I saw that, but on the Dell site it was rated at 128
Blackyblack the problem you said about the BSOD happens to me as well. My dimension 8400 is running vista and sometimes it does the same when coming out of sleep mode. i think its a driver issue with my old cable modem that im using as when i unplug it and then go into sleep, the problem stops -
I'v seen in many reviews and forums that its 64... -
To end this discussion about 64 or 128bit, we just need someone to run GPU-Z on his dell 1555 and we will know the answer!
So, anyone with a dell 1555? We would appreciate it. Just run this little program ( http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/SysInfo/GPU-Z/). And post a screenshot of the results.
No worry, it's a harmless little program that shows your graphic card specifications. Thank you very much. -
Hi guys! I'm looking to buy a studio but I wasn't very happy with the graphics or vista. Just before I bought a 1537, I found this forum and now i'm looking at getting a 1555. I have a few questions though!
1. Roughly how much do you reckon a 1555 will cost me, with the following sort of spec:
- 2.4GHz processor
- backlight
- 280/320GB 7200rpm HD
- 512mb graphics
- One of the cool designer colour things
- Micrsoft Office Student (£70)
The 1537 comes out at around £700, with alot of deals on better screens and cool colours etc.
2. How much is shipping from india just incase I decide I can't wait?
3. Is it possible to install XP from an old CD, once you've uninstalled Vista? I'm not exactly a computer wizz - I don't know much about BIOS and stuff but i'm sure I could read up about it if necessary.
Ta -
But something is still confusing: Everest gives bus width as 64bit, but GPU-Z as 128! I believe GPU-z is not working well! I will try on Windows 7 and post my results! Moreover gpu-z is hanging, not giving exact details! -
My DVD drive went for a toss, didnt use any bad DVds but it still failed. The dell guy would visit today for the replacement. i didnt want my new laptop to be opened so soon...the bad of the slot load dvd , that the laptop needs to be opened . The slot load ones were good at this.
R there any problems with the screen, resolution and color?
Now that dell has made corrections to its bios settings
and hav any1 in INDIA got any kind of discount nd frebies -
But still strange, really strangeSeems like everything about the studio 1555 was launched too early in the market (needed several bios updates, screen calibration, no drivers for ati 4570 on ati website,...). No wonder Dell has not launched the studio 1555 in US and Europe yet. Sadly enough...
But still strange, really strangeSeems like everything about the studio 1555 was launched too early in the market (needed several bios updates, screen calibration, no drivers for ati 4570 on ati website,...). No wonder Dell has not launched the studio 1555 in US and Europe yet. Sadly enough...
I found another utility! Pc wizard. Wonder what he will give as results about the bus width of the gpu? 64 or 128 bits? -
Imho the display is fine. I have the driver 8.553.2.0 / 11/14/2008 and so far I didn't have any problem.
The SiSoftware Sandra scan results (ok it sucks, not very accurate and sometimes misleading):
Video Adapter
Display : \\.\DISPLAY1
Model : ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570
VGA Compatible : No
Type : PCIe
Version : 2.00
Width : x16 / x16
Speed : 2.5Gbps / 2.5Gbps
Maximum Bus Bandwidth : 3.91GB/s
Video BIOS
Date of Manufacture : Sunday, March 19, 2000
Version : 32409.100
Direct3D Capabilities
Interface Version : 10.01
Unified Shaders : 4.01
Model : ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570
Physical Memory : 512MB
Texture Memory : 765.43MB
Direct3D Capabilities
Interface Version : 9.00
Model : ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570
Video Driver : atiumdag.dll
Library Version :
Has 3D Hardware Acceleration : Yes
Hardware Transform & Light : Yes
Heads : 1
Pixel Shaders Version : 3.00
Vertex Shaders Version : 3.00
Accelerated Video Decoders
H264-E (H264 VLD NoFGT) : Yes
VC1-D (VC1 VLD) : Yes
H264 MoComp ATI Avivo : Yes
Accelerated Video Processors
Pixel Adaptive Device : Yes
Bob Device : Yes
Progressive Device : Yes
Software Device : Yes
Video Driver
Expected Windows Version : 4.00
Screen Saver Active : 10 minute(s)
Low Power Saving Active : No
Power Off Saving Active : No
Mode : 1366x768 16M+ TrueColour (32-bit)
Refresh Rate : 60Hz
Virtual Desktop Size : 1366x768
Supported Video Modes
