I had absolutely none of those issues. Are you trolling or just unlucky?
custom90gt Doc Mod Super Moderator
Bro i wish i was trolling this is the wierd sound that is coming out of my laptop : https://vocaroo.com/i/s1umtS5hQzI5 should i upgrade my warranty to onsite support is it worth it?
custom90gt Doc Mod Super Moderator
I have ordered one with i5 7300HQ/8G/256G SSD/GTX1060 maxq configuration.
Will update after receiving the unit. Expected delivery date is 10/26.custom90gt likes this. -
custom90gt Doc Mod Super Moderator
I already miss mine, it really was a cool machine.
Last edited: Oct 15, 2017erodeox likes this. -
Hi there, I am willing to buy one... However there are few things I wanted to ask first.
4K configuration is the only one that comes with 512 SSD. Is it worth it besides it? The laptop is going to be plugged most of times (at home or at office) so battery is not too big issue... However I am concerned about scaling, and icons being too small. I have never owned 4k screen before. Is there any reason to be worried?
Also, how are the temps with i7 configuration? There is no i5 configuration available.Maleko48 likes this. -
I use mine for remote working as I have 6 1024p screens in the office and they all fit when work from home. I just magnify the screen I want to use.
Windows scaling is also a bit washed out. the colors are not that vibrant.
This time I'll probably get a 1080p when the i5 version comes out in my current location -
Anyone using a laptop sleeve that they can recommend? The extra depth at the back of this laptop where the cooling is located makes me hesitant on buying any random 15 inch laptop sleeve that would fit.
Last edited: Oct 17, 2017custom90gt likes this.
thanks in advance.custom90gt likes this. -
Firestrike and Time spy benchmark scores are close to Omen with max-q (you can see the results on notebookcheck).
Will try to answer more questions, if you've got any.Maleko48 likes this. -
custom90gt Doc Mod Super Moderator
custom90gt Doc Mod Super Moderator
I don't think it's throttling, all of my systems do that according to that graph. My guess is that graph is worth as much as the paper it's printed on.
Doesn't matter if running from GTX 1060 or the internal GPU. Changing colors made no difference as it's also visible in bootup screen/bios. I suspect a loose connector from handling in shipping/crappy assembly.
On top of that, the down arrow key just falls off if pressed on the sides, think the foot is broken.
Aside from that it runs fine, Shadow of mordor ultra preset 75 - 80 FPS in the game benchmark.
Played Carmageddon Max Damage for hours on end with notebook on my lap and while fans kick in, it doesn't run noticeably hot.
I'm very torn between sending it in for repairs (way too many bad customer service reviews for Dell); hope for the best vs. getting a refund and either re-order the same model or start my hunt for a 1400/1700 euro gaming laptop all over again.
Had a MSI Dominator Pro 1070 from 2016 before this that had one of those bad 1070 that crashed above certain boostclock which I also RMA'd.
At this point the Xbox one X is starting to sound like a lot less hassle rather than getting back into PC gaming on a laptop...
Edit: decided to return it entirely, too many horror stories about Dell and their repair process.
If I get it repaired I'd lose the option to get refund and I'm still within 14 day period of being able to get refund without specific reason.Last edited: Oct 18, 2017 -
And when running time-spy test it gets near 2Ghz too often. (During firestrike it falls around 2.8 sometimes). If you are saying it is normal behaviour, (and even if you don't) I guess I can live with it. It is not that noticeable... Though I need to run a couple of games before I decide.
Now if it means something... I have experienced current and power limit (XTU flag said yes) throttling after simultaneous run of (something like 10 minutes) FurMark and Prime95. One Core started reaching 94C and I've stopped the test... It was able to maintain constant clocks, though.Last edited: Oct 18, 2017 -
custom90gt Doc Mod Super Moderator
custom90gt Doc Mod Super Moderator
Just had some very disappointing news from Dell. Checked my order status this morning and it's been pushed from 10/23 to 12/14!! Called Dell to find out what the heck was going on and was told that some parts were unavailable, might be ready for November 1st, etc. etc.
I told them to go ahead and cancel the order, but they told me it was too late and I would have to refuse the package when it arrived in order to cancel it.
Deeply, deeply unimpressed with Dell at this point. Now I'm out $1400 for a computer that might or might not show up in November or December and I can't even get my money back to order a different rig.Last edited: Oct 18, 2017 -
I am very happy to announce that I succesfully swapped my old 7559's display with my new 7577's display and viseversa. So that means that I now have an overclocked 7577 100hz screen! It's a perfect fit! Gaming looks so much better on a higher refreshrate. Why waste the capacity of the gtx1060 on 60hz gaming right?
custom90gt Doc Mod Super Moderator
As I will have to wait several more days Dell has offered me $75 off the price and basically stated it should arrive around November 1st. I'm still a bit disappointed, but it's not as bad as I thought it was. I have no idea why their website continues to say 12/14, but according to the person I spoke with that is erroneous information. We'll see.custom90gt likes this. -
Hi there guys!
