I heard a lot of good things about GenTech (even from HTWingNut, who is well known on this forum for detailed reviews and information), so I ordered from them. My laptop is arriving today, so we'll see how that goes.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989
WhiteBoySHady Notebook Consultant
LMFAO Gentech all the way! they are the best company bro! if you want i can even ask them to come look at this forum he will give you a better reply and the proper contact maybe you messed up the number. but trust me i ordered a bunch from them.
WhiteBoySHady Notebook Consultant
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 -
90% better floating point
95% higher texture rate
50% more memory
50% more memory bandwidth
60% higher texture rate
more "units"
(and you completely forgot the 222% of the TDP! (100watts for the 870m 40-45watts for the 860m)
All of these numbers translate into (and these are the only numbers which matter in the least)
30-40% more performance in today's games.
Note please that all the numbers you list are at stock speeds in ideal situations... the 870m often ends up with heat problems in the thinner laptops relevant to this topic.
The 870m will be heat-limited in many of these cases and not perform up to the ideals upon which you quote these numbers.
The 860m is insanely easy to overclock and all the while running cooler than the 870m at stock.
The 30-40% is pretty much exactly what Nvidia usually shoots for between these types of models.
30-40% in games is very believable... and thus it is entirely possible that a practical overclock can and will bridge most, if not all and more, of this gap.
(in fact earlier mobile models have done just that and then some)
Drivers at this point are also well-tuned for Kepler, and not so much for Maxwell. You might still see a narrowing as the drivers mature.
All this adds up to the concept that the 860m overclocked might very well be able to close the gap to the 870m stock.
(I am still "wait and see" about the practical results of the "typical" overclock, but the concept is definitely plausible.) -
Ok, finally got gentech pc on the line. The person on the phone didn't sound very professional...
But an email conversation with Ken made up for this.
Still, I am ordering at XoticPC because they have options that Gentech PC doesn't have.
Thank you for your helpful comments and propositions of help -
Seems like iBuyPower is the best for US and Canada cause they give you a crapload of free stuff, but XoticPC has lower shipping.
I'd pay 139$ for shipping from Gentech which is INSANE.
All boils down to when I am getting the laptop now -
WhiteBoySHady Notebook Consultant
do you actually believe this guy bro....?
youre talking about 25-40% boost. you know how crazy that sounds ? thats the same amount of performance nvidia has between each graphics cards every year
I mean personally I also think that NVidia releasing a cheaper chip that can outperform a more expensive one a tad backwards for lack of better words.
WhiteBoySHady likes this. -
chris_laptopfan Notebook Consultant
I'm definitely NOT a maxwell fanboy (and no Kepler one as well). And in fact i find the 870m very attractive, because it's the often called "best bang for the buck". You don't have to justify your purchase at all. The 870m is a great performer, but IMO just too hot for a thin laptop.
But that the new Maxwell architecture is way more efficient, you won't deny for sure, right? It's not only hype for sure!When looking at raw numbers the 870m absolutely crushes the 860m, but like ' KernalPanic' already stated, this nevertheless results in an actual performance difference of 'only' 30-40%, which is relatively low for those extremely higher numbers. Therefore i meant, i think you can't only compare raw numbers between those 2 architectures...
Actually i hardly believe that a 860m can really match completely a 870m, nor outperforming it. But the user HTWingNut already tested his OCed 860m and got some nice improvements. And if the performance rise through OC would be around 15%, then, calculated based on that, the 870m only would be 10-15% ahead of this 860m. So not outperforming, but closing the gap quite a bit.
I'm not too sure about very demanding scenes though, where the gpu gets stressed very much. Don't know if the 860m in those situations with min fps maybe could suffer from it's far less shaders, the narrower 128bit bus and so on...?!
What is it about Sebi's post? Why shouldn't we believe him? 'Prema' is working on a modified unlocked Bios for Sebi's machine. What about that is not believable and in the end, what would be the benefit for him to lie at us... ? -
I just got mine! It's going to be awhile trying to split my data between three drives.
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WhiteBoySHady Notebook Consultant
haha sorry im Italian, its in our blood to do that :$
yeah its efficient for sure. i agree im just arguing that no way he can achieve the performance of 870m, if he can good for him but im just saying its impossible -
Any comments on the speakers or sound quality?
The fans are pretty loud to me. It's practically silent when I'm doing normal tasks, but once I start gaming it starts blowing like a jet engine. Maybe it's not as loud as the P35K, but still... Guess I'll have to get used to it.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989onkelosuppo likes this. -
By the way, how do I disable secure boot? The BIOS doesn't let me disable UEFI.
