Just got / using my V2S today, havent optimized the Vista addons and crap yet but it seems to be of really decent build quality, although it runs hot. The WEI scores are what I have with stock drivers, I will update later on. I am satisfied but not fully impressed with my experience thus far.
I've received my V2S as well, but it has finally come at a time that my school work is ramped up and I'm in the thick of things, including finding a full time job now for campus recruiting...
So far the laptop has been good, came with a ton of bloatware, and it seems to have gotten faster as it's learned my usage habits. -
Mine arrived yesterday. So far, it seems to me like it's a quality notebook. This is my first intro to Vista as well, so I'm probably far behind the other V2S owners at this point. I notice some warm air blowing out of the left side occasionally, but not much at all. No noticeable noise. The screen is beautiful. The bootup seems fast to me, and I haven't uninstalled anything or tweaked anything. Wonder what the Asus stuff and Nero is for. Any input on what to get rid of would be appreciated.
Geared2play.com Company Representative
I thought this would be the right place to mention a few issues
1. the built in 3.5g is not present although a sim card reader is. stupid of them to do that
2. the notebook has a bios issue. this issue results in a low benchmark score. the issue is caused by a cpu that is about half throttle always. nothing you can do to change that. i encourage you guys to contact asus and do your own testing. 3dmark 06 should give you a score of about 2500. your v2s will only get 1700. Call and complain! -
Geared2play.com Company Representative
Geared2play.com Company Representative
But that really does not explain why the cpu gets half the benchmark of what it should in the v2s. the fact that it scores almost 1000 points lower then the f3sv in 3dmark and the cpu score is 2x lower on the v2s clearly says the issue is with the cpu not the gpu! the gpu has nothign to do with it. infact i have no doubt that if they fix the issue with the cpu v2s will get 2600 points in 3dmark06.
Run everest, as I said before, and you'll see the GPU issue. Also, please run wprime 32m and post the scores so we can see the CPU issue.
Geared2play.com Company Representative
I am not going to get into one of these "proove you are telling the truth". The probelm is with the cpu or chipset which will be corrected with a future bios. if there is an issue with the vga card it is completely separate. I do not use everest. in the past this util has prooven very problematic. I use 3dmark and pcmark. These are the only utils that have served me well in the past and report an unbiased score. I am sorry if you disagree with me however I think given my reputation i have nothing left to proove. If people here feel their v2s is slow and the scores are low the reason is that your cpu is not working as it should clearly noticeable in the cpu score of 3dmark06. compare the scores from my video of the f3sv. these are the same scores you should be getting with the v2s
Yeah, PCMark06, SuperPi, and wprime 32m scores need to be compared before its concluded that its a CPU/BIOS problem.
If it is, this may pique my interest in the V2s again because I would really rather have a 14.1" than a 15.4" notebook.
EDIT: Eddie, proove is spelled prove. Sorry, just saw the error too many times in your post. Also, whats wrong with comparing CPU benchmarks as well, just so we can get some concrete and comparable evidence. If the CPU benchmarks show considerable differences we will all know that it is a BIOS problem that is crippling the V2s, which I think will get a lot more people interested again. -
Geared2play.com Company Representative
i already compared cpu bench from f3sv, to v2s to all others
v2s scores are 2x lower then what they should be. it also explains why the notebook is slow! any further testing is a waste of time but if you feel the need nobody is stopping you. -
). You lack even a single piece of evidence that the F3Sv GPU is the same as the V2s GPU. If you refuse to back yourself up, then your opinions must be taken as unreliable conjecture, nothing more. Perhaps that's what you mean by "your reputation"
Geared2play.com Company Representative
Geared2play.com Company Representative
As for you having nothing to gain, I disagree wholly. If it is indeed a BIOS issue you have everything to gain, as the problem most likely will be fixable and in turn the notebook will become a performer which should translate into sales.
Edit: Hopefully somebody who isn't a reseller would be able to provide the benchmarks needed to make a conclusion. If anyone who has received their unit would be willing to run the benches, it would be great and would definitely result in more people getting on board this notebook again. -
Geared2play.com Company Representative
I meant i have nothing to gain by providing wrong info!
I generally get defensive when people question my work and what i do for a living and my good nature to provide unbiased info. you would be too!
