I recommend reading/searching the other threads that have answered this question.
3dmark06 no overclocks yet.
The notebook was absolutely silent throughout.
12502 is not bad at all.
The machine is so quiet it is amazing!!!
LOL @ Futuremark not recognizing the GPU though. -
Newegg X1 inhand...to much bloatware and slow HDD to really get a feel for it. SSD coming tomorrow for clean install and get a real feel for it..
Otherwise..killer rig. -
how are you going to put your SSD in the bay without an appropriate caddy?
Will use SSD as primary and use second drive at a later date.
For those that have received the system can you run something sisoft to see how many dimms are on the mobo? I want someone to confirm it is the same as the A1and A2.
And everyone has their own preferences for keyboards, so it will apply differently to everyone. -
I remember thinking the same thing about the keyboard when I first used it at CES. We'll get used to it though.
Is this keyboard just different to all of you because you're not used to using a chicklet keyboard, or is it even different than most chicklet keyboards?
I use a chicklet keyboard on my SXPS and it feels very different to the G73 keyboard.
oh, X1 ran from 1400 to 1549 now !
Interesting. I use the Apple Keyboard as my primary keyboard...i'm anxious to see what the G73's feels like compared to it.
It is very hard for me to type on right now.
see it is full sized but so extremely different in feel
OH and the SSD is working!!! I can also confirm there ARE FOUR DIMM SLOTS.
the X-1 was a STEAL at $1419.
I have to eat BBL to upload photos plus I am tired. -
Thanks guys for the confirmation.
Werry - Do you have another bluray drive you are gong to try and install in the X1 or are you ordering one? I am anxious to see what your end-result is. I know the resellers such as Xotic are still offering the upgrade on the A2's so I assume it is definitely a possibility to do. -
No and no.
No where to buy the caddy yet. -
just sold out on newegg.com
Hey guys I'm not a techie so forgive me if this sounds stupid but if i get a SATA II SSD will it work in the X1? Since as far as I've heard G73 has no SATA II.
Keep in mind that the X1 doesn't have the caddy for the second drive so you will need to either wait for one to be sold or make one. -
Yeah i went from a small netbook to a big g51vx chiclet keyboard. It took some getting used to but now I much prefer it. You'll learn to use it eventually, its just weird for the first few days.
I actually really like the chiclet keyboard. I did a few miskeys at first but seem to have it down right now.
This thread really needs to be folded back into the main G73 threads. It is getting way to unwieldy having 3 different G73 threads that are essentially the same thing.
I have 4 open...I agree it's getting ridiculous haha.
I agree. Virtually all the G73JH threads are talking about similar stuff (maybe the intention wasn't that way, but that's how it ended)
PM a mod and ask them to merge into the owner's thread.
You got it......
Is it better to just do a clean reinstall of Windows7 or use the add/remove programs feature to get rid of the bloatware if your not upgrading to a new drive (using the original one)? I mean, is there hidden bloatware or bloatware that can't be removed from the add/remove programs menu?
Never done a clean reinstall of any OS, and I'm skeeeered. -
FOR those having the x1 and wanted a cheap very good ssd with more than 30gb,, newegg is running a promotion on the ocz agility 60gb today, you can get it for $129 after casback, it is trim and garage collection enabled
0100 1010 0101 0011 Notebook Evangelist
I am just waking up.
The laptop has been downloading games all night. I play a lot of MMORPGs so that is what I have tested mainly so far.
World of Warcraft - amazing FPS, on max setting at 1920x1080 you average 30-70FPS. This laptop is a WoW killer if you play that game.
Everquest 2 - not so good, I could only get about 40fps on balanced settings, for some reason this game does not perform well. It is also a NVIDIA TWIMTBP game so go figure.
Crysis - not so good. DX10 mode ultra high 1920x1080 is not really playable. However the good news is that DX9 on just high in max resolution I am not dropping below 30fps and the game is still very beautiful.
3DMarkVantage - about 8,000 which is amazing for a single video card laptop, with the physx hack it will be even higher.
3Dmark06 - about 13,000 after some tweaking whixh is also amazing for a single GPU laptop.
This card seems to give the same performance as a NVIDIA 9800GTX+ desktop card. Which is amazing on a laptop mobile GPU.
I have also loaded up Dragon Age and the game also runs very well.