Mode 1 : 640x480 256 colours (8-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 3 : 640x480 64K HiColour (16-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 5 : 640x480 16M+ TrueColour (32-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 7 : 720x480 256 colours (8-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 9 : 720x480 64K HiColour (16-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 11 : 720x480 16M+ TrueColour (32-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 13 : 800x480 256 colours (8-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 15 : 800x480 64K HiColour (16-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 17 : 800x480 16M+ TrueColour (32-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 19 : 800x600 256 colours (8-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 21 : 800x600 64K HiColour (16-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 23 : 800x600 16M+ TrueColour (32-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 25 : 1024x480 256 colours (8-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 27 : 1024x480 64K HiColour (16-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 29 : 1024x480 16M+ TrueColour (32-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 31 : 1024x600 256 colours (8-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 33 : 1024x600 64K HiColour (16-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 35 : 1024x600 16M+ TrueColour (32-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 37 : 1024x768 256 colours (8-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 39 : 1024x768 64K HiColour (16-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 41 : 1024x768 16M+ TrueColour (32-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 43 : 1280x720 256 colours (8-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 45 : 1280x720 64K HiColour (16-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 47 : 1280x720 16M+ TrueColour (32-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 49 : 1280x768 256 colours (8-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 51 : 1280x768 64K HiColour (16-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 53 : 1280x768 16M+ TrueColour (32-bit) 60Hz 60Hz
Mode 54 : 1366x768 256 colours (8-bit) 60Hz
Mode 55 : 1366x768 64K HiColour (16-bit) 60Hz
Mode 56 : 1366x768 16M+ TrueColour (32-bit) 60Hz
Device Mode Characteristics
Physical Medium Width : 482 mm, 19 in
Physical Medium Height : 271 mm, 11 in
Recommended CRT/Panel Size : 26 in
Horizontal/Vertical Resolution : 96x96 dpi
Colour Bits/Planes : 32-bit / 1-bit
Brushes : 4294967295
Pens : 4294967295
Colours/Shades : 4294967295
Pixel Width/Height/Diagonal : 36 / 36 / 51
Clipping Capabilities
Can Clip Output to Rectangle : Yes
Can Clip Output to Region : No
Raster Capabilities
Supports Banding : No
Supports Fonts Larger than 64Kb : Yes
Can Transfer Bitmaps : Yes
Supports Bitmaps Larger than 64Kb : Yes
Supports Device Bitmaps : No
Supports DIBs : Yes
DIBs on Device Surface : Yes
Flood Fills : Yes
Supports Windows 2.x : Yes
Stretch/Compress Bitmaps : Yes
Stretch/Compress DIBs : Yes
Supports Scaling : No
Palette-Based Device : No
Saves Bitmap Locally : No
Curve Capabilities
Can Draw Circles : Yes
Can Draw Ellipses : Yes
Can Draw Pie Wedges : Yes
Can Draw Chord Arcs : Yes
Can Draw Wide Borders : Yes
Can Draw Styled Borders : Yes
Can Draw Wide, Styled Borders : Yes
Can Draw Rounded Rectangles : Yes
Can Draw Interiors : Yes
Line Capabilities
Can Draw Polylines : Yes
Can Draw Styled Lines : Yes
Can Draw Wide Lines : Yes
Can Draw Wide, Styled Lines : Yes
Can Draw Markers : Yes
Can Draw Polymarkers : Yes
Can Draw Interiors : Yes
Polygonal Capabilities
Can Draw Alternate-fill Polygons : Yes
Can Draw Winding-fill Polygons : Yes
Can Draw Rectangles : Yes
Can Draw Scan Lines : Yes
Can Draw Wide Borders : Yes
Can Draw Styled Borders : Yes
Can Draw Wide, Styled Borders : Yes
Can Draw Interiors : Yes
Text Capabilities
Supports Stroke Clip Precision : Yes
Supports Stroke Output Precision : Yes
Supports Character Output Precision : Yes
Supports 90° Character Rotation : No
Supports Any Angle Character Rotation : No
Supports Independent X-Y Scaling : No
Supports Doubled Character for Scaling : No
Supports Integer Multiples for Scaling : No
Any Multiples for Exact Scaling : No
Can Draw Double-Weighted Characters : No
Can Italicise : No
Can Underline : Yes
Can Draw Strikeouts : Yes
Can Draw Raster Fonts : Yes
Can Draw Vector Fonts : Yes
Cannot Scroll Using BitBlt : No -
What abt viewing angle?