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WhiteBoySHady Notebook Consultant
Playing around with Intel XTU to undervolt the CPU. So far I've gotten it to -65 mV, which makes the CPU's total TDP hover around 40 W. Hopefully we can lower the temperatures with this.
UPDATE 1: I'm now at -80 mV. I just run the memory stress test for 3 minutes and hope it doesn't crash. Max total TDP with the iGPU idling is now at 42 W, compared to 48 W without undervolting. CPU temperature is now at 73 °C compared to 76 °C.
UPDATE 2: Got to -85 mV without crashing. At -90 mV it froze right after the test ended. Now I'm going to stress test it at -85 mV to make sure it's stable. Then I'll go mess with the graphics voltage.
UPDATE 3: -85 mV turned out to be too much. Going back to -80 mV.
UPDATE 4: -80 mV crashed after awhile. Dropping down to -75 mV.
UPDATE 5: -75 mV seems stable enough for normal tasks. I'm going to play some games and see if it holds up. CPU temperature is around 76 °C after running HeavyLoad for 10 minutes; no throttling occurred. Of course, gaming will truly test the CPU.
UPDATE 6: Looks like gaming broke its back. After playing BF3 for about 5 minutes, Windows crashed with MEMORY_ERROR. Back down to -70 mV we go.
UPDATE 7: So far, -70 mV seems stable for me. Played a round of BF3 on ultra. I limited my FPS to 65 using RivaTuner since anything extra is just a waste of power. CPU temperature went up to 85 °C; GPU temperature went up to 88 °C. I would highly recommend getting a cooling pad for this laptop.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989Reks, onkelosuppo, µGamera and 2 others like this. -
Good stuff, Dennis. Thank you.
By the way, a few of Intel's programs crash if you don't exclude them from RivaTuner Statistics Server (FPS overlay from MSI Afterburner).
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 -
I am thinking of getting this laptop from NCIX Canada as it seems to be the only online reseller in this country that I can get it from. The only problem is that they do not have any in stock at the moment. I don't need it until the fall so it's not a huge issue.
Since this would be my first Gigabyte laptop/computer and I am buying it online, I am a little hesitant that I will not like it and there is a no return policy for NCIX for notebooks.
I don't think the heating or fans noise would be an issue for me as I won't be pushing it very hard.
Are there any major issues with this laptop that I should be aware of? How is the layout and responsiveness of the keyboard? I'm sure all of the positives of this laptop will outweigh the negatives and I will get used to things that are different than my current laptop.
Thanks in advance. -
Playing Minecraft using the Intel GPU made it crash. Lowering down to -65 mV. Hope that's the last drop I'll need.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 -
Anyone with the laptop try the new NV beta drivers to see if it helped on lowering the temps?
http://forum.notebookreview.com/msi/747505-msi-gs70-stealth-pro-theard-51.html#post9696858 -
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 -
Alright, so -65 mV was broken by GTA IV. It took awhile though, so I'm assuming I'm reaching the sweet spot. Dropping down to -62.5 mV. On another note, you can play Minecraft on max settings using just the integrated Intel GPU at almost always 30+ FPS; CPU temperature hovers at around 65 °C (undervolted integrated GPU by 50 mV; will try to go lower on that), so the fan noise was light.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 -
Does anyone have the GS60 Ghost Pro to compare this to? How are the temps under load?
WhiteBoySHady Notebook Consultant
Hey guys so here is a list of games I have on my p35w v2
Let me know which ones you want me to make videos of showing fraps and I'll upload the videos with temperatures
Sent from my SHV-E210S using Tapatalk -
Cheers. -
I had a MSI GS60 for a brief amount of time but the fan was always on and loud. I've read that there are some basic fan profiles (stealth, auto etc) but how loud is it when it generally runs. Is there ever a time when's it's actually silent?
Thanks in advance,
VGJFelix -
This is my first post but I've been following this thread for a while, and you guys helped me make the decision on getting this laptop so thanks for that. So I've had this laptop for a few days now, and i've got two big problems:
First problem I've got is the screen. Basically the contrast is crap, and there's pretty bad light bleed coming from left of the camera and again about half way down the right side. Am I alone on this? Or is it a trait of the type of screen Gigabtye used?
