I've seen a couple user posts that say the new Adamos shipping from Dell have the VBM24D1Q firmware, which does support TRIM.
If anyone is getting really poor write performance on Windows 7 with their Adamo SSD, it may be worth opening a warranty ticket with Dell to get the drive replaced by one with the new firmware.
Have any of you had your adamo's serviced? Do they come out and replace things or how does that process work?
So finally understand whats all the fuss about the SSD
Now can anyone tell me how to check which version do i have on my Adamo and which is TRIM compatible....
Also the article said TRIM comes with Windows 7 how does one activate it or is there a way to activate it if your SSD is TRIM compatible... -
Folks here have been using the free CrystalDiskInfo tool to show whether your SSD supports TRIM or not. -
DamnYouBlueScreen Notebook Consultant
Does the Adamo come with a backup partition on the SSD?
Mine came with a 15GB recovery partition, of which 10GB was completely unused. When I did my clean OS install I wiped out that partition.
what wire do i require for the adamo to connect to my LCD tv i would prefer to connect via HDMI so i can watch my movies on the big screen....
display port to hdmi adapter. the adamo only comes with a display port to DVI adapter.
it should. i never tested it on the adamo, but it worked fine on the M15x.
dang, these are $749 now. Just when I thought they couldn't get any lower.....
DamnYouBlueScreen Notebook Consultant
$749? Where?
I just got one for $790 after tax and bing cashback. Hopefully I get it soon. The Silver one was out of stock so I got the Black one. The specs weren't too important to me other than having an ssd as I can't stand 1.8" HDDs. Mostly bought it cuz it looks nice anyway. I will probably use it as my linux machine to replace my HP 2140.
Just received my Onyx Adamo Desire and the SSD drive it comes has the VBM24D1Q firmware which supports TRIM.
Well, I posted this in the front-page only to realize this is the right place to post this.
I really need your advise on which one to go with. I prefer to test them out at the store. Unfortunately, I can't find any locally.
Anyhow, I can get the Adamo Admire on Dell (the 1.4GHz version) for $899 (with $100 EPP discount (or the 1.2Ghz from MS for $750). The Vostro V13 for $700 (w/o SSD). In fact, if I go with the V13, I may get the base version to save even more, but just to make a comparison, let's consider the $700 version.
I don't use this laptop for much heavy work. I have the Latitude D630 for that. I like to add a sexy machine for documentation, web browsing, and business travel. Occationally, I will compile some C code, but not often.
My priorities are:
#1: Look. I will have many business meetings in Asia where look does matter.
#2: Fast booting. I'm just not that patient
#2: Light weight: Some time I want to do quick web browsing, but thinking about the 6.5lb D630, I stopped
From pictures and review, this is my thougth:
Adamo Admire:
Pros: SSD, 64-b Win7 => fast boot and application response.
Cons: 4-lb
Pros: 3.5lb
Cons: no SSD (expensive to add), 32-b Win7
Many times, look and feel do not always agree with each other. I heard the Adamo feel heavy. Even though it's only 1/2 lb heavier, I don't want a heavy machine. It's hard to tell if 1/2lb matter unless you try it, which I don't have the luxury.
Anyhow, if you have both, could you please give a short comparison?
BTW, I also have the Lat D420. I like its weight, but not the screen (12.1"). -
and on a side note, i just realized for $250 more on dell.com, you get the 1.4ghz core 2 duo and a 256gb SSD vs. the 128 SSD. is this increase in price worth the upgrade? -
Is it Ad-amo or Adam-o?
Seems to be some inconsistency between the Small Business/Home versions of the website. I went through the SB side and on the main selection screen it still says 128GB until you click the link and it then says 256GB. I assume the machines are pre-built so I don't know if they have some 256GB version sitting around but good luck. -
Well, I'd still give them a call if you're wanting to certain it has a 256 after you order it. Before you start it definitely says 128GB and the 1.4 w/ 2GB RAM had 128GB to start. The Home version definitely sticks to 128GB so I would verify. I went through my EPP site and it still says 128GB.
I bought a Vostro V13 (Core 2 Duo Model) a couple of weeks ago and have been very happy with it. Until..... The $750 Microsoft Store offer for Adamo yesterday. Needless to say I jumped at the opportunity to buy the Adamo for such a discounted price. I chose the Pearl model which I hope will show less finger prints and handle scratches better than the black. It arrives tomorrow and I'll be sending the Vostro back early next week if I like the Adamo more than the Vostro. It's kind of sad because the Vostro is absolutely awesome. The major deciding factor for switching to Adamo was the backlit keyboard (I type a lot at night in very low light conditions). Also, I like the idea of the SSD drive which I hope will contribute to an even quiter experience than the V13 presently offers. The v13 is still a very quite system but it has a very slight vibration when the drive is spinning. Hopefully, I made the right decision.
