Be cool, retailers aren't agreeing with these dates ... I don't give a peanut butter sandwich about having a full black bezel or not. If we rely on retailers it'll be out in early december. We'll see !
I have posted a question to and they answered me about this laptops arrival in Russia.
P35X & P35W v3 are expected to arrive in Russia by the end of December this year. P34W will be there later - most likely in the end of January 2015.
So you can expect them to be on sale at eu retailers a bit earlier not at February) -
Seriously, why the hell are vendors still taking virtual preorders for a product which won't be avaible before ... well ... no one knows ! -
GTX970m might be hard to cool so that could give rise to delays similar to the asus GX500. Or the GTX980m might be hard to cool on the P35v3 and since they think it will sell more than the P34 they have allocated all of their engineers to fix that problem, thus delaying the release of P34. -
Of course this is 100% related to temperature issues but why did they announced a computer that's still not finished and why preorders are still taken ?
Or they just have too much of the 860m stock to shift.
Seems to be a similar story for the aorus x3 - suddenly a huge discount on ocuk... -
Official reply from gigabyte ( esupport ) :
Dear dukeforever,
Thank you for your kindly mail and inquiry. After checking with related department, the P34W v3 is scheduled to be release in late December. Therefore, P34W v3 is not release to the market yet and not available now. If you want to purchase the P34W v3 at that time, we suggest you contact our local distributors for the purchase issue.
Simply LOL. At least it'll be avaible in 2014 now ... But it'll probably change meanwhile ^_^ -
i ve just ordered my P34W v3 after reading this and all threads talking about other notebook (PMSI GS60, X3 and other Clevo products)
i ll have it in a week (and buy it there , with 16 Gb RAM and with two SSD drive 240 MB / 1 TB)
what is the difference between the p34w and p34g (is there is one) ?
(edit: p34w v3 and p34g v3 i mean) -
Quant à la différence entre le g et le w certains pensent que le g aura une carte graphique plus bas de gamme ( 960m gtx ) -
tout simplement en commandant sur
en suivant le lien ci-dessous
ce sont les mystères des canaux de distribution.... je posterais une review à son arrivée
, i ll post a review as soon as i received it -
j'ai une info plus fiable à l'instant du site concerné qui s'est approché de Gigabyte
les portables seront livrées semaine 48. ça fait donc dernière semaine de Novembre
in my poor english; just have an information given by the reseller (who got it from gigabyte france), the netbook will be shiped by the end of the month (in France) -
So gigabyte is messing with everyone here, if gigabyte france says it'll be avaible during week 48 it might be true !
I'll do a review too if this is real. -
Bon ben je vais surveiller ce topic, j'hésite à acheter ce portable (par contre je suis aux USA, pas en France).
Well, I'm gonna keep an eye on this topic then, I'm hesitating about buying this laptop (but not in France, since I'm in the US). -
Gigabyte ( wether it's france or global esupport ) tells us different dates, it's a totally crazy story !
I sent another e-mail to gigabyte on english esupport to see if they can confirm this information ! -
Le 24 Octobre dernier "" annonçait les dates suivantes :
le P35W V3 est annoncé pour semaine 46 (10 Novembre 2014 16 Novembre 2014)
le P34W V3 est annoncé pour semaine 48 (24 Novembre 2014 30 Novembre 2014)
J'ai commandé un P35W V3 mais j'attends encore la date de livraison.
A la lecture des différents posts sur le sujet je serais très étonné que le P35W soit disponible à la date prévue et encore plus pour le P34W V3. (qui est mon premier choix mais je ne peux pas attendre plus...)
J'ai intérrogé via twitter (@gigabytefr) et ils n'ont pas daigné répondre. J'ai relancé aujourd'hui "" sur la date de livraison de mon pc et là aussi pas de réponse.
Je pense qu'il va falloir être patient et ce n'est pas mon fort ! lol
"" (french site) answered me on 26 October that P35W V3 will be release on week 46 and P34W V3 on week 48.
"" didn't answer my question via twitter and "" doesn't give me a updated date of shipping. - ( m'a confirmé ce jour que le p34w v3 que j'ai commandé serait livré en semaine 48, i.e à la fin de ce mois. cette info venait directement de gigabyte france. ( answered me this day that the p34w that i ve just ordered will be delivred on week 48, i.e at this end of this month. this information was relayed from gigabyte france -
Merci pour ces precisions.
c'est encourageant mais j'avoue que je me mefie encore un peu...
m'enfin si tout se passe comme prevu je devrais donc être livre bientôt
Edit :
Thanks "ALLurGroceries" for translation -
english plz
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
Uhhh something like "thanks for the details, but I'm still a bit suspicious, if it goes as planned I'll preorder soon"
Umm okay so it IS coming out in 2014 lol? the 970m version? Just not the BLACK 970m version?
So confused lol.. -
Another confusing thing is that there is no page concerning the P34W V3 on "" ( GIGABYTE - Laptop - Laptop - P series ).
Quite surprising for a laptop that should be sell in a few days. -
edit : Gigabyte ( via esupport ) still says P34W will be avaible in late december ! -
Hmmm, well we'll have to wait and see then. I really look forward to hearing what you guys say!!
"" just tells me the new Gigabyte Laptops with 970M/980M (P34W V3, P35W V3) will be delivered on week 48 ( 24 to 30 November). The source of this information is Gigabyte France on Nov 13th.
Waiting will be longggggg... -
By the way, P34W hasn't the same ETA than P35W , gigabyte france or clevo is doing a confusion.
