Have you tried the Fn+F5/F6 key combos?
Would you look at that! LOL The brightness was at the lowest setting
Do I feel stupid now?
Thanks for the help Jowie! -
Anyone know how to shut off the quick start buttons on the sides? The wireless and touchpad disables are driving me crazy.
ClearSkies Well no, I'm still here..
Hcontrol is supposed to control the buttons, I think. Try disabling this in msconfig or services.msc.
What is the link for the US version Omega drivers? I won't be overclocking or anything like that. A few days ago I did have the lockup in game and have read a few replys now that say that helped.
Holla Clearskies - thanks. I'll play around with some things...
I tend to move it around a lot and have big hands...clicky click click. -
Hi guys,
Another question: Whenever my W3j goes into sleep mode or hibertnation, like, let's say, I leve it on but unatended for like 10 mins, I can't for the life of me make it turn on again. I have to hold the power button for a while til it shuts off and then restart.
I have "when I close the lid: do nothing", and "go to sleep mode: never" but it still sleeps like that... any ideas?
Thanks. -
Quick question to all those W3J owners:
How portable is this machine?
I have pretty much narrowed my choices down to the Dell XPS M1210 or the W3J. Having used a Dell 700m, I know that it can be taken anywhere & everywhere. Therefore, the M1210 would be the same. However, I would like to know if any of you good folks have travelled with the W3J & if so, is it a good travel companion? Does it fit easily on a tray table for work? Can the screen be opened fully while on the tray table?
I am an Airline Pilot & this notebook would be with me constantly, so I need it to be very portable. Does the W3J fit the bill?
Thanks. -
Hey guys,
When my comp restarts I lose all my settings for the touchpad, namely mouse sensitivity (as in the speed/distance it moves it in relation to my finger movements). Anyone know how to fix this?
Also, even at the maximum setting, I find that I cannot move the touchpad from one side of the screen to the other without triggering the scroll bar. Does anyone know how I can boost the sensitivity beyond the maximum allowed by the windows control panel?
Finally, what settings do you guys use for the best looking picture on the LCD? I have spent hours trying to find the perfect one and can't decide. I am talking about a combination of your splendid setting (normal, theater, etc), your brightness and the settings for brightness/gamma/contrast you put in the ATI control panel. I'm not looking for the best battery life but the best looking display.
Thanks. -
@ TheCrash: I don't own a W3j right now, but I have owned other machines that weigh 5.5lbs (Dell XPS M140) the same as the W3j. I found that it is quite portable and I would take it with me quite a few places. Also the W3j is about 1lb more than the M1210. But the W3j comes with a travel drawer and if you are not going to be using the optical drive, you can put it in and it will bring the weight down to 5lbs, 1/2 an lb more than the M1210. I would go for the W3j because of its better build quality, looks, and the graphics card is twice the power.
I looked at the XPSm1210 as well, along with the Sony sz line before deciding on the w3j. It is quite powerful for it's size, but I figured I wouldn't notice the difference in mobility, and I like that the w3j has a more powerful gpu, and a 14inch widescreen(12" is really to small for my taste).
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I believe the w3j holds more ram as well over the m1210.
edit: Also I'm with jasonck08, I think Asus probably has the better build quality. -
I know the M1210 can support 4GB's of 667mhz RAM. I assume the W3j can also, but I'm not quite sure. I don't know why you would want that much RAM or who can afford the over $1000 USD per 2GB stick.
I just wanted to say I am still loving my W3J seeing this is the W3J Lounge. I did find out how hot the exhaust is when I had my son sitting beside me while I was using my laptop. He is'nt burned but he did start crying so I felt where the air was hitting his leg and it was pretty hot. Maybe a one years old's leg isnt as capable as handling the heat as my right mouse hand is.
To Jasonck08 & yoseph:
Thanks for the input guys! You've just made up my mind;as soon as i can afford it, the W3J it is! I have heard sooo many comments about the ASUS build quality being better than Dell's & the fact is: the W3J is a lot more powerful than the M1210. Given the fact that I also play a lot of FPS' (BF2, COD2 & F.E.A.R), the W3J really is the better choice.