Why are you being offensive? Dont you appreciate someone telling you "you are wrong, it is not your gpu, it is your cpu,chipset and bios!". Leaves you with only one option and saves you lots of time which i have just wasted explaining my self. Do i really need to explain my self? We do what other dealers can not. I did it again, why is that i get attacked everytime i invent something or find something?. Anyone else wants to question me or do you want to get back to business and contact the only people responsible for rectifying the issue?
Geared2play.com Company Representative
I, and odin, are not being offensive, we're just trying to get you to publicly disclose your results, not your summaries. Trust me, I hardly care what your track record is in the past, be it excellent or otherwise. I am not questioning your work, I'm just asking to see it. It works the same way in every industry. Say I were a established researcher with an excellent track record, would it be enough to back up my new theories by saying "Trust me, it's true. I mean I've been right before haven't I?"
No point contacting Asus about this "issue" seeing as how we haven't gotten any concrete, tangible results, only summaries of what you've found. -
Geared2play.com Company Representative
Example please?
Find me once where i was wrong diagnosing a hardware issue. -
Geared2play.com Company Representative
For myself, from the Windows Experience Index, I don't see how this can be blamed on the processor as it scores a 5.1, whereas the graphics scores 3.4 as shown below:Attached Files:
Geared2play.com Company Representative
Windows sees nothing wrong with the cpu. 3dmark does! -
And you can take it however you want, but the fact remains that when you make unverified claims (and in fact poin-blank refuse to support them when asked) you show yourself to be a biased and unreliable source of information. That's how it works in this world. -
Geared2play.com Company Representative
For anyone else that wants to spend less time being sceptical. download 3dmark05. with a t7500 in your ssytem it will score well over a thousand for the cpu. 1700 to be exact. the v2s will score well under 1000 for the cpu. around 700 or so. i really did not write it down i just know it was alot less then what it should be. the overall low 3dmark score is not what surprised me. the very low cpu score is the issue.
Whatever, hopefully another forum member can help us out with the benchmarks. I'm done talking to this guy.
Geared2play.com Company Representative
additionally the drivers on the cd that comes with it can not be used for the vga card when using a 64 bit o.s. the correct driver can be download from intel. it is the same driver they offer for s96s.
Hey I'm really busy at college right now and I'm not all that laptop savy but I'll try to run the tests on my free time.Just to end this argument What do you guys want and how do I download the program.
Download and run the Wprime 32m test, full instructions are in Gophn's post here:
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=123570 -
There is a new BIOS V205:
BIOS 205
Enhenced CPU T2310/T2330 stability
Update VBIOS
Update thermal policy
Support CPU C3/C4 in AC mode for Energy Star.
It says update Video BIOS so I ran the 3DMark06 again, just a little bit better:
Thanks Ken, that seems like a perfectly normal CPU score. Out of curiosity, have you heard anything relating to what Eddie's claiming, that it's the CPU and not the GPU that's causing the low 3dmark06 score?
Geared2play.com Company Representative
That is correct!
That is why the 3dmark is not so bad as compared to the cpu scores and sm2.0 scores. Now if you compare the cpu and sm2.0 scores from the v2s to any other like f3sv you will find 3 things
1. cpu and sm2.0 are more then 2x less then what they should be on the v2s
2. the 3dmark score is only about 40% less then what it should be (cpu in 3dmark accounts for a small portion of the over all result)
3. The notebook is very very slow. boot up time is slow. and any other query that utilizes cpu is SLOW!
205 bios changes nothing in regard to this issue. both sm2 and
I dont know what is up with the image above but that is not what the 3dmark 06 score card looks like. The image you posted above was altered somehow. where is the original?
Here is what you posted. Pay close attention to the rectangle that has the words "congratulations you have completed"
Here is what it should look like. Notice there are no anomalies in this image below of the f3sv benchmark.
How and why was your 3dmark snapshot altered? If it wasnt altered why have i never seen this anomaly"? -
2. It's 1000 points lower than it should be, which is more than 40% anyway you look at it.
3. Again, you haven't provided any evidence of this, and it's in contradiction with the reports of pretty much all other users.
Geared2play.com Company Representative
I have to go back and test again. From my recollection i remember the cpu score was VERY low. I wish I could have saved the file. Reagrdless of that. Why are boot up times and in general all aspects of this notebook slow? If and when i find something different i will repost. This time i will rund pcmark as well.