vertical angles: +15° / -30°
horizontal angles: +/- 40°
Keep in mind these are probably the maximum angles without any distortion or desaturation of colors!
You can find al this info in the setup guide of the dell 1555. Here's the link -
Can anybody post some benchmarks or fps?...
i ordered my studio 1555 on 7th April and got it today, will post the first impressions shortly
Attached Files:
Dell should redesign the keyboard in Studio 1555
Check out this tread: http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=371839 -
-Placing a numpad could be nice if the keys stay pleasant to type. A lot of notebooks with numpad have keys that stick too much together. Isn't pleasant for some people.
- Why the hell you want a numlock button when you don't have a numpad? Where's the logic here?
And about the status lights:
- You only want to know if bleutooth is on, when your notebook is on. Check the status bar on your screen. Windows, Linux,... have put that there for some reason! Same for wifi status light.
- What is the use of a status light of your hard disk? When your hard disk will stop running, you'll notice. Trust me.
After all, I've heard the new keyboard on the 1555 is a lot sturdier than the one on previous models and that is the way to go. Build quality is much more important to me than some not very useful status lights. -
The Num Lock key is there because the keyboard (at least the 1535-1537, I can't speak for the 1555) has a virtual numeric keypad activated via the Fn key.
The status light of the harddrive does not tell if you if it is on or not. It tells you the harddrive ACTIVITY.
I have also never seen a laptop without the wifi and hdd lights. Are you saying no laptop should have these, or just shooting down his idea of a better keyboard? -
On the other hand, as a student of economics, enough courses of marketing learned me that big companies like Dell rarely make decisions/changes on what they think their customers think. I'm pretty sure they did enough research to be sure the majority of their customers really don't need those status lights. Still, there is always a chance they asked the wrong people, data wasn't well processed,... But these chances are very small. Especially in a marketing-based company like Dell.
And you only use a wifi indicator if your laptop is closed (because then you can't see the status bar on your screen) and nowadays most of these status light are above the keyboard. So you won't see the light when your laptop is closed!
What I will miss much more is the wifi switch button that dissapeared. But even that is questionable.
He may have his personal idea of a better keyboard. For me these things don't make my keyboard better. Probably because other things have a much bigger priority for me. Like for example the build quality of the keyboard, if it's pleasant typing on it,...
To resume everything. A marketing-based company as Dell will probably not make such major mistakes (if they are mistakes) in a redesigned product in an existant product line. They probably created the new 1555 based on the mistakes made in the studio 1535-37. And any changes not based on mistakes communicated by customers will have been well examined. How would Dell look like if they repaired the previous mistakes but created new ones? They learned from the past.
Second, never, really never, a company will be able to create a product that pleases every imaginable customer. Dell tries by letting people assemble their own product on their site. But there are limits. -
One comment regarding the DVD read speed.
After I burnt DVD's in Mastered mode with Vista built-in burner, if I want to read the DVD it's very slow (less than 2.4MB/s).
I think I found out the reason: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/942869
The read speed of the DVD-R/RW drive is much slower than the expected speed on a Windows Vista-based computer
" When the system is writing the disc, the drive uses a slow speed. However, some drives do not automatically set the drive speed back to the default speed after the system finishes writing the disc, and the system ejects the disc. Therefore, poor performance occurs when the system reads the disc again.
