A2 is silver
abaddon4180 Notebook Virtuoso
I know a lot of people have put in SSD's. Does the laptop support SATA II or only 1.5?
SLow downs web surfing???? No, none. I have yet to feel ANY slow downs, even gaming.
I received the SGP wristrest for the UL80Vt in the mail today.
So I stuck it on and just wanted to say how much better it feels (the material is suede-like). My palms don't slip off anymore and its a great way to hide all the fingerprints!
I ordered this from Amazon and would highly recommend this "mod" to all UL80 owners (esp. the Black model).
Product Link:
Amazon.com: SGP Wristrest for Asus UL80VT: Electronics -
If anybody's interested in getting the latest Elan touchpad driver version, you can get it from ELANTECH Drivers
The latest one available at the Asus download page is still version Honestly I don't notice anything different with the driver. No new features like pinch zoom or anything, but it's worth a shot if you're having trouble with the Elan touchpad on your UL80/50VT notebook. -
can you find out what drivers he is using. i am also having problems when i lay my palms on the trackpad and type .thanks
Does anyone else get this issue? Whenever I change graphics cards or power settings, the background and theme settings get wiped/reset. Is there a way to stop this?
abaddon4180 Notebook Virtuoso
I finally took the plunge and order a UL80VT-A2 from Beach Camera yesterday. Should be getting today or tomorrow. The only thing I am worried about is the 90C GPU temps I have heard a few people reporting.
That's where I got my ul80 through ebay. $680 final price =)
My gpu only hits 64 ish playing left 4 dead and mostly medium settings. It handles heat really well. -
abaddon4180 Notebook Virtuoso
I ordered mine straight from them because ebay isn't offering the 8% BCB anymore but Beach Camera has 5.1%. $735 with overnight shipping
Just wanted to sure my thoughts here as well:
http://forum.notebookreview.com/asus/465841-ul30-backlit-keyboard-mod-12.html#post6219129 -
abaddon4180 Notebook Virtuoso
I just got the laptop and I have to say I absolutely love it so far. First impressions,
- The A2 silver is sexy and stylish as hell
- I actually like the touchpad a lot so far, much better than on my M11x
- The keyboard feels kind of mushy, yeah, but only if I purposely try to push it down. I type relatively hard and I don't notice it.
- It is a lot quieter than my M11x. A lot.
But the one question I have, is 46-50C a normal temp for the GPU while idle? -
abaddon4180 Notebook Virtuoso
SSD will be a very nice performance boost and I'd suggest getting one without the Jmicron controller and ones that support TRIM, eg 2G Intel SSDs. I'm currently using a GSkill 256GB Falcon on my UL30VT and it's speed is just incredible. But be warned, once you go with SSDs, you'll unintentionally start belittling your friends with standard mechanical hard drives -
abaddon4180 Notebook Virtuoso
Anyone know what the ACPI: THRM temp. in HWMonitor? It has always been about the same as my CPU in my other laptops but it is usually 10-15C higher on this machine. Not that big of a problem when the CPU is around 30C might still.
I've just sanded down the glossy surface on the touchpad of my ul80vt. I'm finding it easier to use now.
Please note - this is my experience on my ul80vt. It might not hold true for everyone, for some it might even make the touchpad less useable. So don't blame me if you attempt to do the same and you don't like the results.
If you do decide to try it, use tape to mark the edges of the touchpad and guard against unwanted scratches on the palm rest area. Sand in a small circular motion with consistent pressure and wipe with damp cloth regularly. Be careful as some tiny pieces of glass from the sandpaper might fall off and land on your palmrests... and you might inadvertently scratch this area as you wipe it clean (I have a couple of tiny scratches there because of this, but they are practically invisible). End result is a matt touchpad not a glossy one, it looks a little scuffed if you look closely but all in all I think it's a tidy result and not visually displeasing at all. -
abaddon4180 Notebook Virtuoso
Things I like about this notebook,
- The look, doesn't attract fingerprints
- Seems fairly well built in most parts
- Wireless connectivity is great compared to my M11x - I am getting x2 the speed at the same location
- My favorite part: It is ridiculously quiet and cool to the touch
Thing I don't like,
- Keyboard rattles on the far left. Not really a big deal but takes away from an otherwise perfect machine. -
I decide to buy Asus UL80VT from J&R.
But I have a question about the housing, Which is better Black(A1) or Silver(A2). Lots people said Black loves finger prints. But, I have experienced color faded to black in Silver arm rest.
I need your opinion. Thanks -
abaddon4180 Notebook Virtuoso
Anyone knows a mod to reduce keyboard flex ? Like inserting hard pvc beams underneath it ? Or even replace the whole keyboard by another ?
Also for people saying they have a crap quality screen :
Here is the calibrated color profile to get REAL COLORS.
http://img1.focus-numerique.com/focus/profils-LCD/Asus UL80V.icc
The only thing you can blame left after that are the angles and max brightness reachable, provide you are using the screen in the right resolution and not in power saving mode, the VT screens are not worse than any other LED screen (macbooks pro included). -
Open Color Management by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type color management, and then click Color Management.