The best news though is video decoding - it will play back highly compressed 1080P content in H.264 or VC-1 codecs without so much as a hitch.
I connected the laptop via HDMI to my Onkyo TX-NR5007 and then to a Panasonic PT-AE4000 projecting on a 120" screen and the result is amazing!
I am typing this sitting in a recliner on a bluetooth keyboard and looking up at the forum on a huge 120" screen.
This is awesome.
My one complaint remains I do not like the ketyboard tactile feedback on the unit itself.
However it is surprisingly easy to travel with and fits nicely in my 17" standard leather laptop case.
It will be great to play WoW in hotel or on the go or wtach some 1080p rips off the HD or SSD.
Also the caddy for the second HD is pretty standard - I don't think anyone is going to have major problems mounting their second drive.
If you do post here and I will try to help. I was lucky to have another ASUS from last year that was a cheapy model and had a 2.5 caddy in it that I could steal but they are pretty standard, anyway the technical document linked several times earlier shows it better than I could.
The next step is going to be to put Blu-ray in it and I think we should coordinate our efforts.
Can anyone who is more familiar with optical notebook drives share ideas on how to do it? Complete replacement vs. just the bezel??
Also a lot more of you will get yours today so I am looking forward to this thread expanding as more people can share pictures and benches.
I really would like to congregate and get Blu-ray working ASAP. I thought about buying an external one but I am going to wait.
I know this community can figure out how to make the X-1's current drive location accept Blu-ray. -
@werry333: You forced my A.D.D. to kick in.
! -
But you said you tweaked Gpu at benchies. Did you run Crysis with tweaked Gpu or at stock??
If everyone who gets their G73 today starts their own thread as "Official" we will get nowhere. -
To answer the other persons questions the external lights can be turned off in stages.
Blue light level 1, Blue light level 2, LED keyboard. So there are three external lighting settings.
Also I am still so happy about the 1333Mhz DDR3!! 4 slots, 8GB.
The screen is the most beautiful laptop screen I have ever seen. It is very close to the Sony RGB LED screens.
It is very bright while at the same time having rich blacks, in fact the screen is better than most HDTVs out now.
My 55" Samsung LED beats it but that was a $4000 HDTV so it is to be expected, still I am very surprised by the quality of the screen. It is way better than the cheap LCDs in hotel rooms.
From now on when I travel on business I will sit with my laptop in bed and watch it instead of the room's HDTV.
You will all be amazed when you see the deep rich colors - I played some Blu-ray disk rips and they are stunning in sharpness and rich colors.
This is the most incredible value in a laptop I have ever seen I cannot beleive what I have gotten for $1419.
Everyone is going to be very very happy. -
This thread is for people upgrading the X-1. If you do not like it leave please.Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015 -
Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015
I can tell you mine is running at 1333Mhz 9-9-9-24.
I am sure the frequency can be increased or the timings tightened some.
I have run Prime 95 on all 4 cores and it is rock solid stable.
The most amazing thing is how SILENT it is. I mean even under FULL LOAD it is the most quiet gaming laptop I have ever owned.
The stealth design makes a ton of sense now - because it is so quiet it is stealthy.
The laptop does not get hot either, just mildly warm.
I think there is a lot of room to overlock this badboy.
Oh, one other problem - under heavy load the external power supply brick can get so hot it will almost burn to the touch.
That is one thing that worries me a little. It gets so hot that it is still hot 10 minutes after shutdown after running a prome95 torture test or back to back GPU benches.
I am concerned the external PSU brick does not have adequate heat dissipation. -
Mine got warm last night too- I noticed when I picked it up to carry it upstairs that the floor was warm (hardwood floors and bare feet). Hopefully it's not an issue. My 360 powerbrick gets pretty warm too and *knock on wood* I've had it for years.
I am getting a lot of PMs about the caddy.
I took it out of a cheapy 15" ASUS I got last year with a low clock core 2 duo dual core processor and integrated graphics. You could probably use just about any 2.5" caddy it is standard looking space.
I will have to try to figure out the exact model number. It was a 2.5" metal caddy. Did not match the g73 one exactly but it fit after some effort.
~Asus G73JH-X1 Official Owner's and Technical Upgrade Enthusiast's Thread~
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by werry333, Feb 9, 2010.