But will any "regular" msata drive fit in an Adamo? Or can a drive from an Adamo fit in an msata slot in a new computer?
Looking at the connector at 128GB Solid state drive removed | 35 of 78, that doesn't look like a traditional msata connector.
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
My Adamo 13 Oynx is still going strong. I rarely use laptops anyways, but I am keeping this for another 4 years.
I installed Win7 for testing on the adamo (desire, 2.1 ghz core2duo) but damn, this is slow. I always used XP on my admire (2GB RAM) and then I installed the 4GB RAM desire motherboard. To use the full 4 GB RAM I simply installed Windows 2003 Server Edition. This is a newer XP with some disabled services (like themes, sound) and they can simply activated. But its a complete full compatible 32bit XP with more than 2 GB RAM support. The 32bit is needed because there are no sound drivers for XP 64bit. The only thing, thats not working is the microphone.
I was a little dissappointed of Win7 because I always used XP and 2003. The fan is running relatively often in Win7.
I suggest Windows 2003 Server Edition (extended support till July 14, 2015). Its much faster and needs less RAM (fresh boot around 800MB, Win7 more than 1 GB). I will test this a week, but I think I will downgrade -
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
Anyone else still using the Adamo? Mine is getting on my nerves now but I still got like 2yr warranty left...
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
Seems like rebooting keeps helping so I am not sure if it is RAM problem. I redid OS already but does that..
the touch strip does not work well with volume control. It gets "stuck"... any solutions to that? -
I also had problems with the touch stripe. Now they work but I reprogrammed them. With the nice little tool " HotkeyP". Now I use the keys as launcher keys, but you can do nearly everything with them. -
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
XPS 13 is too roundy and clam shell looking for me.
People can't believe I got that Adamo 3 years ago. LOL -
I have both Adamo's still running.
I have to say the XPS one can look a bit retro with the titanium keys but it is still very unique and nothing really compares to it.
Do any of you guys own the Adamo XPS? -
and also I installed a DELL 5550 3G/HSDPA 21mbps module with GPS !
It is awesome.... W7 x64 boot in just 15 secs -
Thats pretty cool, What software do you use for GPS? I installed an unlocked Huawei WWAN card on my Adamo 13 Onyx (only card with 3G AWS bands 1700/2100mhz i could find). I find the laptop gets better signal than a phone since the antenna cable is so large.
What I'm interested in is, how did you upgrade the RAM on your Adamo XPS 13? do you have a guide of some sort? I think there only one slot. Do you have the specifications of the RAM module? its 800mhz DDR RAM right? I'd be awesome if I could upgrade it but I'm scared to brake something while opening it since its very slim. -
Anyway, inside the Adamo XPS 13 *i mean THIS one* there's 2 GB RAM soldered on mobo, but also (luckily!) one regular RAM slot. So I took away the 2 GB module I had there previously, and filled it with with a 4 GB ram module which I took away from a 2008 iMac model. Yes, if I remember right its 800 mhz. All fine there, 6 GB ram, max possible to install.
You can't find around a guide to upgrade ram to that model in specific, as I don't think that DELL never planned so, but if you look up in the online maintenance manual for the ADAMO XPS you will see the procedure to take away the keyboard for example, and access the WWAN slot. RAM slot is right under the keyboard, so the procedure is quite easy to do. You just have to be careful when you open that laptop up, as it is so thin and delicate. -
The Adamo 13 was released on March 17, 2009, in the US with either a Core 2 Duo 1.2 GHz ULV processor, 2 GB DDR3 RAM (Admire model) or a Core 2 Duo 1.4GHz ULV processor with 4 GB DDR3 RAM (Desire model). Both were initially equipped with a 128 GB SSD, and a 13.4-inch widescreen with a 1366x768 resolution with a built-in 1.3 MP webcam and microphone. It weighs 4 pounds, originally shipped with Windows Vista 64-bit Home Premium, with an optional external DVD-RW drive. Later on in the year, Dell upgraded the Desire model with a Core 2 Duo 2.1 SL9600 processor and a 256 GB SSD. Adamo prices were also dropped by $500 at the time. The Adamo 13 was offered in two colors; Pearl (silver with white accents) and Onyx (black with black accents). -
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
Still using the Adamo. Love this baby.