DamnYouBlueScreen Notebook Consultant
Microsoft Store lists the Adamo as Out of Stock. Could this mean something?
The Pearl is OOS the Onyx is not. The coupon no longer works however and the Adamos are on clearance so I guess Microsoft won't be carrying it for much longer.
Hi Adamo users!
I have been thinking of getting this fantastic laptop, ADAMO after the price drop. But I can't really decide which color to go with. I do like both pearl and onyx just by looking at the pictures. As a man, I feel like I should go with Black but the fingerprints issue does matter to me. Pearl looks simple and elegant but I would rather have black keyboard with everything white and pearl. So please, any comments or suggestions would definitely help me decide and pull my trigger soon! Thanks guys! -
I personally like the Pearl because it has the 2 tone color scheme that is similar to my MacBook Pro. But I had to settle for the Onyx as the Pearl was out of stock. I have the base model so if you get the Pearl base model and is not happy with it I'll trade you
Dell EPP. $1569 after 10% off and $50 off.
The pearl was def too girly for me.
Having had both, the onyx is the way to go -
Does anyone think the Admao line will see a core i-series processor in the near future, seeing as the line had a recent spec bump already?
just bought a Mandarina Duck Sleeve for the Adamo for 49.99$ from the Dell website: http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/products/Carrying_Cases/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&cs=19&sku=A2166986 its on clearence.. Fantastic deal...
Can anyone suggest me a nice messenger bag for the Adamo my budget is around 100$-110$
I loved the Mandarina Duck Messenger Bag on the dell website : http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&sku=A2166984 but eventhough thats on clearence with shipping comes for 214$ at my location which is kinda out of my budget.. -
will the adamo be refreshed with core i5 or i7 processor any time soon ?
Hey guys do you know if the cpu (the 1.4ghz specifically) is overclockable? Is there any particular software you need to go about overclocking? Im interested in this laptop buttt for $1000 I would like to get slightly more performance than 1.4 dual core (if it overclocked to 1.8 or so that would be nice). I know your battery life is probably gonna drain with it overclocked but I figure I'll only need it to be overclocked when I'm at home at my desk anyways.
For you Adamo Desire Refresh owners with the latest spec can you please post a WEI score?
Does anybody know if the user/owner can change out the SSD? This is a 2.5" SSD right? Has anyone tried it? -
Processor - 5.7
Memory - 5.7
Graphics - 4.1
3D Graphics - 3.4
Hard Drive - 7.1
Yes, you can change out the SSD drive but your options are very limited. It is a 2.5" SSD drive without the external shell. I think the drive is less than 3 mm thick if I recall. There are not many companies who make such a specialized drive, but one might be able to remove the shell on a regular 2.5" SSD drive and try to fit it in the Adamo. In the end, I think it would be cheaper and easier to just go with the 256GB Samsung drive that comes with the Desire model or I have heard that the Admire version from Dell Small Business has been shipping with the 256GB drive as well for $999.
can anyone provide their WEI numbers for the Dell Adamo Admire model (the most recent 1.4ghz) so I can get this in perspective? I have a hp dv2 which is practically a netbook so comparing it to my laptop doesn't really help gauge how powerful this laptop is lol
I know this is not a gaming laptop but i just wanted to check has anyone tried using Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 on this can it play it smoothly...
Appreciate a prompt reply planin to buy this game -
Hi Guys,
Could you guyz confirm if the following link of Adamo system is a refurbished or not? It has 4GB of Ram for $999! Please check it out!
http://computers.pricegrabber.com/l...69.html/search=dell+adamo/st=product/sv=title -
The system is not refurbished. I guess Dell Home is now doing $999 Admires with 4GB RAM and 128GB SSD, while Dell SB has $999 2GB RAM and 256GB SSD.
They are no longer selling these with 4gb. I ordered one using the link mentioned above and when it came in it only had 2gb in it ... even tho the order shows 4gb... needless to say I was pissed. They offered to send a tech over to swap the mobo with 4gb ram.... I did not want that so I simply returned it. 1.4 with 4gb can only be had from outlet. Any new orders with the 1.4 will come with 2gb.
The ones from outlet that have 1.4 and 4gb will "MOST LIKELY" come with the older slow SSD. -
Does anyone know a brick & mortar (B&M) store that I could go to and physically see an Adamo in person? I've always liked the design but like anything, I would like to see it in person before I throw down money on one
CPU - 4.4
Memory - 4.9
Graphics - 3.2
Gaming Graphics - 3.2
SSD - 7.1
Edit: didn't update drivers for a while, I will repost once I do
***-->The Official Dell Adamo Thread<--***
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Cin', Jan 14, 2009.