fyi...looks like adamo's with 2.1 ghz proc's are making their way into the outlet now...with win 7 and 256 gb ssd....for $1699
i just called and cancelled mine after it was delayed again.
likely gonna take sleey0's advice and wait a week or two to see if theres a core i5 refresh. -
CES is next week.
I can't wait to see what some of these OEM's have coming out!!
Core i5 and the ULV's are going to finally bring respectable performance to ultraportables. -
you may have kept the thread front paged but you are still going BUH-BYE.
anyone else eagerly anticipating the coming days? here's hoping some info gets leaked soon! either a new adamo refresh or something on the "portable alienware". -
My Adamo XPS 13 just shipped last week, I should see it today. Can't wait.
I am really stoked about that portable AW.
At least, that's what I believe AW has up there sleeve -
Hey everyone,
I was hoping you guys could help i am really thinking about getting the adamo from MSFT website as $1100 (admire) seems like a great deal.
I hope you guys can help me with these questions
Has anybody used hdmi with it ? does it run smoothly on the tv ? can i got 1080 or only 720 ?
the model on the msft webiste has the 1.2 ghz chip vs the 1.4 on dell - does this really matter ? is there a noticable difference
Does it play blue ray movies fine if i buy the external blue ray player??
does it play flash online fine (HQ) without studdering
same for HD quicktime movies and etc.
what you guys think ?? is it a good deal ? -
I've just got the onyx version from microsoft. I thought it was a good deal. I dont have the blu ray player but have played hd movies without any problems. It has the 1.2 ghz cpu only but I find it fast enough bu I only use it for internet, powerpoint and word and the occasional torchlight game. My other laptop was the acer timeline with the intel ssd drive and 1.4 culv. It don't notice much of a difference and the laptop boots as fast. Im sure the coolness factor will wear off though especially with CES now but its a really solid laptop with a good but not great screen. Oh and the trackpad is great but you do need to use 2 finger scroll which is much more smoother.
That sounds great.
That is pretty much what I would be using the laptop for also, though I usually play Civilization when ever I need to kill some time.
I guess ill buy it on friday unless i hear something amazing coming from CES.
Did you have to pay sales tax when you bought the laptop from MSFT ???
P.S. my friend wants to buy the 2.1 ghz version. Wondering if anybody has it and if they can compare it to the old version. -
Announcements should be coming within a day or two, so I'd wait if I were you.
The Adamo's aren't going anywhere and you might see something better soon -
I just ordered the adamo from MSFT website, they do offer 2 week return policy so if something amazing happens or changes on dells website i can always return it, im very exicted
Yep, I had to pay sales tax. Im happy with the purchase. Blu-ray may not play that great, I saw a review of the player on dells website but I dont know for sure. You can get something faster, but the battery life I have is the bare minimum and wouldnt want it any lower then 4 hours. Make sure you get rid of dells synaptic driver and install the one from synapics and use the 2 finger scroll program if you dont like touch pad, for me the drag lock was consistantly on, and I couldnt turn it off without it turning on again. Civilizations may not work with the 64 bit version. I couldn't play wasteland.
So i got my Adamo from MSFT store, i really really like, pictures online does not do it justice how pretty and small it is (but not to small)
runs great windows 7 boots up quick, prob only complain is the speakers are prob the weakest i have heard before, even hard to hear people over skype if they are not speaking loudly.
Can anybody recommend a sleave for it ? somehting that fits it nicely.. the Tumi ones are bit out of my price league -
Well, I received my manilla-envelope sleeve designed for the MacBook Air. Unfortunately, the dimensions in no way fit the Adamo 13:
Guess I'll be looking elsewhere for a suitable sleeve... -
Thx shadow, that sleeve actually looks pretty nice, and I really dont wanna buy a ty no brand one as i bought such a nice fashionable laptop LOL
shoes have to match the dress lol -
well the mandarina is so nice the bag comes INSIDE a bag to keep it purdy in the box
if you cant find any i can post a set of iphone pics of it inside and out. just ask! -
I heard that A06 BIOS had a bug, fan did not work. can anybody confirm that?
Has anyone tried booting from eSata? Was going to order machine if BIOS will allow booting from eSata...Thanks, ...Tim
Also, although neither 128GB nor 256GB SSD are fast, is the 256GB much faster than the 128GB?, ...Tim
The numbers posted by DJ GLO a few pages back didn't seem that impressive compared to the faster SSD's avail now such as RunCore and etc. What are the specs on the the 2 different Samsungs (128GB and 256GB) in the Adamo's? My delima is between the Admire 128GB and the Desire 256GB Adamos but didn't want to spend the additional money for the Desire 2.1, 256GB, 4GB, 3G model if the disk performance isn't significantly better than the 128GB machine because I don't really need the 2.1 vs 1.4 and 2GB vs 4GB. I'd rather spend that extra money on faster SSD's for the eSata if so, ...Thanks, ...Tim
I guess to specifically say what wasn't impressive is the 4K write, the rest looks good. The 4K read/write (specifically the write) is what I look for in performance, ...Thanks, ...Tim
ok my desire came in today. got to play for five minutes and the ssd shows trim enabled. I'll throw the benches up later after I reformat.
