I'll tell you something gautam, the issue is over heating. That is why they underclocked it. Asus is well known for their cool quiet systems, and now we know why. They sacrifice performance for other things. I think if someone was actually able to max out a 8600 GS correctl and comfortabley without over heating, the performance would be on par with the Geforce go 7700 GT or even possibly the lower of the two Geforce Go 7800, the GT I think.
The card was meant to replace the 7600, so I am expecting better performance once this card can be properly modded.
what will happen if i change core/memory to 600/700 using RivaTuner? 8600 can handle it right?
i was reviewing the thread of g1s vs f3sv.b1. on the first page there are graphs displaying the stock speed of the 8600m-gs and gt. the GS was similar with the poster on the asus.com forums. 540/core & 400/mems.
i think heat is not the issue for 8600m.gs disability.
because the graph data on the 8600m.gt of the g1 is spot on the nvidia claims with only a 4 degreee celsius difference in temps.
man, im not happy with this low ball tehnique by asus (we are selling you a 8600m.gs but we will forget to inform you that its running slower than claimed by nvidia). f3sv owners bought a computer with 8600m.gs but performing like an 8400.
(rant - i should have waited for xmas before buying my first laptop - end rant)
but i hope it will eventually work out for f3sv owners and there will be an effective (and official fix from asus) way to switch to the performance as claimed by nvidia. should the owner choose to (along with a hotter and fast draining notebook).
thanks -
FEAR performance
disappointing fps na?but the graphics looked awesome in the test movie
max everything at 1024 x 768
whats worrying me is the 75% fps below 25 and 0% above 40 -
I highly doubt RivaTuner will be able to do what other programs failed to do. I think if enough complaints go to Asus they will send out a patch or new drivers to allow for overclocking. -
Hey guys I increased my battery life by about half an hour so far.
THis is what I did:
I set it to POwer4Extreme battery saving. I have the screen brightness at 7% processor running at 50% max.
I unplugged the mouse, and I turned off my antivirus. I turned off my speakers. I turned off the wireless. Max power so far 2 hours and 45 mins.
First I suggest draining your battery completely and then recharging fully over night. -
thanks to all for this very informative thread - I am seriously considering this model despite the battery performance, but mainly thinking of using this computer for video editing - I assume that dedicated video card memory must be better for anything graphic intensive, but I wonder if it's really only needed for 3D gaming, modeling, shading, etc. ? For straight forward video editing (not so many rotating cube cutaways, etc.) is this card more than I need?
Well I did a RivaTuner analysis. It actually turns out that this card is using DDR3 memory. Surprising. Apparently Riva Tuner gives me the ability to push the clocks to 750 for core and 600 for memory. Interesting, but I really question if it is actually happening.
just got my A1, immediately started to remove asus progs. but the fingerprint scanner is now not working.
wc program controls it? i hope its in the included asus disc.
thanks -
I had no idea that the 'power plan' will affect even when its on through AC.
I put it to 'power4gear high performance' and got this
Not bad at all... but it gets better.
I overclocked it to 650/550 and got this
I am very happy.. 51% above 40fps is cooolll++++++++++ -
Welp, got mine last night--F3Sv-B1--and I am still figuring out Vista. Is there any way to stop the damn UAC and how do I log on as an administrator on my own machine?!?!? Other than that, sexy notebook Asus, just plain sexy.
Hi Fropwns..
To disable UAC,
1) go to Control Panel.
2) on the top right search box, search for 'user accounts'
you will get an option to turn the UAC on or off
I think the machine is more smart than sexyand strong
WHat drivers are you using to get those results andy?
I used the drivers I got from
http://www.laptopvideo2go.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13378 -
OC : 650 / 550
Settings : Maximum everything but no shadows
Right now I am running a 3dmark06 test on 500/400 overclock, hope I get atleast 2850 or above would be better. This card once pushed to its max, can realyl perform, just like I guessed about a highend 7700 to lowend 7800. Good job Nvidia.
weird. i ran the WEI test many times but i got no score. my WEI is still unrated.
note: on my unit under the basic info of My Computer/ system/ asus grouping/ "F3S series" is irritatingly spelled as SERISE. darn. -
Hey guys I have the results of 3dmark06 when I over clocked to 650/550. They are 3166 score. I am using 3dMark06 Basic version. I updated to latest drivers from laptopvideo2go.com so I am using version 158 drivers.
I did nothing else but overclock. Other settings could still be adjusted to get better performance, but this is still pretty good.
I also did a WEI and I got 5.4 for graphics overclocked. -
Thanks a lot! -
still very much playable.
off to Oblivion. -
resolution : 1024 x 768
AA : 4x
screen effects : bloom
Distant landscape
distant buildings
distant trees
- No Shadows
You're the man Andy, keep the tests coming and let us know how the system is handling the cooling aspect of your O'Cing.
i might buy the Asus F3SV-X1. Are there any issues with it? Would you recommend this noteobook? and how is the battery life under normal conditions (typing and web browsing)? Can i use windows office xp on a vista OS? thanks! -
Hi Fropwns
Yes the system gets slightly hotter when I OC. but not much and it hardly makes a difference as I dont keep it on lap while playing.
And I OC only when I play games. I set it back to 500/400 when I am not. Dont know if it will make a difference. Just playing safe -
sesshomaru Suspended Disbelief!
Hmm.. Compile everything and put it as a full on gaming review for the F3Sv.. And I'll curse myself as I read it....
Thats a good idea Sess. Thanks!