Thanks again. -
MysticGolem Asus MVP + NBR Reviewer NBR Reviewer
kriedel, what were you doing to create so much heat from that vent? I'm curious?
Where you gaming or doing heavy work? or light work?
MysticGolem -
TheCrash - I hope we both like our w3j, lol I haven't actually used one yet..mine arrives tomorrow(12th). I plan to install bf2 as soon as I get it setup right and make sure everything works.
*please no dead pixels!* -
The exhaust really doesn't bother me that much. As others have noted, it generally just takes a re-positioning of the hand up or down and you don't get hit directly with the air.
I've also been using my laptop on my lap and some have said that would probably be nearly impossible with this unit. Of course it gets warm but it was bearable while I was playing CS:S for about 1 1/2 hours last night wearing jeans. -
I was playing World of Warcraft, not really playing but just messing around but my son was about 2" away from the laptop so he could watch. The laptop never has hot air unless I am gaming, and I never notice it because my mouse is located alittle forward. It just so happened that my son wanted to see what I was doing, and I usually don't sit the laptop in my lap when I game. I think the air was alittle hotter than normal since I probally blocked the air inlet on the bottom alittle. I also think my son might just be alittle wimpy too. -
MysticGolem Asus MVP + NBR Reviewer NBR Reviewer
lol, ok kool, thanks for the info.
Overall how pleased are you with the W3J? rate your satisfaction outta 10.
MysticGolem -
I'm sure that we will be happy with the W3J. I have been researching laptops heavily for the last 6 months & have changed my mind several times during that period. I initially had my heart set on the XPS M1710, but it was just too big & expensive. After reading so many postive comments on the ASUS line in general & the W3V in particular, I am confident that it's successor, the W3J, will fit my needs perfectly. I need a portable machine that can travel easily & allow me to play my favorite games at above average frame rates. All that I have read indicates that this is the machine for me.
Hopefully by the time I am ready to buy it (month or two), the price will have gone down a little!
You must let us know as soon as you get yours & please tell us how it handles BF2, as that is one of my favorite games!
Enjoy! -
Yep, I don't mind relaying how it plays...but I'll only have 1gig of ram, and that game really needs 2gig. So I won't know how well it performs until I upgrade.
I probably won't be able to buy 2 one gig sticks until next month, unfortunantly.
BTW, I've always bought Corsair ram, but can anyone recommend GSkill? Newegg's current prices are Gskill=$80, Corsair=$89. Heh, if I can save $20($10 per stick) and have the same reliability and performance why not. -
i put a thermometer next to it when I was 3dMark05-ing, it was about 130F/55C. -
All i can say is ram is important, better safe then sorry. Get it right the first time, go with the corsair. -
Anyone try to watch movies on theirs yet? I can't imagine it is an issue?
I made a video/picture montage in Movie Maker...converted and burned in Nero to a DVD (Sony DVD+R)...played great on my regular DVD player but was choppy on the W3j. Think it's the disk? -
I don't have any playback issues on my W3J.
just recieved my precious...lol, this thing is gorgeous.
AND NO DEAD PIXELS!!! w00tor light leakage.
edit:: well, there is a tad bit of light leakage at the bottom, but nothing to complain about(only noticed when the screen is completely black...first impression: love it. -
What size harddrive did your guys w3j come with? Mine was supposed to come with a 100gb, but it's saying it's a 60gb fujitsu.
EDIT: ok, what am I missing here?...It's a fujitsu mhv2100ah, and when googled it says its a 100gb drive. This is the first laptop I've had in a while, so does this thing have a 40gb hidden partition? confused, plz shed some light. -
If you right-click My Computer, click Management, then go to Storage, then Disk Management, you should see the size of the disk, the size of the partition, and if there is any additional un-partitioned space left on the drive.
