Is there a performance/fps loss when playing on a monitor connected via HDMI? I have the laptop on HDMI mode and the screen looks turned off. Wondering if the GPU still processes for both screens. Seems like I'm getting lower FPS but need more testing on that, same resolution. Any thoughts? In the process of tweaking for Bad Company 2
Was surprised to find higher FPS on the lappy's LCD playing BC2 compared to the ext monitor at the same res, runs smooth and looks awesome. Setup: 1600 x 900, medium preset setting, 2xAA, 4xAF, high texture, low shadows.. 35-50+ FPS steady with some drops due to effects. Nothing overclocked but win 7 optimized which may have helped a little. What a laptop for the price!
Run two tests (benchmarks) with the same conditions and let us know. -
Hey all. As of 3/18/10, I've been an owner of the G72GX-RBBX05 laptop. So far I think its a great piece of hardware. However, I've had a few things happening that made me seek out a community with these models. I was happy to find one here. I have read over the 50+ pages this afternoon and have taken a lot of info in. Forgive me if I ask anything that have already been addressed. I think the best way to get my concerns out are to talk about them.
First of all, I have had about 3 BSOD's since I've had it and tested it. Once, I exited out of Serious Sam HD, up-clocked the CPU and opened up Serious Sam HD right after. BSOD. Next, I was listening to a youtube video and reading this thread. I minimized the window to open up my nVidia control panel, BSOD. When I first got the laptop, several things were not loading. I did a Ctrl + Alt + Del, clicked the processes tab, BSOD.
Other things that I noticed where some fps/gameplay issues. A couple of times that I ran Serious Sam HD, it was running under 30fps just about all the time. I could log out, log back in or restart and it would run 45-60 all the time. I was running Bad Company 2 on medium settings and it ran really rough. Turned it up on high settings (I was seeing if it could push it) and it was still the same, not much difference. But now, after playing other games over the weekend, It seems to run Bad Company 2 all on HIGH settings no problem w/ 1x on both of the options in the advanced menu.
As I was saying earlier, I think this machine is great piece of hardware. All my games have been running fine since last night. I installed FRAPS on my computer and kept my eyes on the FPS while playing. Titan Quest runs great, usually 60 fps on high settings the whole time after being in the game for a minute or two (runs a little rough at first). Trine runs around 30-60 fps depending on my settings (I've messed with several, all high though). Serious Sam HD runs great, usually 45-60 fps on high and ultra settings. Battlefield Bad Company 2 runs around 30-40 w/ all settings in the advanced menu and 1x on the other options. Torchlight, of course, runs fine with everything up all the way.
Those are just some of the games I've loaded up and tested, there are more that I will be installing, soon. Any ideas on what the problem with the things I listed above could be? I don't think its a hardware issue, but I'm not sure. Maybe I just needed to break some of the hardware in? I keep up with tech but I'm not the savyest person on the block. The only things I really uninstalled when I first got the laptop were the anti virus trial, Trend Micro, and some Microsoft office stuff. Any other suggestions? I have around 75 processes running at this very moment.
Ren3g7ade, I took your suggestion and ordered an NZXT Cryo LX. Also, I noticed some people where looking for bag for this thing. I ordered a bag about two weeks ago that this notebook can fit into, the Dell XPS bag made for the M1730. The Link is in my Signature. It's a big bag, but has a plenty of room for your laptop and MANY other things. I bought this for 29.99 from, it's a little higher now, but still a steal. Hope that helps someone and I hope to hear back from you guys. Looking forward to being apart of the group.
Thanks for the help.
-Havoc -
Did you make sure the bios firmware of the laptop is up-to-date? I know there were a couple of updates for the G72. I didn't see any details of what they contained but it may have had to do with stability with drivers. I know there was one bios update that I applied that talked about whql driver stability issues.
Check your bios version by booting into the bios and make sure it matches the latest one supplied by asus for your model. -
I have had my laptop since it came out in October and everything was running fine, then one day in L4D the FPS dropped down to 10 FPS. I restarted the game and it stayed like that. I had to restart to actually play the game.
I don't think I have noticed this after the bios update.
