Which games have run for you? (i have a feeling i might've already asked, so sorry if i did)
Right now though, considering newegg is out of stock, I probably couldn't get an exchange if I wanted to. And how is your headphone jack, I still don't know if this is another widespread problem or just mine. You'll definitely notice the squeal if it's as bad as mine. Thanks.
Firebird i would try for a return or atleast a replacement unit seeing that there seem to be others who can actually play games on theres and not having near the amount of problems you are having, yours could be bad hardware . If i were going through the amount of crap you have went through i would have sent it back a week ago, as i have been following your posts and you seem to have one of the most problematic units out there
NewEgg can tell you all kinds of stuff but if they do business in a state that state's laws supersede NewEgg's policies; check with your state's Department of Consumer Protection. I would also call the Better Business Bureau to see what recourses you may have.
The NewEgg sales policy is the reason I never have and never will buy from them (and I buy a LOT of electronics!). But no reasonable judge is going to side with them if you can show you paid $2200 for a doorstop pretending to be a computer.
Good luck and keep us posted. -
a little update guys-today I want there a little early and played a little with Ati control panel setting,installed latest updates and made Crysis playable @ All very high 1920x1080.It was definitely below 30 fps but totally playable!With faster CPU and some OC'ing, it will be mindblowing!and all for just ~2.1k
I do know what you mean about the head phone jack. Mine is not to bad, I only really notice it at night when everything is quiet and I don't have any music playing. I have another Asus laptop as it has the same issue. It sounds like yours is louder than mine though. -
I didn't read it all...
What kind of problems are there with the ATi desktop drivers??? aren't they moddable with HW ids like nvidia ones? driverheaven utility doeesn't work?
I don't understand how the backup guide in first page works...Vista has a backup utility that doesn't require any restore operation?? I have Win7 and XP in dual boot..could it work ?? -
I've decided to redo the process of installing the excellently modded 9.2 drivers from Jlbrightbill. Even though only one card will run, it's better than nothing. And I'll make sure to install drivers on the secondary card first to see if that makes a difference. -
Sorry, couldn't resist... -
too quite? Not really, you want me to make it noisy
2x65 watt? No wonder Asus decrease it's true power! Or else...
And let see, GDDR5 is still expensive, and this is probably the reason Asus use GDDR3, becoz AMD 4870X2 can't maximise the true power 100% -
Yah, later the mods will banned me due to overspamming thread
Just wonder, the heat from the top suppose to be only the graphic card heat right? and the left side from the CPU, I suppose, looking into the "Dissection Image" of Asus W90Vp
And striker, how's the locks-up? How many lock-up you experience, and is the lockup appear when using Express Gate? -
Maybe when the Egg gets some more instock it will get a bit noisier around here
Well no laptop yet...ups is doing me from the rear with no lube. Its been scheduled and rescheduled each day now and I've waited quietly while it is in a warehouse not 80km from my house...grrrr.
Also just noticed dell.ca has M1730 laptops with sli 9800gt and T9300 for a little cheaper than this...makes me think. I wanna love this laptop but like someone said, first impressions count...and this is so far a not so good first impression. (And I hate UPS right now lol) -
Sorry, I would have loved to make some noise but I could not get this thing up amnd running I had 2 F9 installs tonight....things are lookng grim
Ya im kinda hoping the new ones that will ship will be in working order . If this thing came out rock solid with 0 problems i can almost guarantee things like the DDR3 issue would have not been such a major issue, as there would have been so many happy people that had them bragging about how fast it was etc, it would have over shadowed things like the vid memory speed.
Hopefully soon all this will get ironed out and we can get back on topic about what a beast it is . someone needs to get a qx9300 soon and throw it in there , so we can really see this thing scream.
To me none of the DDR3 DDR5 bs matters. I just want this sh*t to work!!! Work as a new product should. Honestly, It is hard to believe that I stuck it out this long. It is only because I truely feel that this a well built, great value machine that i have not returned it. I have tasted Alienware... it is cheap, this machine looks and feals like quality, not cheap well painted plastic! I will give ASUS another week or so, If they can't fix it, I think I should move on....
and I am drunk , so excuse me for my emotional rant and mispelled words!!!!
It hangs on the Vista screen where the little spinng circle just stops. After several power offs with the same result, I started getting a boot up dos message that a windows system file was corrupt and to install my disk to repair/recover. I tried booting to the dvd's it came with but I couldn't, so F9 again. Once did that I started loading my stuff back, AGAIN from the D drive and my screen turned blue...sky blue. I could hear the system responding to the keypad but nothing I could do to get screen "unblue" or refresh, so I power off, then upon booting, the same message about a bad file.....so I dont know, now, I seem stable for the time being
No, its cool daddy, Hey, my consumption doesnt have anything to do with the lappy, and since Idont want to act like the ASUS support I have received i will answer your questions.....
Yes, I have recovered....and traded one addiction for another, then annother, and.....you get it:O)
Stable as it's been.....but that ain't sayin much
It has been dry... I however am 16 i on an 18 pack and gonna be pissy if I am still thirsy after that ..... -
Greetings to everybody! Though my first post here, I´ve been reading this thread since the very first post. Hailing from Austria, Vienna.
