When I choose Power4Gear 'saving' the machine looks totally washed out, contrast is effed up, etc... It is because they disable the backgorund and stuff. Since Windows 7 allows some heavy customization with the power settings, I just tweaked the main three and am good to go.
I did notice some spotty performance with my wireless. Despite having 5 bars, there were a couple of times in a 10 minute segment where it dropped the connection and came back 15 seconds later. This happened about 5 times during the 10 minutes. I think it had to do with the power save mode, since it sets the wireless cards power to 'maximum power saving'. So far I have not seen another bout of that. But I am using a different profile, one notch up as far as the wireless power draw is concerned.
As far as seeing other wireless networks, I can see 9 of them as opposed to only 2 on my HP Mini 311. So I do know the range is far, far better. I just hope I don't have to deal with the dropped connections.
Could some of the members with a new UL-30vt post their Windows Experience Scores. I am most interested in the processor score as I keep getting 4.1 when people with a UL80vt seem to be getting in the 4.9 range. I reformatted the hard drive and was able to get Turbo mode to show up by installing the Generic driver that was needed, but the 4.1 indicates to me that Turbo mode is in fact not working.
Let me know what you all come up with.
Thanks -
Looks like the guy who made some of the youtube videos made a smalll review out of it here.
There's nothing overly interesting there (wish there were real review/benchmarks by now) except for this part I guess - -
Do you guys know what these 4 software are?
ATK Generic Function Service
ATK Hotkey (I'm guessing the FN keys??)
ATK Media
Don't know if I should remove them or not -
I just did and chose the UL30a X1 seeing as they don't have the VT yet, and it showed me all kinds of sleeves 14" and higher, nothing 13.3" -
Hotkeys are all the hotkeys (except the media?)
Media are the media buttons on the arrow keys
Atkosd2 is the pretty graphics when you use any function key
Someone correct me if I'm wrong. -
Capt'n Corrupt Notebook Evangelist
Does anyone know if there's a way to bind certain F-keys to functions like volume up/down, brightness, or pc sleep?
I understand that these can be reached by hitting the Fn key, but I'd like certain functions to be automatically triggered at the touch of a button.
}:^)~ -
Processor Genuine Intel(R) CPU U7300 @ 1.30GHz 4.9
Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB 5.4
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce G210M 4.9
Gaming graphics 2286 MB Total available graphics memory 5.9
Primary hard disk 87GB Free (116GB Total) 5.8
Hope that helps -
Hello All, first post for me here. I received my UL30vt-x1 yesterday, loving it so far. I'm really impressed with how powerful it is in such a small package. Almost managed a full drain from charge on the battery yesterday, It's looking like a very usable 8 hours. I run mine with Turbo on all the time, don't see why not. Haven't played with the G210m too much yet, will do some of that today and tomorrow. Also have an Intel 80GB Gen 2 SSD on the way, have a little bit of an SSD addiction after I got a Gen 1 for my Desktop.
How much of a difference does the SSD make in terms of boot and hibernation times?
Thanks for the help guys, I found the issues right after posting just a stupid mistake from my part. I thought I turned Turbo Mode on when I clicked the turbo button but I was actually turning it off. It is on when it says Turbo, found that out later when I went to the settings and saw that now Power4gear said off.
Thanks again -
I'm still on the fence between the ul30vt, ul80vt and Sony Z.
The Z is more, and games worse, but I can get a faster machine w/ DVD, SSD and less wt for a bunch more money... If the build quality was better I'd tolerate the extra 1/2-1 lb of the ul80 in order to get the optical drive. I travel a lot, and would like to watch DVD's on the road.
Any estimate of max DVD time on battery either w/ a USB drive(w/ul30) or with the Ul80 (should prob check their thread?) -
Woot! Just ordered mine today, to be delivered Monday. First new laptop for me in 8 years. Methinks it'll kill my old Dell Inspiron 4100.
anyone notice a whitedot in the middle of their wallpaper?