I would test out the games you have but I don't have them. -
I loaded up L4D2 up. The first time I tried to launch the game, the screen went black like it was about to launch. Instead, after a couple of seconds, it blue screened. After the computer rebooted, I went ahead and tried again, the game ran fine as far as I could tell.
When it blue screened, I noticed the problem started with "nv". Is this a video driver problem you think? Is there anyway to see what happened? I cant get a pic fast enough before the computer just reboots. -
Ren3g7ade, what driver do you recommend me switching to? I am currently using the latest nvidia driver, 195.62. I see that you are using a modded version? I also see other people saying to ditch the 190 set of drivers all together.
Thanks. -
Hi guys!
I'm going to buy a new laptop in 2 weeks but confused in getting the right laptop for me. I'm going to buy a new laptop which powerful and doesn't have bad issues. I'm going to use my laptop for hardcore gaming and pentesting training so it must be powered by CUDA and run cool after hours of gaming and pentesting. So, do your G72 runs cool without cooler? By the way, i'm going to buy the dual core one (P8600) because i dont do heavy task or anything except gaming, browsing, pentesting. Would you mind to post the average temp after 4 hours gaming and 4 hours for normal usage(or even more hours)? Anyone can help me?
Any comments are appreciated!
Cheers! -
Dox drivers that I use are on this forum post.
You will need to install the PhysX drivers seperately one you install the video drivers, as they are excluded from this release. -
Thanks mate!
Really good reviews. By the way what is Copper RAM Sinks? And which version Enermax Aeoulus CP-001G EW are you using? Because i found another version which ended with "B" and "S" -
I actually don't have an Enermax cooler, I have the NZXT Cryo Lx, which I really like, because its a cooler and my usb hub. -
Hey guys. I just got through installing the new drivers. It was the first time I have used Driver Sweeper. I uninstalled the NVIDIA driver and PhysX driver through the control panel, rebooted into safe mode, analyzed and cleaned the NVIDIA and PhysX drivers, rebooted again, installed Dox's drivers and the newest PhysX driver on NVIDIA's site. Did I go about the process correctly?
I installed PhysX version 09.09.1112. I noticed Dox's install mentioned a different version during the setup process. I just grabbed the latest version. Does that matter? Also, I noticed in the System information in the NVIDIA control panel, it says my DirectX version is 11. Is that right, or is that just saying my OS DX11 compatible? Did I install anything that I wasn't suppose to?
Thanks for the help guys. Yes, I am a noob sometimes. -
Okay, I have two more questions for the braintrust on here:
1. Is there a G72GX service manual floating around out there? Did a search but I found nothing. I once fixed a friend's Dell using a service manual I found online and it was a snap. If I ever upgrade I'd like to have some map for taking this apart and getting it back together (the hard part)
2. I'm looking for a second HDD, was leaning toward buying a 7200 RPM drive to replace the main drive it came with, but I saw that WD just came out with a 1TB HDD. Western Digital Scorpio Blue WD10TPVT 1TB 5200 RPM Will it physicaly fit in this notebook?
Thank you guys for any help on these matters. Loving the heck out of this so far -
2. The 1TB drive looks to be the right size, although it may be a little snug since it is slightly thicker. If you want a second drive you may want to purchase the 2nd hdd assy from the asus estore. . I'd recommend opening up the primary and secondary enclosures to see how deep they are. It may fit in one or the other. (You can make either drive the primary later) -
One question, can this laptop play Just Cause 2??? Thanks in advance!
Or should I buy it for my PS3? I just wanna know is its going to run satisfactorily smooth on my laptop. -
However, I would not just buy a gaming laptop for one specific game when you have an alternative (the ps3) . If you're in the market for a laptop/gaming laptop, then the g72gx is a great choice and yes it will run any multiplatform game better than either console. -
Now i'm confused to choose between G72 or G71! -
But I was just wondering because Im thinking here out side the box for so to speak, a sandbox game like that can be unlimited fun with mods which is only reachable on PC.
Thanks for answering, guess Ill have to use the credit card again. -
Hi again guys!
Can someone of you post the furmark in 10 minutes with and without your cooler? I'm curious about GTX 260 vs GTS 360 temps... -
ICantFeelMyFace Notebook Evangelist
How do you use the webcam?
