Well looking at the drivers from Asus' website, they're Catalyst 8.11, which is only 3 revisions old. Vista / Windows 7 (In my experience) is a pain in the butt to install ATI drivers. Try uninstalling the old ones, rebooting to safe mode, running Driver Sweeper, then boot back into Windows and install the ones I linked. Make sure you uninstall everything, including the CCC and Turbo Gear VGA driver.
you may need to uninstall the old first then install the new
do the have disk method.
thay may be a nice little wait on ati drivers from asus...since it's a process the driver has to go through before than can release it... just ask the alienware and ocz people...i could be wrong and would love to be in this case....but ummmm...... -
Make sure you deleted the old ATI driver directory as it may jump right back to that old driver. The ati driver folder might be in the program files directory . It did this when i was playing around a desktop 4870x2 a few months back. -
These drivers don't install properly at all, even after a driver cleaning.
ok, so what happen? what did it say?
wrong device id?
not compatible?
partial driver install?
no driver install?
need a bit more than:
These drivers don't install properly at all, even after a driver cleaning.
Wow, I go for a week, a solid week, of joyous W90vp-x1 use. No lockups, no funny hardware/software bugs.
Then I post here last night how nice my W90vp-x1 is running. Post benchmarks, post responses, share my joy
Then this morning I plug in my laptop at work, get distracted for the rest of the day, come back in the afternoon to log into my W90vp-x1... and the sucker is frozen.
5 more freeze up's since then. Reset the BIOS, removed the battery, and each time it freezes, it freezes just after login with the spinning cursor, no longer spinning. Power off with the power button, and if I don't wait for a minute before powering up again, it doesn't even get into the BIOS, it just powers off again.
Right now it is behaving better. But, I have sent an email to Newegg, asking what Asus is doing about a fix, and how long do I have to return my W90vp-x1 for a new/working replacement.
The honeymoon is over
Don't get me wrong, I still love my W90vp-x1, and I look forward to a fix from Asus so that I can once again enjoy stable operation
I have submitted a Technical Inquiry to Asus Technical support reporting the problem, and asking how I can help debug the problem. -
I am still waiting to get one ... -
he is still a proud owner...but with a slight case of the why me's with a dash of annoyance
I don't want to lose my W90vp-x1, it is a great laptop!
And, I look forward to Asus getting a fix to us asap. -
People are still buying these with all the problems.
It makes no sense to me to get one now with all the reported lock-ups and crashes and what the hell is taking ASUS so long to fix this, they should be ashamed of unleashing this beast to the public and not having any fixes yet.
It's like having a neutered pitbull, looks mean but has no bite! -
Sorry to hear of your misfortune hmscott and heres to hoping Asus gets a fix out asap before i pull the trigger on one
As for deleting the old ATI directory the reason i said that was Driver sweeper for some reason even in safe mode was not deleting the old driver folder.
Its great that Johnkss is on board trying to help once again with a machine he does not own -
im always on board when it's time to help and if i can...you know i will.
Hehe i may end up being one of thoseHopefully Asus gets it sorted fast .
so how your system running?
and the w90 is a very nice machine. has all the potential right there to be a great one. so i don't think you would be going backward if you purchased one. they seem to be having vga driver issues....which can be overcome....now if it was having board issues or hdmi sound esata issues...then i would say pass... -
Machine is running great
. i agree on the fact that this seems to be hopefully software related or maybe even a bios tweak or 2 but something that should be fixable via a update .
i know what you guys report.
so what do you have to report? -
The symptoms people are having are not related to those issues as there pointing more towards the VGA cards and or power related issues within the bios ,maybe a combo of both . the lockups before boot and the need to remove the battery etc and hardbooting are the more concerning ones to me at this point but could be fixed via a bios update. -
i am sitting on the fence and still deciding between the msi 725 and the w90 ...
i was looking at the MSI as well, but for a long term investment i think the W90 is going to prove to be the greatest value .
I wish you and E- would get one of these machines as well so we can get back to the old 6860/7811 days and we can find out what this machine is really made of.
It is a super super laptop ...
Nothing would be able to even come close to touch it ...
except that new clevo d9XX ...
but them clevo is still a long long long way off of being purchasable ...
crossfire is still better than a single gpu card at the moment.(speaking in mobile terms)
i was talking with e about it. he may very well get one. but he wont be satisfied unless he has a qx9300 in it though. i would have to agree... -
Ya ill be snagging a QX9300 within a few months if i pull the trigger on this machine as i need a Quad as well
i mean most apps wont use past the second core ???
correct me if i am wrong ...
quads are more for encoding/transcoding/decoding
It can with some Apps and certain Games ie RTS games and GTA4
i get plenty of use out of my i7 where i peg all 4 cores and 8 threads for hours at a time encoding and thats part of the reason i need another machine , when my machine is running full blast i dont like to touch it
i dont just use mine for gaming...it has quite a few uses, but i still baby it though...lol. she is looking very dusty, because i dont want to scratch up the bezzel.
Lol ya ill be glad to get something with matte finish vs shiny plastic that i scratch just by looking at it the wrong way
I still can wait pretty long way to go (yeah, I'm glad it's n/a in here yet)
By the time it is available, I hope it is Q9100 or higher at least without locks-up
or any other error (good for editing and multi-tasking) -
Heh.. was interested in this until I found out what it costs in northern europe..
4300$yay for taxes lol
Well, DramaFoYoMama sure knows how to give robust error reports.
"Won't install properly" sure helps me troubleshoot. -
Some of us is not that active, that's the reason
Or maybe a bit busy
In Europe cost $4300? I wonder if here, it may rise up to $5000 with all taxes and custom duties. -
Well i live in Europe, and luckily i got my current Gateway P7811FX little cheaper. I have a friend studying in Arkansas university. I sent my money to her account and she bought that from local BestBuy. Unlucky for me, that in that state you have to pay taxes before you leave store, so i couldn't avoid US, taxesBut then i let her to open the box and make it look like it's been used and then send it to me. And told her to insure the package with 525$ instead of 1350$ so i can pay local taxes on that insured money written on package, because no one at the local toll here doesn't know how much that thing really is worth. So eventually i had to pay taxes worth of 150$, including toll fee. So you can avoid those big fees and Europe taxes, if you are clever. But there is one but, if the package does get damaged, then you will get the exact sum You insured the package at first place, not the real value, that only You know
You can always write down smaller number on the package, but i think toll agents aren't that stupid either. They can tell if the package is more worth than advertised by the senderI found that 525 dollars is quite enough. I could always tell them, that it has been used. And i told my friend to remove all bills from the laptop package before she would send it to me.
Seems like a lot of trouble; wait until the EU resellers get them...
Any of the other W90 owners feel that their screens have an unusually high amount of white bleed at the bottom of the LCD screen. It is very noticable during boot-up (all dark screen), not so much any other time.
Can you take some pics of it at boot Warhammer? if you have a camera available.
I am not sure I will be able to post it, but I will be more than happy to email it to someone that can. -
Sounds good man . BTW how is the overall brightness of the screen ?.
I hope that I can provide good pictures of what I am experiencing. Not sure if ASUS would deam it cause to be returned for a replacement. It's just annoying.
*Official ASUS W90Vp Owners' Lounge*
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Feb 19, 2009.