Code:Quantity Item Number Description Unit Price 1 412-0781 Remote Control for Media Center 2005, for Inspiron, Customer Install $29.99 Sub-Total : $29.99 Shipping : $16 Tax : $3.56 Order Total : $49.55
Does the Next gen N wifi card have iR or does the laptop come stock with iR
I just cancelled my order for the wrong remote they sent me and placed one with the order # critic left. She claims her "ordering tool" is not working, but assures me she will place the order in the next 24 hours..i hope so.
A Dell rep just told me my order had to be cancelled and redone in order to get any of the free items. Is he just BSing me? I got mine off the student site... does that have anything to do with it?
Probably. Why couldn't he just make a seperate order?
edit: bull ****, i can't believe Critic got a shipped item before I did. Critic, can you give me your order number? I am going to call in and complain that your order number (a later one) got shipped out before mine did. -
Okay, I got off support. They day the remote gets shipped is close to the day your laptop gets shipped. Critic got his first because his laptop was shipped today. My remote ship date is on 17th, and I asked the Dell Rep. and he told me that your laptop could possibly be shipped around that date as well.
I talked to Ricky, another nice guy. -
Errr... When you go in to order it there's an option to have it shipped with the 1520, it's free but not selected by default.
I didn't see it before, and I am sure a lot of people haven't as well. This thread is for people who ordered already and did not recieve one. If you got it then... *applause*
i think its funny how i was told Vista Premium isnt a "Media Center OS", and then when you go on to select vista premium, it says right underneath it...."Windwos Media Center OS"
Yeah, that's what I said. You should of told them that that's what the website saids underneath vista premium. Just try again, not all Dell Reps are tech savvy.
CALL IN! IT IS MORE EFFECTIVE, BECAUSE they have to answer you on the spot + you can talk to supervisor.
i think some people will use the remote, but if your not going to, dont bug dell about it
ill use mine every night. we watch tons of movies here. i just hope that since all these people on here are calling in about it, it wont affect the people that will actually use it on a normal basis.
ill post back when i get a reply email -
Wtf.. they shouldn't make us call them - shouldn't they send it by default to everyone.
Wow seriously, if you don't want to make a small effort to get what your missing for free then don't complain about it.
Just want to verify - the ExpressCard remote that everyone's talking about for the 1520 is the same one for the 1420? I just ordered mine today, and I'm planning on calling Dell tomorrow to get that and the ear buds that were supposed to come with the webcam but aren't on my invoice.
And do we know for sure what the item number is? There are about half a dozen ones listed in this thread and I have no idea what's what at this point... -
Wow what the hell? Did you not read my first post in this thread?
It is even bolded... -
Ok, so that answers half my post, and was stupidity on my part. Don't act like my entire question has been answered, especially in your first post, because it certainly isn't.
Attitude, pal.
Edit: And, actually, you said that you had ordered it, but hadn't gotten it yet in your first post. There are other posts around here of people getting a tv tuner instead of the ExpressCard remote that they want; that's why my first post asks if we're sure we know what the number is for the ExpressCard remote. "Wow what the hell? Did you not read my first post in this thread?" -
No, we don't know for sure...but mine is set to arrive tomorrow so I'll be taking pictures immediately upon its arrival and posting them.
I didn't answer it because I didn't know the answer to the first part. I assume it is, since express slots are the same size (correct me if I am wrong).
I am sorry you felt offended, but I just find it very fustrating that I spent a while to present all the info to you and even bolded the most important parts and you ask for an answer that was already given to you. -
Well all other arguing aside, using DMAK's first post I sent an e-mail to my Case Manager and here is exactly what I said cut and pasted from the e-mail:
"Another issue I wanted you to look into for me was the inclusion of the expresscard media remote, part no: 412-0781 . I had read in a reviews on the E1520 that the remote was included, but have seen on the forums that some people were not receiving it, they later found out they needed to call and ask about it, and every person that I have seen say they did that, or people that called before their laptop shipped received the remote complimentary. As I have not found a remote on my invoice, I would like to make sure that the remote is in fact included with my system. If there is any question about the validity of this claim, I will be happy to provide website addresses for the online forums that I have read about this issue in."
The first issue I had was why people were getting their laptops that ordered way after me, and why hadn't mine shipped yet. Her response on the card issue, since that is what is relevant here:
"And in reference to the part no: 412-0781 for the Remote Control for Media Center 2005, for Inspiron what I have done is that I have gone a head and placed a new order for you with out charging you anything extra for it. And the new order #Edited out"
I tell you what, out of every Dell rep I have dealt with if you guys ever need a case manager, request this one. She has been absolutely amazing in responding fast, being upfront with me, and for the most part getting me what I want, or if she is unable to, explaining why she can't. Here is her info:
Rep ID # 104743
Case Manager
ABU Customer eCare
Dell Inc. -
I just hope the fact that it's now available through the ordering process doesn't hinder the process. I did order my laptop before it went up...
