Ive been having all sorts of wireless issues, which I have been attributing to my new router acting up and my ISP going down. However Ive had too many weird issues Ive had to work though like Windows not remembering the network (they never would show up in the known networks either). I had to input the password every time and it would disconnect on its own. I finally added the networks manually and that seemed to fix it. I tried a ton of other solutions I found but none worked for me.
Wireless randomly stopped working completely last night, the adapter disappeared from windows. After much troubleshooting I finally figured out that it was turned off, and all I had to do was use the keyboard shortcut to turn it back on, but I have no idea how it was off in the first place. I suppose I could have done it in Far Cry 4 as they have several game menus going to the function keys by default.
Also I noticed that steam, gog downloader, and hwinfo64 the snap to edge of the screen (to split it to half screen automatically) does not work anymore. It works fine for chrome and windows explorer windows. That is odd. I know how to turn the option on and off, but it IS working, just not on everything it used to work on. Im hoping maybe its related to the video drivers issue (seems unlikely since they arent very old at all and those functions used to work fine)
Of course Ive also been unable to update video drivers too (at least the normal way that Ive tried so far).
Im starting to talk myself into stop messing with trying to fix these issues one at a time, and see if a clean windows install would fix them ALL perhaps. Ive spent so much time getting a clean factory updated image and now I may not even use it lol. Ive not had to do a true clean install like this in so long, since way back in the days when laptops used to come with tons of bloatware. As much as I love this laptop, I have to say Gigabyte has to have something screwed up in their setup, either with windows, drivers, configuration, or a mix of all of the above.
I think these are the specs for a 4710HQ
1 core - 35X
2 cores - 34X
3 cores - 33X
4 cores - 33X
Most apps constantly vary how many cores are active so that is why you will see ThrottleStop report your multiplier constantly changing.
A lot of people get worried when they see a high multiplier when their CPU is lightly loaded or idle. No worries. Intel designed these CPUs to operate like this. When a CPU core has nothing to do, it automatically enters one of the low power C States. This is how modern CPUs save power. When a core enters C7, it is disconnected from the voltage rail and is basically not doing anything. At idle, individual cores can be spending up to 99% of the time in this state. If you click on the C7s button in your ThrottleStop screenshot, you will see real time information about what C States your CPU is using.
The speed the CPU is operating at when the cores are in C7 becomes meaningless but for some reason, people still like slowing their CPUs down. It makes them feel good that they are saving power but if you do some power consumption monitoring, you will probably find that you really are not saving anything. A slow CPU is not an efficient CPU. If you still like seeing a slow CPU, give the Power Saver option a try. I don't recommend it but it keeps people happy.
Anyway, you should be using ThrottleStop 7.00 which is in my signature. It lets you access CPU voltage as well as overclocking of the 4th Gen CPUs. I believe the 4710HQ allows you to increase your maximum turbo multipliers by +2 over those values I posted above. You do not need any special options in the bios to access these features. ThrottleStop writes information directly to the CPU and when you reboot your computer, it will be back to default specs until you run ThrottleStop again. A little bit of under volting can reduce power consumption which allows these CPUs to stay in full turbo boost for a longer period of time. One of those win, win situations.dajohu, Mr Najsman, RMXO and 2 others like this. -
I believe they threw in new heat pipes, 980m and expected everything to work without testing outside of their drivers or expected users to stick to theirs until they come out with updated drivers.
Sad to see since this laptop has so much potential with the 980m outside of the CPU running hot. I also think they should of went with the m2 wifi module instead of the m-pcie. Been hearing great things about the Killer 1525 AC on the board.
Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk -
Just in case any other prospective buyers are on here, excaliberpc has the cf2 for only $2000 ($100 discount)
Gigabyte P35X v3-CF2 15.6" Ultrablade Gaming Laptop. Gigabyte P35Xv3-CF2 -
Can't get windows to reset to factory conditions.
Cloned the OS drive back over to the default RAID drive on the msatas. Then tried to bit from them and reset windows, but it's not working. Windows has ended up all borked and broken. What can I do?
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
That said, I have been running solely on all Gigabyte drivers (other than trying the NVidia drivers a couple times), updated through the smart update program. I may try the opposite and clean install, and only use updated versions of drivers from online. Never had to do that before but I am getting desperate to be done with messing around and enjoy playing more games! -
Ugh. I'll have to install windows from my Clevo disk. The Gigabyte partition is lost forever.
Hope they don't count that against me when it's returned.
I'll just have to be honest and say it completely f***ed up.
Buggy Windows pos. Grrrrr.
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
OK so the recovery partition is still intact over on a different drive... how can I copy it over to reset the P35X's drive? The P35X's drive won't boot.
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
I'd help if I could, but THAT was what I messed with the first few days and gave up. My recovery partition is there but non functional. I finally just made my own images which work fine, but I have to use a bootable USB, find the drive with the images if I ever want to use it.
