Xotic PC are having the products for preorder:
New Products Custom Laptops, Gaming Notebooks, Custom Gaming Laptops | XOTIC PC
Just a heads up the P27k on XoticPc will be a black exterior finish, not the ugly orange for those out there who don't like the color.
Gigabyte P35k available for pre order in U.S.A
Dynamism - Gigabyte P35K -
Gigabyte P34g also available for pre order now in U.S.A.
Dynamism - Gigabyte P34G -
ExcaliberPC has it up for preorder as well - but no prices listed yet.
Notebooks / Laptops, Gigabyte | EXcaliberPC.com -
I find it interesting how one site has it with lithium polymer battery and another one has it with lithium-ion battery but both suppose to be US models. Why the discrepancy?
Good catch, David. Likely one of them are incorrect rather than an actual difference in models.
So from what I can see from the ExcaliberPC models (P35K-CF1 and P35K-CF2), the only differences between the two are the storage option and the RAM, correct? -
Custom Laptops, Gaming Notebooks, Custom Gaming Laptops | XOTIC PC
Now Xotic Pc have Gigabyte P25W & K models... i hope to see P34g & P35k soon... -
I hope somebody finds a reseller who can provide free shipping in Canada like Xotic Pc provides free shipping in states.
You could always go with the cheaper model
. Prices aren't up yet but I'm guessing it would be around USD$1399?
I'm kinda bummed about the Canadian resellers also but not much can be done about that...
Is the mSATA SSD in the $1599 model a huge difference compared to no mSATA SSD?
And can the mSATA SSD be added in later on (if you buy the model with just HDD)??
(Sorry I'm not very pro at this). -
I have to pay $109 extra for shipping this laptop to canada and i can't wait more because my school's gonna start from 3rd of sep. I'm already late but i'm still gonna wait for 2-3 days for Xotic Pc to carry P35k otherwise i have to order it from Dynamism.
Edit: For any Canadian reading this use this site HERE to estimate how much duty your are going to have to pay because I just read that the duty charged is based on where the product is manufactured not where you purchased it from. So, if it says made in USA, Canada, Mexico, or if it doesn't state where it is made from and it is for personal use then there is no duty.
Have to note that the estimator is for duty AND tax for your province, so if you see a number in the hundreds it just means tax is included.Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2015 -
Second, how does paying for the duty and taxes work? So we pay the price+shipping to the reseller... they ship it here, and we are then billed for the Canadian duty+taxes afterwards?Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2015 -
You mean to say i have to pay 1600 + 109 shipping + foreign exchange charges 208 (acc. to the calculation from the link u gave)+ 13% HST???
So, if it says made in USA, Canada, Mexico, or if it doesn't state where it is made from and it is for personal use then there is no duty...............Does this means i don't have to pay foreign exchange rates?
Forgot to mention that there is a customs clearance fee (i.e. brokerage fee + other customs fees). However, could pay for this fee ahead of time by opting for a more expensive shipping option that covers the customs clearance fee and less hassle for yourself of having your package stuck at customs.
update: Apparently there is no duty on computers. I also checked it with the estimator and seems like it only calculated the tax for my province and nothing else (1795.11 x 13% = 233.36). -
Here is an example of what it may cost Canadians in total:
*Assuming that you buy the $1599 configuration for the p35k as it is and nothing else.
Purchase Price + Shipping = Total Purchase Cost (USD)
Total Purchase Cost (USD) ---> CDN $
Use converted CDN price to calculate (Duty + tax) using the estimator
Find out the brokerage and other customs fee. Let's assume $80.
finally find out how much your bank or credit card company charges for currency conversion (i.e. foreign exchange fee, for me my credit card charges 2.5% for currency conversion).