The other problem is while gaming I'm constantly (several times a minute) getting momentary but really anoying drops of about 20 FPS (as in 20 down, not too 20). The drops don't seem to be coresponding with any spikes in GPU or CPU strain, so at first I thought it might be the WiFi, but playing on eithernet offers no improvment (with and without the 'lan optimizer') and I've ruled out the ISP/router as my old laptop is still doing fine. So that left me woundering about thermal throttling.
In my case it seems to be the CPU and not the GPU that's causing heat problems. Playing BF4 on high with a frame cap of 60 the GPU sits between 70-80c, the CPU on the other hand always sits between 89 and 91. It took an undervolt and an underclock to 2.9ghz to get it stable around 86, but even then intel XTU reports occaisonal throttling.
So I tried underclocking to 2.5Ghz (which I reason is effectivly dissabling turbo-boost) and playing a much less demanding game, Counterstrike source. No throtteling reported in intel XTU, but still getting frame drops. Whats really anoying is I even get frame drops during HD flash videos, such as on youtube. Both on intergrated and the 870.
Anyone experianced anything similar or have any ideas on solutions? I've not seem these problems mentioned elsewhere in the thread so I'm starting to think I've got a bad unit. -
I just played a round of Battlefield 3 at ultra (antialiasing deferred turned off), and this is what I got:
Keep in mind that my CPU has been undervolted by 62.5 mV.µGamera likes this. -
I'll most likely be buying this laptop if nothing better crosses my path within the next month or so. -
I was about to purchase this laptop but after looking at some comment here, im hesitating because the laptop looks really hottt some people say with repaste and cooling pad still in high 80 scares me
Sent from my SHV-E210S using Tapatalk -
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The high temperatures being reported don't bother me. What I'm concerned with is the longevity of these laptops. With such high temperatures, will these last 4-5 years from now?
Got my P35W v2 (128GB x 2 mSata + 1TB HDD, 16GB ram, GTX 870m 6GB) 2 weeks ago in Taipei and was having a blast with it! However didn't like Win8.1 so just bought Win7 Pro and did a reinstall. Also replace the 1TB HDD with a Samsung 1TB 840EVO SSD.
Some observations:
1. Runs hot during a graphics intensive game but it's the norm for these kind of slim gaming laptops. Graphics performance is fast and beats my Lenovo Y500 w/dual GTX 650m SLI hands down!
2. Fan noise is almost non-existence during normal surfing, emailing, watching DVD, etc. During intensive gaming it is rather loud but the speakers volume usually mask it. However not advisable to game in a quite location (office, library, etc.) using headphones as it will annoy everyone else!
3. Battery life > 5 hours for normal use with Wifi on & 70% screen brightness; managed to watch 2 DVDs back-to-back at full volume + 70% screen brightness. Gaming without the power brick is not encourage as it will fast drain the battery and that is no good!
4. Speakers are slightly above average but Dolby must be activated.
5. Matt screen display is excellent and no bleeds around the edges.
6. Intel 7260 Wifi performance is OK compared to my other laptops (didn't have time to do a throughput test!).
7. Keyboard does flex a bit especially in center but it doesn't bother me.
8. Elan touchpad is responsive and comparable to my other laptops.
9. Can use power bricks from my Lenovo and Asus gaming laptop (>150W - 180W specs).
10. The frame around the screen is a tad too big...
11. This thing is a finger magnet! Had to put a translucent "carbon fiber" skin on the top and around the keyboard and now it looks so much better now!
12. Tons of storage option; 256GB C: boot drive (encrypted for work), 1TB SSD D: data drive (encrypted for work) and 1 TB HDD (non-encrypted) for movies, photos, junks, etc.
Some Pics:
BTW I ran the Samsung Magician (SSD tools) and somehow it mis-detected the C drive (mSata 128GB x 2 RAID0) as another Samsung drive! Too bad I can't get the bios to have RAID and AHCI mode to work together, perhaps someone has a suggestion?
The top benchmark is D drive (Samsung) and bottom is for the C drive (RAID):
pau1ow likes this. -
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WhiteBoySHady Notebook Consultant
Was it an issue from the start or did it happen over time? -
I'm not noticing any light bleeding either.
May I ask where you got the carbon fiber skin from? I quite like it.
Anyone know what the model #/brand of the RAM is? I'm tempted to get one and upgrade the mSATA drives and RAM myself since its cheaper and they're easily accessible.
Oh, and I posted this on TechInferno: Gigabyte P35W v2 - GTX 870M [6 GB]
Would like to download the file, but I don't have 5 posts. :| -
P35W v2 News
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by shempmalone, May 14, 2014.