Note If you use a built-in DVD drive, you must restart the operating system, or you must resume from hibernation, to reset to the default speed of the DVD drive."
I don't know whether it is really related to the drive. Maybe it doesn't happen with Nero and other SW. -
Iv read through as much of this thread as i could but iv yet to see it asked, but doesd anyone have any idea of when it could be released in the UK? i called Dell up earlier & spoke to one of their numpties with a phone who kept telling me i was thinking of the Inspiron Models. When i asked to be transferred to someone else they didnt know anything about the 1555, except it wasnt on their system.
Is it likely to come to the UK?
cheers guys -
Just wanted to mention that when I asked a Dell representative (via Dell Chat) when the Studio 1555 would come out in Canada, he said "maybe next week".
Guess that's why they have a very nice deal on the current Studio 15 for $999Cdn (P8600, 4Gig RAM, 9-cell, Radeon 3450, free Creative ear-buds, and you can upgrade to a 500Gig HD for $20) So tempting... but since the Studio 1555 is just around the corner... -
Just asked Dell's chat and they dont have any infomation on it here in the UK. Does anyone have any infomation otherwise (shot in the dark, i know!
I know! What about USA release? I thought it was supposed to be in March. XD
I think Dell is just waiting until they sold enough studio 1537 parts. All we can do is hope after the end of each promotion the day will finally come...
Anyway here in Belgium, Dell has been selling studio 1537 at amazing prices since almost three weeks now. -
Think it would be possible to replace a Dell Studio 1535 with Mobility HD 3450 graphics with a new motherboard with a 512mb HD4570 card? I'm sure Dell could do it if you paid for an upgrade? This graphics card is the only flaw in this laptop..
Guess what just showed up on the US dell site. Link:
http://www.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/laptop-studio-1555?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs -
now let's see the Canadian site -
Surprised there isn't more discussion about this.
Looks like this will be the laptop for me. Love the configuration options, and the 1600x900 res. -
I think I'll go with the XP pro and skip Vista all together. I'll upgrade to Win7 whenever it releases -
Sure as long as you find proper drivers for the components, the CPUs are 64bit so no problem there.
How do these screens relate to resolution as far as number x number? Is it different for the 720 and the 1080, etc?
720p = 1366 x 768
900p = 1600 x 900
1080p = 1920 x 1080
Hope that helps! -
I'm trying to configure a Studio 1555 at $1179.00. But the $250 off coupon (0TT7M$DD72RV37) doesn't work. Does this only apply to the old models? Or am I doing something wrong?
how much of a difference would the new 4570 GPU make?
The Studio 1555 has now been released in the US and can be built and purchased on Dells website.
Are there any working coupons for this model?
Tried the 0TT7M$DD72RV37 code for $250 off and it didn't work. Is this only for older models? -
Yea, it only applies to the older models. Suspect a big reason for the coupon was to clear out older models. When you add the coupon to your cart, it's displayed at the bottom. When you click on the "more info" link for that coupon, it lists some e-value codes. All those are for the 1537.
Looking to buy one myself, and for me, and, using my EPP discount, think the 1555 is better, despite the significantly higher price. If you still want to use the coupon on a 1537, you can enter the e-value codes (Found by the aforementioned procedure) here, assuming you're in the US: http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs&~topic=evalue
On a random side note, the 1555 looks to have just about the worst USB port placement on record. One on the right that makes the DVD drive hard to access, and one one the left blocking an eSATA port. Just bizarre. -
Also, if the e-Sata port you're talking about is the same one on my 1535, it's a hybrid USB/e-SATA port. -
Do you recommend the 1555 for college?
I see they stripped down some features (fingerprint reader, USB port, etc). Kinda sucks. -
Depends on what you'll be doing with it.
Probably all the regular college essays, listening to music, and as much as rendering video from a camcorder (Adobe Premier).
Wow, they removed all the features for which I bought the Studio 1535. Lame.
Here is a quick summary of the new Studio 1555 from Engadget
Dell Studio 1555
Discussion in 'Dell' started by ps89, Feb 17, 2009.