so far my only complaint is a slight bulge above the keyboard like the chassis is warped. -
I'd call Dell for a replacement ASAP..... -
not to mention that i actually ran OVER on my cell minutes by about 3 hours just from sitting on hold with those idiots.
this baby is sleek, sexy, and i've already wiped it and reinstalled win7 pro with all my usual tweaks. i'm very impressed with how snappy it is as i had low expectations. it plays torchlight like a charm too!
thanks for all the help and info on this one sleey0! -
No problem.
The Adamo is one sexy machine! -
Hey all Im planin to pick the Dell Adamo from the microsoftstore just wanted to know a lil info regarding it...
Since Dell are selling the admire models with stock 1.4ghz is there a big diffrence with the 1.2ghz from microsoftstore Also has anyone bought from the microsoft store before i know they are selling for 1119$ but wat are the taxes for it... any kinda info and feebbacks i need to know to pick this sexy machine...
cheers -
Im planin to pick an Adamo 1.2GHz for myself from a vendor on Ebay.
The system is supposed to be brand new and after checking the service tag:H52FWK1 on the dell website the SSDrive on the machine notifies: Solid State Drive, 128, S2, Thin Micro Sata, PM800, Samsung is this the new drive or the old one...
Can someone check and let me know if this is a New Machine & waranty is active as im totally new to the Dell Adamo series thus dont know much about it anykind help regarding my purchase would help me decide.
Also this model is with a 2GB DDR3 Ram can i upgrade it to 4GB.
Thanks in advance. -
only the HDD and wireless card are removable. the memory is soldered onto the mobo.
i looked and it shows shipped in october and no warranty associated. dunno if its true or not though.
what processor do they claim as the config shows
INFORMATION..., WINRE-BASE, Pentium M Dothan, 1.86GHZ, 2 MEGB, 533FSB..., MB-PTN -
That is not the Service Tag for the Adamo if it is showing a Dothan Pentium M lol.
I would pick this from the microsoftstore but unfortunately they dont take paypal payments only US credit cards which i dont have access since im from india... do i have any other options websites etc...
What about the 1.2GHz compared to 1.4GHz is there a big diff... -
DamnYouBlueScreen Notebook Consultant
Hi guys. Just bought a Dell Adamo Pearl from the Microsoft Store and got it with a online coupon. Expecting it to arrive a week from now. Hopefully its not as slow as some people have experienced (ssd wise).
I also just placed a order for a pearl Adamo through the Microsoft store. Couldn't pass up the 40% off coupon that they have. I use my laptop to browse the internet so I doubt I will ever stress the processor. I really hope that the ones Microsoft is shipping are the one's with the faster hard drive. Has anyone purchased theirs from Microsoft and have received the faster SSD drive?
So, I just bought the Dell Adamo Desire in Onyx Black. Love it, really nice performance for my needs (browsing, Youtube HD and even Torchlight). I have one problem thought. I installed Windows 7 32-bit clean, but the keyboard backlight keeps going out when I don't use it for a while. In the dark it is very hard to see the keys when the backlight is out. Is there a way to have the backlight on all the time?
The backlight is on a timer (I think 2 minutes) to turn off if you aren't using it or the touchpad.
I don't know if there is a way to keep it on constant. -
Anyone have any idea why my battery life seems to have cut in half? I normally get 4 - 4:40 hours just taking notes and browsing but not battmon tells me I am getting 2:00 hours tops? Oy.
You guys see this?
They are listed on Dell's site for $999 now -
are you kiddin me i just bought one 1.2GHz for 1100$ from Ebay this is retarded.
yep. mine comes up $400 less. on the phone now processing my return as they won't credit it back. just gonna re-order it again.
DamnYouBlueScreen Notebook Consultant
Damn, I just bought the 1.2GHz Pearl from Microsoft, and now this. I'm thinking of sending mines back for now in favor of the 1.4GHz. Can someone tell me if its worth it to switch from the 1.2GHz model to the 1.4GHz model? Any differences (heat, battery life, etc.)
got an option though but wanted some advice Can someone tell me if its worth it to switch from the 1.2GHz model to the 1.4GHz model? Any differences (heat, battery life, etc.)
Thnx -
just do it, click the order button, you know u want to -
I'd be pissed if I paid $2k 6 months ago for the 1.2, for sure.....
so where's that envy? -
It was supposed to be here by noon, but I guess Fedex doesn't care about service-level agreements
Still waiting for delivery.....
I specced out a 1.4 Adamo with my discount and now it's like $750 or something. lol
***-->The Official Dell Adamo Thread<--***
Discussion in 'Dell' started by Cin', Jan 14, 2009.