I will do that -
Andy did you just use the forceware 158 drivers, and overclock it to get those results? Plus, does it really matter if you leave it overclocked?
Hi Jay
yes thats all I did.
I am not sure if it matters if I leave it overclocked. but Since I need the extra power only for games and since it makes the lappie hotter, I OC only when I play -
the specs says "1,3mb webcam with LED lighting". how do you turn on the LED for the A1 (will use it as described keyboard lghting).
and the mic doesnt seem to work ith Yahoo Msgr, but the call assingt says its installed and there are no conflicts or anything wit te hardware menu.
whici is a better Audio driver btw. from rEaltek or from Asus? they have diffrent ver numbers.
thanks -
Andy, good job on the gaming review thread for the F3sv!
Thank you Gautam! It was Sess's idea
well, i finnaly got my F3SV-A1 and i am very impressed so far.
just a couple of things here, i read through this thread and its kinda confusing me, i have never ventured into the overclocking and stuff like that, does anyone want to help me out and write up something to get me started here or something like that?
i just got mine, and im going to go figure out how to upgrade the bios and stuff, but if anyone would help me out as to what you guys are doing and where you are trying to get that would be great
EDIT: apparently my BIOS is the newest version already
i have alot of experience modding a psp, so it shouldnt be that hard for me to catch on i think.
what i want to do though is maximize battery life while not connected to an AC adaptor, and when connected i want to maximize performance. Can i have them both?
and how do you know if you got the 64bit version of vista or if you have the 32 bit version?
how about ubuntu? 64 bit version or the 32 bit version?
i have been playing command and conquer generals for a bit now, and it just gave me a serious error (this is the second time) it says it is most likely caused by overheating (did not feel even warm) or viruses or that my computer does not meet the minimum specs, i really doubt it is viruses because i wasnt even connected to the internet the first time it happened, but i was for the second time. And there is no way it would be caused by my specs being too low. So overheating is my last thought, but it was still cool. Any ideas why it would be giving me this error? -
BUT I can tell you right away that the OEM edition that ships with the F3sv is the 32 bit edition. Vista x64 suffers for many reasons, although it's technologically superior.
Last night after a lot of research I was positive that I had finally made my choice for a new Laptop.
Then I came to this thread and got incredibly confused. Although, in the last two pages or so, Andy seems to have cleared up.
I just have two remaining questions
I am buying my F3sv from Newegg and based on what I've been hearing (this forum, and others as well) that 2gb's of RAM is necessary for Vista. So, I went to newegg to search for some 2gb sticks, and they don't seem to have F3sv listed as a selection! My question is- which one should I buy so that it is compatible with my notebook? I don't want to buy the wrong one(EDIT: Someone posted their stick they bought somewhere else and I came to this- OCZ 2gb Would this be compatible?
And two, I have no idea what overclocking means/does but I like the results. How does one go about overclocking?
Thanks. -
sesshomaru Suspended Disbelief!
Download some good tools, for a start. Rivatuner's quite good for overclocking Nvidia cards.
how is this laptop for ripping dvd's? does the drive have riplock on it? I'm in the process of making backups of all my dvd's and with at least a dozen 6 plus disc box sets, i'm looking for a quick ripping drive?
Hi Fittersman
No. The power4gear wont overclock.
for that you'll need some tools. I used the one Sess mentioned - Rivatuner.
Its not very difficult. I did it for the first time and didnt face any problem
This link will be very helpful. I followed it : http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm?articleid=1803&page=5 -
but since you overclocked, will it be overclocked all the time? even on battery saving mode or just on high performance?
I got very bad performance with battery saving mode.
see Post #105 . I got an average fps of 18 in FEAR -
ok, but is there a way for it to automatically overclock when you go into high performance and when you go into battery saving mode it would automatically underclock itself? or is that impossible?
and another question, what temperature is your laptop at when you are just surfing the net? i just got rivatuner and it says that i am at 66 degrees celcius when im doing nothing but using firefox and msn
i just ran the counterstrike source video stress test thing and it got up to 81 degrees celcuis according to rivatuner, that seems way too high, but yet the laptop doesnt even feel warm -
The laptopvideo2go site mentions that the modded drivers will improve gaming ,but may not be recommended elsewhere. Anyone know if the latest 158 driver will have a negative impact on video editing ? Thanks,
F3sv-B1 on the way . -
i dont have the idea about the automatic settings. will find out.
I use NHC and right now its 55 deg -
Hey I just wanna make something clear. The Video card automatically adjusts its clock performance to the task being done. The idea of overclocking is to over come the barrier or lock the manufacurer sets on the Card as it deems "safe". Your card is not going to be running on optimal performance all the time, unless you set it in "lock clock mode" or a similar option on RivaTuner. That would be pointless though cus that can cause some serious damage.
The GPU and Memory clock on the card work exactly like your processor and your RAM. Your Processor only reaches maximum processing speed when it needs it, but will remain idle if no tasks are being performed. Power4Gear does not adjust the clock of the Card. The card by default with the drivers from Asus will only allow you to reach 450 Mhz Core, and 350 Mhz memory, as I recall reading somewhere. By overclocking you just increase performance when needed.
The ideal temperature for your laptop should be around 55 degrees. That is a combination of all components. When you are performing any heavy tasks I would expect it to reach about 75 Degrees. Any more you might be entering the danger zone unless you have proper cooling. My idle laptop performing the 80 or so background processes was at around 50 degrees. I ran alot of end-user processes and it got to around 65, with 10 or so. The temperature will constantly fluctuate.
~F3sv Owner's Lounge~
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Gautam, Jun 20, 2007.