I still think that Dell should have refined the OG Adamo's design. I was actually googling around, it would be a sweet ultrabook particularly with Windows 8.
How reliable has the Adamo 13 been? I skimmed the last few pages and noticed ram dying is a common thing...that's kinda disappointing tbh. Didnt know they soldered it either but that's how most of the current ultrabooks are so I guess that makes sense. -
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
I love the design. That is why I still use it and I have spare mobo just in case. LOL
BTW iPhone 5 is total copy of the Adamo design. LOL!
THIS IS MY 1000TH POST !!!! -
You're right about the design...there's nothing in Dell's current lineup that's as appealing tbh..not even the XPS 13. It's chubby and blah in comparison. -
Can someone tell me what the BEST 256 mSATA SSD would be that is compatible with the Adamo Onyx? Are all of the My Digital SSDs compatible?
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
Best would be Samsung PM810. Still. You are really limited with the mSata options and Samsung makes fast and reliable ones.
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
Anyone still rocking this 2008 antique?
I am.
Trying to find a cheap 2.13GHz cpu mobo on Ebay so I can "upgrade" -
I haven't put much mileage on mine but I take it along when I'm traveling and when I'm out and about at the coffee shops - just to show off...
I have both the 500 GB external HD and the DVD drive that match the Adamo Pearl. Looks pretty snazzy with those sitting on each side.
I've thought about getting a bigger SSD but they still seem to be awfully pricy.
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
We are the endangered species....
I work every day with my Onyx.
just picked up 2 onyx for $431 only missing hard drives and power cords off ebay
And that makes 3 total in my laptop garage -
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
As of last week, I said goodbye to my beautiful Oynx. I thought I would keep it for another 5 years as I bought myself a motherboard, etc. But it's been a while and it actually is the record longest period I have kept a laptop. As much as I am sad, I must say good luck you all!
Just picked up this laptop on Craigslist for $250 even though its just a low end model (meh). Its not bad for the price and especially how sleek it looks. Installed windows 8 and synaptics website driver and the Windows 8 motions on the track pad works just peachy.
I will just say that the screen appears very washed out on Windows 8. :\ -
I will have to updgrade and for my taste, the only thing that can compete with adamo and air is this:
VIZIO Thin + Light Touch
On the pics the quality looks equal to apple and adamo. From other major brands the ultrabooks are cheap build, really a shame.
Problem for me is that VIZIO only ships to US and not Europe. -
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
I would agree. It is very angular and sharp. Perfect fit.
I just don't like the lame silver and there is no backlit keyboard
And of course... No ultrabook beats the Adamo when it comes to ports.. -
Trying to get a WWAN card never really worked out for me (always driver issues) so I installed one of these Bplus with 2 x 64GB MicroSDHC. Works like a champ, much cheaper than a 256GB SSD. Using W7U x64. Fashioned a plastic strip between the two adjacent cards as a retainer as this card is 1/2 size (there are filler plates available from other sources if you prefer).
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
Laptop that I miss the most. In today's standard the performance may not be tolerable for anything. But the looks still remain. Look around all web constantly trying to find one in mint condition.
Who is still rocking the Adamo right now? Never forgotten? -
Here you go ... 4 available on ebay dell adamo | eBay
Dellienware likes this. -
I'm still rocking mine, with fedora linux to boot
At this point it is like driving a classic convertible.
Too bad the battery life sucks, but other than that pretty happy with it. -
Still using my Pearl (see post on previous page).
And by coincidence, I just got an Onyx on Ebay last weekend... -
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
Anyone who had used both 2.13Ghz and 1.4Ghz, can you comment on the real life battery difference you noticed? How about general snappiness of the performance?