If you are right we should call them next week to know if the laptops are out from factory !
But if i'm not wrong you ordered P35W which is not as delayed as our still hypothetical ( no info on ) P34W V3 ... -
If there are some Norwegians here:
On the GIGABYTE website they says that and are the Norwegian resellers of laptop. I asked both of them by mail and they both said that they are not going to sell any GIGABYTE laptops. Now I have tried to reach out to GIGABYTE's facebook page and asked where to buy this laptop in Norway. I had to ask on Facebook since I've not been able to find a email-address to ask them. If some of you got a good plan the please share. -
There are indeed
Yes, I discovered that as well. I have also checked with Multicom and PS (both of which currently stock the P34G v2), and neither have plans to stock the v3.
So far I have looked into some US suppliers ( ($1699 + $88 in shipping = 12072NOK + VAT) and ($1648 + $286 in shipping = 13063NOK) as well as some German ones.
The best offer I have found so far (due to the crazy USD -> NOK currency) is from the German supplier which stocks:
Gigabyte GA-P34Wv3-D1 W8.1 (Art.-Nr. 90571156) - Notebooks / Laptops - computeruniverse (w/o 128GB mSATA SSD)
Gigabyte GA-P34Wv3-W1 W8.1 (Art.-Nr. 90571155) - Notebooks / Laptops - computeruniverse (w/ 128GB mSATA SSD)
I will purchase a larger SSD anyway, so for me the laptops nets in at: €1323 ex VAT or 11 171NOK ex VAT. with VAT when it comes to Norway this will be 13 964NOK + DHL Handling fee (about 300NOK), which I can live with. Seeing as the P34G v2 is currently priced at 11490NOK + shipping, the 2500NOK extra seems worth it for the 970M, nicer color (grey) and possibly better battery life.
This is with a QWERTZ keyboard, but from the looks of it, this will have a proper sized Enter key (, given that they have the same keyboard layout as v2), and not the narrower Enter key which is common in US keyboards. I can live with the Y and Z key being swapped, as I touch-type anyways.
I just sent an email to the Nordic sales representative: -
I agree with almost everything you say, I can pay the extra 2500 NOK for the better GPU, color and battery life. I will probably exchange the 2,5 inch drive with a SSD at some point in time. but not now.
But then there is the keyboard. If I understand you correctly, each button is mapped via software. So if i just change the settings in windows I will still be able to use the Norwegian special letters. And I compared the layout of the German keyboard with the Norwegian Layout and its the same except Y and Z, and the three special keys to the left of the enter key. They had the same amount of keys and all positioned at the same places. Therefore if I wanted I probably can remove the keys and scrape off the German letters and engrave Norwegian ones.
But this is the stress that I want to be without, so I'm also going to send them a email and ask how Norwegians should handle this situation. Another reason I want to buy the p34 v3 from a Norwegian vendor is that if I need to send it back for guarantee repairs I'm sure it follows the Norwegian rules and regulations. It will make it a lot easier.
Thanks a lot bkvamme
Please post the answer, if you get an, from GIGABYTE here. I will -
You are correct regarding the keyboard mapping. Yeah, I will probably don't care to much about the letters, I have used American keyboard for my two last laptops, and UK before that. If it annoys me too much I'll just purchase a Norwegian keyboard. They can usually provide it for you for a price.
I will probably miss reklamasjonsretten, but I'll survive. I am ordering it to my company, so I won't have that anyways. Prices will likely be a bit higher, if not the same in Norway.
Got an autoreply, he's out of office until next week.
Edit: Gigabyte has a global warranty, so it shouldn't matter where you purchase it. You will miss the Norwegian customer protection (reklamasjonsretten), but that is it.
I do however understand that ordering with a different keyboard layout is not for everyone ;-) -
The keyboard probably isn't going to be a large issue, but its the Norwegian customer protection I'm really going to miss. And even if I don't have to use it I will still feel unsafe without it...
Regarding the email I got the same autoreply, but I also sent a mail to [email protected] and they haven't sent a autoreply. So I will wait to hear what they got to say before I do anything -
bkvamme likes this.
Got an answer from Amentio: "If one of their suppliers stock this computer, we will get it on our web site. Otherwise I do not know when its arriving."
The other thing is : can you keep us in touch about P35W ? I might consider switching to it if the p34W release date doesn't change soon ... Don't want to wait till 2015 ... -
Got an answer from GIGABYTE and they said:
"The P34 V3 will be available in Sweden in Jan., but no certain schedule in Norway at the moment." -
"" now says that the P34W V3 will be delivered in late december ! (tab "informations" )
Concerning the P35W V3 no change, I think it will be deliver next week.
If I get this PC I'll post a quick review here but, due too the very long waiting, i'm not sure i won't cancel my order fo another PC. My PC is down...I really need a new one !
Thierry -
"Dear dukeforever,
Thank you for supporting GIGABYTE products. For your information, the P35W v3 is scheduled to be release in December. Therefore, P35W v3 is also not release to the market yet. For purchasing issue, we suggest you contact our local distributors at that time.
December, so next week seems to be a little bit early !
Note that clevo didn't think to contact me to warn me about P34W availability change -
they didn't do for me too ... :-( - has an expected stock date of 05.01.2015 for the P34W. I took the plunge and preordered one. Can't wait
"After contacting the relevant department, we are planning to sell P34W v3 in February 2015 in Norway. We suggest you can contact our distributor in February. Please click here for contact information. Thank you.
GIGABYTE" where here is this link
P34G v3 news
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by olakiril, Oct 5, 2014.