I am very interested for this laptop, mainly for the 1060MQ version. I should use it for photo editing and sometimes for gaming.
I have read some posts from this thread and I have questions about 7577.
1) How is the screen? Colors, contrast, vision angle ecc. are they good for photo editing (I work with photos)?
2) How is the sound? I love listen to music and watch movies and I am very pretetious for sound (but meanwhile I am not a sound technician)
3) Do you advice it?
Thank you for the answers!
(Sorry me for my bad english, I know it is not so good, but I am improving it!) -
It is generally quiet and cold, if the tasks are not too intensive. GPU temps are good. (Usually lower than 70... even during load).
Screen is okay, not great... (I've got 1920 * 1080 screen). Not sure it is good for photo editing though. (Depends on what you do)
People say that 4k screen is good but not trust me on my word... You get bigger SSD with it too.
I am happy with it for now... Even though I don't have too many laptops to compare with... (I had Asus G752 which I returned... and unless you are die hard gamer, I would advice this over it). -
try undervolting with intel XTU software, you can find the guide on the youtube, try -100mv 1st, and then raise to 105,110,115 and ect.. -
GPU doesn't get that warm though. Highest I've got during simultaneous PRIME95 and Furmark was in mid 70 (and no, I don't plan to run them simultaneously again in near future).
EDIT: For what is's worth, the XTU stress + furmark stress test kept my temps at 83 (with only one core being higher than 80) and GPU was below 70.Last edited: Oct 19, 2017 -
Well, I had poor time for testing my 7577 with i7 and 1060 maxQ, I'll do better these days. At the moment I just tested gpu and cpu with unigine valley and aida64 extreme. HERE the test with Valley, great gpu temp (just 60° max) and good score (with my old beast MSI GT72VR 6RD 1060 6gb regular i got 63 fps score). All STOCK,without upgrades. With Aida64 test (27 minutes) enabling CPU, FPU, CACHE and RAM stress, good results CPU max. at 73°,same the gt72vr (monster laptop) and -15°(!!!) to another msi who Ive had (ge62 7re with i7 and gtx1050ti). The fans felt just above 3300/3700rpm.
Display its decent for the price and especially NO backlight bleeding
Good first impressions. Great laptop. Next upgrades soonLast edited: Oct 20, 2017 -
Hi guys,
I'm looking at buying the Inspiron 7577 from the Dell online store in Ireland. The pictures show some views of the laptop with red keys and other pictures show it with the white keys (which I want to get) but I'm afraid if I order that I could possibly get the one with the red keys.. And there is no option to choose what you want either. Anyone know anything about this? Will I be getting the red or white keys from an order online? -
I need a clear display that represent colors in a good way for photo editing, so I am not so sure to buy it. -
Call you local dell support (oe enter the online chat) and ask if you can order one directly through chat with white keyboard. I did so and its possible in Poland. Good luck!
The max for a single given core or max average temp?
Because max for core 1 for me was 85...
Average was about 78... -
Well, ran AIDA 64 for half of an hour...
Average temp was 83.5
Max temp 86.
I've noticed about a big gap between core 1 and the rest. Core 1 was much hotter than the rest. While the rest stayed below 80 most of time, core 1 would sometimes exceed 90C.
Is it normal? -
Well talked to Dell and they said there was a problem with fans and offered to replace it. We'll see...
GPU temp on top-right (60° c)
BEFORE-valley test
AFTER-valley test
HDD 1TB Seagate ST1000LM035-1RK172
Last edited: Oct 22, 2017fayth likes this. -
Has anyone tried overclocking the display yet?
Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk -
LGD04B9: that is the screen u want. Overclockable to 103hz. Good luckTBoneSan likes this. -
B156HTN05.2 120hz TN panel with @EmberV 's color profile he shared here . He's done a bang up job, it's looks every bit as good as the 60hz LG panen it came with. -
Just out of pure curiosity, has any of you removed the stickers on the plam rest? How did you do it? Are there any stains left?
did you already get the full Nvidia Control Panel instead limited one after instal those panel ?? -
Finally yesterday I had time to play it. just theHunter-call of the wild and PES 2018 with ultra details, about 1hour. GPU ever above 61 ° and CPU 71°. Later I post screensLast edited: Oct 24, 2017fayth likes this. -
Get a hair dryer, use a little bit of heat on the stickers, peel them off. Then take a rag with a small amount of goo gone, and remove the residue. easy peasy. I did all of my computers that way.
theHunter call of the wild - ULTRA details - about 30 min
PES 2018
1 match 10/15 min
fayth likes this. -
DJav-7 likes this.
Dell Inspirion 7577
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Sugil1844, Aug 30, 2017.