I recommend installing the new Flash player beta 10.3
Its the first flash player that uses GPU accleration from nvidia and ati cards and lightens the load on the cpu.
I also recommend, deleting adobe reader, it is slow and a memory hug, and install the free pdf-xchange (recommended by life hacker). It is much faster and lighter on your memory than adobe reader and slightly faster than foxit reader. -
Can anybody comment about fan noise? Is it on most of the time and can you hear it? What about during gaming?
Read this: http://www.anandtech.com/printarticle.aspx?i=3531 -
edit nm: just restarted my computer after removing a -load of bloatware and now its gone.
google dead pixel buddy and use that program to help you detect dead pixels
also, if anyone is wondering if this laptop can play Aion. Well i just tested it out, and with all settings on medium, no AA, and no Bloom (game still looks decent at those settings), i get about 35-60 FPS at native resolution. -
Capt'n Corrupt Notebook Evangelist
Anybody willing to try the PCSX2 playstation 2 emulator? I'd love to play some console classics, in addition to modern PC games.
}:^)~ -
I had the same weird pixel in the center of the default background. Clean install win 7 ultimate, no problems. I have installed all of the drivers from the asus disk, and the only problems I have are crummy microphone performance in skype and how can I force my network card to connect to my N+ router in N mode rather than g mode? I have to run mixed mode for my wife's old laptop. I still have a plain g router i could also run, but that seems kinda dumb.
No white pixel on my default background, FWIW.
Small download, no-install standalone flash app. Very simple, clean, and gives you all the tools you need to quickly assess a screen. -
One question for those who own this (or the 80vt for that matter). some have said that the colors on the screen are sometimes washed out and are not vibrant -- can someone tell me if the normal nvidia control panel is available that allows adjustment of color saturation and "digital vibrance"? i would guess it is (it is for example of the Dell Studio 14z with a 9400m) but I am unsure becuase of the hybrid graphics here. Many thanks for checking.
Capt'n Corrupt Notebook Evangelist
I think I'm going to 'pull ze trigger' as they say, when Price-Per-Gig (PPG) is down around $1.56US. At $1.56, a 320G SSD would cost $500US. Of course, it's great to have information like this as I won't be buying a dud!
BTW: Here's the follow up article on SSDs: http://anandtech.com/storage/showdoc.aspx?i=3631
};^)~ -
Capt'n Corrupt Notebook Evangelist
}:^)~ -
just purchased one...will be shipped on tuesday............chose 2days shipping cause i have ochem lab final exam on tuesday...i hope i study...i hope my 3.99 worth 50 more points on the exam..lol
hmm... as for the pdf program recommended. I personally like the light weight foxit pdf prog. it was recommended @ lifehacker as well
looks bloated with all the icons there... -
i use pdf xchange as well. you can clean up the toolbars if you don't use that stuff.
the quality of the rendering is better than fox it, on top of being fast and light. -
If anyone has DA:O, I'd love to hear how well it runs on this computer
Did you guys upgraded the nvidia drivers to play games or you use the default drivers that came with the laptop?
Where are you guys downloading the latest drivers and tools? The UL30VT isn't on the ASUS site and the included CD doesn't seem to have everything.
It isn't on usa.asus.com though, go figure. -
2009-12-04 11:46:29 - DAOrigins
Frames: 1788 - Time: 60000ms - Avg: 29.800 - Min: 5 - Max: 42
I did not do any intese battles though, so you may have to lower the setting just a bit more later on in the game when you have more guys attacking you.
Has anyone tried to turn off their trackpad. The shortcut key on mine doesnt work and its really anoying when the cursur moves when you typeing because you bump it. I still cant find a darn thing on how to turn off some of these trackpad features. -
Also customization options for mine are under Control Panel > Hardware > Mouse > ELAN tab > Options button -
Should I get this, or wait for a ul20vt which could have same performance right?
*Official UL30VT-X1 Owners Lounge*
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by iclicku, Dec 2, 2009.