$1599 + 109 (the shipping cost that one of you guys gave me) = $1708 USD
= 1795.11 CDN + 233.26 (using estimator to find "duty+tax")
= 2028.47 + (1795.11 x 2.5%) + 80 (brokerage and other customs fees)
= 2028.47 + 44.88 + 80
= 2153.35 (Total Final Cost for CDN import of P35K)
Note the currency conversion rate should be calculated and added last because it is a separate fee that your credit card company or bank charges you. Also, could avoid the hassle with customs if you're willing to pay more for delivery option with in-house custom clearance, which covers the brokerage and other customs fees... I think... or it could be just the brokerage fee, I'm not sure. However, still have to pay for taxes at door or pick up location.
update: Apparently there is no duty on computers. I also checked it with the estimator and seems like it only calculated the tax for my province and nothing else (1795.11 x 13% = 233.36).
Found another thread that talks about importing goods and dealing with Canadian Customs.
If you're planning to buy from Xoticpc and thinking of taking the 3% cash discount, consider that the conversion fee already eats up more than half of the discount you got by using wired bank transfer. So technically you're really only getting a 0.5% discount (3% - 2.5%). I recommend to find out about your credit card's policy and your bank's policy regarding international purchases to minimize the cost as much as possible. There are credit cards that waives the conversion fee and at the same time can potentially extend some warranties by an extra year.Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2015 -
Good news!
It seems like they still are going with aluminum for the screen and body. Only the bottom seems to be plastic.
For Canadians:
P35K-CF2 from Gigabyte - Gigabyte - Notebooks - Computer Systems - - Home Computer Parts, Computer Components, low price computer at Hookbag
Found this site based in Canada... free shipping and no need to deal with duties and everything - very cheap in comparison.
However, not sure how legitimate this website it, I recommend doing some background research on them before ordering anything (as I am right now). -
Qty. Product Description Unit Price Total Price
Gigabyte NB P35K-CF2 15.6 i7-4700HQ 12G 1TB+128G GTX765M 9.5mm DVD 6Cell W8
SKU:H3C0D0WJO, MfgPartNo35K-CF2, Weight:5.07 lb
CDN$ 1,837.18 CDN$ 1,837.18
Subtotal: CDN$ 1,837.18
Freight: CDN$ 0.00
85186 8109 RT0001 HST: CDN$ 238.83
Total: CDN$ 2,076.01
It's gonna cost same whether you order it from the states or the Canadian website ( Hookbag.ca) -
You save ~$80 and a lot of hassle (and you'd probably get the device a day after you order it; of course, after it is available)
Any word on Raid0?
I would assume the HDD/SSD adaptor for the optical drive bay won't be included with the unit, so does anybody happen to know what size adaptor would work?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 -
Some news for the UK fellows, preorders here. 1430 eur with VAT.
I don't understand is it a typo or is P25K and P25W the same weight at 5.73 lbs? On the gigabyte website the P25W is approximately 6.16 lbs.
P25W is heavier than P25K because it has a bigger battery for the GTX770 -
this german site showing p35k ready to ship
Gigabyte P35K W8 schwarz (Article no. 90522061) - Laptops / Notebooks - computeruniverse
about 1780 usd -
I find it really weird that there's a 12GB version. -
There are a couple of pictures of the P35K on Gigabytes NB facebookpage from Gamescom. There is still a cut-out for a future thunderbolt port.
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151801236641880.1073741837.106627006879&type=3 -
But note that the package never cleared customs the last time I ordered an Acer 3820TG to ship to pacific coast from compuniverse. -
What are the main differences between the P35K and the P25K? I see on the XoticPC they have the P25 already up. Just trying to figure out if it is worth waiting for the P35 instead.
Thanks in advance! -
392(W) x 263(D) x 32.1~38.3(H) mm
385(W) x 270(D) x 21(H) mm
~2.6kg (w/ODD and 6-cell battery)
~2.16kg (w/6-cell battery)
~2.26kg (w/ODD and 6-cell battery) -
Does P35k have a subwoofer?
Got some "slightly dodgy" pricing from google cache for UK customers
Dynamism - Gigabyte P35K
The CF1 has a 750gb HD and no MSATA
The CF2 has a 1tb HDD and a 128GB MSATA
Can anyone comment on the noise level of the duel fan system? I was looking for something along the lines of the Asus low fan noise level.
new Gigabyte P35K
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by [-Mac-], Jun 2, 2013.