the soft stuff. I am very skeptical, but I have been wrong more than once. If it were me and I knew what I know now, I think I would cancel the order if it hasn't shipped yet. But, then we would never know if the soft stuff is OK for overclocked systems unless someone else tried it.Last edited: May 5, 2018jaybee83, Maleko48, Papusan and 1 other person like this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
You want me to buy this one and test?
Or is the soft pgs a different product number?Vasudev, Maleko48 and Falkentyne like this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
If you dont mind buying one, yes go ahead.
I just can't undo my LM job on my laptop. I have to bend over too much to unscrew, clean and scrub stuff.Vasudev likes this. -
IIRC there's one you posted that was 700 and 1000w/mk, did anyone ever try that? -
oSChakal, jaybee83, Falkentyne and 1 other person like this.
IC Graphite Thermal Pad Available for Test and Review
Discussion in 'Hardware Components and Aftermarket Upgrades' started by Innovation cooling, Apr 9, 2018.