Hey, new member here wanting to ask a question of other Adamo fans. Is it possible to swap the SU9300 (1.2ghz) motherboard with the SU9400 (1.4ghz) or even the SL9600 (2.1ghz desire) motherboard and successfully run the computer? My battery finally has worn out and I was curious about swapping in a motherboard with more ram and a better processor while in there replacing the battery.
If the motherboard swap is viable, what needs to be done to get the computer to run properly? Reconfigure in the BIOS, or a total new install of Win7?
Hoping to keep my Pearl going a while longer if I can. Thanks!
- juli -
Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk -
It's definitely a compelling-looking thing, even by today's standards. It's not the thinnest or the lightest, but the attention to the little details really makes the difference. If I could keep it a viable computer for another few years, I'd be happy.
In any case, I'm fairly confident that the SL9600 or SU9400 motherboards would fit just fine, as they seem to be of identical shape and size, but I was wondering if anyone had successfully transplanted a different-spec motherboard and what it entailed. I understand the hardware side of the equation, but the software part is less clear. Do you have to do a new install of Windows when you change that stuff out? -
Hi All,
I would like to upgrade my Dell Adamo Xps to 6GB of Ram, can someone help me to find the module?
Because I tried to install one "normal" module Kingstone with chip on both sides, but i discovered that I need 1 SINGLE SIDED, chip only on one side module of 4GB.
Where to find it?
Can someone have a code or part number?
Thanks -
Dellienware Workstations & Ultrabooks
2GB are soldered to the mother board, plus you have a slot for a single DDR3.
Adamo XPS is sold with 4GB, 2 on MoBo + 1 Module DDT3 of 2GB.
It's possible to change the 2GB Module with one of 4 GB, but the problem is to find 1 module with the chips only one one side (single sided Ram).
These are photos of the module.ygohome likes this. -
Upgrade to Windows 10.
Last week I successfully upgraded my Onyx to Win 10. Considering this puppy first shipped with Vista the process went really smoothly. There were just two bumps in the upgrade.
The Broadcom Bbluetooth radio was nowhere to be seen in the Device Manager after the dust settled. Dell has not done anything about upgrading drivers for this model, so I went looking elsewhere. The Lenovo software http://support.lenovo.com/us/en/downloads/ds031999 brought the adapter to life and it seems to be working great.
The other problem was the graphics driver. The MS driver works just fine, but there is no way to control screen brightness via software (the Fn keys work tho). Also the adaptive brightness does not work, even though the Light Sensor has drivers installed in the device manager and it reported as working normally. Tried installing the Win 7 Intel display driver, but Win 10 doesn't like that at all. Keeps blinking and thrashing like a dog trying to get water out of his ears. Still searching for a another driver. Maybe this is a permanent problem, since in Win 10 you either can't or have to go to great lengths to stop it from automatically updating all your drivers.booboo12 likes this. -
Gosh! Am I the only Adamo user who has ungraded to Windows 10?
Gosh! Am I the only Adamo user still alive?Dellienware likes this. -
Suddenly it's less lonely here
I have Quickset installed and it shows the Dell customization options in the Mobility Center. It reports the Ambient light sensor is enabled, but the display brightness does not respond to changes in ambient light. Interesting, the Fn F4 and F5 keys do change the screen brightness, but when one does this the light sensor is reported to be disabled in the mobility center. Enabling it again dims the display, but it still does not respond to changes in ambient light.
I remember having some trouble like this when running Win 7. I found that there were 3 requirements to have the ambient light sensor working. 1) a working driver in the device manager. 2) having adaptive brightness turned on in the advanced power options under display. and 3) enabling the sensor in the Control Panel - "Sensors" was a setting in the Control Panel by itself. Unfortunately, I can't find any such setting the the control panel in Windows 10.
Do you actually have an Adam running Win 10 with a working ambient light sensor?
Thanks for your interest in this! -
***-->The Official Dell Adamo Thread<--***
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Cin', Jan 14, 2009.