Click the All Profiles tab, and then click Add.
Locate and select the new color profile, and then click Add.
4. Find your display device, check the "Use my settings for this device" box Select your newly added profile for this device, press SET AS DEFAULT for this device.
Click Close, may require reboot, if you see during booting up a change in colors it means the profile was just applied.
You may also need to set up this profile in your nvidia card options if it has a color profile manager of its own. -
ps - I've just applied the profile. -
I just got my ul80vt and I love it so far.
One question though. If if want to put in a SSD will I be able to install everything again using the recovery disks or will they freak because the disk is not the usual amount?
Otherwise I need to buy a physical copy of windows wich is no fun since I got a non physical one with the computer. -
Just get one and clone your drive before filling it up. I just upgraded to a 500GB drive and it was effortless.
I found that an 1/8" thick piece of rubber works for my UL80. You may need to experiment with the thickness of the material to fit your UL80. -
You'll be better off doing a clean install and just backup/restore the OEM Win7 license key. -
abaddon4180 Notebook Virtuoso
Anyone try out Power4Gear 1.1.35 which is out now? Any problems?
Be very careful when you push the hinges. They are plastic and if you use too much force, they will deform and you will have difficulty securing the keyboard again. -
hey guys I've got this problem, using the nvidia driver 195.62, when I hook the laptop up to an HDTV, it duplicates the displays which is what I want, but it bumps the resolution from 1366x768, to 1280x720, which looks worse. It used to work before. How do I solve this problem? I want it to be like it was before where it automatically duplicates the display, but keeps the native res. Thanks.
Alright well I'm about to purchase the UL80vt and I'm looking for a good sleeve to put for when I'm going to take it to class so I want something durable but not to heavy. What do you guys think of this one? Amazon.com: Case Logic 14.1" Laptop Sleeve: Clothing
Remove keyboard by gently inse1rting a prying tool into each of the 4 tabs at the top of the keyboard and push them upwards toward the screen. I used a wooden fondue stick so it wouldnt scratch the plastic, but a strong toothpick would prob do it as well. Be careful with the tabs and ribbon connector. BTW-it is not necessary to remove the ribbon connector for this procedure if you are careful.
I used 2 layers of manilla folder material carefully cut to size and placed between the keyboard and aluminum notebook frame. I used a small dab of rubber cement to keep my "manilla folder spacers" from sliding around. Be careful to cut the material to size so that it does not block access ports or the fan-otherwise you may disrupt airflow.
Carefully reinstall the keyboard making sure the bottom locators and all 4 top clips snap into place.
I had very little flex to begin with and it was more noticeable on the right side, but this eliminated it completely.
BTW, thanks for the color profile! -
Hello, I'm interested in getting a UL80VT
Is there a tried and tested fix for the squeaky palmrest problem?
I noticed the glue response earlier, but couldn't find a confirmation.
zeem -
Attached Files:
Sorry to ask such a dumb question but I just got a UL80VT and for the life of me I can't figure out what Fn+C does! Its a monitor with the letter S in it? what does that mean!? AH!
King of Rapture Notebook Consultant
Hope this answer your question. -
abaddon4180 Notebook Virtuoso
Doesn't do anything for me either
Just looked it up, it's for Splendid. I don't think I have it installed, and don't remember uninstalling it.
this goes against pretty much every other review ive read ? -
abaddon4180 Notebook Virtuoso
I don't know what he considers think but there is some flex on the keyboard and right palmrest.
My earphones volume is very low, I always have to put the volume on maximum in my computer to hear properly.....can someone please tell me why the volume is so low?
This might sound like a simple question, but I thought I'd ask. I have a UL80VT. I was thinking of getting a separate monitor and a keyboard to put on my desk and use as a quasi desktop instead of a laptop. First, can I do this? If so, could I
1) Use the monitor INSTEAD of the laptop monitor...ie, close the lid. Or, a bigger version of the laptop monitor.
2) Use the monitor as a SECOND screen, i.e. on the monitor I could have a Word document open, say and on the laptop, I could have a browser.
I was thinking this might be possible since the laptop has 2 graphics drivers. If so, what type of monitor would I need (if anything special is needed)?
BTW, I am running Windows 7 64 bit.
Thanks -
Everything can be done without problems.
You can see most common options by pressing "Windows" + P on keyboard. Just read "Pojector" as "2nd screen" in your case.
"Extended" means that your desktop gets larger. In that mode you can use each screen to display whatever you want. You can play games on one and keep your web browser open on the other for example.
Other modes should be intuitive enough.
If you wanted to close the lid and use just external monitor, all you would have to do is to disable "lid close" action in windows, so your laptop doesn't go to sleep/hibernation.
* OFFICIAL UL80VT and UL50VT / VS Owner's Lounge *
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by sighie, Oct 24, 2009.