Does anyone here use their laptop with cooler but without external keyboard?
ICantFeelMyFace Notebook Evangelist
Off Topic: You liked Dante's Inferno? -
I do like Dante's Inferno. I played through and finished the game in the first week of its release. It feels a lot like God of War, which is by far one of my favorite console games. I also rented the animated movie that they made. Its pretty neat because they have a number of different animators drawing the characters and all look different in each of the 9 circles. -
I got my G72GX this week and it is definitely a keeper. My only problem with it is the fact that the hard drives that were installed vibrate way too much. The particular model - Seagate st9500420as - is known for being a little noisy and unreliable, so I'll be picking up two Hitachis (Travelstar 7K500 HD20500) and eBaying the stock drives this week.
BTW - I got my laptop from GenTechPC, so if you're planning on getting this model from them you might want to take a closer look at the drive selection if hard drive vibration noise bothers you. -
What clocks are you guys using with your gpus?
Im running 583/953/1475 quite stable and cool. -
I'm once again having wireless problems. It keeps telling me that my wireless adapter is switched off, but it isn't.
I haven't had any issues with Steam games except for the bio shock demo and I think that might be due to Windows 7. -
I found a problem with with HDMI out using Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit). The display will periodically cut out and the only way to restore it is to disconnect the HDMI cable and then reconnect it. I've been using this display with my old HP for a few years so I know that isn't the problem. I tried downloading new drivers from NVIDIA but when I try to install them I get an error saying that the "NVIDIA Setup program could not locate any drivers that are compatible with your current hardware." Any suggestions?
Hello! I am a new ASUS G72 owner. I have a few of questions.
1- I have NB Probe. What else I can use to check the temperature of my G72?
2- If I keep the overclock on from BIOS (it seems to be off), what do I risk and if I turn it on, what should I be aware of?
3- Is there any change for NVIDIA Geforce GTX 260M in the bios or somewhere except the PhysX Properties like low or high settings. What kind of settings it would be high if there is any?
4- I uninstalled some device I don't remember the name of ( something like tuledo, about ipv6 I guess.) cause it was unable to start in device manager. Did I do right? Why doesn't it show up again? Should I look for a driver or I don't need it?
5- I am trying to uninstall Trend Micro Internet Security but says it is unable to uninstall it? How can I uninstall it completely? Can Zonealarm firewall be causing the problem to uninstall it? (I made a system restore on my computer, and after that I was unable to uninstall it).
6- Lifeframe does not record camera after installing K-Lite Mega Codec Pack. It works with the 64-bit one but not with the 32 bit one. Does someone know which codec can be causing it?
7- How can I stop the bomb sound after turning on the computer?
Thanks everybody. -
I reformatted because my wireless refused to work, now it does. Unfortunately, something seems to be off about my display settings. The menus seem too small. Look at the screenshot below:
Nevermind, it was because my text size was set to be really small for some reason. Increasing it turned it back to normal. -
hey guys! proud new owner of the G72gx BB edition very happy so far!! scored 11,600 3dmarks! Does anyone know if they are going to make a new bios that supports RAID with this laptop? anyone here running an SSD with windows 7 and this laptop any issues I need to look at? I am thinking about purchasing an SSD here soon to run as my primary.
Hi guys,
anybody knows about a program that would let me control the speed of the fan? I'm currently doing some homeworks, with Powerpoint opened and the fan is pretty loud. The temps are fine (using HWinfo32) so i'd like to turn down the noise a bit. Thanks -
You can turn it off in the bios. I'm not sure the exact location. I don't have my laptop with me right now. -
2- i have quad core version and i dont know about any overclock settings (but every overclocking may increase temperature and reduce life)
3- same like overclock i dont see anything like this in bios
7- you cant find it in bios under boot setting
Does anyone know the max ram you can put in this computer?
I can't seem to find it and Crucial says 6 is the max. I thought it could go up to 12? -
yea, it goes to 12gb. I think Renegade *sp* is running 12gb from his signature.
Official Asus G72GX Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Tim4, Jan 23, 2010.