Did you use Intel xtreme tuning to overclock the GPU? I'm going to be playing soon and would like to have the same 60FPS. If you can link me to instructions on where to safely do that I would very much appreciate it.
I will probably have the fans on higher though just because temps that high freak me out.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalkfactory_666 likes this. -
Crash525 likes this.
Smart manager seams to launch and stop right away... So I cannot use screen calibration, fan regulation, performances profiles... -
Drekiko likes this.
I feel like that brings my estimates down by 2-3 hours through acceleration (Hardware and otherwise). -
Hello, all. I've purchased this laptop from amazon several days ago. I have an issue when I type on the keyboard, sometimes the same character is typed twice. This even happens for the tab key and arrow keys, so I think it's a problem with the keyboard itself. Does anyone else have this problem? I'll probably return the laptop and order a new one, but if it is a common problem, I''ll have to consider another laptop...
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Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk -
Thanks. I’ll probably update everything and test it again sometime today. The issue shows up frequently for me (at least twice per sentence), so it’s rather severe.
Update to keyboard issues (pressing a key registers it twice)
I found a viable solution to my problem. I'll leave a link and the instructions from the link here:
I worked out the problem I have been experiencing is called "bounce keys". Some keyboards have more bounce than others, resulting in inadvertant double-presses.
The solution is to go to
Control Panel > Ease of Access > Change how your keyboard works > Turn on filter keys > Turn on bounce keys.
Now the next problem is, the minimum time windows allows for the option "how long should the computer wait before accepting keystrokes?" is 0.5 seconds. Which means, unless you are a very slow typist, it is very difficult to type "school" with this set, as you will tend to receive "schol".
So, to lower the BounceTime lower than 500 ms...
1. Turn on the options as listed above, save and exit.
2. start regedit (from the run menu or start menu)
3. Navigate to My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\Keyboard Response
4. Set the following values:
AutoRepeatDelay = 500
AutoRepeatRate = 50
BounceTime = 35 (This is in ms. I find 35 is fine, but you can reduce if further if needed)
5. Restart the computer to make the new values take effect and everything should work fine, at least it did for me!Sparky961, AresHarvest, CedricFP and 4 others like this. -
The temperature control doesn't do anything, so it's just a question of setting core and memory clocks, then applying and creating the clock startup task so that it's applied automatically on Windows startup.
For CPU undervolting I've been using ThrottleStop. Here's a decent guide to get you started:
It's still a shame that one needs to resort to hacks on such expensive hardware, but at least it works!
I have this issue where the power plan won't automatically switch to Battery Saver if the laptop went to sleep on AC power, but wakes up on battery. It only switches when I open Smart Manager, go in the power settings and click "Auto". It's like a script from the Smart Manager doesn't kick in when it should. Any ideas?
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Ok, but isn't it supposed to be active in the background or something? What good is "auto" when it needs to be triggered manually?
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I also found that turning off hybrid sleep mode helps with some quirks that this laptop has from waking up. also if you notice any lagging while on balanced or power save mode change the minimum processor state to a higher percent.hylee likes this. -
Anyone notice a new "Airplane Mode" entry in Smart Update? https://i.imgur.com/xz1YYyK.png
I can't find any info on it anywhere. We already have an airplane mode (fn+F11) so I have no idea what problem this new utility is supposed to solve.
Edit: Also, I am unable to update to the latest BIOS version FB0B/F008. Smart update either closes with no warning, or gives an unhandled exception. Removed smart update and reinstalled, tried again with the same result. Tried opening the URL ( http://driverupdate.gigabytenb.com/base2/P65wt/bios.zip) listed in C:\Program Files\Smart Update\temp\driver.xml and that didn't work either.Last edited: Feb 4, 2018 -
Coming from a different and more recent BIOS version than you ( FB0A / F008), I'm also unable to update to the new FB0B / F008 BIOS.
I assume the issue on the Gigabyte server side, hopefully they fix it next week. -
I am still noticing that stutter when scrolling around on the desktop. Seems to pop up 100% of the time if I right click the desktop too. If I have someone talking in discord, all audio dies off, and the entire laptop hangs. I have the latest drivers from gigabyte, except nvidia which I get from nvidia direct. Anyone else notice this?
I am very certain its optimus related, because if I start an app that uses the 1060 gtx, the problem goes away.
Those who do, or do not have the issue, do you use the official drivers from Gigabyte?Last edited: Feb 4, 2018 -
If in the US, where is the best place to get a Aero 15X from?
I might even consider used. -
Latest BIOS FB0B / F008 can now be downloaded from Smart Update. Looks like the issue was only the Gigabyte servers being lazy this weekend
Seems like as of today Feb 5, 2018, neither my Gigabyte Aero 15 nor my desktop using Asus motherboard using Z270 chipset has the firmware update to fix the Spectre problem. Thought Intel have already released multiple fixes. I am wondering the percentage of computer will eventually patched with Spectre fix from Intel.
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Anyway that did something, so thanks for the tip. The original reason I started looking at this is because the 'Current Limit Throttling' is almost always on in XTU (see screenshot) when temps are totally normal. Not sure why this is happening but thought it might have something to do with the max processor speed allowed on battery. Thanks for your helpAttached Files:
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Thinking of buying an Aero 15x. How is the screen? Is it at all comparable to the Macbook Pro / XPS 15?
I've owned an MSI GS63VR and was very unhappy with the cloudy, blurry and dark screen. Will I be happy with an Aero you think? -
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Edit: one more thought - if you don't want additional throttling based on temperature, change the cooling policy to "active" in your power plan (this setting is under "processor power management" also). -
Hi Guys
I am an Aero 15x owner. I would just like to ask what is your average battery life when doing normal office task and not gaming? I know we have
different GPUs but I don't think it matters. Anyway my average time was 5 hours form 100% down to 20% using battery saver on, wifi on, Keyboard lights (fade on keypress), 3D settings forced to intergrated gpu, and I haven't tried undervolting my CPU. I would just like to know if this is normal because the advertised battery life is 7 hours. -
Hello all,
Been skimming through the comments, as well as Reddit. Shout out and thanks to Galm for all his help and suggestions.
I'm sitting on a pile of cash ready to buy. Not sure who's currently selling the best deal from all the sellers. Been eyeing Gentech due to the free Grizzly Octonaut cpu and gpu repastes.
I plan to just save some cash on a 1tb m.2 drive off amazon. And install myself.
Have any of you had Gentech redo your OS without the bloatware? Would this cancel out the screen correction done by gigabyte factory settings?
Not sure how I should have it done as far as that goes.
And it's been a hard decision vs the Clevo 959HR and MSI GS36VR stealth pro.
The battery life, bezels and IPS corrected screen sold me. Need before March 20th. Or I'd wait for April for possible 8th gen CPUs and the X model coming back with the 1070s. -
my machine fully charged, then I plugged it at around 3:30 pm when it reaches 20%. My screen brightness is below 20. So is this still normal?Last edited: Feb 9, 2018 -
So you might want to wait a little longer. -
Anyone with the Aero 15; i7-7700HQ.
Could you dropbox me the files from the smart backup usb? eSupport is pure cancer and they wont sort the claim out (by files from it I mean the files it creates on the usb)Last edited: Feb 9, 2018 -
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The CD included does not include recovery and cannot by launched as "OS is not configured by Gigabyte"
You see my point?
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by BringTheRain403, May 8, 2017.