TBH, the quickest and easist would be to look for a Windows 8.1 ISO image on the internet and create an UEFI bootable usb flash drive
Just copy all the settings you see from the picture when you're at that site.Cakefish likes this. -
If he has the same issue I found, the F9 became non functional. One time it would just ignore F9 and do nothing, on this current install it tries to start but you get an error which I never found a solution to.
It's unfortunate because a reimage takes minutes, a complete clean reinstall, with all drivers and software and windows updating could take all day.RMXO likes this. -
Why don't you just wipe all the drives clean? You're returning the laptop anyway.
RegardsCakefish likes this. -
I had to leave mine with a working OS so they can just boot up and run 3DMark to see my error but he's should just wipe everything as you suggested, so much easier.Cakefish likes this. -
I have heard from several others, and will be trying some of their suggestions but if they don’t work I will likely be doing a clean windows install just to rule out a bad Gigabyte factory image.
I may put off redoing everything for a few days so I can get some good Far Cry 4 time in first(At least it plays games great)
Alright, as promised a 3DMark FireStrike run with an +135/+575 Overclock and fans set to Auto-High gets 8362 points: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-4860HQ Processor,GIGABYTE P35V3
Sadly, nVidia Inspector intereferes with HWMonitor and thus I cannot give you a chart of the GTX980M temperature.RMXO likes this. -
Ugh, installing Windows 8 from disk takes a lifetime... it's first got to update everything before it can download Windows 8.1. Then that'll no doubt require a billion updates. And then all the drivers from Clevo website.
I would try to install it on the Gigabyte but I don't know the OEM windows key... it must be somewhere in the packaging or on the machine, but I can't spot it anywhere...
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
dajohu likes this.
When I just installed it on my Clevo just now, it asked for one. Luckily I had it.
Apparently 8/8.1 still needs a product key for installing from ISO files.
My only hope is to clone the OS onto a drive, plug it into the hot swap bay. Then clone that OS onto the laptops SSDs. Then it might work...maybe...
Sent from my Nexus 5 -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
So I had read though the thread and follow it for a week. It seems that P35X V3 do have some issues.
I'm now choosing between GS60 1080P 970M-6G and P35X V3 CF2 1080P 980M.
The P35X V3 is $200 more than the GS60, and I know both of the laptop have their virtue and shortcoming.
Personally I'm tend to the P35X since GS60 is a little bit too "show off", but this doesn't convince myself to abandon it.
Any suggestion? I try to push myself towards the final decision, since Thanksgiving is approaching -
TLDR if you don't care about the jump in performance to the 980m get the gs60, otherwise get the gigabyte. That's just my opinion though. -
@Sandwhale would you be willing to try to recreate the problems other lads have encountered? Cakefish's wifi/bluetooth issue for example. This way we can be sure whether it's hardware problem or driver's problem or just bad luck (faulty components).
I'd attempt them myself, but my P35X CF2 is once again "Overdue since...", and it's getting my nerve. I'm so tempt to change my order to GT72 later today (currently 2:17 in the morning, have just finished a piece of coursework to hand in few hours later) after I get up, but also don't want to give up the 980m and possibly the laptop that suits me perfectly... Especially I'm so close to be able hold it in my very own hands... My preciousssss
Regards -
Download Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder - MajorGeeks -
Wha??!!! OCUK have P35X CF2 in stock!!!!
Scan still listed as overdue, DAMN!
Regards -
The only thing you could do to help is try updating and verify you get BSOD's too. Otherwise it's pointless because that's the one thing we all need to do and haven't figured out why it's doing it. I am having wireless problems but it still could be my router, I will swap it out this weekend and see if the problems go away or come back. The wireless issues really don't matter to me much until I figure out the video driver issue, because that is what will force me to reinstall again if I cant get it going. -
sorry guys
all the hype about the p35x and disappoint made me pull the trigger on a 17" beast and a 15.6" which plays all games atelast on low (for travel) at medium
best of luck everyone with your p35x's!!! -
Thank you very much. I will consider your suggestion.
If you tried the latest NV drivers and run into issues, check your Intel GFX and make sure it's not been updated to the latest version. If it has, try using the one from GB to see if it fixed your issue.
Just pulled the trigger on a GS70 6GB, had to get something that works out of the box and couldn't risk it anymore since I'm in the US and got from a US seller. Best of luck to all of you folks with the P35X and hopefully you don't run into issues like a few of us did.flamy likes this. -
So I still haven't been scared off by all of the issues people have been having. I guess I'm lucky since I don't have a pressing need to buy it right now (though that could change depending on my current laptop... hoping to hold out till mid-Jan when I get back home) It would be interesting if we could start definitively figuring out exactly which issues are caused by what. Anyone have a 3k screen with win 7? How is that holding up?
Arthedes likes this.
