I think my main card idles around 52 and the 2nd card idles at about 42
Is that odd for the cards not to idle at around the same temps?
The statement you made that I put in "bold" is that in response to my situation i.e. not working in my game or with your rig?
Edit: just realized I said cards (plural) in the last post. sorry if that was confusing. it's the second card that idles at 46 C, not both. -
There are two vents, right (I mean two graphic vent on the top part of the notebook)?, which one blow more air?
it's hard to say what the real strings should be...one place says one thing and some place else says something different....but im pretty sure this is a big part of why it's not working correctly along with the bios. but hopefully getting this right, will fix the bios. (i know..wishful thinking, but we have to stay positive.)
Woah woah woah woah hold on here a second folks before you get further off on the whole BIOS / INF thing. I have an ASUS desktop 4870 and my Vendor ID is ASUS as well, not ATI. I have no problem installing any ATI driver package directly from their website.
More to the point is that the BIOS has no specified card type. Under the Vendor ID there is no card listed, with my card it specifically says 4870. Is this a problem? I don't know, it may be, it may not be, it could be that Asus just forgot to put it in the BIOS. Regardless, it shouldn't make a difference.
Any driver / BIOS / INF / settings questions anybody has regarding a properly functioning ASUS 4870, ask and I'll see what I can do. -
looks like they got a bit carried away with these cards.... if you ask me...
im still waiting to hear more from him...im wondering if his system crashed in the end...people go missing in action when something happens after benching...(speculation of course)
There are Vantage,3d06,devil may cry benchmarks dont think i saw crysis but i may be mistaken .
nOOb Pwnage right there lol -
Ya he really should have read all 158 pages before saying such things sheesh !!
.......ya'll are the most ummm vivacious people here
but he did need to go back and re read it
158?? you better change that msg listing quad...lol mine says 32 pages..
Lol i never changed the default setting maybe i should check into that one .
/marks his things to do in lifetime calender , thing to do number 1,493,354 change default message listing amount to more . -
yeah, mine was that far on the list...it was like tenth...lol
Can Someone Please Post Some Benchmarks. You Guys Have Been Talking About Nothing In This Entire Thread. If You Own This Laptop And Its Working, Can U Please Post Some Benchmarks For Gods Sake <---- alright, who gave this guy a 4 on rep??? fess up!!
and he types good...he has caps on every word... he's good....lol -
Now we just have to find out if thats a good thing or a bad thing
yeah, post some benchmarks if your a (cussword) owner
he told you. you better get to it quick like striker before he strikes you down...lol
just kidding! -
Here is an idea Noseguard, go buy the machine run all the benchmarks and then come back here and let us know your results, as ill be waiting till your return /starts tapping foot.
Also Mod's please ban noseguard20 for being a douche' -
Lol check this out: http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?p=4589115#post4589115
QUOTE Nosebleed20 "lol, i bet they were scattering like ants when i contacted them about that"
QUOTE Nosebleed20 "Can someone please post their gaming experience with the w90. And lets keep it strictly gaming benchmarks. I'm sorry, but people are talking about everything in the owners lounge except gaming results. LETS SEE SOME BENCHES"
Looks like our little friend has a temper lol. -
Seriously though, he needs to calm down. -
Play nice people, just ignore him if he's really bothering you.
User CP --> Buddy/Ignore Lists ----> Add new user to list ---> Save List. -
mah bad striker. i also corrected it in that other thread that got shut down.
thanks dtwn...i surely didn't know that. -
lol. this thread is so entertaining
i lay in the bed every evening‚ get on ps3 and read 10+ pgs per day lol'in from time to time. there's just too much testosterone here. but it's good nights read. gl all. still wanna join as an owner but for now icalmed down alittle from the first shock of hom much iwant this, issues gotta b resolved first. btw typing on ps3 sucks
dondadah88 Notebook Nobel Laureate
i think they need to fix some issues before releasing this.
striker do you want to be the first to try it out? -
dondadah88 Notebook Nobel Laureate
yeah that's what i said up top but i didnt make it clear. i've been following this thread but it moves to fast for me. what is the main issues that has been going on now. sorry for being so late.
Miss Malevolent Notebook Consultant
Yeah...I'm typing this on my BlackBerry Storm...I am so tired of browsing the internet with my thumbs. I need a new laptop...
dondadah88 Notebook Nobel Laureate
Oh ok. my bad i know you have tried all the drivers so i wont recomend any. but how does 9.2 handle on your rig? ati's drivers are tricky.
but when you have everything set i'm ready to destroy you in FC2. (benchmarks and gameplay.) -
beside of that: i sent emails to asus local sales&marketing and get no rsponse for almost one week now, and i know of others, not being answered by asus at all.
for the inf-string:
is the string with the driver provided on the backup-image different than the one contained in the actual driver from the asus homepage?
if so, then maybe the string from the driver in the f9-image has the correct string, as asus technical-support always advised to use especialy this driver. -
Sorry E.B.E we did get a bit carried away.
striker, as for the "misleading-advertisement" discussion: dunno if this will help you for your request on asus, but:
1.) for the gddr3 vs gddr5: we thought, that it would not make so much difference but see here:
amd/ati is saying, that there IS a difference in performance. if you can proof, that you been mislead by thinking that a 4870 has to have gddr5 then maybe this will help you if youre trying to make demands on them.
oh, and atm, the specifications on the asus website show "ATI Mobility™ Radeon® HD 4870, 1024MB VRAM " but dont mention, that there is 2 cards with 512 mb vram, so the specifications is not definite imho. iirc there was hd 4870x2 mentioned before, which was aslo not definite, as we had no idea if its one card wit 2 gpu and the connecionchip on it or 2 crossfired singlecards.