No DVD issues with my w3 and as the rest said, the hard drive comes in two partitions.
thanx guys
^ I'll try a few different things out...I was using AsusDVD. I'll do some testing with different disks...etc
Do you experience your W3j as quiet? It's my first laptop, maybe I'm too sensitive, but I think it's rather noisy. Not when I play games but when I just browse the web. It's silent as a very silent stationary but you're sitting so near it so I can get irritated anyway...
Maybe it's just me. -
I know people have been able to undervolt the w3v but has abybody been able to undervolt the w3j? Maybe this could reduce the heat which would reduce the fan usage and increase the battery life? If anybody has I would love to hear how. I am pretty unfamiliar with the voltages and multiplier stuff when people have used NHC to do this.
I apologize if somebody has already posted this info but I don't think anybody has directly undervolted the cpu in the w3j.
Dan -
I have. 0.950V @ 6x and 1.025 @ 11x.
Regarding the noise: When I'm sitting 3-4 meters from my computer I can still hear it pretty well. Annoying... -
So, in NHC you have those options checked and that is reducing your voltages? Does it reduce your heat and fan usage? Would i be able to do this and still use my vid card cranked at full?-Say to play call of duty 2. What temps do you get now with undervolting?
gazillion questions I know...
Dan -
Here's the previous thread started by me (one among many, primarily aimed at the W3V, but it illustrates the same point).
I've been able to discover that there is some difficulty with standby/hibernation when the hard drive spins down. What I ended up doing is to disable the hard drive spinning down on all the power profiles. (I changed each power profile in Power4Gear individually and then saved the configuration and then rebooted. Lather, rinse, repeat for each profile.)
Now, the computer is able to turn the screen off, then go into Suspend-To-Ram, and then Suspend-To-Disk (hibernate) seamlessly. I'm really happy. I don't miss the hard disk spinning down because I've never really used it much.
This computer rocks. I love it. I would rate it 9/10 (minus one for this issue).
--KK -
If you don't care much about skipping to different chapters, etc, then I have used DVDshrink (in full screen preview mode) to play DVD's from start to finish. It has the advantage that it has a small footprint. -
2. About 5C lower now. The idle temp is 54C, don't remember the full load temp. -
THats cool. So did you test different configurations and find that that config was the best? As you can tell i know nothing about undervolting and could use some guidance on testing different voltages.
thanks for your help
Edit: Oh yah I forgot to ask you if everything runs ok undervolted when in different power4gear modes. Like when I take my w3j off the AC does it still run ok?
thanks again -
I use NHC and everything runs fine with the undervolted option.
Is it only me that think the W3j is noisy? -
With the standard North American configuration what is the weight of the machine with battery and dvd drive? I have heard anywhere from 4.5 lbs to 5.5 lbs and I wanted to get feedback form actualy owners.
So what is the actual everything in weight of the w3j? -
@yoseph, ASUS usually partitions the HD into 60gb, 39.5gb and 0.5gb(hidden) by factory defaults
ClearSkies Well no, I'm still here..
~5.0 LBS w/ US standard 8 cell and travelers drawer
~5.4 LBS w/ US standard 8 cell and optical drive -
are there new drivers or something for the dvd drive, everytime i try to copy a file from dvd to hard drive it fails halfway through, the drive just stops spinning. does any1 else experience this. and also it reads my dvds pretty terribly. freezes a lot.
The US version cant differ much and should be around the same numbers i guess. -
Well today I had my W3J hooked up at work (I am waiting for a new PC my current one is as slow as hell).
It was great I had a Dell 19'' monitor hooked up all of the network drives and some, it was flying, the res on the second monitor is great, and it was nice and fast.
Problem was is that I disabled the autologin (so I was able to login to our domain and network under my work profile and obtain access to the network)
Problem being (and you cant laugh) but I never remember setting the password when I started up for the first time, so now I can not log back into my W3J as myself
I know I have seen in a magazine that there is a way around when you start up, there is a key you hold as you start up and it allows you to enter and reset you password.... i knew I should have written it down!!
So anybody know how I can log back into my W3J so I can change the pasword?
W3j Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Brigand21, May 25, 2006.