RMXO likes this.
Arthedes and gianoli516 like this.
flamy likes this.
My experience so far:
* Thin, sleek and light. Coming from a Clevo I was surprised when I picked it up even when I expected it.
* Trackpad feels nice but I keep zooming with it. I usually hold one finger on left-click and browse with another. Since the buttons are integrated I sometimes zoom instead of scroll. I mostly use a mouse so for me it´s not an issue and maybe it can be configurated in some way.
* The 2880x1620-screen is really crisp and beautiful. Some bleeding from the edges mostly visible only when black or blue image but then it´s quite apparent. The dark main menu of Shadow of Mordor has noticable bleeding too.
* 100% scaling in Windows is really small. Other scaling options can be a bit wonky. For example at 150% icons are crisp, Steam-windows seem a bit blurry and Origin-windows are crisp but scaled at 100%. 125% seems to work fine but is the lowest I can go for comfortable reading.
* Mine came with 344.65. I haven´t touched any drivers yet.
* Boots to Windows in 13 seconds, I dread going back to my Clevo with a hybrid HDD/flash SSD
* No issues with Wifi. I have no Bluetooth-equipment to test any conflicts.
* I have to use Throttlestop to run the CPU over 1.6 GHz.
* I´ve had one BSOD Driver Power State Failure when trying to open Geforce Experience with Riva Tuner, Throttlestop, Hwinfo, Steam and Fraps running. No issues after that.
* It´s very quite in idle mode, doesn´t ramp up sporadically like my Clevo. Idle temp CPU around 40 degree C.
* The fans are quite loud during load (3DMark & games) but not more so than other gaming laptops. But hey, we can´t have thin, powerful AND quite now can we.
I tested Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor yesterday. 3K Ultra/Very High/High/Medium and 1080P Ultra was tested by fighting in a stronghold during alarm.
* CPU throttles due to temps in all scenarios though I didn´t notice any hickups or extra stuttering.
* There is surprisingly small difference in fps going from 3K Ultra to Very High to High.
* CPU throttles alot more during 3K Medium and 1080P Ultra, the GPU is probably being taxed hard at the higher settings.
* Ultra settings uses just below 6 GB VRAM
* The fan was set at Stealth or Auto Low, will check tonight. Edit: Fan profile was stealth
* All tests done with the laptop on a cooler, ambient temps 22-24 degree C.
FPS Comparison
3K Ultra CPU
3K Ultra GPU
3K Very High CPU
3K Very High GPU
3K High CPU
3K High GPU
3K Medium CPU
3K Medium GPU
1080 Ultra CPU
1080 Ultra GPU
It was quite playable at 3K Ultra. Here´s a short clip recorded with Shadowplay:
Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2015BarnacleBill, sparkle999, flamy and 8 others like this. -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
That's great Mr Najsman! GPU performance was really good there, stable at max boost the whole time - at first I thought it wasn't, but then I paid closer attention to the y-axis of the graph! CPU is getting hammered though at lower detail settings where you are undoubtedly getting much higher frame rates which is stressing out the CPU - some major thermal throttling there. GPU remains very impressive in this laptop, but I'd be using Unclewebb's Throttlestop and undervolting and capping the multiplier too to prevent excessive throttling, I'd try & keep it at and limited to 3GHz if possible.
Mr Najsman likes this. -
Thanks Robbo. Yes, that Y-axis for the GPU clock is deceiving, I don´t know if and how I can change it.
The cpu is having a rough time as you say. I forgot to check the fan profile, maybe it was on stealth. If so I´ll do another run with higher fan to see if there are any changes.
I want to get through my planned games with unlocked multiplier first and see how it fares. If there´s time left I can cap the multiplier and do some tests.
I´m not allowed to do any undervolting but overcklocking is ok. -
moviemarketing Milk Drinker
If I'm running a demanding CPU intensive application or game, isn't the point of undervolting and throttlestop to enable the CPU to perform at a faster clock than it would otherwise? -
Then there´s the risk of raising overall temps inside possibly affecting gpu-performance.
Basically, if it can´t cool itself properly, prevent it from getting as hot in the first place.
I didn´t notice anything during gaming so performance-wise it really doesn´t matter to me what Hwinfo reports. Will see how it handles other games.Robbo99999 likes this. -
Nope you said the x -
Objectively speaking, the GS60 is thinner, lighter yet runs cooler. Doesn't throttle as badly as the P35X. It has better speakers.
On the other hand, the P35W runs quieter in idle and during light tasks, has an ODD if you need it, better battery life and (maybe) a better, more consistent screen when it comes to the IPS glow.
Personally, if I'm going for a 970m machine, I'd go for the GS60 due to its solid reliability and temperatures alone. -
***Gigabyte P35X owner's lounge***
Discussion in 'Gigabyte and Aorus' started by Cakefish, Nov 4, 2014.