OK, folks, I have to tell you that this is getting really upsetting. I've spent months on this forum, reading, asking questions, trying to get good information. I just got my V2S-A1. I think it's beautiful, well-built, fine and dandy as far as I can tell. I can't imagine how someone can say it is slow or sub-par, though I've only just had a few hours here and there to see what it is. I'm being careful and wanting to do everything right. I'm not a computer savvy person like most of you. That's why I read your posts and take them so much to heart!
It appears that a computer here or a computer there to many of you is just spare change. To me it's a HUGE thing. A major expense--because I work hard for every penny. Like most users, my computer is a tool for getting the much more important work of life done in a time- and cost-efficient way. I looked for something to meet my needs for business and for personal media/email/internet. I wanted a good quality computer that hopefully would last me several years and serve me well. I'd never even heard of Asus until I got into these forums. Then I was told what a wonderful maker of computers it was, now the V's were the best, etc. etc.
Now, I am almost afraid to do anything with it. Afraid after all this that I have a dud. That I really missed something or put too much faith in the things I read here. Like I should be kicking my own rear end. I have spoken in person to some of you, and the concerns being argued now were never told to me--even after I asked a lot of questions.
PLEASE: What is so wrong with this computer? Why so much bickering? Is the argument for the sake of argument or can something positive be gained here? If you're going to make claims of inferior something-or-other, please provide some good reason for it. And please be aware that many people reading here never show themselves. Your words have great impact upon many decisions of which you could be largely unaware.
If there are problems, then please say what they are clearly--in a way the non-expert user can gauge what the impact that problem would have on his or her own personal use.
I can't tell you how awful I am feeling right now about what has been a much anticipated arrival. I feel like the kid whose overly critical, perfectionistic parents took away his birthday Legos set because a piece was missing. -
Geared2play.com Company Representative
I was not trying to make you feel bad. We have had a few customers complain that the notebooks is slow to load and slow to work. I tested i found the same relative to other notebooks. We have 2 on the way back now. I will retest and retest and post my findings. If my original diagnosis was wrong i will let you know. This notebook will be a far improvement from your old notebook regardless of its state. So far we know that the gpu score is far below what it should be. It seems to be slow to boot and do general tasks. If i have more to add i will. For now the notebook has "issues". I think they will all be addressed by a new bios. -
So, how does one get a new bios for a brand new computer? Is it something you plug in or what? -
Geared2play.com Company Representative
new bios past 205 when it is relesed will be avalable on asus.com
to install new bios all you need is winflash. this utility can also be download on the same site generally found under the utilities tab. it should also be on your driver cd. a bios later then 205 is not out but hopefully will be out soon. Asus is aware that this notebook does have some issues -
To anyone else reading this thread, don't get your hopes up, as their haven't really been indications of any issues on the laptop that could be attributed to a BIOS problem.
I just tested my v2s-a1 with wprime and the 32m test came out to be 38.243secs. How do I post a picture?
And that's a good score by the way. -
Ummmm I swear I got that score the 1st time but I didn't save it and now I did the test again and it says 41.894secs...so something is fishy and I can't do any more tests until later because I have to go to class...
eh now it says 39.283secs......
Does anyone with a V2S out there know how to disable the start up sound before it even boots into Windows? Like when you turn on the computer for the first time.. seems it would be something I could fix in BIOS but I havent checked yet. Yes?
THe_V1s_b1_kenobi^^ Notebook Enthusiast
you are right i got my V1s b1 should fly but its just makes me mad^^
it has all you got here (slow loading slow deloading HDD crashing LCD has glory type leakage , graphics has glitches on starts and in games nothing helps and mainly MY power Brick is so so so so hot i cant touch it when you are trying to work and charge Danger will Robinson!!!
was so happy now i have to send it to some CRC company that will attempt to fix all this ,and this hasn't been a real week since i had it! my own opinion mobo isn't perfect... thats all that can couse such problems , and im now loading 3d mark06 to see the rest. i wonder whats my right on exchanging or replacing as i bought it from USA and now im IN UK can i claim to New egg.com in my case and hope that they will say hay yes ok your good dude we will help you out just this once.
~V2S Owner's Lounge~
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Bona Fide, Aug 17, 2007.