The ship date for my remote is the same day as my laptop according to order status check. Don't know if that helps you or not, but the most relevant thing I can say. Since it is a different order, at least for me, I can't see it messing with your laptop order at all. In fact at warehouse level, I can't see them even seeing the both of them. I am willing to bet you get your remote in a completely seperate box.
Actually, I meant it like, "oh, well now it's on the site so we can't just throw it in for free." I'm hoping there's a timestamp on my order, or something, to show that it was before the option went on the site.
That and the ear buds. Tomorrow should be a fun few hours on the phone... -
You didn't get the ear buds free? That's weird, it said you got them in the config options automatically with the webcam, at least on the standard us Dell site with the 1520. Any others I don't know. As far as a time stamp is concerned, yes they know when you ordered. I didn't even see an option for the remote or I sure as hell would of requested it if it's free. The only thing free I don't want from dell is their bloatware, including works, entertainment software, things like that. I use VLC and WMP for my movies, iTunes for music, and office 07 for well office/school work. So I don't want any of their crap like that. I will say though that I might play with their burning software, but I have never used anything other then Nero so I don't know if I will keep that or not. Either way, any free hardware I can get, by all means
. If it turns out I don't need it or use it, Ebay is a great place for it to But in the case of the remote, I am very happy about that as I would in fact use that. Probably will use the earbuds, but it depends on how they sound compared to my ipod headphones.
Yeah, I selected the webcam option, and it didn't say anything on that screen about the earbuds (how it says "FREE ear buds with order," or something), and it didn't show up on my invoice.
And with the bloatware, that's what the OS disk is for -
Yeah, I got it through the EPP site. They advertise it everywhere, though, so I don't think it'll be a problem.
Sorry for the thread hijacking, haha... -
I just did a mock order to see if I could find the remote, and the only remotes I found were not free and the cheapest being the $15 remote, and the one I think I got was the $29 remote. The order she made for me shows 29.99 plus tax which was like $31 something, but she said it wouldn't cost me a dime, so I am happy. But I can't find this so called "Free" remote anywhere in the ordering on Dell's home site.
The free remote is supposed to be the 15 dollar one.. the dell travel remote. You can verify that by going to and placing a mock order. it is the one that comes up as free.
Glad to hear your remote success, now we are waiting for Critic (who's recieveing it the fastest) to confirm the remote.
I've been talking to my sales guy all day. I talked to customer care online and they told me to talk to them and give them my case number as well as my transcript of the chat, and then sales would add the remote for free.. since my guy is gone for the night, i'm hoping tomorrow i get one added on, for my 1420 hahahah.
I've also snagged free next day shipping and a laptop bag out of dell too. -
lordofericstan Notebook Evangelist
Success! and you don't have to be completely rude to people just trying to do their jobs. (i hope i got all my personal info out
was that through home/office sales chat?
lordofericstan Notebook Evangelist
chat with customer service -
yeah i think i'm in that queue. I'm going to see if i can get the travel remote / ir one.. that's the one for free on the one with the other product sku is that interlink one i think....
unf dell purgatory. having to wait till the queue opens up so i can chat with them now. great. i hate that queue is full, email instead crap.
lordofericstan Notebook Evangelist
Be patient! You will be lucky if you only have to talk to ONE rep.
You know what, I just thought of something. Let's find out who bought a laptop and has the part number for the Dell remote or the Vista Premium one and compare the part number.
in the immortal words of lord up above, if you kiss ass massively you get hooked up. I think I just got me a remote being shipped.
edit :: might have jinxed myself. -
Wow, I got one too
I did an online chat, they said that they do cost money, but they'll give it to me free.
"Because I was such a great customer"
I wonder if in the phone and stuff if the agents put a sort of rating on the customer on they they acted... -
Dont' ever order through EPP, because you can't get crap if your order is on that end of the Dell business sigh. I have to wait until EPP customer care opens now.
Dell agent did tell me that the remote he says is the one is the same number that was in the first post, so we need to see what critic's looks like before we can go all out.
And when does EPP customer care open up? I haven't been able to find it.
8am to 5pm central. so lame.
1-800-284-3355 between 8AM-5PM CST Mon-Fri, they will be able to help you on this and let you know what has to be done. You can also chat with them at :
Per my chat with the agent.
Dell Inspiron Remote, I got it
Discussion in 'Dell' started by DMAK02, Jul 11, 2007.