Up North in Germany there is currently the Cebit running, one of, if not the biggest computer expo in Western Europe. Asus is there with the W90VP. Now get this.
They apparently had to disable one of the Radeons to keep it running at all! Here is a link to a german computer magazine reporting this from the Cebit, german language though: http://www.pcgameshardware.de/aid,677923/Asus-W90Vp-schnellstes-Notebook-der-Welt-mit-Hindernissen/Notebook-Netbook-Handy/News/
Ausus states they had to disable one due to the Heat build up in the Exhibition center. True? Don´t think so.
Magazines where only allowed to bench it on the one card getting 10.000 on 3DMark 06.
Another interesting story regarding the whole DDR3-DDR5 discussion. They introduced the DDR5 there as well. On actual cards of the ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4860! The RAM is produced by Qimonda since end of 2008. Although Qimonda is busily filing bankrupcy and is under interim Management till they find a new Investor. But production is fully running. Release to market scheduled for April.
Here the german link again:
One last thing, I found this one, apparently also soon to be available in SLI. Not sure yet, but I rather want the Radeons.
Good luck to all the owner, can´t wait it to be released! LAtest news I read was end of April in Europe for the W90 VP with the Q9000. -
TRICH, can you run on express gate?
BTW, If striker can make it runs on express gate, that's mean no hardware problem (or is it?),
10.000? 4850 gets around 8000-9000, but that's still great... -
now this is interesting! -
i have seen it on the cebit. the 2nd adapter is deaktivated.
by now, ive not seen or heared of an working system with both adapters working on dx10 related programms.
the only 1 who claims this is the cz-guy who reached the 20k barrier.
is it possible to verify this result, as i beginn to doubt that this is the one and only properly working w90 seen on this planet and i doubt that this results are real till sum1 proofes there right. -
i keep checking back at extremesystems to see if he posted anything new....and as of right now....nope. nothing new and no new benchmarks other than the one ran for 20k....
so the announced 4860 sould be available beginning 2nd quartal which is april
ati uses gddr5 with 5 GHz fast videoram from quimonda, which is even faster than the desktop radeons using 4 GHz. mobility radeon hd 4830 and 4860 are manufactured in 40 nm productionprocess, both have 640 steam-processors (4870 has 800 cmiiw) and 4860 has a coreclock of 650 (600 for the 4830).
so the mobility radeon hd 4860 seems to enter the market together with the 4870? interesting...
cant wait to see a benchmark-comparison of x-fired system with this 2 cards.
the smaler structures in 40 nm together with 5GHz gddr5 calls for oc-ing, together with an qx9300 - where is my wish list book -
The doubt comes from there being no reports of any issues when running 3D performance. In retrospect, it was pretty convenient for the 20k benchmark to hit the web right on the eve of the system's launch, then we never hear back from the guy again. Then boom, it gets in the public's hands, and you can hardly even get a 3dmark06 run to completion. Then, oh look, Newegg suddenly runs out of stock..... or was it pulled for being a buggy POS?
I just feel like you guys were duped into buying a product that wasn't ready for the spotlight, and the media around the notebook isn't picking up on it.
And an fyi for you -=$tR|k3r=-: I know you're waiting for the QX9300 to come down in price, but if you look at the history of Intel's mobile CPU prices, it will be lucky to see a decent price drop in the next two years. Your best bet is to go for eBay. -
Yup, check this on the Forum he posted the results, when you click his name:
About Kinc
Marketing Specialist, ASUS
---------- -
LOL an ASUS employee... brilliant.
all i know from this 17k and 20k bench are the pictures from the screen.
how reliable are they?
is there a video?
are they "orb-verified"? or can they only get veryfied with an futuremark-aproved driver?
or is this just screenshots? i mean, 10 minutes and i can give you every result that you desire. 20k?25? how much u wanna? -
oh and btw: theyre using this 20k result for marketing atm, they state something like "20k, the fastes laptop on earth" on their cebit-press releases, but forgot to mention, that this machine isnt runnig-yet.
i send them an email ont heir webformular and was asking the local asus marketing devision, if they are aware of the problems with the w90, and that not 1 costumer has a properly working product atm, so why they were using this for marketing, but didnt get any response by now.
// and on a sidenote: isnt it funny, that this asus marketing employe got a machine for testing, and the r/d-department didnt get one -
I seriously hope the new drivers they are waiting for from ATI is not 9.4 which isn't due out until next month. -
sry to have no good news for you dude :S -
Just because that wheel stops spinning at the Vista screen doesn't mean the system is locked up. Windows can still be running some scans, recovery, installs or whatever behind the scenes and just needs some time to complete them. It happens a lot to me if there's been a crash or I was screwing with my system.
And pulling the power while that stuff is going on will corrupt files.
If it locks up like that again I'd give it some time. Go watch a DVD or rub one out so your patience does wear out and see if it finishes by itself. -
All of this news adds up to some seriously unethical behavior on Asus' part. I'd say it's nearly criminal. Is this the reward I get for putting my trust in Asus as an early adopter? If they cannot get a unit working for journalists, than what chance do we lowly consumers have....it seems none.