2.) for the press release: cant find it in english, but at least here we had this misleading press-release from asus ( http://de.asus.com/news_show.aspx?id=14593)
But they also claim, that they would reach 20.284 3dmarks with this machine overclocked with an "Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Prozessor", wich is not true. they reached this result with an oced QUAD-core processor on 4 GHz - even if they reached this score at all. So one buying this machine based on the asus official-press-release would expect to get this 20k while this is "the actualy fastest notebook on earth".
its like having advertisingbrochure for a volkswagen with 90 ps (horsepower) to be "the fastest car on earth" but forget to mention, that this is only with the tuned lamborghini-engine which is not included
so much for the misleading marketing, or the truth of asus advertising. -
Nah, in real world, a lot of misleading advertising happen btw, it is just the nature of business
Some times they put slightly wrong advertisement to attract customer interest... not that extreme anyway, especially compare with price vs performance ration (well, yes it still produce errors, but the synthetic result are pretty good)
And for DDR3, just realize that even top of the line Nvidia still use GDDR3 (Nvidia 295) -
i found another video from cebit with an interview of an asus sales-rep: he said:" the asus w90 is the first notebook to reach 15.000 3dmark06". an i was thinking, that the m17 was the one reaching +16k before that
i can post the link, but its not your language...
he also mentioned prices for our local market, for the w90 to start with minimum specifications, a p8400 at about 2000€, and the m90 with one ati mobility radeon hd 4650 at about 1500€. -
other companies arent better, see here: <object width='445' height='364'><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/8AyVh1_vWYQ&hl=de&fs=1&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/8AyVh1_vWYQ&hl=de&fs=1&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width='445' height='364'></embed></object>
Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2015 -
Oh man that was funny.
Hey guys, been really busy working as of late but finished most of the computers I was fixing and have a little more time now.
I don't own Crysis but seem as how it is only 29.99 on Steam, I might pick it up tonight and run some bench marks.
I have not enabled the Turbo function on my W90 as everything is running smoothly and I don't want to tempt fate lol. I have however done hours of COD4, Left for Dead and TF2 without issue.
I have also done lots of Photoshop as well as Premiere Pro CS4 Video editing and it has run smoothly, quickly and been very stable (knock on wood).
I am not saying this to "smack you in the face" if you do not have a running system as some people would suggest. I am just giving an update of my experience and hopefully offer a ray of hope.
If there is anything I can do to help with the solution, let me know and I will work on it whenever I have a sec but with owning my own company and a six month old son at home, my time is limited.
One thing I have noticed, then I play videos in Windows Media Player Classic, I get flashing lines threw the screen that flicker randomly. When I open the same video in Windows Media Player (or any other video player) they do not show up. Hmmmm. Probably has nothing to do with anything, but you never know. -
any way you can get the full device id string of yours?
and when you play cod4, can you also run fraps and get a screen shot for fps purposes.. thanks in advance. -
votekick..... fail
well, i still dont have crossfire under windows xp, and i still get freeze ups under vista.
is there any sort of guide for modding ATI drivers? i have changed the driver.dat, .ini's etc but still refuses to work
also, is there a quality bios editor and flasher that would support these cards? -
Ok guys, I got my laptop finally last Friday and have not had a lockup to date. A game did though lock up on WoW once and I had to ALT-TAB out and restart the program. I have played these games so far: WoW, CoH, FEAR 2, L4D, and HL2. The system seems stable as I ran WoW Raiding for 8 hours straight on Saturday and experienced no lockups.
Note: For those of you that feel the need to bicker and whine in this thread please stop. Many of us come here to read up on stability and reviews and don't appreciated having to scan through 10 pages at a time for one small bit of information. I have been reading this thread since page one and this has just gotten out of control.
1. Not 100% of these are failing.
2. Games look pretty sexy on this
3. Don't post if its not helpful or pertinent.
4. Feel free to flame me. -
should be something in there to help you out. -
Has anyone tried disabling ATI PowerPlay yet?
I did a little more looking into the feature and it seems there are reported problems of PowerPlay not working properly on some ATI partner cards.
Supposedly what PowerPlay has been doing is repeatedly downclocking and upclocking the graphics cards which essentially causes the cards to stall. If TurboGear is also downclocking the system I can see how that would cause problems.
A couple of threads on the problems:
http://www.crysis-online.com/forum/index.php?topic=18661.msg277293 -
*Official ASUS W90Vp Owners' Lounge*
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Feb 19, 2009.