I spoke with newegg and they naturally will not let me do a return. They also do not have a replacement unit for me, they just told me to try for a replacement from Asus. But if Asus has no units to sell to newegg, then I doubt they'd have one for me. But honestly, how hard can this be for crying out loud?!?! Just sit some programers down and don't let them leave until they have full stability, can't take THIS long! I'm no expert, but I have a hard time believing that a company as large as Asus cannot manage to come up with a solution for this serious issue.
I wish I had some good news for everyone or performance figures, but I don't, so for now, nothing to do but complain. -
Just my 2 cents regarding my experience with the lockups.
Last night when trying to start-up I experienced 3 straight locks. The 4th time I tried start-up from battery only (no AC) and behold not a problem it booted right up. Did it again and again with no lock-up at start-up.
I then proceeded to plug the AC in after boot up and launched Warhammer Online.
The one odd thing I did notice is that the game didn't seem to run as smooth in intense PVP lots of folks on the screen action. After about 4 hours of playing I went and checked the ATI card temps through the Catalyst tool. I was surprised to find that the default card was up I believe at 59 but the other card was pinned at the coolest reading not even a degree change. Almost like it was not running. Im not sure if this is typical in games that may or may not take advantage of X-fire but I thought regardless the second card would be trying
My thought (not sure how to tell) was that maybe when starting up from battery the computer doesn't activate X-fire and only runs on one card to conserve battery life. Then when I plugged in the AC it didn't "reactivate" X-fire so in essence I was running on one card for the 4 hours of play (thus the perceived lose of graphics performance and no heat on the second card).
I have not had a chance to try and start-up from AC and play for a bit to see if my theory is correct or not. (Im no computer guru).
However if you are getting lock-ups at start-up try starting on battery and moving to AC after start-up has completed. -
Overclocked QX9300 to 4Ghz and the cards are running at 600/900Mhz.
I would have liked to see a GPU-Z screenshot because the ATI card shown in that article isn't the card in that people are showing to be in the W90. (That card has 1Gb of RAM.)
Does Turbo Gear work when you're on battery power? -
why is the intel mobile core 2 quad processor qx9300 named intel mobile 2 quad t9400 ?
what is this formatting-error in the resultbox of 3dmark06 betwee the line for sm3 and the cpu-score? -
faisalhero for example got 10.5K from a 4850 in a MSI GT725 with the P9500 @2.9Ghz
Then there was the leaked 4850 screenshots scoring 9846 with an overclocked P8600 @2.77Ghz.
Don't have all the settings (like resolution since W90 is 16:9 while GT725 is 16:10) the tests were run at but those are way too close to each other. -
Just for information purposes only, and not to cause no one grief, I found the following list that shows the only single-PCB Crossfire mobility card that currently has a Device ID is the 4850x2.
http://developer.amd.com/drivers/pc_vendor_id/Pages/default.aspx -
NewEgg sold out of these TWICE, I would have to guess that means that more than 10 have been sold. Out of those, the happy ppl are playing games and have no idea threads like this exist. The ppl that are having problems seek answers and end up here.
Saying something like that is grossly irresponsible and removes all credibility from the person saying it. Be frustrated, but don't lie to make a point, you end up doing the opposite. -
Madmech can you post GPU-Z screenshots with TurboGear off and with TurboGear maxed out? And one more running on the battery?
That is if the clocks are different under those conditions. -
i have actualy not one found on the internet with a proper asus w90 notebook. besides of that: not even the w90 on the asus stand at the cebit trade fair is running with both cards. but yours does? congratelations to you.
so hows that? do you use different drivers, than all other machines? as it was said from asus-support, it is just a driver related problem. so, if you do not have other hw or drivers than all others, how do yours work, an the others dont?
what is your 3dmar06 score?
the games you are running, are they using both cards, or could it be, that your just running on one graphiccard, and didnt even recognize it?
you know 3 other people with this notebook runinng accurate (even if there arent so many sold yet) ? are you working at the asus-marketing ? -
Yes I am running both cards. I have not run any benchmarks yet but I can do that tonight and post scores. I know in COD4 with everything maxed I get 90+ but I think it's capped at 100. In Left for Dead (everything maxed out) I get 130fps steady, no matter how many Zombie s are coming at me
I also installed a second 320GB 7200prm drive and moved 205GB worth of pics over to it. Everything is rock solid (knock on wood)
I am running stock everything including drivers. I let windows do all of the updates and am running Norton Antivirus Corp edition.
Oh, and I am here because I have been tracking this thread since it was the "W90s about to launch" thread and followed it when it moved over to the "Official owners" thread. Wow, you are the condescending one arn't you -
im kinda of a noob when it comes to stuff regarding computers. But, if it is a driver problem....wouldnt that mean it would be awidespread issue in all w90vp's? Maybe i just dont understand the concept
*Official ASUS W90Vp Owners' Lounge*
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Feb 19, 2009.